TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

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TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

I will start coding this in a few days. My plans going forward:
  1. Reorganize the code with particular emphasis on aspects and midpoints, also add parans.
  2. Finish midpoints listing for bi-wheel charts.
  3. Noviens and Enneads (I think I will add the latter to the solunars page).
  4. Transits
  5. Quotidians
  6. PSSR
  7. Tertiaries
  8. Primaries
  9. Solar Arcs
  10. Anything else we decide we need apart from synastry and chart comparison (version 0.6)
Comments and suggestions welcome. I won't necessarily do items 3-9 in the order given.

Jim, I know you are busy, but when you do get a chance to, please transfer the other announcements in the TMSA sub-forum to regular threads. I will be opening a TMSA 0.4 Stable Release thread when the new version is posted. You are welcome to delete ancient threads in this sub-forum if you need the space but feel free to retain them if you wish.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yes, Enneads should be a variant of solunars, just as kinetic returns a d anlunars when their time comes.

Yes, I'll adjust the threads. We can look at old content later to see if anything has no need any longer, but no rush.

Thanks as always, Mike.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Thanks for the reminder about KSRs, etc. I think this may well be concurrent with Enneads. That would mean only one redesign of the Solunars page. BTW is there any call for kinetic enneads? No harder to calculate than KSRs and KLRs, but is there a need?
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Kinetics need to come after secondaries are implemented, though a single page design can happen. Nobody has been doing Kinetic Enneads tmk. You might consider a kinetic anlunar along with the anlunar since it was Fagan s original anlunars idea, but I haven't seen it in live discussion since the '60s.

Will there be a triwheel? Presuming not, then maybe the anlunar and kinetics can have a table of natal positions even if they won't be in the chart. There has been barely any work done on which of the three layers is those charts is important (default thinking is they all are).
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Correct, kinetics need to come after secondaries, but I could place the checkboxes and gray them out until kinetics are implemented. I have doubts about a tri-wheel diagram, but a three chart listing in the form

aVe 15 Ta 0'12" xxx
bMa 16 Ta 14' 11" yyy
cNe 16 Ta 17' 43' zzz
where xxx, yyy, and zzz are the prime vertical positions would be possible (maybe better sorted in prime vertical order) would be possible if desired.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

I just had an inspiration for how to do tri-wheels and quadra-wheels, etc., though I see no need for more than three wheels. The code I have in mind is generic for any number of wheels from one up, but large numbers won't be very practical.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

After ruling out a tri-wheel in my own head, I was just thinking of something simple like have the wheel (of, say, a kinetic lunar) with progressed and KLR positions, followed by a data table of the transiting (KLR) positions, then a table of the progressed positions, then a third table of natal positions. We could then brainstorm how to handle aspects.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Is this the version to build any wish lists we've had in reserve? Or consider that for a 0.7 post-synastry "accessories" version?

One thing I've been trying to think of a way to do it elegantly (and so the eye naturally gave it due importance - not too much, not too little) is Mutual Reception. One can see this from the list of positions if one looks, but I keep forgetting to look. It occurred to me today that a way to mention it without having to invent an exact importance or score for it is to list Mutual Receptions in the CS report on the same line as the luminary dignity/indignity data. It could be easily filtered by putting it in parentheses. It could be turned on or off as an option on the dignities customization page.

Thus, since I have Moon in Aquarius and Uranus in Cancer, the first line of the Moon section of my CS report could have: (Mo Aq MR Ur Cn)

Your Venus and Neptune lines could have (Ve Pi MR Ne Li). Etc.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Something more complicated, that I once mentioned but was really sitting on until you felt you had a finished product and all the core stuff was in it, is the add Brdley's end-of-life cycloidal curve aspect and angularity scoring. I could see this being valuable in several ways:
  • An optional replacement for the curves that are in place.
  • A separate report to generate that (using either the current curves or the Bradley EOL curves) lists every planet by aspect strength weighted for angularity. (Does this thing really work in practice? It's been too tedious to test.)
  • The same thing for solunars: Instead of identifying a zone for foreground planets and orbs of aspects, just score all combinations weighted this way and see if the main combinations truly spill out as one might expect.
This is all good theory. It was a "how to look at a natal or return chart without prior bias" on aspects and angularity - that Bradley and Gary Duncan worked on for decades as an ideal to be reached. I think it deserves a chance to test its feasibility (and also the different curve theories).

But there was no way I was going to dwell on this while you're still getting solid, "everybody wants'em" fundamentals in place. It's more for a late game wish list.

There will be TONS to sort through in the forecasting sections of 0.5 - figuring out useful reports, etc. Some of these things can wait.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

I'm visualize as separate report and might well be the focus of version 0.7, perhaps sooner if 0.5 development goes well, no promises but the idea intrigues me. I am open to suggestions for version 0.5 but may put some off to 0.6 or 0.7, not sure how many versions will be needed before 1.0. Let me say again that I am enjoying collaborating on the ideas for TMSA.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Jim found a tiny bug that in that isn't worth issuing a new release for, It does give me an idea for improved error messages in version 0.5. I will develop a way to display short error messages coupled with a way to easily display a more detailed message if desired, probably a button that appears if and only if an error occurs and a more detailed message is available.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

The bug fixes in the release have been ported to the code for TMSA 0.5.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Progress Report

Post by mikestar13 »

I'm hard at work revising the chart printing code and organizing it better. There will be one for module for single, double, and triple wheels (with precession taken into account, so we will have accurate mundane aspects in solunars, as in previous versions). The printing module also calculates angularity, aspects, midpoints, and now parans when I've finished. Foreground planets will be marked with the angle they are closest to. Sorry, no alpha glyph. The fonts have it, but Python 3.9 doesn't handle it correctly (unless I'm missing a trick--possibly I am). So in the planetary data section, foreground planets will be designated thus: 97% F X, where X is A, D, M, I, Z, N, El, Ea, Wl, Wa.

I will also do some form redesign, including KSRs and KLRs on the solunars page (which won't be functional until I do quotidians), and also anlunars which can be calculated now but will show as such in 0.5. (Should this be a tri-wheel: anlunar, solar, and natal planets?)
More extensive options will be available, including user modifiable dignities. I will be redesigning the find chart facility, which will have the user type in search criteria (so if it isn't already in my recent charts, I can type "Ve" and it should pull up Veronica's chart) and not use a file dialog (which is slow). This should complete 0.5.0. This is probably the release that will take the longest.

0.5.1 will be where I handle noviens and enneads. I will add to import export capabilities including an export as csv option.

0.5.2 will be transits

0.5.3 will be quotidians and PSSRs

0.5.4 will be primaries, tertiaries, and solar arcs.

As always, order may be rearranged and other things may be added. Suggestions for this version are welcome, apart from synastry (version 0.6)
and basic interpretation (version 0.7).
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Progress Report

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Before getting into the details, let me say that sounds really exciting!
mikestar13 wrote: Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:31 pm ...and also anlunars which can be calculated now but will show as such in 0.5. (Should this be a tri-wheel: anlunar, solar, and natal planets?)
If you're going to have a three-wheel, we might as well. To be clear: In the Sidereal literature of the '60s I don't think anyone ever got really clear what planet sets were valid in the Anlunar but, in theory, it's Anlunar / SSR / natal.

I had envisioned something simpler. That was probably because I wasn't expecting a three-wheel, though it might also have been for a sense of simplicity. I was thinking of the wheel having only two planet sets but having three tables beneath - the two from the wheel plus one for natals. But if you can fit them all together, why not!

ADDED: I just had reason to look at President Kennedy's Anlunar for his inauguration. The only ring NOT of any importance were the Anlunar planets themselves. But with Anlunar MC 7°45' Gemini, we find SSR Jupiter 7°07' Sagittarius opposite natal Pluto at 9°47' Gemini - quite a good showing.

Additionally, the Dallas Anlunar for his assassination has only a natal planet interesting, natal Saturn about 1° from MC unless you also count transiting Sedna even closer. Move it to Washington where it probably set up and get natal Mars 32' from square MC with SSR Saturn less than 2° from Dsc, among other things.

So, yeah, natal planets have a big part to play in any value the Anlunar has.

It's quite clear to me that the KLR should have KLR / progressed / natal, because a main feature (in theory at least and, I think, in practice) is that it highlights progressed aspects.
0.5.1 will be where I handle noviens and enneads. I will add to import export capabilities including an export as csv option.
I'm curious: You always mention these together even though there is no innate connection between Noviens and Enneads. (That is, for example, one doesn't calculate a Novien to do an Ennead.) Is there something cooking in your mind that I'm missing?

Again - this is pretty exciting!
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Noviens and Enneads

Post by mikestar13 »

It's just a convenience to code them together. I could easily separate them. The noviens and enneads are both based on the number nine. I think enneads would have been discovered later if at all were it not for Fagan's pioneering work with noviens. I think it likely that a user who sees one will expect the other to be available.
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Wheel Aesthetics

Post by mikestar13 »

This is one attempt at redesigning the center area (for a single wheel view). Certain lines have been consolidated, but if desired can be spaced out more by having blank lines inserted. This will facilitate having data for up three charts' data in the center. Just the cusps and the center, still rewriting the code to position the planets.

Code: Select all

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 |                |     1 Apr 1957 08:23:00 PST     |                |
 |                |     Huntington Park, CA USA     |                |
 10Ta08-----------+      33N58'58" 118W12'43"       +-----------10Sc08
 |                |   UT 16:23:00 RAMC 317°17'55"   |                |
 |                |   OE 23°26'36" SVP 05Pi51'11"   |                |
 |                | Sidereal Zodiac Campanus Houses |                |
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Re: Noviens and Enneads

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:29 pm I think enneads would have been discovered later if at all were it not for Fagan's pioneering work with noviens.
Actually, Enneads were already in print in Spica about five years before Fagan took up work with the Novien - by Vol. V, No. 1, under the title I somewhat prefer for them, "Navamsa Solar Return" (though I'd say Novien Solar Return, just so I get another cool abbreviation, in this case NSR <g>). K.M. Kharaget wrote an article in that issue titled "Navamsa Chart & Navamsa Solar Return." He said he had already proposed it "some years back." Here it was in the heart of Sidereal literature in 1965.

If you carefully read Garth Allen's article introducing the Ennead didn't exactly say it was new - it said that the idea matched his statistics in the matter. Commenting on the fact that the trine SMRs behaved better than any of the others except the SSR, he wrote,
This circumstances was a bit disconcerting at first, but it was quickly realized that the mystery was no mystery at all - and that what the figures were telling us was simply that the originally Egyptian, currently standard Hindu, system of "novienic" or "navamsa" divisions of the ecliptic also held true as viable returns. That is, there are nine basic "solar returns" during each year, ticked off every 40°00'00" from the position of the natal Sun."
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Re: Wheel Aesthetics

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:40 pm This is one attempt at redesigning the center area (for a single wheel view).
I like.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Thanks for the history, I wasn't aware of it. In any event, they are conceptually related and convenient to program together, so I tend to speak of them together. Of the two, I will probably do enneads first, but both will be in the same release.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Progress Report

Post by mikestar13 »

mikestar13 wrote: Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:31 pm ... So in the planetary data section, foreground planets will be designated thus: 97% F X, where X is A, D, M, I, Z, N, El, Ea, Wl, Wa...
Another idea: drop F/B marks altogether and print the X values above for foreground planets. I've found the % numbers distinguish middleground/background adequately and the distinction isn't as strong as the foreground/not foreground distinction. Thoughts from TMSA users?
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I am ambivalent. I really like the F. OTOH, I see that Foreground items are the only ones that will have an angle distinction so it's redundant.

From a user perspective, I like the single message of "F" which makes foregroundness a more pronounced feature than individual angle distinctions.

I have Background markers turned off for myself and like the idea of them being turned on for the student option in particular.

So there are all my diverse opinions :)
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:25 am I really like the F. OTOH, I see that Foreground items are the only ones that will have an angle distinction so it's redundant.

From a user perspective, I like the single message of "F" which makes foregroundness a more pronounced feature than individual angle distinctions.
Ah, a thought: At least some of my ambivalence might be addressed by changing the "G" column heading to "FG" (since you're using two characters anyway). That way, the foreground characteristic IS marked (by the angle-marker presence.

Still, I don't think the option of showing background should be removed. I'm especially thinking about the student setup (and others who want it, even though I don't use it). Even if the column label is changed to FG, a B should be allowed; or, perhaps, a b to make it distinctive from the angle markers.

The F & B markers would still be in the Cosmic State report, of course, though the first report is what draws most attention and needs the clearest content (or, at least, it draws most attention for me: I usually just read the first report then consult CS for clarification, perspective, or a deeper dive).
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Progress Report

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Thu Apr 14, 2022 5:31 pm I'm hard at work revising the chart printing code and organizing it better... More extensive options will be available, including user modifiable dignities...
Will Mutual Reception make it into this build?
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Yes, mutual reception will be included and I think i will go with changing the heading to FG (with optional b for background).
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Revised print code is going very wei1. when finished it will handle, one, two or three charts seamlessly.. I will post samples for Natal and SSR when I have the planetary data section completed (this afternoon or tonight).
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

The planetary data from my natal chart, as calculated by version 0.5.0:

Code: Select all

 Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang FG
 Mo 02Ar18'11" 02N04 +12°30'  23°46' 12N08  92°48' +26°11' 333°47'   4% b 
 Su 17Pi31'46" 00N00 +59'12"  10°44' 04N37 108°19' +32°30' 326°08'   1% b 
 Me 29Pi40'55" 00N35 + 1°56'  21°50' 09N48  96°08' +26°31' 333°21'   3% b 
 Ve 14Pi13'07" 01S22 + 1°14'   8°13' 02N04 112°33' +32°51' 325°02'   2% b 
 Ma 15Ta08'36" 01N14 +37'44"  67°24' 23N04  59°52' - 2°29'   2°52'  98% A 
 Ju 00Vi50'53" 01N33 - 7'12" 176°01' 03N25 307°49' -37°46' 135°33'  14% b 
 Sa 20Sc05'56" 01N49 - 0'52" 253°08' 20S42 238°15' + 8°04' 189°28'  77% D 
 Ur 08Cn45'01" 00N37 - 0'28" 125°20' 20N07  13°42' -34°43'  71°08'  30%   
 Ne 07Li37'12" 01N48 - 1'31" 210°14' 10S24 270°43' -19°53' 160°07'  25%   
 Pl 04Le06'55" 11N23 - 1'01" 154°40' 22N43 341°16' -30°56' 118°11'  44%   
 Er 14Pi43'47" 23S06 + 0'42"  17°29' 17S40 121°59' +12°54' 344°53'  49%   
 Se 01Ar50'28" 10S30 + 0'36"  27°54' 00N14 100°56' +16°08' 343°35'  43%   
Looking in my chart collection for charts with minor angles closest. When this is verified, on to the aspectarian.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It looks good.

For fine-tuning: I'm always looking for ways to visually distinguish data so that both hemispheres of the brain are equally employed, e.g., so that the eyes don't have to focus so closely until one wants right-brain hard data, so I think shapes matter almost as much as content. It seems to me that even with the lower-case b (which I think should be kept), that long line of background vs. angular content blurs together (as a shape). This could be shifted, I think, by putting a space in front of the b (since you have two columns) so that FG and BG indicators don't start in the same column.

As for the rest, it correctly caught your Mars on Asc and Saturn on Dsc.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Would you like a complicated example to test? May 30, 1963, 5:03 AM EDT, Staten Island, NY. Besides capture background Moon, Jupiter, and Pluto, it should get the following angularities:

Sun on Asc 90%
Mercury on Asc 100%
Venus on EP-a 86%
Mars on Nadir 97%
Uranus on Nadir 85%
Neptune on WP-a 87%
Eris on Asc 95%
Sedna on Asc 88%

Another possible complicated one: In the current Arisolar for Russia, I don't know which is stronger, Venus on EP-a 1°24' or Venus on Asc 5°52' (using the current strength curves for minor angles which, btw, I want to revisit when there's a convenient gap for it). Does this show as EP-a or Asc?
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Confirmed, with these exceptions:
1. Venus is within orb of Ep-a but gets a higher angularity score from the As.
2. Neptune is within orb of Wp-a but gets a higher angularity score from the Ds.
In both cases the planet is about 8° in the PV from the major angle and just barely within the maximum 3° orb from the minor angle.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Ve Ep-a is the stronger though both are in orb. If we are going to tweak the minor angle strength, now is a convenient time. Are you contemplating an orb change for some/all minor angles? That would be dead easy. A different type of curve would be more complicated.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Sat Apr 16, 2022 10:48 am If we are going to tweak the minor angle strength, now is a convenient time. Are you contemplating an orb change for some/all minor angles? That would be dead easy. A different type of curve would be more complicated.
Yeah, it's the complicated one. Since you said now is convenient to discuss, I'll stream my thinking and see where it goes.

Minor angle orbs reach at least to 2° - in fact, for transits and quotidian hits, that's the clear breakoff in close timing. (In that sense, one would think this might be a Class 1 boundary, though gnawing background voices mutter that this is suspect.)

Minor angle orbs likely don't exist beyond 3° (if they last that long). An early '80s study I did seemed to define that as the EP-a breakoff of effectiveness, and it matches what I was used to seeing on Z/N. If it's "don't exist beyond," then either it's a Class 3 bottom, or there is no Class 3 as such.

I could summarize these as saying (here's the problem with the curve shape): These are still very strong at 2° and plummet toward "gone" very fast after that.

I experimented with setting minor angle Class 1 at 2°, Class 2 at 3°, no Class 3. That would solve the problem except for the steepness of the slope at different parts of the curve. For example, if 2° is the bottom of Class 1, it should have a % roughly the same as 3° to horizon or meridian, but completely vanish long before the horizon/meridian Class 2 bottom hits at 7°.

Marking ingresses Dormant or not helps enormously removing a lot of doubt and confusion that would be there just based on % numbers. (This will also be made easier with the individual angles specified, as you're about to do.)

As a problem example: The current Capsolar for Washington has Pluto 1°34' from Nadir. This is quite strong (and the strongest planet in the chart). Pluto's strength score is 93% which looks like a big number but is roughly where a planet would be more than 5° from a major angle.

I'm trying to think of a recent better example - there was an ingress recently where the only reason it wasn't dormant was something on a minor angle just under 2°. The not-dormant call was exactly right but the percent score was quite low and one wouldn't have expected it to be a "close" (dormancy-busting) angularity at the low number. If I find it, I'll add it back here.

That's my meandering thinking. By pure orb, I know where the cut-offs are; AND in TMSA in general I've come to really rely on the FG % numbers, sometimes reading a chart ONLY from that; AND, addition of the specific angle will help that even more, alerting me which angles I need to double-check; but the angularities that are close enough to prevent dormancy but have % scores as low as distant Class 2 contacts with horizon or meridian throw me sometimes. This suggests that the curve is misshaped (and I don't have a real answer, just questions).
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Thinking aloud (perhaps only for my own benefit to see if I can make sense out of this):

A sine curve on a plus-minus 10° base (e.g., foreground zone or a conjunction or opposition among aspects) is 100% at 0°00' and drops below 50% (cosine = 0.5) at 10°00'. This, which I think of as the real strength, still rounds to 99% at partile, 90% at about 4°, 75% at just within 7°, and 50% at 10°.

We rescale this to "strength above that 50% you can tell it's there baseline" by making that 50-to-100% act like 0-to-100%. This is a way to show the manifest strength of an aspect. By dropping 0.5 and dividing the rest by .5, it shows as 100% at 0°, 80% at about 4°, 50% near 7°, and 0° at 10°. This works for conjunctions and oppositions.

Then, for angularity, we have the added factor that not only do we have 100% foreground, we also have 100% background. This means that we're running an angularity curve from +100% down to -100%, or across a 200% range. While the curve around each angle is exactly the same as a conjunction curve, the numbers are now going to look different. That original 0.5 (50%) cut-off is now only 1/4 of the whole 200% curve. So, basically, 1 is added so that the original 0.5 (50%) to 1.0 (100%) scale becomes 1.5 (150%) to 2.0 (200%) strength. Dividing this by 200 gives us the familiar range for foreground planets of 75% to 100%.

With the major angle curve running plus-minus 10°, a minor angle curve based on plus-minus 3° wouldn't (in theory) change the shape of the curve, just the width of the base. The orb could be scaled 3:10 to get equivalent strength scores. (This is operating on a model that, for minor angles, 100% strength is at 0°00', 0% effective strength - the actual 50% threshold from the second paragraph above - would be at 3°00', for sake of discussion.)

If that's true, then we can take scores from the major angle curve, multiply the orb by 0.3, and have the equivalent score for minor angles. Does this work? - 100% remains, of course, at 0°00'. If major angles hit 94.6% (original scaling) at 3°00', minor angles would hit it at 0°54' (about 1°). If major angles hit 75% at 6°40', minor angles hit it at 2°.

So this tells me that, from one very important practical point of view, we are hitting the scaling right. In round numbers, it says that a 3° orb (Class 1) of a major angle is like a 1° orb of a minor angle;' a 7° orb of a major is like a 2° orb of a minor; and a 10° orb of a major is like a 3° orb of a minor. These are very close numbers, essentially on top of each other.

Is my problem only theoretical? The numbers (from the last paragraph) seem right. The practical problem is that, in mundane astrology, about 2° is a very clear threshold for transits to angles and for quotidian crossings. It is also the observable threshold for dormancy filtering. (I could, of course, be wrong about that since most of the time it's the major angles that weigh in on the question.) I guess the one practical problem I'm left with is that waking from dormancy would come from a Class 1 connection to a major angle (3°) or a Class 2 connection to a minor angle (2°), which is inconsistent. However, now that specific angles will be marked in the tables, the IMMEDIATE practical solution is that I become comfortable with the discrepancy and not screw with the strength curve.

Major angles at 3° orb (the default Class 1) have a score of 95% that becomes number-crunched (in the 0-200% representation TMSA displays for angularity) as 97% absolute strength. An orb of 7° (default Class 2) is 73%, which gets number-crunched to 86% absolute strength. A major angle orb of 10° is 50%, which gets number-crunched to 75% absolute strength and is the foreground cut-off number.

I'm pretty sure TMSA is already scaling minor angle strength on the same 200% scale. For minor angles, a 1° orb is equal to a 3°20' major angle orb, or about 93%; a 2° orb is equal to a 6°40' orb, or 75%; and a 3° orb minor angle equal to a 10°00' major angle orb, or about 50%. These fully scale out as 1° = 96%. 2° = 87%, 3° = 75%. The classes do break out right.

Okay, I'm going to live with this for a while and not lobby for a reshaping of things - unless Mike sees something I've misunderstood above or gets another insight from the back alleys through which I've been dragging myself above.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

This is precisely how I am calculating aspect strength now. Angularity for foreground planets is similar to above within the 10°cut off. For minor angles I have been using a 3° cutoff. The cutoff to dispell dormancy is 3° for both major and minor angles but 2° from a minor angle is considerably weaker than 2° from a major angle.

Now the strength of a minor angle is identical to the strength of a major angle at 0°. But at 1° a major angle is 99% while a minor angle is 94%, at 2° it's 98% and 77%, for 3° it's 95% and 50%.

I'm beginning to question cosine curves, and for comparison I will post Bradley cycloid numbers, and also linear dropoff. It's fairly sure that last isn't correct (?)b, but we need a side by side comparison. I'm also questioning a planet 2° from a minor angle (77%) dispelling dormancy while 4° from a major angle (91%) doesn't. To work digging out the Bradley curve equation and writing a small test program.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

The raw strength curve for each 5° in the quadrant, normalized to 0.0 to 1.0 range:

Code: Select all

 0 1.000 1.000 1.000
 5 0.970 0.826 0.889
10 0.883 0.658 0.778
15 0.750 0.500 0.667
20 0.587 0.357 0.556
25 0.413 0.234 0.444
30 0.250 0.134 0.333
35 0.117 0.060 0.222
40 0.030 0.015 0.111
45 0.000 0.000 0.000
50 0.030 0.015 0.111
55 0.117 0.060 0.222
60 0.250 0.134 0.333
65 0.413 0.234 0.444
70 0.587 0.357 0.556
75 0.750 0.500 0.667
80 0.883 0.658 0.778
85 0.970 0.826 0.889
90 1.000 1.000 1.000
First column is degrees, then cosine, Bradley, and linear for comparison. The foreground has not been narrowed to 10 degrees and the trough has not been shifted to 60 degrees. These modifications are calculated by modifying the degree value before applying the angularity function.
Notice that in the foreground cosine drops off slower than linear, but Bradley drops off faster than linear. In the background, the reverse is true.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

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I be d*mned if the linear numbers (which I used before reading ISR) don't look reasonable.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

It seems that dispelling dormancy is not precisely scaled to general angularity strength. The cutoffs are 3° for a major angle and 2° for a minor angle, though their respective strengths are 95% and 77%. If the same strength were the dormancy cutoff, major angles would dispell dormancy out to 6°40' or alternatively minor angles would only do so to 54'. The shape of the minor curve must not be a pure cosine curve it must have 2/3 scaling out to 2° but then drop off more rapidly, so it reaches 30% scaling at 3°. I will get to work deriving that equation.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

A piecewise function the does the trick:

if orb<=2: x = 3 * orb / 2
else x = (orb - 2) * 7 + 3
then power = cos(6 * x)

This yields 95% power at 2° but 50% at 3°.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steepening the slope? Is that the trick? (It's too early this morning for me to track it, but it looks intriguing.)
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Test chart with revised minor angularity:

Code: Select all

 Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang FG
 Mo 15Le59'02" 03N53 +12°20' 163°14' 11N20 320°35' -29°05' 138°47'   8%  b
 Su 14Ta01'27" 00N00 +57'32"  66°30' 21N41  55°39' - 5°03'   6°07'  90% A 
 Me 27Ar30'46" 03S35 - 1'49"  50°17' 14N44  71°24' + 1°05' 358°52' 100% A 
 Ve 19Ar28'04" 01S31 + 1°13'  41°42' 14N30  77°02' + 7°12' 352°37'  86% A 
 Ma 03Le51'00" 01N25 +29'21" 150°45' 13N28 334°30' -32°13' 124°20'  99% N 
 Ju 17Pi58'06" 01S11 +10'59"  11°40' 03N44 105°29' +22°48' 336°26'  11%  b
 Sa 28Cp52'23" 01S03 + 0'24" 325°48' 14S49 160°24' +32°24' 297°52'  45%   
 Ur 07Le07'09" 00N46 + 1'07" 153°39' 11N42 330°37' -32°52' 127°13'  94% N 
 Ne 19Li25'23" 01N50 - 1'27" 221°45' 14S12 257°15' - 6°57' 172°52'  87% D 
 Pl 15Le19'57" 13N36 + 0'16" 166°33' 20N32 322°30' -19°30' 149°48'   0%  b
 Er 16Pi42'44" 22S07 + 0'24"  18°53' 16S00 115°01' + 3°57' 355°38'  95% A 
 Se 04Ar42'03" 10S44 + 0'30"  30°40' 01N03  94°29' + 6°49' 353°10'  88% A 
Notice the Venus Ep-a and NeptuneWp-a are just within three degrees orb, so less strong than the major angle contacts. But the revision really plays up Mars - Uranus at the Nadir.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm away from the house and can't doubke check... Isn't the Uranus nearly three degrees? (Probably not.) It's interesting that the Ve-Ne is stronger to horizon than E. If the Uranus is closer than I'm remembering, this looks pretty good!

I also like the effect of the displaces b. It's Just enough to make a nice difference, even in this crowded landscape.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Uranus is just barely over two degrees from the Nadir, not quite strong enough to dispell dormancy by itself but almost.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

I am building in dormancy checks for ingresses only. As I have it now, a planet within 3° of a major angle or 2°of a minor angle makes a chart active. I believe you allow the 2° to stretch to 3° if two planets are close to a minor angle and have a mundane midpoint within 60' of the angle. I assume that in this case both planets are within 3°. This is frightfully complex to check for at this point in the code (it would be easier to do when I calculate mundane midpoints, but I need it where it is in the execution order.) but I can flag charts where this might be true: charts with a planet 2-3° from a minor angle and no planets otherwise dispelling dormancy. My thought is to calculate the aspectarian as if the chart were active, but print a potential dormancy warning on the chart. Thoughts?
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Not quite the way dormancy is described in SMA 17. So with Zenith 0Ar0 and Ma 2Ar20 conjuct Ju 2Ar40 would you consider the chart active? How about Zenith 0Ar0, Ma 2Ar30 and Sa 27Pi30 (midpoint exactly on the zenith)? Of course I could just assume a chart with a planet 2°-3°from a minor angle makes a chart active, but that would kinda defeat the purpose of the revised minor angle curve.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Sun Apr 17, 2022 1:33 pm I am building in dormancy checks for ingresses only. As I have it now, a planet within 3° of a major angle or 2°of a minor angle makes a chart active.
I believe you allow the 2° to stretch to 3° if two planets are close to a minor angle and have a mundane midpoint within 60' of the angle.
As I was composing the dormancy model, I saw a couple of charts that were quite good but required a pair of planets just outside 2° of a minor angle be counted. (The one that sticks in my head is a lunar ingress for the Long Beach earthquake, which had a totally fitting Mars-Neptune conjunction just beyond 2° from Nadir.) This would all be simpler without that rule and I don't mind it being ignored.

I don't remember the midpoint sub-sub-rule. Did I actually write that somewhere?
I assume that in this case both planets are within 3°.
Yes: I don't think minor angles reach past that at all.
This is frightfully complex to check for at this point in the code (it would be easier to do when I calculate mundane midpoints, but I need it where it is in the execution order.) but I can flag charts where this might be true: charts with a planet 2-3° from a minor angle and no planets otherwise dispelling dormancy. My thought is to calculate the aspectarian as if the chart were active, but print a potential dormancy warning on the chart. Thoughts?
I think the best approach is to ignore the "over 2° only if it's two of them" rule and make it simpler.

I do, however, particularly like something similar to what you just said: Right now, if an ingress is dormant, none of its aspects etc. are printed. This is a minor inconvenience since, at the very least, the lunar aspects (being worldwide or universal) are always relevant; plus, I think it likely (but haven't had a way to test) that even dormant ingresses affect the psychological tone of a place (but aren't strong and distinctive enough to emerge is significant events). Long story short, it makes sense to let a dormant ingress to ahead and display its foreground aspects and lunar aspects while being marked dormant. (Maybe add three asterisks before and after the "Dormant Ingress" label so it stands out even better.)

Take the upcoming (April 29) Arilunar for Washington. It is correctly labelled dormant. Nonetheless, it has more widely foreground Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto with Venus-Jupiter in 1°10' conjunction. I think it's more advantageous not to suppress showing this (and, especially, if there were lunar aspects I'd want to see them).
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Sun Apr 17, 2022 1:52 pm So with Zenith 0Ar0 and Ma 2Ar20 conjunct Ju 2Ar40 would you consider the chart active?
Yes, if I followed my own rules (close call but it follows the rules).
How about Zenith 0Ar0, Ma 2Ar30 and Sa 27Pi30 (midpoint exactly on the zenith)?
I probably wouldn't. The original statement was that the two planets are in tight mutual aspect. The first example has this, the second does not.
Of course I could just assume a chart with a planet 2°-3°from a minor angle makes a chart active, but that would kinda defeat the purpose of the revised minor angle curve.
Exactly. I suggest you skip the sub-rule and make the 2° cut-off the standard (but go ahead and show the aspects of dormant ingresses which lets the astrologer call the shot on fuzzy cases). That seems most elegant, most permissive, and still consistent with the original observations. (If those couple of cases hadn't been so clear, I'd have just done a hard cut-off at 2° for minor angles.)
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

BTW, now that I'm home and can look at that sample chart more carefully, I think the revised minor angle curve is a very good representation of relative strengths. (In the worst case, it's a strong improvement on the earlier one; but I think it's much better than "worst case," and probably the best quantification of this done yet.) It's a difficult quantification.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Having read what you just posted, I will print all lunar and/or at least one foreground planet aspects whether or not a chart is dormant. A chart will be marked dormant if it has no planet within 3° of a major or 2° of a minor. The astrologer is free to consider the chart active in spite of the marking if other factors (close conjunctions just past the 2° cutoff) dictate. Thanks, Jim.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You're welcome - and thank you. (I think all the points of view win with that approach.)

I take it "at least 1 foreground" means if that's the user selection, right? It seems to me the approach is to let the aspectarian go the way it would have if dormancy weren't identified (meaning whatever options the user picks will show - which, for me, would indeed be "at least 1").
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

The January 2023 Caplunar for Upland:

Code: Select all

 |                |                |                |                |
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 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |Ma 13Ta31 08°03 |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |            Caplunar             |                |
 |                |     21 Jan 2023 10:45:57 UT     |                |
 |                |         Upland, CA USA          |                |
 06Sc45-----------+      34N05'51" 117W38'54"       +-----------06Ta45
 |                |   UT 10:45:57 RAMC 164°23'07"   |                |
 |                |   OE 23°26'17" SVP 04Pi56'25"   |                |
 |                | Sidereal Zodiac Campanus Houses |                |
 |                |            * * * * *            |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |   Ep 20Sc33    |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |Ur 19Ar53 12°01 |
 |                |                                 |                |
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 |                |                                 |                |
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 |                |                                 |                |
 |Me 13Sg37 01°41 |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |Ve 27Cp53 11°17 |Ne 28Aq15 11°26 |                |
 |                |Sa 29Cp34 12°37 |                |Er 28Pi52 16°45 |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |Mo 00Cp00 19°20 |                |                |                |
 |Pl 03Cp16 20°33 |                |                |                |
 |Su 06Cp03 21°34 |                |Ju 09Pi07 23°47 |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang FG
 Mo 00Cp00'00" 04S51 +15°22' 297°59' 25S53  91°12' -49°19'  49°20'   5%  b
 Su 06Cp03'17" 00S00 + 1°01' 303°20' 19S55  79°24' -51°05'  51°34'  11%  b
 Me 13Sg37'13" 02N29 +21'40" 279°16' 20S40  94°49' -31°36'  31°41'  31%   
 Ve 27Cp53'18" 01S35 + 1°15' 325°50' 15S22  46°20' -64°54'  71°17'  58%   
 Ma 13Ta31'30" 02N48 + 6'15"  66°22' 24N30 294°42' + 7°19' 188°03'  83% D 
 Ju 09Pi06'39" 01S13 +10'06"   4°18' 00N33 327°30' -50°38' 113°47'  47%   
 Sa 29Cp33'40" 01S15 + 6'51" 327°21' 14S29  42°18' -65°04'  72°37'  61%   
 Ur 19Ar52'54" 00S21 - 0'05"  42°35' 15N59 302°05' -15°22' 162°01'  59%   
 Ne 28Aq14'32" 01S11 + 1'33" 354°19' 03S44 340°54' -58°16' 101°26'  72%   
 Pl 03Cp15'41" 02S17 + 1'58" 300°56' 22S44  85°01' -50°27'  50°33'   8%  b
 Er 28Pi52'07" 11S08 + 0'06"  26°14' 01S04 301°05' -38°51' 136°45'   1%  b
                          *** Dormant Ingress ***                          
 Created by TMSA (17 Apr 2022)

Aspectarian and Cosmic state not included as I am re-writing that code, but it will go immediately below the dormancy marker.
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Re: TMSA 0.5 Preview Release

Post by mikestar13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Apr 17, 2022 2:09 pm ...
I take it "at least 1 foreground" means if that's the user selection, right? It seems to me the approach is to let the aspectarian go the way it would have if dormancy weren't identified (meaning whatever options the user picks will show - which, for me, would indeed be "at least 1").
Correct: at least one foreground is the default out of the box for ingresses, but user can change it to two foreground or all aspects.
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