Luminary sign composition of U.S. Supreme Court

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Jim Eshelman
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Luminary sign composition of U.S. Supreme Court

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In its current term, the U.S. Supreme Court has the following luminary sign composition:

Gem - 2
Can - 1
Leo - 1
Cap - 3
Pis - 1
Ari - 1

Tau - 2
Gem - 2
Leo - 1
Cap - 1
Aqu - 1
Pis - 1
Ari - 1

Tau - 2
Gem - 4
Can - 1
Leo - 2
Cap - 4
Aqu - 1
Pis - 2
Ari - 2

The conservative leaning is quite evident in the Capricorn bias (and in the Gemini lead, although that can go either way). At the same time, the Chief Justice, while true to his conservative Capricorn Sun, has an Aquarius Moon - which often has shown not only in his going his own path but in his humanitarian decency.
Jim Eshelman
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Luminary sign composition of U.S. Supreme Court

Post by Jim Eshelman »

After Justice Breyer (Cancer-Pisces) steps down over the summer and Justice Brown (Leo-Aquarius) takes her seat in October, the balance will shift just a little:

Gem - 2
Leo - 2
Cap - 3
Pis - 1
Ari - 1

Tau - 2
Gem - 2
Leo - 1
Cap - 1
Aqu - 2
Ari - 1

Tau - 2
Gem - 4
Leo - 3
Cap - 4
Aqu - 2
Pis - 1
Ari - 2

Leo now will almost tie Gemini and Capricorn. Expect, therefore, some interesting (surprising to many) overlaps in the perspective of Brown and Gorsuch. Justice Brown also will share a Moon-sign with the Chief Justice, a strong mark of sympatico from which interesting alliances can be built (perhaps even comparable to the famous deep friendship, across the court's widest ideological reach, between Justices Ginsburg and Scalia, especially as Brown's Sun is likely very close to opposition to Roberts' Moon),
Jim Eshelman
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