TMSA's birth chart

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Jim Eshelman
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TMSA's birth chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I don't know when Mike considers TMSA (under the name Astro 0.1) was born, but he announced it to the world August 30, 2021, 0:01 AM PDT, Upland, CA. The chart for this shows it was going to be a much bigger deal - and bigger success - than he thought at the time. It's a glorious chart of Jupiter culminating and two dignified luminaries in exact aspect (plus a sweet Mercury-Uranus octile).

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Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
Mo 12Ta00'10" 00N05 +11°48'  65°12' 21N34  67°16' + 4°59' 354°36'  92% F
Su 12Le05'41" 00S00 +58'00" 158°51' 08N53 342°12' -45°24' 106°47'  64%  
Me 05Vi04'16" 00S30 + 1°25' 179°54' 00S30 309°42' -44°00' 128°33'  27%  
Ve 21Vi32'18" 00S04 + 1°10' 195°15' 06S35 289°52' -37°11' 141°06'   5%  
Ma 24Le51'39" 00N55 +38'20" 171°05' 04N51 324°06' -44°34' 120°46'  40%  
Ju 00Aq51'31" 01S12 - 7'35" 328°34' 14S01 177°03' +41°51' 273°18'  97% F
Sa 13Cp11'46" 00S49 - 3'36" 310°53' 18S59 197°51' +34°55' 246°17'  10%  
Ur 19Ar42'39" 00S25 - 0'30"  42°25' 15N52  84°04' +20°08' 339°46'  24%  
Ne 27Aq09'26" 01S10 - 1'35" 353°18' 04S10 140°58' +44°02' 303°05'  36%  
Pl 29Sg35'42" 01S38 - 0'58" 296°52' 22S48 210°26' +26°36' 224°40'  15%  
    Class 1 Aspects         Class 2 Aspects         Class 3 Aspects     
Mo sq Su 00°06'100%      Mo oc Me 01°03' 81% M     Me co Ma 07°47' 37% M
Mo tr Sa 01°12' 97%      Me op Ne 05°28' 68% M     Me tr Pl 05°29' 44%  
Me oc Ur 00°22' 98%      Ma tr Pl 04°44' 58%       Ve sq Pl 06°26' 24% M
Ma op Ne 02°18' 94%      Sa sq Ur 03°28' 77% M     Ma tr Ur 05°09' 50%  
Ne sx Pl 02°26' 89%      Sa oc Ne 01°02' 81%       Ur sx Ne 07°27'  1%  
                              Cosmic State                              
Mo Ta+ F | sq Su 00°06'    tr Sa 01°12'    oc Me 01°03'M   
         |    Ma/Mc 06'd      Ma/Ju 51'd   
Su Le+   | sq Mo 00°06'    
         |    Ma/Mc 12'd      Ma/Ju 46'd      Ne/Mc 57'd   
Me Vi+   | oc Ur 00°22'    oc Mo 01°03'M   op Ne 05°28'M   tr Pl 05°29'    
         | co Ma 07°47'M   
         |    Mo/Pl 44'd   
Ve Vi- B | Mo Ta+
         | sq Pl 06°26'M   
         |    Mo/Ju 06'd      Ma/Ur 45'd   
Ma Le    | Mo Ta-
         | op Ne 02°18'    tr Pl 04°44'    tr Ur 05°09'    co Me 07°47'M   
         |    Ur/Pl 12'd      Ve/Mc 23'd   
Ju Aq  F |    Mo/Ur 00'd   
Sa Cp+ B | tr Mo 01°12'    oc Ne 01°02'    sq Ur 03°28'M   
Ur Ar  B | Su Le-
         | oc Me 00°22'    sq Sa 03°28'M   tr Ma 05°09'    sx Ne 07°27'    
         |    Ve/As 30'd   
Ne Aq    | op Ma 02°18'    sx Pl 02°26'    oc Sa 01°02'    op Me 05°28'M   
         | sx Ur 07°27'    
         |    Ve/Ju 58'd   
Pl Sg  B | sx Ne 02°26'    tr Ma 04°44'    tr Me 05°29'    sq Ve 06°26'M   
         |    Su/As 53'd   
As Ta    |    Su/Ma 24'd      Su/Ne 45'd      Me/Ju 55'd   
Mc Cp    |    Ne/Pl 34'd
Transiting Pluto squared Mike's Mercury 0°05' - this Pluto transit, I am sure, was pivotal to his jumping into this. The Ascendant of this birth announcement is close to Mike's Ascendant (and Moon had been going across his actual Ascendant all evening. - Seeing that Moon's latitude is 0N05, I realize I should have included Moon's node in this chart: It was at 11°07' Taurus, a few minutes from Mike's Upland Ascendant, 10°50' Taurus.

I thought everyone might like to see this.
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Re: TMSA's birth chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

On August 30, 2022 at 5:58:07 AM PDT, TMSA's release will have its first solar return. Though there are both good and bad indications, the bottom line is that it's a beautiful, happy chart on balance with its closest angularity being transiting Venus being 0°00' from EP-a plus Sun and Jupiter the most foreground natal planets. Here is the whole breakdown:

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Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ve 27Cn59'40" 01N04 + 1°14' 145°45' 14N50  77°38' + 8°15' 351°33' 100% F
Su 12Le05'41" 00N00 +58'01" 158°52' 08N53  75°14' - 5°41'   5°53'  91% F
Sa 25Cp41'04" 01S19 - 4'13" 323°34' 15S50 257°57' -10°33' 169°13'  86% F
Ma 10Ta43'06" 01S20 +32'36"  64°07' 19N57 150°10' +74°02' 278°06'  83% F
Ur 23Ar51'08" 00S22 - 0'18"  46°33' 17N05 208°07' +71°06' 260°50'  79% F
                            Radical Planets                             
Ju 00Aq51'31" 01S12 - 0°08' 328°35' 14S00 256°48' - 5°30' 174°21'  91% F
Su 12Le05'41" 00S00 + 0°58' 158°52' 08N53  75°14' - 5°41'   5°53'  91% F
Mo 12Ta00'10" 00N05 +11°48'  65°13' 21N34 143°54' +74°57' 279°00'  79% F
    Class 1 Aspects
tVe op tSa 02°19' 90%                                                   
tVe sq tUr 00°43' 99% M                                                 
tSa sq tUr 01°37' 95% M                                                 
tMo co rVe 01°59' 92%                                                   
tVe op rJu 02°47' 85% M                                                 
tMa co rMo 00°54' 98% M                                                 
tMa sq rSu 01°23' 96%                                                   
rMo sq rSu 00°06'100%
Notice that SSR Moon 19°33' is 2° from conjunct natal Venus at 21°32' Virgo. Moon's exact progression to natal Venus is October 25, which should be the approximate time (give or two a week or two) of some beautiful, blessed threshold in TMSA's life. Since SQ Ascendant reaches that 21+° Virgo location October 24, I suspect that's the date it will come to a head. Transiting Moon even joins in: At 0:00 that day:

21°13' Vir - t Moon
21°30' Vir - SQ Moon
21°31' Vir - SQ Asc
21°32' Vir - r Venus

(Of course, that's also the exact 0°00' orb of TMSA's progressed Moon-Mars square. It sounds like the software will have sex and get pregnant :).) - With my natal Sun at 22°28' Virgo, I don't really need astrology to confirm that, whatever it is, I'll love it!
Jim Eshelman
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Re: TMSA's birth chart

Post by mikestar13 »

The SSR does indeed look auspicious. The sex part -- we'll pass that over, but pregnancy is apt metaphor for the development process, particularly for as intensely innovating revision as the upcoming release. The "third trimester" has been difficult though for non-software-related reasons.I spent the better part of the last three weeks getting reliable internet for a price I can afford. The in house internet at the assisted living facility has been unusable for the last month or so (though technically it works because you can get online--but connectivity is so poor that you can't actually do anything online), and management refuses to fix it.. I finally found in home 5G internet from Verizon for $20/mo. (with the $30 discount from the federal Affordable Connectivity Program). But Verizon's verification system only works if you have a Verizon phone, which I don't, the account is internet only. So after over 12 hours on the phone (spread over several day), they determined that in order to solve the problem, the will have to perform an account reset via snail mail. Do they think this is 1922? But anyway I have good internet now. Now unfortunately Terry is in the hospital with a bad UTI, and I really can't concentrate on programming right now. The SSR suggests these troubles will be resolved, because if they aren't I don't know how long it will be before I can resume work on TMSA.
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Re: TMSA's birth chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm very sorry to hear about Terry. (OTOH hand, I'm pleased to hear about the Verizon 5G since we're supposed to get it soon.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: TMSA's birth chart

Post by mikestar13 »

Their internet service, 5 stars. Their customer service, not so good. It shouldn't have taken 12 hours with six customer service reps to figure out what's happening, nor should the fix require snail mail. But you will likely have a better experience if Verizon is also your cell phone carrier.
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