Synastry for my best business/friend in my life

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Synastry for my best business/friend in my life

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote for synastry purposes:
Jupiter Angle: PRINCIPLE: Friendship, respect, laughter. Kindness, generosity. Mutual benefit, prospering.
These two prosper together. Business alliances are common (to mutual benefit). Especially, Jupiter is kind, generous, or hospitable to Angle to a significant respect, improving the quality of Angle's life and endeavors (or it is reciprocal). Friendship, respect, laughter, and good times together come easily. Even after difficulties, they preserve thinking well of each other.
Jim, I want you to know your words above for a close business associate and friend for over 30 years is absolutely uncanny dead-on correct for our synastry charts (link below-with me inside chart—friend outside chart.)

Some background: We both worked as teenagers with the same Company who operated several Theaters in different cities over 55 years ago, not knowing each other until many years later with me as an Independent Theater owner and he as Branch Manager of Universal Pictures and now as an Independent Theater owner himself. It is unreal how we have prospered and complimented each other in Business and the Joy/Happiness we bring each other as close friends. His Jupiter tightly cnj my Zenith and partile 90 my Natal Jupiter is so powerful in our relationship. His Saturn near my Jup & ASC has complimented both of us with much business structure in our careers. My partile Sun-Uranus 90 on his ASC & MC is also uncanny dead-on with our business/friend relationship with your written words on synastry for this angular combination. With only me understanding how much of a row my Neptune plays in my life with the Movie/Theater Business, and his Sun partile cnj my Neptune sends goose bumps up my spine realizing how special his symbolic Sun on my Neptune has played in my business/friendship life, his Sun lights-up my Neptune. My Neptune on his Sun has reciprocated our mutual business/friendship in so many ways. Without going into much boring details, it is unreal how at one time in our relationship his Jup-Pl cnj on my Zenith made the "stunning" lucky difference for me by being able to sell my Theater and retire or close-down my Theater for competitive reasons---its mind blowing for me with this synastry chart for my life in a private individual realization with planetary symbolism.

Thank you so much for your work/words—it’s brought much astrological enlightenment into my life.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Synastry for my best business/friend in my life

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman
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Re: Synastry for my best business/friend in my life

Post by SteveS »

With further reflection, no doubt in my mind my business/friend Natal Jup-Pl conjunction interacting with my MC in the synastry chart brought me a stunning (Pluto) lucky/fortunate (Jupiter) opportunity in my life, it literally saved my economic future, to many boring details to fully explain. But, it was his position as branch manager with Universal Pictures which definitely made it entirely possible for me to Virgo/tize my way out of a desperate economic situation into a prosperous outcome. It also just so happened that t-Pluto was going over my natal Jupiter-Asc at this time in my life, a once in a lifetime transit. This marked the time for the most stunning (Pluto) prosperous (Jupiter) event in my entire life synchronizing his natal Jup-Pl cnj prominent in our synastry chart with my MC, coinciding with t. Pluto going over my Jup-ASC---amazing :o for me to more fully see/understand relative to my life. It just goes to show me how one other individual can make a huge difference in someone's life with their prominent synastry aspects.
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