O.J. Simpson & Nicole Brown Simpson

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Jim Eshelman
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O.J. Simpson & Nicole Brown Simpson

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I just realized I hadn't posted this most interesting pair of charts here. There is much about their relationship astrologers would want to study (their attraction, the structure of their relationship, OJ's obsessiveness, and the eventual murder).

O.J. Simpson, July 9, 1947, 8:08 AM PST, San Francisco, CA (AA)
Nicole Brown Simpson, May 19. 1959, 2:00 AM CET, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany (AA)

I've been answering synastry questions in an online environment where questions often center on obsessiveness. I've to come to realize that the minor remark I made here about potential obsessiveness of Moon-Neptune interchanges is more accurate than I suspected. In this case, Nicole's Moon conjoined OJ's Neptune 0°01' (!). (Her Venus squared these two planets within 2°; her Saturn squared them about the same from the other side).

At a quick glance, we see their Moon's in opposite signs, a strong mark of attraction and mutually feeling "at home."

The mark of potential violence and control (really meaning any kind of strong physical, aggressive behavior) is OJ's Mars square Nicole's Ascendant within 1°.

As we develop better tools for penetrating the subtleties of relationship connections, this pair should prove one of the most interesting to study over and over.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: O.J. Simpson & Nicole Brown Simpson

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Testing the technique of progressing each chart to the time and place of the other's birth. First, OJ's chart progressed to Nicole's birth time/place. We start with one close, seemingly relevant angular contact:

10°30' Lib - SNQ Asc
10°50' Lib - t Neptune (i.e., Nicole's Neptune)

Progressed Moon aspects have been especially powerful in these charts, and this example is no different:

20°16' Tau - p Mars
20°50' Leo - p Moon

Other relevant contacts: At Nicole's birth, OJ had p Moon co. r Sun 0°48'; p Mercury tr. r Jupiter (0°03').

Switching to Nicole's chart regressed to OJ's birth, there are no exact angular contacts. There is, however, one important, tragic progressed Moon contact:

14°33' Ari - p Moon
15°01' Can - t Saturn

Other progressions: p Mercury sq. r Mars 0°50'. p Sun-Mars sx. 0°34'.
Jim Eshelman
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