August 1966 (15th?), evening, San Francisco, CA (37N47'00", 122W24'39")'s_Cafeteria_riot
Three years before Stonewall, the Compton Cafeteria riot was (as history now recognizes it) the first known instance of collective militant queer resistance to police harassment. I'll write more of the details later, but the above article covers it well enough.
Unfortunately, the exact date doesn't seem to be in any available records, which is likely one reason it hasn't gotten much attention (especially by astrologers). It's known to have occurred in August 1966. For time, it began at night (after the owner called the cops, as often happened). One news source seems to be saying it was August 15, but isn't very explicit:
With these information gaps, I don't know how much I'll be able to dig into the event. I'll probably explore it as August 15, estimating 10 PM. This was a Monday night with a New Moon square Neptune; I have no opinion on whether that makes it more or less likely it was a night the cafeteria owner called the cops. (This post will evolve.)
The solar ingresses apply without doubt (and are classically fitting populist uprising charts). After that, the applicability depends on accuracy of the date, though a single Caplunar covered essentially the whole month (and is a fitting chart).
Year: Capsolar {+2}
Neptune on Dsc 1°14'
Moon on WP 1°28'
Venus widely foreground
Bridge (None.)
Quarter: Cansolar {+2 at least}
Moon on IC 2°32'
Pluto on Dsc 3°12' [co. non-fore Uranus 0°13']
Jupiter & Saturn widely foreground
-- Moon-Jupiter co. 3°29'
NOTE: Eris is 0°22' from EP, sq. Moon 0°27'.
Month: Caplunar {+2}
Uranus on WP-a 0°23'
Pluto more widely foreground
-- Uranus-Pluto co. 0°47'
Moon-Mercury op. 0°58'
From this point on, we are dependent on a date that may not be correct. Nonetheless, I'll complete the workup.
Week: Canlunar {+1?}
Sun on Asc 0°22'
Neptune morre widely foreground
-- Sun-Neptune sq. 1°51'
Moon-Jupiter co. 0°10'
Moon-Mars co. 0°19'
FWIW, the Arilunar had Saturn closely setting and Moon square Venus-Jupiter mundanely. The August 20 Liblunar is primarily solar. Of all the ingresses of the month, this Canlunar grabs the frolicking rage and general madness best.
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits
For the evening of the 15th, the CapQ is silent and there are no transits to Capsolar angles or Moon.
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits
No CanQ angularities except a Mercury or transits to Cansolar angles,
Gene Compton's Cafeteria riot
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