Sample Natal Interpretation

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Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The automated natal interpretation is more developed. I've been working it / tweaking it / rewriting it with the Word file model I post here for people to download.

The biggest challenge in it is to not just flood the brain with so many words that it goes numb. Therefore, I think there should be a concise interpretation and a full interpretation both offered. The former is more concentrated, fewer things... the latter includes everything we have to throw into it. OR nearly the same thing could be accomplished simply by the user changing Options sets for the chart in question (since most of the differences involve aspect orbs deserving interpretation).

I assume the text would be in a file that the user could edit.

Based on the current interpretation template, the recommended outline is this:

Header Information & Introduction
Headings similar to current form, with provided standard Introduction text.

Angular Planets & Foreground Aspects
If there are Class 1 or Class 2 angularities, skip Class 3 angularities.
If Class 1 exceeds a decided threshold (5? less?), exclude Class 2 angularities.
List in order of strength.
Then (using all classes of angularities) give all aspects where both planets are foreground (in order of strength).

Moon aspects in what will be the standard aspect order for all sections following:
Class 1 conjunctions, oppositions, squares (in order of strength)
Trines and sextiles (to the orbs selected and in order of strength)
Octiles, plus co/op/sq > Class 1 (using the briefer octile interpretations)

Sun-sign. Sun aspects (as above).

I'm reconsidering whether this should be included. The current paragraphs are essentially the same as the Sun-sign paragraphs and I don't anticipate changing that. The criteria, therefore, would be at least 4 planets in the sign and it NOT be the Sun-sign.

Mercury sign (but, if there is a concise report, exclude this).
Mercury aspects (as above).

Venus sign (but, if there is a concise report, exclude this).
Venus aspects (as above).

NOTE: Consider restoring this to before Mercury and Venus. (I used to have it there, and think it might have been a mistake to move it.)
Mars aspects (as above).

All outer planet aspects (as above) sorted together by the criteria above.

Compliments of...
An optional "Provided Compliments of" notice at the end with the astrologer's name and contact information.
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here is Mike's nativity using the full file, setting aspect limits at Class 2, and without the header, introduction, or tail components - using the current interpretation template. Though I often go back and manually tweak these (once I see all the parts - and an astrologer using TMSA could do the same with the output text file), I'm doing this as a straight data dump.

Mars on Ascendant (2°52’)
Independent, determined, persevering, self-willed. Aggressive, challenging, needs to win (combative, quarrelsome). On the go, needs to burn energy, impulsive (strong and untiring when young). Courage (physical and moral: forthright, outspoken, argumentative). Dominates, commands. Business leadership, competitive excellence. Strong sexual drives need frequent satisfaction.

Independent, self-sufficient, stoical emotions (sentiment yields to practicality). Bold, forthright, steps up to lead. Tough, aggressive, enduring (warm, giving, contributing). Political, authoritative, values control. Contrary, opinionated (takes risk, gets in trouble). Sexually eager, passionate, practical. Business instincts, opportunistic.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34&p=154#p154

Moon conjunct Mercury (0°26' M)
Intellect fused with the emotions, especially with subconscious patterns; thus, quick at assessment, intuitive, strategic (cagey, deceptive). Personality dominated by intellect and nervous system. Tremendous mental output and capacity to absorb knowledge (apt at languages, good memory). Can seem ‘all business’ in emotional matters and emotionally stubborn in factual ones: Under duress, “reasonableness” competes with reactive emotion.

Moon conjunct Sedna (0°28')
Slight misfits (some charmingly, some belligerently), independent but not disconnected, willing to “run separate from the pack.” Experiences the universe as a foreign language, has trouble “reading the signs” or interpreting signals (others’ reality and use of language seem inscrutable). Insightful, grasps answers without logical paths. Visions of haunting mystery. At worst, a very few express monstrous, sadistic cruelty.

Moon trine Pluto (1°49')
Avoids habitual conformity and conventional conditioning; willing to “march to a different drummer” with little concern for others’ rules. Maverick, outsider, gently resists authority. Restless, can uproot on little notice. Deeply inquiring mind.

Moon opposite Neptune (5°19')
Hyper-sensitive. Empathic: can be deeply understanding, sympathetic; also, psychically vulnerable, easily wounded, fearing rejection. Self-defense through avoidance, closing senses, withdrawing, introversion (worry, moodiness). Drawn to the imaginative and surrealistic.

Drawn to the foreign, exotic, wondrous, theatrical, mysterious, glamorous. Wanderlust. Drama, acting, music. Eros vs. moralism. Socially charming. Visionary, romantic, dreamer. Seeks idealistic relationships. Hardened personal reality, stuck patterns. Slavery-bondage. Fickle allegiance, betrayal.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=35#p166

Sun conjunct Venus (1°06' M)
Charming, gentle, fine companions. Keen sense of friendship and natural affection. Graceful. Marked aesthetic appreciation (if not artistic talents). Most comfortable in marriage or similar relationship. (A little vain?)

Sun conjunct Eris (2°48')
A disruptor to the established order and conditions (curious, trickster, mischievous): Open to outlier possibilities. Navigates chaos with practical advantage (leaving a wake of chaos: has little native resistance to disorder).

Sun sextile Mars (2°23')
Drive, courage, energy. Restless, moody, impatient, temperamental, stubbornly if silently prideful. Strong sexual needs. Industrious, instinctive leader.

Sun trine Saturn (2°34')
Effective survivor, works hard, few luxuries; prefers modest accommodations. Authority and other parent-based issues to overcome. Serious; yet good sense of humor. Struggles with self-sufficiency can block progress. More inclined to reaction than action.

Sun octile Pluto (1°35')
“Law unto themselves.” No respect for arbitrary expectations. Antiauthoritarian, needs to be free from arbitrary, incompetent control. Comfortable as outsider; often seems aloof, unresponsive, but rarely harsh. Usually kind, “live and let live.”

Subjective mind: Reason & illogic at war. Attracted to the unfamiliar and vague, to mysterious, irrational things. Sees minutia as through a magnifying glass, hence often perfectionists. Unusual sensitivity (psychic); highly responsive to impressions. “Soaks up” learning. Imagination, artistic sense. Enthusiasm: dives into the fray, power of persuasion.

Mercury conjunct Sedna (2°10')
Atypical mind capable of significant insight outside of usual frameworks (Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Friedrich Engels, Mary-Louise von Franz). May seem a bit mad to others. May find themselves adjacent to power or celebrity. Strategist (may strategize revenge).

Mercury trine Pluto (4°26')
Thinking is individual, unusual, outlier. Probing, thinks deeply about things. Mind may ride the edge of normalcy (may slip off): enthusiastic, excitable, impatient (irritable, easily frustrated, stubborn, challenging). Instinct for abstractions.

Mercury octile Mars (0°28')
Mind is quick, dynamic, strategic. Fast physical and mental responses. Forthright, direct; independent thought, enjoys argument (stubborn, opinionated). Creative. Quick wit, edgy humor. Irritable, nervous frustration, fault-finding. (Vulnerable to addiction.)

Mercury opposite Neptune (6°45' M)
Hyper-responsive to environment, sensitive to impressions (psychic). Magnifies trivialities (perfectionist). Loves puzzle- or problem-solving: psychological relief from fantasied problem solving (may avoid real problems). Dreamer, storyteller; can enthuse others, convince someone of almost anything.

Fantasy relationships. Tender, vulnerable, exploring mystery of another. Wants “true friend” who will not betray. Charmers. Weave endearing images, tend to get their way. Seducible, suggestible, easily enticed. Fond of strong erotic imagery and sensory stimuli. Passions easily aroused, torrential. Mystic; God connection. Receptive to beauty. Artistic interests. Can be unreasoning, led by instinct (a few are plain crazy).

Venus conjunct Eris (0°31')
Sexuality is unusually free from shame. Finds flowering or fertility in chaos. When sexually involved, expresses sexuality with unusual “no holding back” freedom. Indifferent to others’ or society's rules: Faithful to their own moral rules, while entirely free from judging, shaming, or condemning others’ choices (willing to be disruptor). Discloses their inner, intimate self in every act. (Sees each personal connection as one detail in a larger array.)

Venus sextile Mars (0°55')
Passion (in all senses), feels powerfully about things, seeks vivid experiences. Sexual passions mature early, continue late, rarely encumbered by too many conditions. Fun-loving, loves romance: interesting, likable, sociable horny people.

Venus trine Saturn (5°53')
Work, duty, and devotion are gratifying. Restrictions in love; ordinary pleasures may be deferred. Many seem comfortable unpartnered, though there is rarely sexual restraint. Childhood hardship or deprivation shape adult patterns. Sober, responsible.

Venus trine Uranus (5°28')
Pleasure needs are free from social convention or taboo; enjoys diverse social and sexual experiences. Approach friendship, love, and sex impersonally, on their own terms (deep instinct for flexibility and freedom). Popular, friendly, flirtatious, roguish.

Artists, musicians. Tender, responsive, humane. Mystic instincts attuned to love. Sexually attractive, romantic soul, sensual (sexually popular?). Women often tough, competitive, comfortable with assertiveness. Men often second-guess themselves, perhaps a little lost, ambivalent about aggression.

Mars sextile Eris (0°25')
Disruptors carving new paths (sometimes zealously). Breakout creativity and effectiveness. Highly sex-motivated (sexual-social outlier). Women in particular show unusual sexual ferocity and easy sexual freedom (but is this just from disrupting prior expectations?).

Mars opposite Saturn (4°57')
Struggle marks these lives (from prejudice or early hardship). Hardened, tough survivors, self-sufficient, seeking control. Some accept the hardship and focus on “getting through”; some act meek, unthreatening; others overcompensate as bullies (feelings of weakness, shame, inadequacy). Conflicts with authority. Serious, reserved, cautious about enthusiasms.

Mars octile Sedna (1°42')
Warm camaraderie, collaboration, work enthusiasm: Ready to step up and help, strong on service. Lives at peace with variable, nonconsensual reality (few hard lines or lanes, not accountable to others for it). Passion for justice, to “do what’s right” (make right what is wrong, expunge shame). Sexually open, libertine, unjudging of self and others. Perverse, creative imagination.

Uranus square Neptune (1°01')
Wanderlust, curious explorer, drawn to peek or push past horizons. Colliding realities and social revision impact the life. Rules have not been discovered for one’s life (maps not yet drawn, “nobody knows what my life is like”). Mythic, ritualistic sense of one’s position in the universal scheme (need to discern one’s role). Knows that life and reality are more mystical and inscrutable (or just plain weird!) than anyone ever said. High-strung, sensitive, easily agitated.

Neptune sextile Pluto (3°30')
Open to shifting viewpoint, alternative perspectives, variant possibilities: Potential to forge a new worldview and enroll others. Uncertainty feeds desire for certainty, regarding things a certain way and not other.

Saturn trine Eris (5°22')
Gains control of the uncertain (manages to control chaos). Inspires (clings to) certainty in times of uncertainty.

Uranus square Eris (3°45' M)
Sees chaos for what it is, unafraid (quells uncertainty, reassures those who are uncertain).

Neptune opposite Eris (4°47' M)
Unleashing the chaos, letting it flood (living amidst a chaos storm, surfing the wave of uncertainty).
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by mikestar13 »

Basically, if the user selects interpretations, an additional .txt file will be created, viewable/editable in whatever word processing program the user prefers. Basically, the interpretation module will read the chart file and create an appropriate text. Minimum strength of aspects and angularity for the purpose of interpretation will be in a separate options section. For example, you may calculate the foreground as ten degrees but choose only to show interpretations for the most angular foreground planets (say within three degrees). The interpretation module will be able to interpret a chart either immediately after calculating it or later.
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by mikestar13 »

Excellent automatic interpretation. Natals at the least will be ready to go by the time I'm ready to start version 0.7.
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by Jim Eshelman »

mikestar13 wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 9:52 am Excellent automatic interpretation. Natals at the least will be ready to go by the time I'm ready to start version 0.7.
Not bad for "just dump some paragraphs into a file." - The secret of it seeming coherent is the sequence of the paragraphs, a bit of engineering on what ideas people have in their heads before they read other ideas (which "tag on" to first impressions). I keep experimenting with ways to improve the effect of the sequentiality without breaking something else that works well in it.
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In fairness, I suppose I should post the automatic output for my own chart. This one differs from the last sample in that I cut off aspects at Class 1 aspects to tighten it. A "concise" variant likely would also leave out Venus and Mercury signs.

Moon on Descendant (3°15')
Needs constant stimulation (of mind or senses). Responsive, adaptive, malleable to social, psychological, and environmental conditions (impressionable). Strong sexual appetites; responsive to affection, friendship, sexual suggestion. Amiable, accommodating, good-hearted; sensitive, receptive, empathic, tender (touchy, moody, reactive). Vulnerable to judgments, displeasure, criticism. Natural before an audience (connected). Imaginative.

Eris on Descendant (3°26')
Mischievous, curious, trickster, outlier, and disruptor: Naturally navigates the swarm of chaos more easily with practical advantage (but thus also leaves a wake of chaos, disrupting imposed orders and conditions, because they have little native resistance to disorder). Managing the incomprehensible, juggles undecided possibilities.

Intelligent, curious, exploring, discovery, futurist. Eccentric, nonconforming, original, innovative, creative. Social responsibility, progressive, reformer, humane, sympathetic to others’ troubles. Broad interests, instinct for the interconnection of all things (genius). Sexually liberal (unusual marital conditions). High-strung, needs solitude. Astrology.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34#p152

Moon sextile Mars (1°31')
Active-reactive; temper. Detests idleness. Driven, competent, ambitious. Impatient, acerbic, irritable. Frank, sharp-tongued (friction in relationships). Needs physical, emotional, and mental room to breathe. Possible substance abuse. Sexual needs strong.

Curious, mentally sharp, strategic, tactical, analytical, logical, scrutinizing, encyclopedic, preserves information. Favors trees over forest. Bashful yet brazen. Respectful, tolerant, sociable, serious. Courageous in word and deed. Service-minded, conscientious. Active toward social progress (rarely radical). Androgynous traits.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=35#p160

Courteous, well-mannered expression. Tactful, gracious, persuasive, pleasant (sarcastic, withholding). Mediator, negotiator, peacemaker, diplomat (idealist). Masters of finding common denominators. Mind has considerable intensity.

Mercury conjunct Saturn (2°24')
Organizes and formats information in orderly arrangements. (Often blazingly quick thinkers once the framework is established.) Methodical, logical, often routinized thinking processes. Skeptical, scrutinizing (distrustful). Obstinate in the absence of new evidence. Hesitant until oriented, then decisive, e.g., learning starts slowly, then catches up quickly. Gifted with considerable mental power, but easily discouraged (doubting). Treats life seriously. Needs to learn how to play.

Passionate, highly sexed (strong emotions; moody). Friendly, outgoing, likable. Affections impulsive and adventurous: enters intimate relationships quickly (but easily rebuffed). Social outsiders early in life, less so in maturity. Impression of sizable secrets. Need feeling of freedom in romance; not inherently monogamous.

Venus square Pluto (0°13')
Instinctively rejects arbitrary (moral and other) values on love, sex, art (may inadvertently challenge social codes). “All or nothing” intimacy: In human connection, the feeling is, “go cosmic or go home.” Seeks deep connection (sometimes overwhelming intimates) or withdraws from others innocently (or due to rebuke and exclusion). Few intimates: most are of unfiltered intensity. Sexual development may come late (adolescent social rituals seem perplexingly arbitrary). Eruptive trouble in relationships. Can be commandingly charismatic.

Venus trine Uranus (1°27')
Pleasure needs are free from social convention or taboo; enjoys diverse social and sexual experiences. Approach friendship, love, and sex impersonally, on their own terms (deep instinct for flexibility and freedom). Popular, friendly, flirtatious, roguish.

Venus trine Jupiter (1°44')
Warm, friendly, giving, hospitable, popular. Desires positive attention and appreciation (usually gets it). At home in comfort. Unusual luck opens doors. Inclined to indulgence or extravagance. A little “spoiled.”

Venus sextile Mars (2°57')
Passion (in all senses), feels powerfully about things, seeks vivid experiences. Sexual passions mature early, continue late, rarely encumbered by too many conditions. Fun-loving, loves romance: interesting, likable, sociable horny people.

Idealist (not necessarily pragmatic). Serious about subjects of interest: sincere, devoted, studious (seems hardworking; it’s really love or zeal). Passionate with beliefs; moral courage; persuasive. Innovative, ambitious, strategic. Thrives in classic styles. Many exude air of mystery or fantasy (branding?). Many are identified with ideologies, -ists, and -isms.

Mars square Neptune (0°07' M)
Zealous enthusiasm for interests and convictions (obsessive, concentrated). Inflamed imagination and emotion, thrives amidst stirred passion and high drama. Often great stamina for long-term vision (admits mistakes slowly). Surges into temptation, requires quick gratification of desires (usually gets it). Enormous psychic power fascinates and moves minds and reality (often seeks uncompromising control, may have delusions of infallibility). Dramatic aggressions (frustration triggers unresolved anger). Sexually magnetic (yet wrestles with sexual demons and doubts). [High dopamine levels and dopamine-driven behavior best summarize this aspect.]

Mars square Sedna (2°14')
Warm camaraderie, collaboration, work enthusiasm: Ready to step up and help, strong on service. Lives at peace with variable, nonconsensual reality (few hard lines or lanes, not accountable to others for it). Passion for justice, to “do what’s right” (make right what is wrong, expunge shame). Sexually open, libertine, unjudging of self and others. Perverse, creative imagination.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus (0°17')
Mind interested in and well-suited to science, philosophical inquiry, and self-inquiry (knack for astrology). Success through unlikely paths (likely to succeed and distinguish themselves). Committed to progress, instinct for exceptionalism. Ingenuity, insight (sees outside the usual maps, pathways, and systems; thinks on a broader scale). Respectful while unbeholden to artificial rank, class, or caste (it’s unimportant to them); gently resists authority (conflict with authority), speaks truth to power, stands against injustice, egalitarian (social activist).

Uranus square Neptune (2°00')
Wanderlust, curious explorer, drawn to peek or push past horizons. Colliding realities and social revision impact the life. Rules have not been discovered for one’s life (maps not yet drawn, “nobody knows what my life is like”). Mythic, ritualistic sense of one’s position in the universal scheme (need to discern one’s role). Knows that life and reality are more mystical and inscrutable (or just plain weird!) than anyone ever said. High-strung, sensitive, easily agitated.

Jupiter square Neptune (2°16')
Idealist (social idealist), dreams of “something better” (impressionable; desires worthy idols). Unreasoned optimism, faith (drawn to “too good to be true”). Generous (excessively? unwisely?). Compassionate, humanitarian. Conviction we thrive better together: cohesive, collective, community-building. Works best from a “big picture” (moving pieces within it). Forges a distinctive worldview (a window on reality to share). Entertainment (actor, filmmaker, music, literature). Religious, spiritual, mystical interests. Impractical (unrealistic, fantasy) relationship to money (speculation), conspicuous about any wealth they may have.

Jupiter square Sedna (2°28')
Innovators, ambitious. Myth is core to their personal and public power, either by invoking a mythic context or embodying an archetype (or character). May wield a belief system as a tool of power and control (often horrific, not always so). Among the successful, their name, character, or act make a powerful imprint on their time.

Neptune sextile Pluto (0°11')
Open to shifting viewpoint, alternative perspectives, variant possibilities: Potential to forge a new worldview and enroll others. Uncertainty feeds desire for certainty, regarding things a certain way and not other.
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Is this the automated natal interpretation which you used to have under Interpretations and then Full Report in Solar Fire? When I apply this I do no longer get your introduction paragraph, is there a guideline of how to submit or install again?
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I haven't updated the Solar Fire file in a long time, Flo. (It's a LOT of work to repaste hundreds of separate paragraphs, and still not get a format I can use as-is.) You will, however, get this (including the intro paragraphs) from the Microsoft Word file here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3276

The idea is that the file has everything, and you just delete what you don't want. (It's pretty fast.)

I haven't posted an update in a while. I'll do that within the next hour or so (I'm constantly tweaking it).
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

Thank you very much Jim. I didn't realize it's a lot of work to do and I am already very happy with the current Microsoft Word file which I use already.
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Re: Sample Natal Interpretation

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The hard work is for the Solar Fire definition file.

I've replaced the Word file with my current working copy. As mentioned, I tweak it constantly. If you'd like the latest version (the one I personally use), feel free to download a copy; or, of course, use the one you're already using, if you like.
Jim Eshelman
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