Mid-life crisis transits now

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Mid-life crisis transits now

Post by Mooningrid »

The present Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces affects all folks on some level. But for me, this planetary alignment in the fishes is extra impactful because Jupter/Neptune are conjuct my natal moon and MC in my 9th house. so i'm wanting to know if there's anything i need to be aware of?

And what's adding to the confusion is there are seceral other impactful transits to my natals:

Transit (t) Pluto
natal (n) Mercury in my 7th.

T Saturn
n Venus in my 8th

T Saturn in my 8th
n Saturn in my 2nd.

T Chiron (in my 10th)
n pluto (in my 4th)

T Uranus (in my 11th)
n uranus (in my 4th)

T n node
N Jupiter in my 11th.

So yeah, mid-life crisis in full effect. Help!! I would be greatly appreciate any assistance in understanding these hard transits.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mid-life crisis transits now

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Good-morning and welcome to Solunars.

There isn't much we can do without your birth data. If you would post this, I'll be able to take a look at things for you later this morning. Here's a post on how to state birth data: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=27
Jim Eshelman
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