Mother/Daughter Synastry

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Mother/Daughter Synastry

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I really like your couple of sentences interpretations for charts. Here is one and probably will be more.

Mother: 2/22/1933; 8:30 PM CST; Eden, Alabama 33n35; 086w23
Daughter: 9/7/1960; 3:38 PM CST; Birmingham, Alabama
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mother/Daughter Synastry

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Before the synastry, glancing at their natals suggests a couple of fascinating people with remarkable, interesting minds. They have very compatible types of mind, the daughter's natal doesn't show significant mother issues, the mother's chart shows that maybe she has mother issues but has a good, kind emotional state on balance (though she's kinda whacky - in a good way, probably).

Therefore, it's disappointing to see, at first glance, that the daughter's planets land harshly - emotionally harshly - across the mother's angles. In particular, daughter's Saturn is closely conjunct Mom's IC which is better for a work relationship than a personal one. Saturn draws an emotional line and doesn't cross it easily. These relationships tend to be more distant. It's also part of a moderate Venus-Saturn square. Also, Mom's Saturn is on daughter's EP; so there is distance, things that keep them apart, maybe shared hardship or "taskmaster" pressures. -- Treading delicately, let's dig a bit more.

This is a complicated synastry btw. No quick summaries: There are elements of distance, elements of close mother-daughter bonding, and especially indications that Mom has invested much of her life and soul in daughter's ability to succeed in life. They are "so alike" and yet "so different." Here are some details:

A Leo and an Aquarius: Their identities are similar yet polar. This usually means that they each take think the other takes up ego space that should be their own, and there is a lot of projection - a bit of confusion of why they seem so alike in some ways and so totally opposite in others.

Room for closeness, though: I don't usually rely on sextiles in synastry, but the 0°07' Moon-Moon sextile would have caught my eye by sign of not be degree; and daughter's Moon is near Mom's angle - so much the same sense of fundamental emotional connection is there regardless. (Oh, there's more: Mom's Moon squares daughter's MC half a degree.)

Getting into the details and away from these generalizations:

Daughter Sun conjunct mother Mars, opposite Mom Mercury: Usually this is competitive (reinforcing my sense of ego-challenges between them, each trying to distinguish herself). Can also be "battle buddies," shoulder to shoulder companions taking on tough stuff and the world. Mom eggs on her daughter, wants to motivate her to "get on with it," to be strong and singular etc.

As mentioned, one Moon on the other angle is closeness, connection, family sense, good mother-daughter stuff. Similarly, daughter's Venus near Mom's Asc shows lots of love.

Mom's Jupiter squares daughter's Mars (and daughter has her own close Mars-Jupiter) and conjoins her Mercury: Mom makes daughter stronger, another sign that she encourages her to conquer the world, values her ideas, encourages her mind.

Mom's Sun opposes daughter' Pluto. This, of course, means that Mom gave birth with Pluto transiting her Sun, so we can say that, from the beginning, daughter fundamentally changed Mom's life and sense of who she was.
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Re: Mother/Daughter Synastry

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Therefore, it's disappointing to see, at first glance, that the daughter's planets land harshly - emotionally harshly - across the mother's angles. In particular, daughter's Saturn is closely conjunct Mom's IC which is better for a work relationship than a personal one. Saturn draws an emotional line and doesn't cross it easily. These relationships tend to be more distant. It's also part of a moderate Venus-Saturn square. Also, Mom's Saturn is on daughter's EP; so there is distance, things that keep them apart, maybe shared hardship or "taskmaster" pressures.
For the most part this relationship has inhibited each other a-lot, plainly seen with each others two Saturn's on each others angles. Most of their life they found ways to live/tolerate each other, but several years ago the Daughter got really mad at mother and left, without speaking to Mother for years. About 3 months ago the daughter moved into the Mother's house to take care of her mother who has poor health-- take a look at Mother's current SSR (Hoover, Al). They are driving each other to madness with lots of friction throughout life). Gayle, my wife and Mother are best friends. Looking from the outside, I would say the Saturn exchange with their angles has dominated the main theme of this relationship. Thanks Jim
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Re: Mother/Daughter Synastry

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It was evident that there is a lot of distance, but also that there is a lot of fundamental connection. The rest.. well, as I said, it's complicated.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mother/Daughter Synastry

Post by SteveS »

Exactly Jim. I am sure if the Daughter had come to you many years ago to try and help her understand her relationship with her Mother, you would have delivered a better read for her than me mainly reading her angular Saturn synastry. In fact, she called me a few days before leaving her Mother telling her Mother she never wanted to talk with her again. I just told her I had the same type inhibited situation with my Father and had to separate myself from him. Indeed life at times gets very complicated with all kinds of relationships. I understand where you are coming from.
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