Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Solar Returns.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

My job is seriously stressing me out, not just because most new nurses suck at nursing but because now despite being hired as a "full-time" nurse, there are fewer opportunities to work due to low census. We went down to only 6 patients today on a 32-unit floor. I don't know why I took this job, the internal politics of who actually gets to work is just insulting. Most of the nurses that I work with are just extremely rude and self-congratulatory, and I feel like there's a huge double standard in terms of punitive action. Anyway, as Saturn makes its way across my 2021 SSR Moon/Jupiter, I am feeling so anxious, that I wake up in the morning feeling like I want to vomit.

My 2023 SSR looks pretty bleak. Close Moon/Saturn square with the afflicted moon being foreground. Positives: Venus on the IC exactly square natal Saturn, Uranus foreground, and Jupiter somewhat in orb of the East Point. My question is, do the positive points seem to indicate some sort of cushion? I really don't want to lose my nurse's license, it's all I have.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Your current solar return is mixed. It has the positive Moon-Jupiter opposition yet also has TWO Saturns angular (transiting Saturn 0°27' from IC, natal Saturn 0°16' from EP-a). When transiting Saturn temporarily blinks out the advantages of Moon-Jupiter, you're going to feel that Saturn most acutely.

I had something similar earlier this year: I have a really good SSR including Jupiter exactly on IC. When Saturn went across Jupiter and IC at the same time, I had some financial karma and other difficulties to deal with. Because the baseline SSR is really good, it wasn't as hard as it could have been, but I did feel the temporary effect.

I think you can weather this and that your state of mind about the job will change as circumstances change. Also, this job is stepping stone to what might come later down the road. So, let's take a look forward, starting with your next SSR.
Venus_Daily wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 4:41 pm My 2023 SSR looks pretty bleak. Close Moon/Saturn square with the afflicted moon being foreground. Positives: Venus on the IC exactly square natal Saturn, Uranus foreground, and Jupiter somewhat in orb of the East Point. My question is, do the positive points seem to indicate some sort of cushion? I really don't want to lose my nurse's license, it's all I have.
Before we worry about 2023, let's think about your 2022 SSR. You are going through several years with your natal Saturn coming to angles every year. This is going to increase a sense of burden (though adds the motivation and strength to work hard). For your home, the 2022 SSR is marked by transiting Pluto 0°37' from Asc and natal Saturn 0°16' from MC. Pluto squares your Saturn within 1° (mundanely). Moon squares natal Pluto 0°07'.

That's rough. In my opinion, you need to do something about that: Living a year under that chart will be hard, will wear you out, and frankly Pluto's mundane transit to your Saturn can undercut your security. You need a different Solar Return. IMO, you need to plan a trip for your birthday.

Fortunately, there are some benefic lines in different parts of the U.S. I'll state the big picture, then we can talk about narrowing it from there. First, Venus squares MC on a longitude that touches the Florida coast around Fort Lauderdale, then crosses from the Atlantic onto land in South Carolina, passing due north through central North Carolina, W Va, and westernmost Pennsylvania.

Second, Jupiter squares Ascendant on a line from the lowermost tip of Southern California, across a corner of Arizona, through the middle of Utah and Wyoming, and across a bit of SE Montana. For this line, I recommend you not try the California-Arizona part (because of a Jupiter-Pluto crossing that is unpredictable) but consider Utah or Wyoming. (Bryce Canyon, one of my favorite spots in the world, has Jupiter almost precisely square Asc and natal Jupiter not too far from Asc. Venus is third most angular bringing TWO foreground Venus-Jupiter aspects. There are other planets involved, but these dominate.)

We also have to look at the exact latitude - see what of your natal planets might be angular - that's easier after we have an approximate choice. If there is a particular place either along the Venus line or the Jupiter line that you'd like to consider, let me know and we can check it for you.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Hey, Jim, I was wondering. Is there anywhere else in Wyoming that isn't Bryce Canyon. I just saw how many different flights you have to get on, and for a person who hasn't been on a plane very much, it seems very extreme, and I don't want to miss a flight.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 4:41 pm My 2023 SSR looks pretty bleak. Close Moon/Saturn square with the afflicted moon being foreground. Positives: Venus on the IC exactly square natal Saturn, Uranus foreground, and Jupiter somewhat in orb of the East Point. My question is, do the positive points seem to indicate some sort of cushion? I really don't want to lose my nurse's license, it's all I have.
First the reality: Yes, for your home it's pretty bleak. Natal Saturn is 0°21' from square MC, the transiting Moon-Saturn square is 1°29'. It does have transiting Venus pretty strong, but it squares your Saturn so it's not exactly a "good time" planet.

The BEST thing about the chart is that both transiting Jupiter and Venus aspect your Saturn in the foreground. This can be "circumstances ease your deepest worries" kind of pattern.

But, as with 2022, I don't think you need to accept that this is how your Solar Return will be. Start thinking now about where you want to travel for your 2023 birthday. (C'mon, you have a Sagittarius Moon: Travel! Amplify the positives.)

You get the Moon-Saturn square either way. I've had worse Moon aspects: The key is to have strong enough benefics as close to 0°00' from an angle as possible, hopefully within about 0°05' or less.

In what follows, remember I haven't checked your natal planets yet. If there is something here that you like, we can look closer. The problem is that transiting Venus and Jupiter both aspect your Saturn. That might not be horrible - we've seen benefit (when an angular Saturn can't be avoided) in simply making sure Jupiter is essentially 0°00' from the angle, and that might be the solution here.

BTW, transiting Venus isn't THAT close to the angle for your home. Ecliptically, it looks exact to within minutes, but it's actually more than 3° off the angle. It's your Saturn 0°22' from square MC that is the standout at your home.

Venus is on IC due north-south on a line that passes through Pierre, SD (in case you want to look on a map) and moves from Texas to North Dakota. There's a Moon-Venus crossing in the upper tip of Texas (I'd half to work it out in detail, but it looks like maybe around Glazier). Oh, I just ran it: Glazier, TX is pretty good! Other than the Moon-Saturn square, it's a VERY positive SSR. (A little fine tuning could probably put both transiting Venus and Jupiter exactly on angles.)

In fact, let's leave it there. We can find other places, but that's a good start to show you that a positive chart is possible. Here's a breakdown of your 2023 SSR for Glazier, just so you can see with your own eyes.

t Saturn on Z -2°27'
r Uranus on Dsc -7°10'

r Mars on Dsc -5°43'
t Jupiter on EP-a -0°36'
r Mercury on N -0°12'
t Moon on Asc +0°03'
t Venus on IC +0°07'

r Pluto on Dsc +4°47'
t Uranus on Asc +4°49''

r Saturn on WP-a +2°47'

t Moon-Venus sq. 0°03' M
t Moon-Saturn sq. 1°28'

t Uranus op. r Pluto 0°02' M
t Venus op. r Saturn 0°13'
r Mars-Uranus co. 0°47'

t Jupiter op. r Saturn 1°09'
t Saturn op. r Mercury 2°14'
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 5:55 pm Hey, Jim, I was wondering. Is there anywhere else in Wyoming that isn't Bryce Canyon. I just saw how many different flights you have to get on, and for a person who hasn't been on a plane very much, it seems very extreme, and I don't want to miss a flight.
Bryce is in Utah, not Wyoming. If you were going to fly instead of drive, I'd suggest flying into Salt Lake City and making the several hour drive to Bryce.

However, sure, there are other places. Here is the map of Jupiter square Asc. (Save it off, I'll come back and delete it later.) Remember, each location has to be checked against your natal planets and whatever else might make it to the angles, but this will get you started.

Most of the area where this crosses is pretty empty, but perhaps something will catch your eye. Jupiter is the purple line. BTW, while transiting Jupiter is better, you also have natal Jupiter to work with and it's quite close to Ascendant (0°39') for Salt Lake City, we could find a place in the outskirts that would put it exact. SLC also plays up your natal Venus, so both natal benefics.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

How about Thermopolis, WY?
Never mind, SLR Mars is exactly risking on the 5th.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Hey, Jim. I looked at Arizona and Wyoming. The only problem I have is that I want to fly into a city and stay there. I looked at Florida, but Saturn is very close to the ASC.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim, is there anything with Venus angular? I don't know how to use SF that well.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 7:12 pm Hey, Jim. I looked at Arizona and Wyoming. The only problem I have is that I want to fly into a city and stay there. I looked at Florida, but Saturn is very close to the ASC.
I'd stay away from Arizona because of the Pluto lines. I'm not sure why you're skipping right over Utah, but it's your vacation :)
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 7:21 pm Jim, is there anything with Venus angular? I don't know how to use SF that well.
As I mentioned above:
Venus squares MC on a longitude that touches the Florida coast around Fort Lauderdale, then crosses from the Atlantic onto land in South Carolina, passing due north through central North Carolina, W Va, and westernmost Pennsylvania.
You can look anywhere on that line. Get a map and draw a vertical line north-south at about Palm Beach, FL (the place where Florida most bulges outward just above Miami). Because of the Saturn, you probably don't want that spot directly, but you can go straight north through the areas mentioned above. For example, Roanoke, VA is right on the Venus line (though there's a problem at that latitude since natal Saturn is exactly square Ascendant; but this might help you find the line on a map).

Pittsburgh is almost exactly on that line. Your Saturn backs away.

I think (since you want to fight Saturn trends, and since you want career advantage) that Jupiter is a better bet than Venus, but I wanted to answer the question you asked.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Thanks, Jim. I would like to try Bryce. The only problem I have is driving. I have terrible anxiety, and can't even drive from here to San Antonio.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Though transiting benefics have some advantage over natal benefics, Marion and I have used natal benefics when that was our best move - and the results were good. Let me nudge you just a bit on Salt Lake City, which is dominated by natal benefics:

t Moon on Asc -9°20'
r Pluto on MC -9°15'
t Pluto on EP-a -2°04'

t Jupiter on N -1°43'
r Venus on Z -0°48'
t Jupiter on Asc +0°39'

t Neptune on Asc +5°32'

t Moon sq. r Pluto 0°05' M
t Moon co. r Moon 2°15' M

t Jupiter op. r Venus 0°55'
r Venus-Jupiter sq. 1°42'
t Jupiter sq. r Jupiter 2°37'
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

BTW, though I'm using the maps in Solar Fire to zero in, I'm checking each location using Mike's TMSA.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Well, I've been toying with my 2024 SSR. I'll probably have to travel for this one. Not to avoid anything bad but to possibly find something good. I have a close Venus/Moon conjunction right over natal Venus. At least in Solar Fire, I can only see the major angles, the places they hover over include Australia, Brazil, and the Canadian Wilderness. Are there any other Angular alternatives that appear in the US?
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Post by Venus_Daily »

So, what happens now? Can I use my salt lake angles for progression? Will the effect of my new SSR dampen once I return home today?
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 12:49 pm So, what happens now? Can I use my salt lake angles for progression? Will the effect of my new SSR dampen once I return home today?
My experience is that the solar return you got (for where you were the moment it occurred) is your SSR for the duration. It will describe your year. Its angles are subject to transits even when you return home.

My experience is that you either won't feel your "relocated" (back to home) SSR at all, or only very little. (It may have a milder backdrop "buzz.") I watch transits every day to my natal and SSR and to the local angles of both and the effects of transits on my "back home" SSR angles are either not observable at all or are very mild. (One year when I had a very positive SSR away from LA, midyear Saturn transited an LA SSR angle. It was a rough financial month. It could have been worse. Mostly I don't notice them at all.)

You mentioned progressions, which means the quotidians. These are the one seeming exception. Quotidians take place in real time - they occur where you are, not where you once were. So you should progress the SSR for your residence (i.e., for wherever you are at the moment).

Most importantly, what happens now is that you get to live the year under a great solar return. Your baseline is set higher: You will still have better and worse periods of the year (from transits, SLRs, etc.) but the "better" times will be especially (doubled-up) nice and the "worse" times won't be so bad. Overall, things should feel better and work more to your advantage.

Where did you end up having your Solar Return? Was it in SLC?
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Hey, Jim. It was SLC.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:25 pm It was SLC.
So here's what you get for the year:

t Moon on Asc -9°20'
r Pluto on MC -9°15'

t Pluto on EP-a -1°56'
r Venus on Z -0°48'
r Jupiter on Asc +0°39'

r Neptune on Asc +5°32'
t Jupiter on N +1°43'

t Moon sq r Pluto 0°05' M
t Jupiter op r Venus 0°55'

r Venus-Jupiter sq. 1°42'
t Moon-Moon sq. 2°15'
t Jupiter sq r Jupiter 2°37'

Other partile aspects
t Venus co r Mercury 0°06'
-- t Uranus sq r Mercury 0°26' M(
t Mars-Jupiter sq 0°06' M

'In contrast, if you'd stayed home, the strongest factors would have been:

t Pluto on Asc -0°37'
r Saturn on MC +0°16'
-- t Pluto sq r Saturn 0°52' M
-- r Moon-Pluto sq 0°07' M
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Well, a few days in, I feel like things are the same socially at my job. In fact, I feel like the friends I have at work have actually turned on me. I just haven't gotten in trouble.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Not getting in trouble(when you feared getting fired) is a great start - and there's a lot of year ahead.

Meanwhile, did you find anything fun or interesting to do in SLC?
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Post by Venus_Daily »

I got a tour of the Temple's square and visited the zoo. The capitol building was gorgeous, and it was the first thing you could see from the plane as you arrived. I spent a lot of time watching old movies on TCM. I feel very depressed. I spent a long time, denying that I am a human being, who needs to be in a romantic relationship. I guess I denied it as a coping mechanism because the sad truth, I have a strong feeling that men are just not attracted to me. I don't want to be in that mentality where I'm so depressed over not finding love but the trip stirred up all those old feelings again. I know my SSRs don't show anything either. It's horrible, I wish there was a way I could get over it.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Your SSR has natal Venus - your love needs - very strong. And your natal Venus-Jupiter strong, and transiting Jupiter aspecting natal Venus.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:28 pm Your SSR has natal Venus - your love needs - very strong. And your natal Venus-Jupiter strong, and transiting Jupiter aspecting natal Venus.
That's the amazing thing about needs and desires, they're infinite.
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Post by mikestar13 »

Venus, if men are not interested, men are damn fools. My impression of you is you might need a bit more caring than average, but the investment would be repaid with compound interest. BTW exactly my experience with Terry. A bit of work but so worth it.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank you. It's quite easy to say "screw men" but it's hard to have such a flippant attitude in real life. I feel as though I am becoming desperate enough to use witchcraft or ceremonial Magik. I think I may be developing compassion fatigue already already with my job and falling into old judgemental habits...and ai feel guilty. This old man, who I found repugnant asked me to marry him and his only selling point was his social security in exchange fot being his concubine and personal nurse. I try not to judge our aging population because the world already does enough of that but this just infuriated me and really ate at my self esteem.
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Post by Veronica »

Compassion fatigue is a very real thing, especially in your line of work. I have several nurses and care providers in my family and I know that they spend much of thier down time engaging in self care habits (ie massage, yoga, hiking, meditation, housework/cleaning) and hobbies so that by extending care to themselves they have a better capacity to be compassionate to others, and especially to others who they struggle to enjoy the interaction.
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2023 Revisited

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 5:04 pm Your current solar return is mixed. It has the positive Moon-Jupiter opposition yet also has TWO Saturns angular (transiting Saturn 0°27' from IC, natal Saturn 0°16' from EP-a). When transiting Saturn temporarily blinks out the advantages of Moon-Jupiter, you're going to feel that Saturn most acutely.

I had something similar earlier this year: I have a really good SSR including Jupiter exactly on IC. When Saturn went across Jupiter and IC at the same time, I had some financial karma and other difficulties to deal with. Because the baseline SSR is really good, it wasn't as hard as it could have been, but I did feel the temporary effect.

I think you can weather this and that your state of mind about the job will change as circumstances change. Also, this job is stepping stone to what might come later down the road. So, let's take a look forward, starting with your next SSR.
Venus_Daily wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 4:41 pm My 2023 SSR looks pretty bleak. Close Moon/Saturn square with the afflicted moon being foreground. Positives: Venus on the IC exactly square natal Saturn, Uranus foreground, and Jupiter somewhat in orb of the East Point. My question is, do the positive points seem to indicate some sort of cushion? I really don't want to lose my nurse's license, it's all I have.
Well, I have another 6 months until my birthday, so I need to start planning my birthday SSR now. I wish I could make it to Glazier, but it's such a small town, and I know no one there.....so it's not practical at all.
How about Witchita for the Moon/Venus. It would put Jupiter closer to the Eq. The mundane square between Venus/Moon would be exact but it would still be 3 degrees and 18 minutes from the angles. Any other ideas?
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Re: 2023 Revisited

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 5:58 pm First the reality: Yes, for your home it's pretty bleak. Natal Saturn is 0°21' from square MC, the transiting Moon-Saturn square is 1°29'. It does have transiting Venus pretty strong, but it squares your Saturn so it's not exactly a "good time" planet.

The BEST thing about the chart is that both transiting Jupiter and Venus aspect your Saturn in the foreground. This can be "circumstances ease your deepest worries" kind of pattern.

But, as with 2022, I don't think you need to accept that this is how your Solar Return will be. Start thinking now about where you want to travel for your 2023 birthday. (C'mon, you have a Sagittarius Moon: Travel! Amplify the positives.)

You get the Moon-Saturn square either way. I've had worse Moon aspects: The key is to have strong enough benefics as close to 0°00' from an angle as possible, hopefully within about 0°05' or less.

In what follows, remember I haven't checked your natal planets yet. If there is something here that you like, we can look closer. The problem is that transiting Venus and Jupiter both aspect your Saturn. That might not be horrible - we've seen benefit (when an angular Saturn can't be avoided) in simply making sure Jupiter is essentially 0°00' from the angle, and that might be the solution here.

BTW, transiting Venus isn't THAT close to the angle for your home. Ecliptically, it looks exact to within minutes, but it's actually more than 3° off the angle. It's your Saturn 0°22' from square MC that is the standout at your home.

Venus is on IC due north-south on a line that passes through Pierre, SD (in case you want to look on a map) and moves from Texas to North Dakota. There's a Moon-Venus crossing in the upper tip of Texas (I'd half to work it out in detail, but it looks like maybe around Glazier). Oh, I just ran it: Glazier, TX is pretty good! Other than the Moon-Saturn square, it's a VERY positive SSR. (A little fine tuning could probably put both transiting Venus and Jupiter exactly on angles.)

In fact, let's leave it there. We can find other places, but that's a good start to show you that a positive chart is possible.
Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:03 pm Well, I have another 6 months until my birthday, so I need to start planning my birthday SSR now. I wish I could make it to Glazier, but it's such a small town, and I know no one there.....so it's not practical at all.
I chuckle kindly thinking that you have no sense of adventure at all! Those are some of the very places I would go someplace like this. (I almost never go anywhere I know anybody,) But this is you, so let's keep looking.
How about Witchita for the Moon/Venus. It would put Jupiter closer to the Eq. The mundane square between Venus/Moon would be exact but it would still be 3 degrees and 18 minutes from the angles. Any other ideas?
Wichita places natal Saturn square MC within 0°53', the strongest angular planet. It makes it primarily a Saturn chart, especially with the Moon-Saturn square. The closest aspects are transiting Moon, Venus, and Saturn in various combinations to each other and natal Venus, plus Venus square your Pluto mundanely.

It seems to me a chart filled with difficulty and loss. I wouldn't recommend that location.

The key is going to be your natal benefics, probably (since the transiting benefics are tied up with your Saturn). With so severe a Moon-Saturn aspect, the goal would be to put an unafflicted Venus or Jupiter within, say 0°10' of an angle. (For Wichita, two natal malefics are strongest, Saturn as mentioned plus Mars 2°09' from Dsc. Transiting Venus is almost 5° from the angle, and transiting Moon and Saturn are the strongest transiting planets.)

Since this might involve relying on natal planets, I'd like you to narrow what's possible/feasible for you. We have no tool that directly calculates where the natal planets are, so the process is very time and labor intensive, potentially taking hours if I don't know the boundaries.

Please let me know the distance or region you're willing/able to travel and any particulars about what kind of place. I'll work up the best ideas I can from that. Since our ranges (to get those very precise benefics) is a matter of a few miles either side of a line, it will take a lot of work to zero in. (I'm willing to do that for you.)
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Wichita, KS:

r Saturn on WP 0°53'
r Mars on Dsc 2°09'
t Moon on Asc 3°20'
r Uranus on Dsc 3°41'
t Venus on IC 4°27'
r Pluto on Dsc 6°54'

t Saturn on Z 2°05'
t Jupiter on EP 2°12'
t Uranus on Asc 7°39'

-- t Venus sq r Saturn 0°13'
-- t Uranus op r Pluto 0°46' M
-- r Mars-Uranus co 0°47'

-- t Jupiter op r Saturn 1°04' M
-- t Moon sq t Venus 1°07' M
-- t Moon sq t Saturn 1°28'
-- t Venus sq r Pluto 2°27' M
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Hey, Jim. I'm basically willing to travel anywhere inside the US for now.
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:57 pm Hey, Jim. I'm basically willing to travel anywhere inside the US for now.
I'm thinking you have other limits on where this might be - e.g., I thought I was lucky to find the last place I suggested and you rejected it so you must have other considerations (perhaps size of place, airport access, where you know people, or other factors that might not occur to me).
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Post by SteveS »

Hi Venus,
Wherever you may or may not re-locate your next SSR, I am most interested if your Kingsville angular “outstanding incident” partile mundo Venus-Uranus 90 manifests as some type of ‘unexpected sudden’ (Uranus) incident involving a close relationship (Venus). Keep us informed. Thanks
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Mar 09, 2023 6:21 am
Venus_Daily wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:57 pm Hey, Jim. I'm basically willing to travel anywhere inside the US for now.
I'm thinking you have other limits on where this might be - e.g., I thought I was lucky to find the last place I suggested and you rejected it so you must have other considerations (perhaps size of place, airport access, where you know people, or other factors that might not occur to me).
Yes, Jim. Somewhere I can actually get to, for one. I'm not really concerned about knowing anyone. I just want a place where I can get to comfortably for SSR.

SteveS wrote: Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:31 am Hi Venus,
Wherever you may or may not re-locate your next SSR, I am most interested if your Kingsville angular “outstanding incident” partile mundo Venus-Uranus 90 manifests as some type of ‘unexpected sudden’ (Uranus) incident involving a close relationship (Venus). Keep us informed. Thanks
I noticed that too, but I feel like It may not be enough.
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Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
I noticed that too, but I feel like It may not be enough.
In Kingsville it is the main theme of your next SSR and an important part of the whole of your SSR. Regardless where you relocate you will still go through an exact 180 hit of your 2023 all-important progressed SSR Moon to your Natal Partile Mars-Uranus conjunction during your next solar year, a most important time frame. Knowing you on this forum for as long as I have known you, I have always felt your Natal Mars-Uranus in your 7H is by far the most important aspect in your Natal Chart, I feel it deals with a-lot of your close relationships in your life. Also, no matter where you relocate your SSR, you will go through an exact 90 of progressed SSR Moon to you Natal/SSR Sun which will light-up whatever the situations/circumstances going on your life---throw SSR Mercury into this same p. Moon hit for lots of mental communications happening during this time frame of partility. Your 2023 SSR is a most interesting SSR, keep us informed. :)
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I think thr important thing is that of the SSR doesn't occur there, this will never be a factor (unless it's foreground where it occurs). Every year I become more sure that the SSR doesn't relocate back home (or anywhere) once it sets up. You ONLY get it for where it sets up. (I'm about to stop tracking transits to thr back home SSR angles. They keep being a flop.)
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Post by SteveS »

I hear you Jim. Then if Venus relocates she will defintely do away with that Kingsville main angular theme of partile Venus-Uranus in mundo, her choice. But still, no matter where she relocates she is still stuck with alot of prominent symbolism in her SSR, and she still has to come back to Kingsville for all of her SSR Moon hits/symbolism. I hope she can find a good angular benefic re-locate stuff. I am always interested in what happens to people when they relocate their SSRs.
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SteveS wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:55 pm Then if Venus relocates she will defintely do away with that Kingsville main angular theme of partile Venus-Uranus in mundo, her choice. But still, no matter where she relocates she is still stuck with alot of prominent symbolism in her SSR, and she still has to come back to Kingsville for all of her SSR Moon hits/symbolism.
The Venus-Uranus is one of three partile aspects foreground in her Kingsville SSR, which I'm sure is why you think it the "main angular theme." I think the main angular theme in Kingsville is natal Saturn 0°22' from an angle with transiting Venus 0°13' from square natal Saturn - the closest partile aspect on the chart. She has been really unhappy and the Kingsville chart isn't one that would bring happiness.

If one goes by closest angular planet, it's Saturn. If one goes by closest partile foreground aspect, it's Venus to Saturn. If one looks at the larger picture, there are numerous loss and unhappiness aspects (the Venus-Uranus "change" being most likely an unhappy change). The best thing I can see from it is that natal Saturn is aspected by two transiting benefics, plus transiting Jupiter exactly transits natal Sun: This is the classic "things improve somewhat from separation" and could mean an inheritance (which goes along with the emotional loss stuff). - But the "good" news is hardly the strongest message. The strongest message is emotional loss and unhappiness.
I hope she can find a good angular benefic re-locate stuff. I am always interested in what happens to people when they relocate their SSRs.
I do, too, but I'm not sure how I can do that if she won't tell me where she's willing to go. It's a rough chart: I can't get rid of the bad stuff, I can only pick good stuff so overwhelmingly precise that it overwhelms the bad stuff on balance. I found a place with transiting Venus 0°07' from one angle and transiting Jupiter 0°36' from another - this could be fine-tuned to make them exact, which is the solution. (In the town is good enough or hop in her car and drive a short ways outside of town makes it even better.) There's even a close mundane Moon-Venus to further offset the emotional negativity of the Moon-Saturn and Venus-Saturn layers.

But she said no, and that's fine, and I'm willing to start all over, but when I ask "Where?" she says "anywhere," but it's obviously not "anywhere" since she said no to the place I found. I don't know where else also doesn't count as "anywhere." That means spending DAYS trying to find one spot after another to have her say no. (I even found a place in her own state, to make the drive easier - even though it's a big state!)

Without precise "here are my requirements," I'm about ready to give up - unless I can figure out somehow to read her mind and interpret what "anywhere" means.

Bryce Canyon (or somewhere nearby - again, we can micromanage it) gives an almost flawless intersection of Jupiter-Pluto - a big extreme, but overall very positive. But it also is exactly on her natal Saturn setting line. That natal Saturn line covers a lot of the west where the transiting Jupiter line goes (since Jupiter opposes her Saturn 3°) so we have to be careful to get an EXACT spot where the Jupiter overwhelms the Saturn, e.g., there's a little corner of southeast Arizona where there is almost nothing but cactus and transiting Jupiter rising not far from a Venus line - probably too remote for her but there are a few towns in the zone. Wilcox isn't quite right because the Jupiter and Saturn are about equal. I'm not going to take the hour or more to calculate EXACTLY where in that spot is best because I doubt she'd go (and it's not as good as what I've already found). (It's not a great area, the Saturn and Jupiter lines are too close together. Bowie looks like MAYBE the best, with a 6' Jupiter, but it also pulls natal Saturn and Pluto close.)

I can also say pick any spot 5-10 miles either side of longitude 100W20 - anyplace at all - and we can check it against the natal to see if there is an objection. That longitude puts transiting Venus on IC to the minute and transiting Jupiter on EP-a partile (about 40'). It could be the best answer of all. (And natal Saturn, though foreground, isn't nearly as close: Transiting Venus at 17°13' Cancer is on IC when the angle is 15°19' Cancer, so natal Saturn at 17°26' Libra is over 2° from the angle; She still has Venus to her Saturn, but she'll have that anywhere any benefic is anywhere near the angles, so at least we have marginalized the natal Saturn.

Maybe that's the best answer: Pick any spot within five to ten miles either side of longitude 100W20 and let me know so I can check for other things the maps don't show me in advance. (Glazier, TX btw is 100W16, only 4' of longitude off.)
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Post by SteveS »

8-) Jim. Never could or would I do the kind of relocation work you do for people. They should realize--its a time consuming process. I remember back in the days with NOVA (DOS), I would spends hours/days looking at my SLRs to re-locate for 2-3 days at the beginning of em. Their benefic manifested symbolism blew me away. I have only re-located one of my life's SSRs with outstanding results from a psychological local standpoint. But, my 2021 SSR manifested with a loss of very close relationship, and I know that relocating that SSR would not have changed that loss. As long as Venus can mix in some recrational fun time like you do when you re-locate your SSRs, I think Venus should defintely go for it. Dali-Lama says everyone should visit a new locations every year--its good for the soul, so make it a birthday present every year for yourself-- if pratical. and get the best astrologer on this planet (James A Eshelman) to advise the most benefic place to relocate a SSR. :) I want Venus to relocate her SSR for my own learning purposes with questions at the end of her next solar year--if I am still around with memory to remember to ask questions. :)
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Looking forward to you continuing to be around :)

My wife is looking at becoming a travel agent - since she does so much travel counselling on an unpaid basis - and particularly commercializing the ability pick solar and lunar return trips for people. (We have a LOT of experience so far.) I've been happy with the term astro-tourism and plan to use it in future writings (like Vol II of CSA on return charts), but she has a slightly different name she wants to use commercially that has a bit more of a hook in it.

For charts like Venus' upcoming SSR, I'm really looking forward to future TMSA versions that Mike said would include the relocation modules - I think I've designed an efficient form that will make it pretty easy for anyone to start with a natal or return chart and, in a few steps, zero in on ideal locations (usually within a few minutes if they know how to use it well). We'll see where this goes, but we know the principle is sound.

Did you have the chance to preview my Relocation chapter for CSA? (Natal only, of course.) For active forum members, it's available here: https://solunars.com/viewforum.php?f=70
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Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
My wife is looking at becoming a travel agent - since she does so much travel counselling on an unpaid basis - and particularly commercializing the ability pick solar and lunar return trips for people. (We have a LOT of experience so far.) I've been happy with the term astro-tourism and plan to use it in future writings (like Vol II of CSA on return charts), but she has a slightly different name she wants to use commercially that has a bit more of a hook in it.
My wife’s now best friend (GE) has experienced a-lot of international traveling, and now my wife Gayle is experiencing international traveling. GE travel agent is Susan with tons of experience. I may be able to get GE to contact Susan to see if she would talk with Marion for advice about becoming a travel agent if you think this may help Marion? Gayle talked with Susan a few days ago and Susan told her the biggest problems (headaches) for travel agents now is the flux going on with international flights. Many delays and crazy flight schedules. For example: Gayle found out last week that her flight out of Athens Greece back home, which normally would be a direct flight back to US, first flies into Montreal before connecting back to Atlanta. Susan said this has become a major headache for travel agents. Anyway, I think with Marion’s own experience and with a husband expert in locational astrology a travel agent could become a good fit for Marion.
Jim asked:
Did you have the chance to preview my Relocation chapter for CSA? (Natal only, of course.) For active forum members.
No, I have not read, but will read today. I have a good friend/former business colleague (Curtis) born in Flint, Michigan, moved to my home birth town, then moved to Atlanta for his main career gig as Branch Manager for Universal Pictures and loved this career. Then when Universal closed down their Southern Branch in Atlanta, Curtis was forced to move to Dallas and hated his new career as a Divisional Manger. He resigned and moved back east to North Carolina with ups & downs in a new career as part owner in a small 4 Screen commercial theater. After reading your locational chapter, I will do a looks-see at Curtis’s different career locations for his different psychological experiences.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:38 am
SteveS wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:55 pm Then if Venus relocates she will defintely do away with that Kingsville main angular theme of partile Venus-Uranus in mundo, her choice. But still, no matter where she relocates she is still stuck with alot of prominent symbolism in her SSR, and she still has to come back to Kingsville for all of her SSR Moon hits/symbolism.
The Venus-Uranus is one of three partile aspects foreground in her Kingsville SSR, which I'm sure is why you think it the "main angular theme." I think the main angular theme in Kingsville is natal Saturn 0°22' from an angle with transiting Venus 0°13' from square natal Saturn - the closest partile aspect on the chart. She has been really unhappy and the Kingsville chart isn't one that would bring happiness.

If one goes by closest angular planet, it's Saturn. If one goes by closest partile foreground aspect, it's Venus to Saturn. If one looks at the larger picture, there are numerous loss and unhappiness aspects (the Venus-Uranus "change" being most likely an unhappy change). The best thing I can see from it is that natal Saturn is aspected by two transiting benefics, plus transiting Jupiter exactly transits natal Sun: This is the classic "things improve somewhat from separation" and could mean an inheritance (which goes along with the emotional loss stuff). - But the "good" news is hardly the strongest message. The strongest message is emotional loss and unhappiness.
I hope she can find a good angular benefic re-locate stuff. I am always interested in what happens to people when they relocate their SSRs.
I do, too, but I'm not sure how I can do that if she won't tell me where she's willing to go. It's a rough chart: I can't get rid of the bad stuff, I can only pick good stuff so overwhelmingly precise that it overwhelms the bad stuff on balance. I found a place with transiting Venus 0°07' from one angle and transiting Jupiter 0°36' from another - this could be fine-tuned to make them exact, which is the solution. (In the town is good enough or hop in her car and drive a short ways outside of town makes it even better.) There's even a close mundane Moon-Venus to further offset the emotional negativity of the Moon-Saturn and Venus-Saturn layers.

But she said no, and that's fine, and I'm willing to start all over, but when I ask "Where?" she says "anywhere," but it's obviously not "anywhere" since she said no to the place I found. I don't know where else also doesn't count as "anywhere." That means spending DAYS trying to find one spot after another to have her say no. (I even found a place in her own state, to make the drive easier - even though it's a big state!)

Without precise "here are my requirements," I'm about ready to give up - unless I can figure out somehow to read her mind and interpret what "anywhere" means.

Bryce Canyon (or somewhere nearby - again, we can micromanage it) gives an almost flawless intersection of Jupiter-Pluto - a big extreme, but overall very positive. But it also is exactly on her natal Saturn setting line. That natal Saturn line covers a lot of the west where the transiting Jupiter line goes (since Jupiter opposes her Saturn 3°) so we have to be careful to get an EXACT spot where the Jupiter overwhelms the Saturn, e.g., there's a little corner of southeast Arizona where there is almost nothing but cactus and transiting Jupiter rising not far from a Venus line - probably too remote for her but there are a few towns in the zone. Wilcox isn't quite right because the Jupiter and Saturn are about equal. I'm not going to take the hour or more to calculate EXACTLY where in that spot is best because I doubt she'd go (and it's not as good as what I've already found). (It's not a great area, the Saturn and Jupiter lines are too close together. Bowie looks like MAYBE the best, with a 6' Jupiter, but it also pulls natal Saturn and Pluto close.)

I can also say pick any spot 5-10 miles either side of longitude 100W20 - anyplace at all - and we can check it against the natal to see if there is an objection. That longitude puts transiting Venus on IC to the minute and transiting Jupiter on EP-a partile (about 40'). It could be the best answer of all. (And natal Saturn, though foreground, isn't nearly as close: Transiting Venus at 17°13' Cancer is on IC when the angle is 15°19' Cancer, so natal Saturn at 17°26' Libra is over 2° from the angle; She still has Venus to her Saturn, but she'll have that anywhere any benefic is anywhere near the angles, so at least we have marginalized the natal Saturn.

Maybe that's the best answer: Pick any spot within five to ten miles either side of longitude 100W20 and let me know so I can check for other things the maps don't show me in advance. (Glazier, TX btw is 100W16, only 4' of longitude off.)
I completely apologize Jim. I guess I was very vague just because I'm extremely anxious and driving in unfamiliar places would send me into an anxiety attack. I suspect I have OCD ontop of terrible anxiety. Would Salt Lake City be a good option again. Jupiter and Pluto are still on the angles within one degree and making an almost partile aspect. Also, Uranus is only 2 degrees away from the Asc in Mundo.
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Going from memory, I think your Saturn is closely angular there. I'll bed able to check once I get to work when I have a little free time.
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Post by Veronica »

I get very nervous when I have to go new places/ drive new places.
I try and prepare before hand, checking the vehicle over, packing necessary supplies, checking map and traffic, getting cash, bringing snacks ect ect....

The one thing that really really helps me is remembering that I actually have gone to bunches and bunches of strange places throughout my whole life and I have survived each one, and that at the strangest and most craziest or seemingly bad spots I've been in, and that's quite alot bc I get turned about and lost, but at every place where I have ever been scared, worried, unsure, and completely lost...there I have found, or they found me, the most wonderful type of people who take the time to listen and help me get my bearings....

I could tell you a story of when my sister and I took a trip to Tijuana in a 50s Volvo, got turned around and were headed to Encennada on a quarter tank of gas at 2 am, when we met a Hombre on a horse who told us we were lost and how to get going North........
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Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:57 pm Would Salt Lake City be a good option again. Jupiter and Pluto are still on the angles within one degree and making an almost partile aspect. Also, Uranus is only 2 degrees away from the Asc in Mundo.
Venus, I apologize for not getting back to this yesterday. We had an unusually busy day at work.

For your 2023 SSR, Salt Lake City is slightly more benefic than malefic in terms of angularity - and then you have the Moon-Saturn square (that you have everywhere). I would like somewhere more decisively positive, but that is harder this year given at least one Saturn connected to each benefic. At least, this one neutralizing some of the negativity. (All transiting malefics are background. If it weren't for the Moon-Saturn square, they wouldn't be evident at all.)

Here's the breakdown:

t Pluto on MC +0°55'
t Jupiter on Asc +1°02'
r Saturn on Dsc +1°54'
t Uranus on Asc -2°15'
r Pluto on WP -1°38'
t Moon on Asc -6°07'

t Moon-Saturn sq 1°28'
t Moon op r Pluto 1°25' M

t Jupiter-Pluto sq 0°06' M
t Pluto sq r Saturn 0°59' M
t Jupiter op r Saturn 0°52' M
t Uranus op r Pluto 2°28' M
t Pluto sq r Pluto 2°36'

You could pick far worse places! The Jupiter-Pluto square dominates and, more often than not, this is a positive aspect. If this is somewhere you'd like to go, I'd say go with it.

There is, in any case, a lot of change. Old things pass, life gets renewed and moves in some new directions. Given the Moon-Saturn and Moon-Pluto, I still think there is loss, but with the Venus-Saturn not angular I think it won't be as cutting. (It's all trade-offs.)

I do have one suggestion for improving this: SLC is good, but somewhere outside (perhaps an hour away) is even better. Because of the Moon negativity, if I were planning it for myself I would want the Jupiter within 0°05' or at least 0°10' of the angles - something to just overwhelm any strong negativity. This means a 5 to 10 mile range from where Jupiter is EXACTLY angular. For example, Jupiter-Pluto is USUALLY a positive aspect, but not always: It can mean financial ruin, and you have Moon-Saturn and Moon-Pluto aspects. I don't THINK it will go negatively for you because Jupiter conjoins your Saturn - good for economic stabilization. I just want to give you the best chance to have the best result, and that means putting Jupiter within 5'-10' of an angle.

Here are two maps. One shows the Jupiter and Pluto lines in Utah. The other is a better map of Utah showing some cities. My answer to your question is that SLC is better than most choices you could make and that I'd advise (for much better) picking somewhere within 5-10 miles of the purple line.
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Notice that the line at the bottom of Utah touches those lakes. Just across the border into Arizona is Page, AZ. I wonder if you can get there easily? At Page, Jupiter is 0°01' from Ascendant.

The time of the SSR is September 5, 10:33 PM MDT. Time zones may shift as you cross state lines.
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Post by Venus_Daily »

Hey, Jim. Thank You so much for getting back to me. I can actually get to Page. Thankfully, it's big enough of a city to that it has an airport and hotel. It's just scary because I love my job, and don't want to loose it. I just hope this Jupiter to Saturn isn't indicative of the extremely large amount I have in savings. I don't see too much Mars/Pluto if any in my return charts indicating being at blame for something or too much Saturn/Neptune for throne toppling. I'm going to try and see how I can get to Glazier, but what in your opinion, Jim seems like a bigger gamble? Going to Page with a dominant Jupiter (N.Saturn) square an Mc Pluto or staying at home with an angular Jupiter and a close foreground Venus. I know it still gong to hurt anywhere I am just because of the Moon/Saturn aspect.
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Page is better because Jupiter is 0°01' from the angle exactly there. Glazier is really good but the better spot would be half an hour outside of town (we'd have to work on the fine points if that's where you decide to go) in order to get a comparable effect.

Here is the full workup for the center of Page (which is on MST - standard time - during the summer). Notice that you lose the Moon-Pluto aspect!

t Jupiter on Asc +0°01'
r Saturn on Dsc -1°07'
t Pluto on MC +1°36'
r Pluto on WP -1°12'
t Uranus on Asc -3°47'

t Moon on Asc -8°41'

t Moon-Saturn sq 1°28'

t Pluto sq r Saturn 0°29' M
t Uranus op r Pluto 0°31' M

t Jupiter op r Saturn 1°06' M
t Jupiter-Pluto sq 1°35' M
t Pluto sq r Pluto 2°36'
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Hey, Jim. I was looking over the logistics for Glazier. Both Amarillo and Lubbock are smaller cities than Corpus Christi, and I drive around Corpus Christi alone all the time. I guess financially, my life is going great right now, and I don't know the implications of Jupiter -N.Sat - PLuto. On the other hand, my student loans are my biggest concern, and a foreground Jupiter to Saturn may just get rid of those.
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Hiroshima 2024

Post by Venus_Daily »

I've already purchased my plane ticket for Page Arizona for my SSR, but I am also planning my 2024 return right now. My best friend just relocated from Tokyo to Nagoya to help care for her elderly parents. She wants to show me around Hiroshima and hopefully other parts of Japan after I hijack that moment in time for my SSR. The only potential problem I see for the SSR chart is SSR Moon/Venus making a wide mundane opposition to Neptune (Less than 5 degrees). Does this complicate things. Everything else seems perfect, the East point is over my natal Venus as well. Does this complicate things? I decided against Brazil just because I've read and heard so much about violence.
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The Moon aspects as you describe them should not be a problem at all (and perhaps not even a factor.). What city are you currently picking for the 2024 SSR?
Jim Eshelman
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