"The Moricand Pattern"

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"The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Donald Bradley had a particular pattern he rightfully dreaded seeing in a horoscope. He never disclosed exactly what it was, though I'm pretty sure (from the few clues he left, and watching this pattern in horoscopy unfold over 40 years or so) that I know what it is. I've also kept it to myself, having only told two people the full pattern. However, in organizations for which I'm responsible, I've long provided its officers with one of the factors and required them to make no move to admit someone with that one factor without providing me the full birth data so I can check the rest.

He settled on the name "The Moricand Pattern" in the August, 1957 issue of American Astrology, after reading Henry Miller's book A Devil in Paradise about French astrologer Conrad Moricand who has the undisclosed pattern in his natal chart and has the character to go with it. Moricand was born January 17, 1887, between 7:00 and 7:15 PM, in Paris. (He died August 31, 1954, 10:30 PM CET, Paris, France.) He was (among the nicest things that could be said about him) "a louse without peer."

Bradley talked more generally about the subject thus:
Garth Allen wrote:Moricand, wretch as well as scholar, pornographer as well as occultist, was born under what I personally have long believed to be the most unfortunate and treacherous of all horoscope patterns [emphasis added]. Many of my friends and correspondents are familiar with my numerous past harangues about this particular horoscopic design, but I have never been able to bring myself to air these views in print, not because of the nature of the topic, which is sordid enough as it is, but because I cannot handle the topic umbiasedly. I am fulminatingly prejudiced, with good reason I believe, against three particular astrological situations [emphasis added], and Moricand's chart wallows in all three. Until I can solve this personal problem, this negative reaction to something which I should rightly "be above" as a contingency of scholarship, I had best not be explicit. Perhaps there are exceptions to the rule that has formed so painfully in my mind, although I have yet to find one. Miller's book, incidentally, has provided me with a handy reference name for this pattern, to wit, "the Moricand Pattern." With this new label I can dispense with the unprintable terms made use of until now.

After Moricand's good riddance, Miller reflected on what had taken place; he mused much the same thing that often occurs to me when I observe an instance of the Moricand Pattern in action. Quoth Miller, "I thought of Ramakrishna's words regarding the 'bound' souls. 'Those who are thus caught in the net of the world are the Baddha, or bound souls. No one can awaken them. they do not come to their senses, even after receiving blow upon blow of misery, sorrow and indescribable suffering [emphasis added].'" Bound souls. What a perfect description of those few people born with the Moricand Pattern! Such people are prize exhibits attesting to the validity of psychosomatics. As shown by their characteristic opinions, they filter their view of the world and all that is within range through the muddy lens of their own spiritual misery [emphasis added]. Their trademark is mirrored in Miller's key sentence about Moricand: "His great failing was that he had an answer for everything [emphasis added]." And like Miller decided about Moricand, these people cannot be helped at all [emphasis added], not in this lifetime, at any rate. Bound souls they are and bound souls they remain; God alone knows the purpose in their captivity.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

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Danica wrote:Is Mercury with both Uranus and Saturn a part of this pattern?
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Danica wrote:Is Mercury with both Uranus and Saturn a part of this pattern?
Choose one:

(1) I'mma notta gonna say.
(2) No.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

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Bogdan574 wrote:Please tell us what the Moricand Pattern is?
Nope. I, also, will never publically disclose it.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

To be clear in case I haven't been:

I posted this from Bradley because it's one of the more interesting of his article and speaks to something astrology books don't talk about. I think it's useful for people to know such things exist. It's a real pattern describing real people - a small percentage of the population - who are described brilliantly by what he wrote.

But, like Bradley, even though I know the pattern, I'm not going to disclose the pattern in public, for what I think are good reasons and probably should be obvious reasons.

On average, the pattern exists three times in every 1,000 people. I've had the enormous displeasure of knowing... too many of them.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri May 12, 2017 2:52 pm On average, the pattern exists three times in every 1,000 people. I've had the enormous displeasure of knowing... too many of them.
Another way t o say this is: in about one-third of 1% of all people.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It occurred to me that I should post Moricand's chart with the planets, layout, aspects and orbs, etc. Bradley would have used at the time he wrote this. BTW, though he had an occasional harsh thing to say about Moon-Venus aspects, that is not part of the pattern.

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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

I see the reasons for not ID'ing the overall pattern.

But maybe we could discuss individual things which may or may not be part of this overall pattern?

I see a Mercury-Uranus-Saturn t-cross. In some ways Uranus and Saturn seem like opposite forces here. Saturn would make the person doubtful about new facts, while Uranus might make them quick to reach conclusions. And Saturn-Uranus would make him obstinate. Seems like some really uncomfortable tension here.
"His great failing was that he had an answer for everything."

I also see the Mars-Neptune square. Also, since they straddle a sign-cusp, both of these are 4 signs apart. Does that change things?
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I can see why a couple of peoe have cited that Mercury-Uranus, especially sin e Bradley's summary of the aspe t was that it makes one an "Alabi Ike."
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Avshalom Binyamin »

Also, I realize that Moon-Venus is not part of this, but I have observed this "dependence on others" dynamic in other people's charts, and it seems to me that it would be super frustrating to have that mindset, while also having a mentally stubborn attitude, and an impatient need to convince others of one's own filtered reality.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Arena »

I think I see a pattern. I probably mentioned it before in this thread.
Malefics foreground, Neptune becomes malefic in company with Mars, who is exalted in the sidereal zodiac.
But all the typical benefics, Jup, Ven & Mer and Sun are background.
Uranus benefic is middleground.

Plus, the luminaries are in each others signs of fall/detriment.
Last edited by Arena on Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

That's in the spirit of it, and good thinking, though not the actual pattern.

People with one or more malefics foreground and all benefics background (especially if not connected to the luminaries) do have many of the cited traits.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by sotonye »

Is there a pattern contrary to this one? A pattern for identifying the nicest, most angelic of all possible people
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

sotonye wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 4:59 pm Is there a pattern contrary to this one? A pattern for identifying the nicest, most angelic of all possible people
I don't think I've ever met a single person that nice. Can you give some examples of who you might think represents it?

If you mean the most compassionate people, those I first think of have histories that come from long struggle and often deep tragedy. If you mean kind and sweet, my mind wants to divide them into those who are skilled at social presentation vs. those inherently kind, and again I find that true, sincere kindness comes primarily from marks of great strength anchored by certainty of their place in the world.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by sotonye »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 5:08 pm I don't think I've ever met a single person that nice. Can you give some examples of who you might think represents it?
I'm not sure of any famous example, but a girl I know personally is like this, like an angel, I've posted about her before:

February 18th, 1999
Glendale, AZ

She's absolutely the most benevolent person I've ever met, she's committed to making others happy and never fails in this way, it's instinctual for her, she's only really capable of expressing love generously, sweetly, perfectly, so much so that she tends to forget herself sometimes!
If you mean the most compassionate people, those I first think of have histories that come from long struggle and often deep tragedy. If you mean kind and sweet, my mind wants to divide them into those who are skilled at social presentation vs. those inherently kind, and again I find that true, sincere kindness comes primarily from marks of great strength anchored by certainty of their place in the world.
That fits well with the girl I know, she has a partile Sun-Saturn aspect and the beginning of her life had been extremely difficult and terrible, but I'm not certain that compassion follows from struggle, most people seem to struggle but I've rarely encountered deep concern from many of them. And I think what you're saying about kindness is perfectly in line with the idea that we make others feel the same way we feel about ourselves! Hm, maybe confidence indicators in a chart and kindness go hand in hand?
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

While we can find several indications in her chart, there is no use digging into subtleties when we can cut straight to the punch line: As you likely know, she has Venus and Jupiter on either side of Descendant in Pisces, a constellation in which both are traditionally dignified.(Jupiter is 0°45' above Dsc, Venus 3°53' below, Moon 6°15' above.)

The malefics are all middleground, neither stressed nor suppressed. Sun is the most suppressed planet in the usual way of thinking of things - under the earth, exactly cadent, n the sign of its detriment and in partile sextile to Saturn - which may create a troublesome suppression of self-distinction, though (if there aren't too many conflicts around it) can also indicate selflessness.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Veronica »

During my past few years feeling this transit active in my chart and how Vampiricly raw the pain is.....

And how when I saw that my allready mentally unstable exhusband will be going through this transit himself....
And I cried and cried in fear.....
Because I know the feeling and it took every once of sugar n spice I had to not let it overcome me and curdle my blood to a bitterness.....

I think the pattern is simply the toxic potentiality of Neptune aspecting Mars.....and a sad dark moon. It sucks. Like a starving vampire who cant go into the light and feel the love of the Goddess renewing.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I probably dont have much or any of the trifecta of this pattern in my chart. However even with having no angular malefics and 2 angular benefics one would think that would make a person more.. upbeat(?) [And therefore assumbely less of a pendejo] However that isn't always the case.

Therefore I doubt that the state of a planets nature has much to do with the pattern.

Side note pattern or not (not implying that any of these are a part of the pattern) anyone with a Mars-Venus aspect I will watch my back. Very much full of passion enough to kill a man. Same with a Mars in capricorn (maybe to a lesser extent but in this case the angularity as well makes it more noticeable). Maybe having these myself makes me more aware of the nature of these placements but these individuals are 50 shades of sneaky stabby.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Venus_Daily »

Wow, I see that this person has Mercury conjoined the same fixed star my moon is conjoined. Does that have anything to do with it?
Arena wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2019 2:18 pm I think I see a pattern. I probably mentioned it before in this thread.
Malefics foreground, Neptune becomes malefic in company with Mars, who is exalted in the sidereal zodiac.
But all the typical benefics, Jup, Ven & Mer and Sun are background.
Uranus benefic is middleground.

Plus, the luminaries are in each others signs of fall/detriment.
Kind of similar to my chart.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Veronica »

I think that if you look into the etymology of the key words that Bradley used....as well as words emphasized.....
3 conditions...
You get a good feel for it.

I see in peoples charts...there are formations or clusters...in which the planets fall.
Ie a basket with them all on the bottom
Or a splattering of them all over the place
Or a kite like shape
Or something like vampire teeth
For examples.

My chart if looked at a certain way has a distinct pattern formation that is in a way similiar to this and I can recognize this in myself, but my chart has the benefit of me being a female and under that very real biological programing that drives a nurturing aspect as well as an underlaying midpoint structure and angularity that quells a potentially negative tendency. At least it feels like that is what it is that not makes me a louse.

In my nature I am aware of how I in very real way, latch on to some external "need".....driven by an inner conflict arising from my own insecurities and fears. When I feel stressed and that my needs are not being met I look to something other then myself to fill that void or an outlet to relieve the pressure. I thankfully usually have the piece of mind to not slip to the lowest common denominator and to remember that we are what we consume and to mind what I eat...be it food or tv or gossip or centuries old propaganda.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus, the star in question, Vega, is usually considered ine of the sweetest if stars.

Besudes: No, the pattern isn't basedon minor factors lile fixed stars.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Lance »

Would you be willing to post just one more Moricand Pattern chart?


It’s cool.

You can just PM it.

Thanks. :D
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Freya »

Please tell me that mars-saturn partile conjunction isn’t part of the pattern...
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Freya, you do not have a Moricand chart.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Freya »

Phew thank God for that! :)
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Lyse confirmed today that the time of 7:00 to 7:15 is a close match for the officially recorded (AA) time of 7:00. (Thanks, Lyse.)
Lyse wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:17 pm Jim,

Earlier today, I was looking at Conrad Moricand’s natal chart and noticed that it was B rated at Astro.com. 19th century civil birth registration in France usually lists birth time. Moricand's is no exception and his birth is stated to have occurred at “7 in the evening” on January 17, 1887. Both parents registered the event on the 20th of January at 10 in the morning.

Looking through a number of births, I noticed that they are all on the quarter hour so unsure how officials rounded the time. It’s unusual to state a birth time backwards but French records are not my specialty.

Anyway, I have the record in hand and can attach if you want to see it.
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by cris25 »

does it have to do with the degree of exaltation?
moon in the degree of exaltation of saturn and in opposition to the degree of exaltation of the sun.

venus opposite degree of exaltation of jupiter and mars square degree of exaltation of venus ?
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Re: "The Moricand Pattern"

Post by Jim Eshelman »

cris25 wrote: Sat Jul 08, 2023 3:10 pm does it have to do with the degree of exaltation?
moon in the degree of exaltation of saturn and in opposition to the degree of exaltation of the sun... venus opposite degree of exaltation of jupiter
Moon is not in the degree Saturn's exaltation (two degrees off), though that's a good catch that Moon is in the degree of Sun's fall and Venus in the degree of Jupiter's fall. - But to answer your question, no.
and mars square degree of exaltation of venus ?
It's not. Mars is 26°05' Capricorn, about a degree from its own exaltation. Venus' exaltation is 27° Pisces.

No, it has nothing to do with the hypsomata. However, Conrad Moricand's chart is a great example of such dignities in general: Moon on Sun's fall, Mercury in its own detriment, Venus on Jupiter's fall, Mars exalted (nearly to the degree).
Jim Eshelman
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