Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

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Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I was looking at more mundoscopes and discovered for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years, the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929 with the Stock Market collapse, and the Great Recession of 2008 with its Market collapse, both of their respective DC Capsolars featured a partile 180 & 90 for Mars-Saturn. By far the worst of the two crises was the 1929 collapse which featured Mars 180 Saturn angular on the EP/WP axis. Further proof for me 0,90,180 partile mundo aspects are most important.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

These are good catches, Steve. In fact, if you look on page 921 of the current edition of Sidereal Mundane Astrology, you'll see that Mars-Saturn aspects are the most common aspects (meaning: most common foreground non-lunar aspects) in all of the financial crises studied. It's a basic detail of financial panics (with Mercury-Mars and Saturn-Neptune next most common).

I suppose it's really simple: Things are bad in uncountable ways when Mars-Saturn aspects are foreground in a major ingress.

Furthermore, the frequency of foreground Mars-Saturn aspects is statistically significant, subtly shown by the fact that the number is shown in bright red. (Not all "most common aspects" are statistically significant.)

I hadn't remembered whether I had caught this particular detail in the analysis of the 1929 Capsolar, but it seems I did. On p. 903, where I discuss the Capsolar for Washington for the 1929 crash, the most important thing is that Saturn is 0°41' from EP-a and Moon-Neptune are opposed (1°09'). But the 0°34' Mars-Saturn opposition is mentioned as an "add-on" (since Mars isn't foreground, it comes under the "non-foreground planet aspect a closely angular planet" rule - and becomes an important aspect.)

turning to 2008, the Capsolar was one of the best example charts we've seen - getting a +3 score. I think the most important feature is Pluto exactly on MC, but Mars and Saturn are both widely foreground and in partile (0°25') square.

So yes, you are exactly right, Mars-Saturn aspects are of great importance in severe financial crises. I know you are emphasizing that these are mundane aspects, but I actually don't think it matters whether they are ecliptical or mundane - they both work interchangeably - and I'm sure their relevance and impact is because Saturn is closely angular in 1929 and both Mars and Saturn are foreground in the other.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

For comparison, and as another example - this time closer in the ecliptic - look at the 1893 Capsolar. Mars and Saturn are again foreground (not closely, but they "made the cut") and in 2°07' opposition. (This exists for either NYC or Washington. For NYC the mundane aspect is close to partile, 1°15'.)

There are also numerous financial crises that broke open under Mars-Saturn marking the lunar ingresses.

But, you're right, the two partile angular Mars-Saturn occurrences were both mundane for the two worst financial cave-ins in U.S. history.
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Re: Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I suppose it's really simple: Things are bad in uncountable ways when Mars-Saturn aspects are foreground in a major ingress.
Exactly Jim! When the two traditional malefics known in astrology come together with major aspect pertaining to Sidereal Mundane Astrology, it is marking the worst times seen in the history of things. Your original work and research with Sidereal Mundane Astrology is proving this.
Jim wrote:
I know you are emphasizing that these are mundane aspects…
Only so because I have witness your realization that the Sidereal Astrologer should not ignore the importance of mundane aspects. I learn and progress from your original work with your first observations.
Jim wrote:
But, you're right, the two partile angular Mars-Saturn occurrences were both mundane for the two worst financial cave-ins in U.S. history.
Jim, your work originally taught me partile ecliptical aspects angular are strongly associated with “outstanding incidents” with Sidereal Astrology. Now, with your recent work and observations with mundane aspects, I am beginning to come to the realization the same partile mundane aspects are at least just as important, maybe even more important as far as judging the worst of the worst case events in the history of things. But, Bad is Bad, no sense in splitting hairs here.

I do know this as a historical/astrological fact: Before the USA became a Country and before the choice of its Capitol Washington DC was chosen, TIME with Sidereal Solar Ingresses, particularly the Master Chart of the Year, DC’s 1929 Capsolar, had already pre-determined the YEAR for the greatest economic collapse known in the history of the USA. The pain and misery of this Market collapse in 1929 lasted a decade for the Great Depression of the 30’s. The ruling yearly factor for these type malefic “outstanding incidents” is TIME with symbolic planetary factors pertaining to Sidereal Mundane Astrology. No other Branch of Astrology explains these events so well. Like I have stated before: It’s a privilege for me to learn this type of Astrology. Your original Sidereal Mundane Astrology work with your forum plays a most important factor in my learning processes.
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Re: Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

Post by SteveS »

I am in the process of checking ALL the DC's Capsolars to determine how many featured mundane partile Mars-Saturn aspects, either angular or not. DC's 1891 Capsolar featured an angular mundane partile 180 of Mars-Saturn and 1891 was a year of very bad recessed economic activity. So far, partile mundane Mars-Saturn aspects are 3 for 3 for timing very bad economic conditions for a Capsolar year. COSI "Priciple" for Mars-Saturn:
Harmful or destructive energy. Inhibited or destroyed vitality.
It does not matter what the media/political reasons are, the main thing that matters is TIME with the Capsolars. Again, Mike's slogan nails it:
Time Matters
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Re: Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, as you tally these, please put in two groups: Those that do not Also have an ecliptical Mars-Saturn aspect within 3-4 degrees, and those that do.

We already know that ingresses with Class 1 mundane aspects THAT DON'T EXIST ECLIPTICALLY hadlve at least some impact in the locale.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Partile DC Capsolar Mundo Mars- Saturn Aspects for the two worst economic crises in the last 100 years.

Post by SteveS »

Will do Jim. When I see all-- I will note my collective thoughts and damn sure want to hear your thoughts. Just saw the 1851 Capsolar had a mundane partile 90 of Mars-Saturn, but I see no servere economic damage happening in 1851 for the USA. So, so far, 3 out of the four proves severe economic damage.
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