Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

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Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by V82 »

Hi guys,

I was looking at my transits and I'd like to ask you what certain aspects could mean/ bring.
I have a natal Venus-Pluto opposition (less than 2°) and the the transiting Venus-Pluto conjuction squares it.
Tr. Pluto over natal Pluto has indeed brought some profound changes within me.

As for Pluto to Venus , nothing special has happened into my life. I moved to a new place (much better than the previous one) 2 weeks after Pluto exactly squared my Venus late June. No idea if it could be related to it. But that day I took the decision to end all communication with a very dear person to me although it has broken my heart.
And I should also mention that I've become somehow pretentious with people whom I allow in my life. I've always been this way but this summer it was worse. For instance, in August when I decided to end the friendship with my best friend, I was shocked by my decision that I took in a few seconds and felt relieved at the same time. After a month and a half, they came back apologizing and I realized that that impulsive decision was very good because our relationship has significantly improved and I like the person they've become with me.

I read that this aspect could bring "dramatic" financial changes. It hasn't been the case for me. I'm wondering if that is due to the other transit I have now - Jupiter sextile natal Venus and Neptune. The last time I had this one there were huge changes in my life, but in an extremely good way.

Birth data: 27 May 1982, Rosiori de Vede, Romania, 2:25 p.m. I live in Bucharest.

Thank you!
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by SteveS »

Hi V82, I will briefly get you started with a quick analysis starting with your current Sidereal Solar Return (SSR), Jim can go into more details if he has the time. Your current SSR was what I classify as an “outstanding incident” SSR, a rarity. It consisted of a Moon-Venus-Neptune tightly conjunct your angles, a very potent configuration. This configuration was probably set-off in early to mid-summer with your secondary progressed SSR Moon firing off a T-Square of this these 3 angular SSR planets. Here are the main tones of Moon-Venus-Neptune from a book I use a-lot to offer me delineation tones for angular activity:

Moody, impressionable, tendency to be tempted or seduced easily, misguided or misdirected feelings of love, an unnatural behavior. Love expressing itself in the wrong way, an unhappy love, the necessity for renunciation.
Your current SSR:
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by mikestar13 »

The severing of a close friendship (which may however have a longer-term positive outcome) seems very Pluto-Venus. Pluto tends to indicate fundamental change not necessarily of the severing variety--for appropriate cases, it could have just as easily meant long term friends realizing they were in love. The keynote is profound change that divides your experience rather clearly into before and after. Since Venus is involved, that change will involve Venus matters--and friendships fit. I don't see a connection with the relocation, unless this was connected to the ending of the friendship or you have a strong emotional attachment to the location you left, your new location, or both. Steve's short reading of your SSR (Sidereal Solar Return) sets the context for the year in which the transit occurs. I hadn't run your SSR yet, but was analyzing the transit alone. I concur with Steve's analysis.
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

V82, I see what this caught your attention. I have a few things to say built around the following points:
  • The main thing you will feel is Pluto's transits to your Pluto and then Venus.
  • Venus' aspects back and forth across it this month will be interesting, but as flitting as any other Venus transit.
  • You will always feel Venus-Pluto strongly because of your natal aspect.
This is an eye-catching combination. Venus conjunct Pluto is around most of December. Everyone will feel it a little because it's "in the air." People with a Venus-Pluto aspect at birth (yours, or my closer 13' square, for example) will feel it stir familiar feelings and impulses. And when you put that together with transiting Venus-Pluto atop your natal Venus-Pluto, it can seem really personalized.

The essential nature of Venus-Pluto events is dramatic shifts in close, intimate relationships. I often summarize it as "divorce, elopement - or both!" to dramatize that it can be either a dramatic forming, out of the blue, of new intense connection or it can be irrevocable separation. Both come under the category of dramatic shifts (forming or separating) of close, intimate relationships.

Other Venus themes can be affected as well, such as artistic-esthetic sensibilities. Are you, by chance, an artist? With your Taurus-Cancer luminaries, 8' Venus-Neptune trine, and foreground Neptune, you appear to be a quite tender soul with possibly strong esthetic, artistic elements. If that's your life path, then Pluto's two or three years of transiting your Venus will reshape this side of you and give it a chance to flower. In any case, as a Taurus, your Venus side is very important to you.

The simplest expectations, therefore, are that you will have about three years of significant life rearrangement, with dramatic shifts in relationship being a central part of that. During this December, some specific trigger events might happen, especially if they fall on lunar return angles; otherwise, Venus transits back and forth across your Venus are likely simply to show passing days of social connection, perhaps as part of the holiday season.
V82 wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:10 am I read that this aspect could bring "dramatic" financial changes. It hasn't been the case for me.
You're right: This is a wrong interpretation. If anything like that happens, it won't be from Venus-Pluto. - Tropical astrologers came to the wrong conclusion over the years that Venus (and even more, Venus and Pluto) means money. This comes from (1) a wrong belief that houses, signs, and planets mean the same thing, e.g., 2nd house, Taurus, ad Venus, and (2) confusing Tropical Taurus with Sidereal Aries. (Same thing for Pluto and 8th house because of a Scorpio common denominator). I could dismantle this in detail, but there isn't real reason. That planet = house = sign thinking is quite suspect. (I'm being tactful. I should just say that it's unfounded and doesn't work.) Second, Taurus has never been a sign of money and wealth until Tropical Taurus started being mostly Sidereal Aries - a constellation linked to business, competition, the cycles and rhythms of wealth, etc.

Bottom line, don't worry about that interpretation - as you've already concluded.
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by V82 »

Steve, I don't know what is the name of that book but the interpretation for Moon - Venus - Neptune seems to have been written for me. Amazing!
Jim had "warned" me last May about what these planets on the angle of SR could mean but I was too optimistic to think about a negative outcome.
One month later, I took the decision to renounce (stopped all communication) realizing that my feelings of love were misdirected, as you said, and it had become overwhelming. And I am still very in love which is weird. And what's even weirder is that I got used to this feeling and fully accept it.

Mike, you are right! I hadn't thought about it and it was indeed an ending concerning relocation. I was sharing an apartment with someone and now I live alone. So yes, Pluto put an end to something in order to give me something better.

Thank you both for your very useful information !
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by SteveS »

V82, the name of the book is "The Combination of Stellar Influences" by Reinhold Ebertin. What I quoted from this book is found on page 117 (0345).
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by V82 »

Jim, thank you very much for your thorough response!
Pluto's transit has indeed affected my relationships and also changed me and certain beliefs that I had even since my childhood.

No, I am not an artist. I am very sensitive to beauty but not as sensitive to kindness. Seeing an act of kindness between 2 strangers can bring tears to my eyes. Tears of joy.

You said : " you will have about three years of significant life rearrangement, with dramatic shifts in relationship being a central part of that."
I'm not used to the sidereal chart but I just checked the transits and Pluto will make a last square in January 2022. I thought it would be over till spring. You probably talked about 3 more years because the effects of a planet are felt also when the aspect becomes separating until it reaches 3° of orb or something like that. I didn't think about it, so thanks again.
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by V82 »

I am pleasantly surprised to see for the 2nd time how fast members of this forum respond to someone's questions about their chart.

I appreciate it even more knowing that the 3 of you are more than passionate about astrology. I read many of your posts
or rather tried to understand what I read and realized that this forum is for experts, not for people who are "interested" in astrology.

Thank you all for your kindness!
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I didn't mean three years MORE. I meant overall three years from when Pluto first enters 1° orb of Pluto to when it las leaves 1° orb of Venus. I estimated; on calculation, I find this is February 2020 to December 2022, two months shy of three years.
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Re: Tr. Venus-Pluto conjuction in my chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Since it has been mentioned in this thread, I thought I'd copy over my interpretation of your SSR last May.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed May 26, 2021 12:25 pm Your Sidereal Solar Return occurs tomorrow, May 27, 2021 at 1:22 PM EET. Moon is long past the opposition to Sun but, in your solar return, is opposite Venus and square Neptune - right on the angles in Bucharest. (Some Mercury, too.) It is a year for surrealistic romance, for being utterly intoxicated (in the best and worst senses) with love, romance, or pleasure, for deeply hoping for "too good to be true" and perhaps a little more vulnerable to disappointment and disillusionment if it doesn't come out quite perfectly.

Must of this will come to full flowering in about two months when Moon progresses to the Venus, Neptune, and angle.

You have a strong Venus-Neptune aspect at birth - your closest aspect This will draw it out and amplify it. In a natal chart, Venus-Neptune typically manifests as someone who is idealistic, idyllic, and loves to be enchanted; who is usually comfortably happy, gently romantic, and naïve about people in romance, good-hearted, ingratiating, devoted, and humanitarian.

Furthermore, transiting Pluto is only 0°01' from square your Venus, saying that you're in the middle of a time when dramatic, life-altering changes in intimate relationships occur. I sometimes summarize this as "divorce, elopement - or both!."
Jim Eshelman
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