Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

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Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by SteveS »

FWIW, Saturn & Uranus will be partile 90 in the autumn (Sept-Oct) of 2022. Check your Return Charts for this partile aspect during this time period possibly being angular for possible “outstanding incidents”. Ebertin’s “Principle” for Saturn-Uranus combos:
Irritability and inhibition, tension.
Double check for Return Mars (both transit & natal) possibly being in this mix as cautionary return chart timing periods. This may help to get a better grip on things in your immediate environment if these planets fire-off with any of your possible return charts with these planets angular.

On the flip side of this same coin, this partile Saturn-Uranus 90 for this same time period applies to the whole world with possible angular Saturn-Uranus Return Charts for millions of people, including return charts for work collegues,family, friends. This sets-up higher probability for possible "tension inhibiting" influences related to peoples environments.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Veronica »

Those retrogrades.....Both planets will be retrograde at 23'....Uranus in Aries (my Saturn at 22!) and Saturn in Capricorn (my Mercury at 22').
My lunar return for Sept 30 thankfully does not have them on angles.
Thank you for the heads up on this Steve.
Might be a good day to go to a spa and get a whole body massage and sauna treatment.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by SteveS »

V wrote:
My lunar return for Sept 30 thankfully does not have them on angles.
V wrote:
Thank you for the heads up on this Steve.
You are welcome V. IMHO, "outstanding incident" return charts are a most valuable tool for being prepared in the right psychological manner for possible future incidents (benefic or malefic), and don't forget to include Natal Planets with these type returns. These type return charts allows the astrologer to see the processes unfold leading-up to the "outstanding incident" return chart. Every astrologer should look at all their "outstanding incident" return charts for a year in advance starting with their b-days, IMHO. When one does this and notes it on their calendars it allows a very unique sight into their lives relative to their psychological immediate environments as the "outstanding incident" SLR sets-up a couple of days preceeeding these type SLRs.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here (to tie it into this thread) is a standard interpretation for transiting Saturn aspecting transiting Uranus in a solunar's foreground. In my experience, it matters quite a lot which of the two planets is more angular, if there is a big difference - because that tips the scales of which way some things are going.
Breaks up stable conditions, disrupts the status quo, stressful. Bubble-bursting, uncomfortable disclosures or a forced confrontation with harsh reality. Mental conflict or ambivalence causes tension and inconsistent, foolish actions to one's detriment (pulled between opposites, e.g., freedom-restriction, change vs. status quo, independence-safety, needing to get out). May abandon civilized principles, hoping to obtain objectives by any means fair or foul.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:03 am Here (to tie it into this thread) is a standard interpretation for transiting Saturn aspecting transiting Uranus in a solunar's foreground. In my experience, it matters quite a lot which of the two planets is more angular, if there is a big difference - because that tips the scales of which way some things are going.
Breaks up stable conditions, disrupts the status quo, stressful. Bubble-bursting, uncomfortable disclosures or a forced confrontation with harsh reality. Mental conflict or ambivalence causes tension and inconsistent, foolish actions to one's detriment (pulled between opposites, e.g., freedom-restriction, change vs. status quo, independence-safety, needing to get out). May abandon civilized principles, hoping to obtain objectives by any means fair or foul.
So, in regards to this being an aspect that will be globally expressed, where in the world Saturn is more angular we would see events of a stronger Saturian nature as opposed to places in the world where Uranus is more Angular thus the expression there would be more Uranian correct?
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by SteveS »

Excellent observation Jim.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Veronica »

Is it correct thinking to see this square as the last part of Saturns transit to conjunction to Uranus in approximately 7 years?

It seems to me that globally in a few years when they are conjunct the aspect will have a much stronger expression, especially in a location where the conjunction is Angular and will bring to expression pretty much everything that is not resolved or expressed under this square.

It would probably be a healthy thing for individuals to reflect on where and what all was happening in the last Saturn Uranus conjunction cycle, and the changes and expression it brought to thier lives and to use this final square time to in a way "mop up" those influences as we do in the solar return chart,( which if I recall starts when the MC axis is at the same point in the SSR).
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:23 am So, in regards to this being an aspect that will be globally expressed, where in the world Saturn is more angular we would see events of a stronger Saturian nature as opposed to places in the world where Uranus is more Angular thus the expression there would be more Uranian correct?
Right - in the ingresses. Saturn closely angular (and also square Uranus) is fundamentally a Saturn event, while Uranus closely angular (and also square Saturn) is fundamentally a Uranus event.

Here is my standard interpretation for Saturn-Uranus foreground in mundane astrology (solar and lunar ingresses). You can see that it is fundamentally the same energies but customized to a different purpose:
Loss-laden explosion characterizes most observed events, along with a forced bubble-bursting confrontation with harsh reality. Expect tension; wide swings between polar opposites such as independence-restriction, liberality-conservatism, freedom vs. safety, and struggles between forces of change and the status quo, with political and practical gridlock.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 7:42 am Is it correct thinking to see this square as the last part of Saturns transit to conjunction to Uranus in approximately 7 years?
There are many excellent mundane astrologers who view it precisely this way - and it's consistent with the excellent work of Barbault. The last Saturn-Uranus conjunction was at 3°14' Sagittarius on October 18, 1988: The view is that there is one long Saturn-Uranus cycle that lasts from then until the next conjunction in 2032 (nearly half a century). FWIW, the next one falls in the opposite degree, 3° Gemini. - The way to read history against this is to look at what started that is Saturn-Uranus related in 1988, what conditions were set in motion, and then see how these changed or related events arose at the sinister square, opposition, and now the dexter square. I think this is a correct way to view the aspect.
It seems to me that globally in a few years when they are conjunct the aspect will have a much stronger expression, especially in a location where the conjunction is Angular and will bring to expression pretty much everything that is not resolved or expressed under this square.
We get pretty dramatic results from all the aspects when on angles.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Veronica »

cool, thank you.

I just saw the Saturn Uranus conjuction is not till July 4, 2032, not in the seven years I guesstimated.
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Re: Partile Saturn-Uranus 90 in 2022

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 8:02 am I just saw the Saturn Uranus conjuction is not till July 4, 2032, not in the seven years I guesstimated.
Saturn will have moved the further 90° in about seven years, but Uranus (which moves through one sign in 7 years) will have moved on another sign past that. Saturn will need two and a half years to catch up, by which point Uranus will have moved another half-sign, which will take Saturn another year (more or less) to catch.

The Saturn-Uranus synod (the time from conjunction to conjunction) is 45.36 years long. Though both planets move a little faster or slower in some parts of their orbits, the average 1/4 of this cycle is 11 1/3 years. All the raw information to track these for all outer planet combinations is here:
Jim Eshelman
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