Being in the Right Place at the Wrong Time!

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Being in the Right Place at the Wrong Time!

Post by SteveS »

This excellent example for my wife is symbolized by an “outstanding incident” Mars-Neptune SSR timed by an “outstanding incident” Mars-Neptune SLR.

In late 2019 my wife’s best friend won a 12 days paid for European Cruise for two persona including air fare. My wife was invited on this paid for trip in 2020, but Worldwide Covid lockdowns delayed this trip till June 25th –July 7th 2022. This was a dream come true trip for my wife to some of the most beautiful places in the world.

My wife’s Oct 2021 SSR featured:
SSR Neptune partile conjunct SSR DSC 1,47 square Natal Mars partile conjunct SSR ASC. * We relocated her SSR to move this Mars-Neptune off the SSR angles but still 5 degrees in the foreground but with SSR Venus on her relocated SSR IC. When her SSR set-up, this European cruise was not yet scheduled but she/we knew it would fall sometime within her current SSR year.

This trip was finally scheduled completely outside her timing choices-- which fell within her June 19 residence SLR featuring:

SLR Mars partile 180 her Natal Neptune combed partile 90 SLR MC. Fortunately SLR Jupiter was 1,03 conjunct her Natal MC moving partile conjunct for the trip. Also her SSR progressed Moon was tightly conjunct SSR Uranus for sheer excitement for her dream trip.

My wife asked me what I thought she would encounter on this trip with a double whammy of Mars-Neptune with her SSR & SLR for this trip. I told her there would be high probability she would get sick-- since cruises are a floating petri ship full of dangerous germs even in a non covide world. Mars-Neptune “biological correspondence” is all kinds of mucus "infections". Ebertin’s COSI “Principle” for Mars-Neptune is “Irritability, weakness.” The whole ship of people became sick many testing positive for Covid, but fortunately my wife did not test positive for Covid, but caughr a terrible head/sinius cold. Also, all the ports she visited was under a severe heat wave with heat indexes over 105-108 degrees. The crowds of people were huge! My wife encoutered physical exhaustation for the entire trip.

But, in my wife’s mind she damn sure knew she was going to the “Right” Place since this exotic dream trip was free, but found herself in the “Wrong” Time period with her SSR/SLR. I guess the astrological lesson for this example is be careful when you the Sidereal Astrologer are pigeon-holed into a time schedule outside of your control. But, when I honestly ponder this example for my wife, I think this was all “meant to be” for my wife-- because of what Bradley wrote from his Solar & Lunar Return book:
Lunar returns, while more powerful in immediate effect, are subservient to the preceding solar return. Therefore, we must look to the lunar return for proof that lunar returns usually “time” the major occurrences foreshadowed in the solar return.
Donald Bradley, a Brilliant Sidereal Astrology mind!
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Re: Being in the Right Place at the Wrong Time!

Post by ODdOnLifeItself »

Very interesting, Steve. And I agree that she was meant to travel at around that time.

Since you gave us the date of the cruise and we know your birthtime is rock solid, we should expect some relevant (topocentric) primary direction that somehow reflects a "traveling wife." We wouldn't be disappointed, Jupiter trine Descendant 0° 2' arc, on June 25th.

It's worth noting that there is a Jupiter - Asc/Dsc contact by transit then, as well as an AH Jupiter - AH Asc contact by Age Harmonic. Three times Jup-Asc in three normally reliable systems show it can't be coincidental.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Being in the Right Place at the Wrong Time!

Post by Jim Eshelman »

A great example, Steve, though I'm sorry Gayle's "dream" had so much "indigestion" in the mix. - It sounds like, based on your warnings, she was exceptionally careful and managed to stay well.

Since we are talking about this elsewhere, I thought you'd like to see how easily TMSA (with my new Outstanding Returns option set) would have identified this SLR. Here's Gayle's SLR for Springville set to detect only "outstanding" conditions:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ma 23Pi34'55" 01S49 +43'24"  17°53' 05N37  86°51' + 5°25' 354°35'  99% F
                            Radical Planets                             
Ve 27Vi06'10" 01N17 + 1°15' 200°58' 07S26 263°38' - 3°51' 176°07' 100% F
Su 03Li08'34" 00S00 + 1°00' 206°11' 10S50 257°56' - 1°28' 178°30'  99% F
Ne 23Vi25'07" 01N34 + 0°02' 197°38' 05S47 266°50' - 5°42' 174°17'  99% F
    Class 1 Aspects     
tMa op rNe 00°10'100%                                                   
The SSR didn't occur in Springville (thank God!) but, if it had, would have looked like this:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ne 25Aq48'48" 01S10 - 1'14" 352°03' 04S42 264°16' + 0°07' 180°07' 100% F
                            Radical Planets                             
Ma 24Sc01'05" 01S16 + 0°44' 257°59' 24S15   4°19' -80°27'  89°17' 100% F
    Class 1 Aspects
tMo sq tSa 00°22' 98%                                                   
tNe sq rMa 00°50' 88% M 
I'm curious whether individual places she went on the trip had highly distinctive events or memories - and whether these matched the SLR relocated to those spots. This would give clues to how rapidly the SLR adapted to relocation, which seems to be more or less instantly.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Being in the Right Place at the Wrong Time!

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
A great example, Steve, though I'm sorry Gayle's "dream" had so much "indigestion" in the mix. - It sounds like, based on your warnings, she was exceptionally careful and managed to stay well.
Yes. She experienced much discomfort with certain physical pains but told me it was worth it for seeing all of the beautiful locations. I had told her with the beginning of her relocated SSR she would still experience some “outstanding” Mars-Neptune “incidents” in her Solar Year-- with her June 19 "outstanding incident" SLR being the most likely time period when she would experience the worse of the negative effects of Mars-Neptune. When I/we saw the trip was schedule by the Cruise Line with her June 19 SLR---we both looked at each other and said ‘crap’! She knew to expect Mars-Neptune crap on the trip, but was prepared the best she could under the circumstances.
Jim wrote:
The SSR didn't occur in Springville (thank God!) but, if it had, would have looked like this:
Yes, I saw it coming a couple of months before her SSR and got with you on some relocation possibilities. What I found very interesting is the location we chose had SSR Venus on SSR IC, and this was dead on angular symbolism for a dynamite flurry of benefic social (Venus) with her best friend on the trip at some of the most beautiful locations in Euorpe.
Jim wrote:
I'm curious whether individual places she went on the trip had highly distinctive events or memories - and whether these matched the SLR relocated to those spots. This would give clues to how rapidly the SLR adapted to relocation, which seems to be more or less instantly.
I will try to see if we still have her daily schedule of all the places she visited. I know this: Her favorite place she wanted to see on the trip was Florence. And, Florence was where she ran into massive crowds of people on her tour of Florence—heat index of 108 degrees. She said she almost fainted twice from the heat and was scared to death she would get separated from her tour bus group because of the other massive crowds of people from other tours. She experience the worst of Mars-Neptune in Florence---the favorite city she wanted to enjoy---complete Mars-Neptune bummer.

The main crux of this wrong Mars-Neptune timing dilemma is: No way you can turn down a free almost 10K paid for trip with your best friend---still knowing you are going to walk into some Mars-Neptune crap with some potential negative effects. I told her we would try to make it back to Florence with Sidereal Astrology planning the right time for the trip :) . Thanks for the feedback Jim.
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