Adolf Hitler's chart remains one of the most fascinating and useful charts to study. I spent years assuming, like most of the astrology world, that the half-hour birth time was probably not exactly right, but finally did enough close looking at events to discover (surprise!) it's probably exactly right - which makes it even more useful!
This thread is about how important mundane aspects are in solar and lunar returns. Ecliptical aspects are important, too, of course, but nobody really doubts that. Hitler's final return charts are stunning examples of this.
According to his birth records, he was born April 20, 1889, 6:30 PM LMT, Braunau-am-Inn, Austria. He died by suicide (in his private bunker with his wife, Eva) April 30, 1945, 3:30 PM CEDT, Berlin, Germany.
A few basics from techniques other than return charts: He had only one transit of note, but it was quite accurate. Transiting Saturn opposed his Moon within a degree. This was matched by (and arguably was a trigger of) Solar Arc Saturn square his Moon. Most exact of all, though, was natal Pluto coming very exactly to his progressed (i.e., primary) Descendant. Here are the numbers:
12°33' Gem - t Saturn
13°26' Sag - r Moon
14°13' Vir - d Saturn
11°27' Sco - p Asc
11°29' Tau - r Pluto
Because he died (and experienced his ultimate defeat) only a few days after his birthday, a lot of techniques don't arise, e.g., no post-SSR Ennead, no Anlunar, etc. The Demi-Kinetic Lunar was on target (Pluto 3° above Dsc), but, in general, second and third tier techniques weren't very exciting. If I don't cover your favorite method below, feel free to test it and add it to the thread.
Hitler: mundane aspects are important
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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Hitler: mundane aspects are important
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Hitler's final SSR
Hitler's final SSR occurred April 22, 1945, 2:11:56 UT, Berlin. By angular planets alone, it tells a strong story: Transiting Pluto is 0°55' above Dsc, natal Saturn is 2°49' below. Other planets are foreground, but these two push to the top of the stack. (I give the technical report below.)
SSR Moon is also important and descriptive in its ecliptical aspects to natal planets. Observe:
7°39' Tau - r Neptune
9°07' Leo - s Moon
11°29' Tau - r Pluto
If this is all we saw, we'd judge this chart highly accurate. However, without the mundane aspects, we'd miss some critical information. The following aspects aren't quite as descriptive as what we'll see in the lunar returns, but are a great illustration of how different ecliptical and mundane aspects can be in higher latitudes. (I keep forgetting that Berlin is farther north than London.) I've added the zodiacal longitudes for contrast:
5°34' 7H - s Moon 9°07' Leo
6°59' 7H - s Jupiter 24°20' Leo
7°39' 1H - s Mars 27°43' Aqu
8°36' 1H - s Venus 27°31' Pis
Look at how Venus and Mars are an entire sign apart ecliptically but less than a degree apart mundanely, a consequence of Venus' 5°30' northern latitude. The benefic aspects here are questionable (though Hitler and Eva Braun did get married in this period), though the Moon-Mars is quite accurate. The Venus-Mars (matching his natal partile Venus-Mars conjunction) fits his state during this period. - Mostly, though, this is a mediocre example and I want to move on to the lunar returns.
SSR Moon is also important and descriptive in its ecliptical aspects to natal planets. Observe:
7°39' Tau - r Neptune
9°07' Leo - s Moon
11°29' Tau - r Pluto
If this is all we saw, we'd judge this chart highly accurate. However, without the mundane aspects, we'd miss some critical information. The following aspects aren't quite as descriptive as what we'll see in the lunar returns, but are a great illustration of how different ecliptical and mundane aspects can be in higher latitudes. (I keep forgetting that Berlin is farther north than London.) I've added the zodiacal longitudes for contrast:
5°34' 7H - s Moon 9°07' Leo
6°59' 7H - s Jupiter 24°20' Leo
7°39' 1H - s Mars 27°43' Aqu
8°36' 1H - s Venus 27°31' Pis
Look at how Venus and Mars are an entire sign apart ecliptically but less than a degree apart mundanely, a consequence of Venus' 5°30' northern latitude. The benefic aspects here are questionable (though Hitler and Eva Braun did get married in this period), though the Moon-Mars is quite accurate. The Venus-Mars (matching his natal partile Venus-Mars conjunction) fits his state during this period. - Mostly, though, this is a mediocre example and I want to move on to the lunar returns.
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Pl 13Cn56'12" 06N00 + 0°00' 132°01' 24N05 310°55' + 0°42' 180°55' 100% F
Ju 24Le19'41" 01N29 - 0°04' 169°49' 05N59 270°45' + 6°59' 186°59' 97% F
Mo 09Le07'24" 03N55 +12°04' 156°30' 14N01 286°08' + 5°21' 185°34' 92% F
Ma 27Aq43'29" 01S17 + 0°46' 352°53' 04S28 87°23' - 7°38' 7°39' 85% F
Ve 27Pi31'23" 05N30 - 0°33' 17°45' 13N29 56°36' - 7°11' 8°36' 81% F
Radical Planets
Sa 20Cn16'12" 01N10 + 0°01' 137°04' 17N40 303°33' - 2°21' 177°11' 98% F
tMo op tMa 02°05' 92% M
tMo co tJu 01°25' 96% M
tVe co tMa 00°57' 98% M
tVe op tJu 01°37' 95% M
tMa op tJu 00°40' 99% M
tMo sq rNe 01°28' 96%
tMo sq rPl 02°21' 89%
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Hitler's final SLR
Hitler's final SLR occurred April 5, 1945, 3:56:21 UT. LOTS of planets are foreground, and several of them closely, the Venus-Mars-Jupiter trio dominating the chart.
These planets don't seem all that accurate. They're all life-affirming. We could let the SLR off the hook by saying, after all, there was a Demi that followed and, besides, there are so many foreground planets that the events are described by some of them. The important factors are simpler, though: Especially with this many foreground planets, it's the aspects that sort out the message for us. All of them are mundane aspects. The most important of these are Sun-Mercury opposite Neptune, aspects that don't exist at all ecliptically but which show the suicidal and megalomaniacal state of mind:
5°20' Vir - t Neptune 10°49' Vir
6°30' 1H - t Sun 21°02' Pis
6°37' 1H - t Mercury 3°48' Ari
There are other mundane aspects, also. Through most of his charts, there are aspects that suggest he and Eva had an important, close time in these days. Of both personal and geopolitical significance is that his natal Venus and Uranus move into 0°33' orb of opposition, an aspect that doesn't exist in his natal chart. There are other aspects - partile but not entirely foreground - that are more consistent with a deposed ruler as well as a dramatic suicide, such as transiting Saturn square transiting Neptune ecliptically (0°07') and natal Neptune mundanely (0°41').
Here are the full specs:
These planets don't seem all that accurate. They're all life-affirming. We could let the SLR off the hook by saying, after all, there was a Demi that followed and, besides, there are so many foreground planets that the events are described by some of them. The important factors are simpler, though: Especially with this many foreground planets, it's the aspects that sort out the message for us. All of them are mundane aspects. The most important of these are Sun-Mercury opposite Neptune, aspects that don't exist at all ecliptically but which show the suicidal and megalomaniacal state of mind:
5°20' Vir - t Neptune 10°49' Vir
6°30' 1H - t Sun 21°02' Pis
6°37' 1H - t Mercury 3°48' Ari
There are other mundane aspects, also. Through most of his charts, there are aspects that suggest he and Eva had an important, close time in these days. Of both personal and geopolitical significance is that his natal Venus and Uranus move into 0°33' orb of opposition, an aspect that doesn't exist in his natal chart. There are other aspects - partile but not entirely foreground - that are more consistent with a deposed ruler as well as a dramatic suicide, such as transiting Saturn square transiting Neptune ecliptically (0°07') and natal Neptune mundanely (0°41').
Here are the full specs:
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Ma 14Aq35'26" 01S14 + 0°47' 340°40' 09S31 107°35' + 1°20' 358°36' 99% F
Ju 25Le49'47" 01N31 - 0°06' 171°13' 05N26 276°45' + 1°41' 181°41' 99% F
Ve 07Ar16'19" 07N34 - 0°26' 26°20' 18N59 54°24' - 2°04' 2°33' 98% F
Pl 13Cn59'18" 06N02 - 0°00' 132°05' 24N06 318°27' - 3°20' 174°58' 93% F
Ne 10Vi49'16" 01N29 - 0°02' 184°59' 00S33 262°10' + 5°17' 185°20' 92% F
Su 21Pi01'56" 00S00 + 0°59' 13°49' 05N55 71°51' - 6°11' 6°30' 89% F
Me 03Ar48'02" 03N15 - 0°11' 24°35' 13N43 58°37' - 5°39' 6°37' 88% F
Radical Planets
Ur 26Vi18'00" 00N39 - 0°03' 198°58' 07S19 246°48' + 7°58' 188°40' 81% F
Sa 20Cn16'12" 01N10 + 0°01' 137°04' 17N40 311°19' - 6°54' 170°51' 79% F
Ve 23Ar30'19" 06N21 - 0°26' 43°04' 23N08 38°38' - 5°47' 9°13' 78% F
tSu co tMe 00°07'100% M
tSu op tNe 01°11' 97% M
tMe op tNe 01°17' 97% M
tVe op tJu 00°52' 99% M
tVe op tNe 02°47' 85% M
tSu co rVe 02°43' 86% M
tSu op rUr 02°09' 91% M
tMe co rVe 02°36' 87% M
tMe op rUr 02°02' 92% M
rVe op rUr 00°33' 99% M
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Hitler's final Demi-SLR
My favorite chart of the set, though, is the April 17 Demi-SLR (16:20:51 UT). Here, ecliptical and mundane aspects interweave, bringing the transiting Saturn aspects to his Moon to a head, joined by Neptune. The Moon-Saturn-Neptune connections are remarkable.
Transiting Neptune is most angular, followed by Moon, Saturn, and Mercury - the four planets most involved in suicide, plus consistent with downfalls, though none of them is closer than a Class 2 angularity. (It's all in the aspects!) Natal Jupiter is the most angular natal planet, joined by Moon and Uranus. Here, though, are the aspects:
10°30' Vir - t Neptune
11°30' Gem - t Saturn
13°26' Gem - t Moon
13°26' Sag - r Moon
15°03' Sag - r Jupiter
21°27' 9H - t Saturn
23°36' 3H - r Moon
23°40' 9H - t Moon
24°37' 12H - t Neptune
25°31' 3H - r Jupiter
Besides transiting Mercury opposite natal Uranus (0°04'), the closest aspect is transiting Moon's mundane square to Neptune (0°54'), followed closely by the transiting Saturn-Neptune square (1°00') and transiting Neptune's mundane square to natal Moon (1°00'). The others fill in (the full aspectarian is below). The aspects are perfect symbolism.
We wouldn't have the full picture without the mundane aspects, wouldn't see the right weight to apply. Here are the full specs:
Transiting Neptune is most angular, followed by Moon, Saturn, and Mercury - the four planets most involved in suicide, plus consistent with downfalls, though none of them is closer than a Class 2 angularity. (It's all in the aspects!) Natal Jupiter is the most angular natal planet, joined by Moon and Uranus. Here, though, are the aspects:
10°30' Vir - t Neptune
11°30' Gem - t Saturn
13°26' Gem - t Moon
13°26' Sag - r Moon
15°03' Sag - r Jupiter
21°27' 9H - t Saturn
23°36' 3H - r Moon
23°40' 9H - t Moon
24°37' 12H - t Neptune
25°31' 3H - r Jupiter
Besides transiting Mercury opposite natal Uranus (0°04'), the closest aspect is transiting Moon's mundane square to Neptune (0°54'), followed closely by the transiting Saturn-Neptune square (1°00') and transiting Neptune's mundane square to natal Moon (1°00'). The others fill in (the full aspectarian is below). The aspects are perfect symbolism.
We wouldn't have the full picture without the mundane aspects, wouldn't see the right weight to apply. Here are the full specs:
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Ne 10Vi29'36" 01N29 - 0°01' 184°41' 00S25 97°42' + 5°20' 354°37' 92% F
Mo 13Ge26'26" 00S26 +13°26' 98°03' 22N48 191°04' +59°56' 263°40' 89% F
Sa 11Ge29'46" 00S29 + 0°04' 95°56' 22N51 194°54' +59°41' 261°27' 81% F
Me 26Pi22'18" 01N03 - 0°40' 18°23' 08N56 272°02' + 9°43' 189°43' 76% F
Radical Planets
Ju 15Sg03'19" 00N17 + 0°01' 279°48' 22S51 7°51' -60°10' 85°31' 98% F
Mo 13Sg26'26" 00N45 +14°19' 278°02' 22S30 11°01' -59°38' 83°36' 89% F
Ur 26Vi18'00" 00N39 - 0°03' 198°58' 07S19 90°34' - 8°48' 8°48' 80% F
tMo sq tNe 00°57' 98% M
tSa sq tNe 01°00' 98%
tMe op rUr 00°04'100%
tSa op rMo 01°57' 93%
tNe sq rMo 01°00' 98% M
tNe sq rJu 00°55' 98% M
rMo co rJu 01°37' 95%
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Hitler's final Demi-SLR
I reran the Demi-SLR with mundane aspects turned off. All the important ones are still there, they just don't have the same weights. The chart is strong enough that we'd get the right idea about it without mundane aspects, just not the subtleties.
The SLR without mundane aspects has the single most important aspect, but not an accurate overall picture:
Code: Select all
tSa sq tNe 01°00' 98%
tMe op rUr 00°04'100%
tSa op rMo 01°57' 93%
tNe sq rMo 02°57' 83%
rMo co rJu 01°37' 95%
Code: Select all
tSa sq tNe 00°07'100%
tVe co rSu 00°21'100%
rVe co rMa 00°19'100%
Jim Eshelman