Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsburg

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Jim Eshelman
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Timothy Leary & Allen Ginsburg

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Leary, Timorthy, Oct 22, 1920, 10:45 AM EDT, Springfield, MA (AA).
Ginsberg, Allen, Jun 3, 1926, 2:00 AM EDT, Newark, NJ (A).

In researching some other surrounding figures in the story, I found the following online history of Leary and Ginsberg:
After hearing about Leary’s Psilocybin Project at Harvard, poet Allen Ginsberg asked to join the experiments. Leary and Ginsberg shared an optimism for the benefits of psychedelics in helping people “turn on,” and Ginsburg convinced Leary of the idea of recruiting popular artists and intellectuals to take these drugs. Leary would later come right out and say, “From the time that Ginsberg showed up on my doorstep, everything changed. After that, the project was different, my life was different, and I was on a different path.”

...Leary began to abandon not only sound scientific methods in his research, getting him fired from his position at Harvard, but started favoring “hip talk and poetic language he was getting from Allen,” which blossomed into his counterculture reputation. Together they began a campaign of introducing other intellectuals and artists to psychedelics.
When I read Leary's quote, I knew at once that we had a strong Uranus connection from Ginsberg to Leary - and indeed we do, with Ginsberg's Uranus 0°21' from Leary's IC. They also shared an Aquarius Moon.

There are so many important, close, meaningful interchanges between their charts, I don't want to itemize them - I want to give you the chance to explore and discover on your own.
Jim Eshelman
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