So.... I have not ever asked for help astrologically speaking - looking into the possible relationship potential with another person. What to say, I am smitten, shocked that I feel romantic at all and terrified all at once. Help!? Am I doomed? lol It's ok - I can take it.
My birthdate: 2/18/1965 Los Angeles, CA 9:06 PM
Weird Romantic Smart Dude birthdate : 7/23/1968 Long Beach, CA 8:10 AM
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - HST
Ph, you poor, smitten thing, suffering so in your smittenhood <vbg>.
First, the "why now?" part. Transits are interesting but not exactly what I'd expect. For example, Neptune is opposing your Mars, which fits in the sense of "aggressively hurling yourself into temptation" and have the shakes and jitters. Uranus is on your Jupiter-Neptune, which is vague, i.e., suggesting a surprise opportunity or something that shakes your belief system. None of this is all that revelatory. (Today, though, transiting Venus is on your Midheaven - just for the a couple of days.(
Ah, here it is: Progressed Moon is also on your Venus-Jupiter-Neptune, meaning Uranus is transiting your progressed Moon, quite appropriate for the world showing you it can still pleasantly surprise you. Moon-Venus has already peaked, Moon-Jupiter comes next. Enjoy the magical mystery tour.
Now let's look at the two charts together. In no particular order: His Mercury is very strong in your chart (several ways). this is the usual "can talk together forever" sort of thing. He probably also is deeply curious about you, which turns you on more than a little. Your Moons are square by sign and degree - a natural simpatico, an easy sense of "blended together" connection.
Ah, but the real revelation is when your planets are put around his chart. Your Venus is EXACTLY on one of his angles. In short, you really can't help loving this guy. (It's part of your Venus-Jupiter-Neptune so it has pleasure, idealization, fantasy). Your Sun and Mercury on his Descendant: You light up the room for him when you walk in. Your Mars is on his Uranus: Electrical excitement, sexually carefree, and you both need a LOT of breathing room - lots of independent (physical and psychological) space to pursue independent interests. You take risks and experiment.
Overall, it sounds a lot to me like a torrid romance while on an exotic vacation without the problem of actually having to go anywhere. I don't know how long it will last, but you are primed to be grandly in love right now!