An online contact wrote this week about what she called "the most toxic, intense, addictive relationship I ever had," saying that "the traumas of this relationship still haunt me after eight years." (No details beyond that, but that description caught my attention.)
I asked if she would be willing to post the full birth data and she agreed. Here it is:
Her: October 13, 1996, 10:49 PM EDT, Quebec, Canada
Him: April 16, 1993, 4:50 AM EDT, Quebec, Canada
I suggest you draw these two charts and place them around each other.
First, looking at his planets around her chart, we see several of his planets foreground in her chart but none of them super close. (His Neptune is closest, his Uranus a bit further.) We see the first clue of the attraction in his Aries Sun facing (by sign) opposite her Libra Moon. There is also one really positive aspect: She has a close Mercury-Jupiter square with his Jupiter 0°16' from her Mercury and 2° from square her Jupiter.
But there are several difficult aspects (all survivable and even positive on their own, but quite threatening taken together). Her Neptune is opposed by his Mars 0°16' and squared by his Sun 1°25'. His Venus conjoins her Saturn 2°. Their Suns are in wider opposition across a sign boundary. His Moon opposes her Mars 3°58'.
Flip the charts around (her planets around his natal). Again we see a couple of foreground planets (one benefic, one malefic), but not all that close. Digging into the aspects, we see one new one: Her Saturn closely conjoins his Mercury (1°36') in addition to being on his Venus.
Feel free to dig into the rest on your own.
Toxic, intense, addictive relationship
Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
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