My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

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My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

Last night my wife's best friend Dee had to be rushed to the hospital. Dee completely lost her mind and had to be put in restraints---so tragic! Dee’s SLR (below link) which sets-up today. Note mundane Sun-Saturn with Vertex! Moon-Sun tightly squaring Uranus. Pluto 1,13 conjunct Eastpoint-a.
MRI checking for Brain Tumor?


Dee’s birth data: 2/22/1933; 8:30 PM CST; Eden, Al 33n35; 086w23; Current Residence Hoover, Al
Note her angular Saturn-Moon current SSR. She has encountered terrible health problems for her solar year and has gone 85% blind.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sorry to hear this.

Astrologically, the post caught my attention because nearly any Vertex contact I've seen in a lunar return has been a fail - so I wanted to dig into this example.

First, Dee's natal doesn't show someone likely to lose her mind easily. Age is probably a factor. Her natal chart shows an unusually sound mind. (Every major chart factor can turn sour given the wrong conditions and, if Aquarius develops mental problems they tend to be schizotypal. Nonetheless, positive Mercury aspects in an overall balanced, healthy chart show a sound mind and - adding an Aquarius Sun and foreground Uranus and Pluto - an interesting person.)

There are small transits for last night, but these are no more than immediate triggers. For example, Mercury conjoined her Neptune, which is both obviously appropriate AND obviously not the "cause." Her Moon had been opposed by Sun within the prior 24 hours (something pivotal, a lot of focused attention). Things of that sort. Nothing big.

I take it (from your chart) that she lives in Hoover in Jefferson Co., not Hoover in Madison Co.

I agree that the Sun-Saturn opposition along the Vertex axis is the most interesting thing in the new SLR. It exists mundanely (the only way I think such thing could be valid), with natal Venus also implicated. It has the following azimuth values:

90°10' t Saturn azi
91°05' r Venus azi
271°38' t Sun azi

I don't know the triggering causes of this incident. If we take the above as the signature of the event, it's obviously bad and suggests some great pressure descending on her that triggered it, or some age-related organic process. It suggests her having a bit of heartache.

Because Vertex is always such a poor performer in SLRs, even to the point of running contrary to the events, I want to look forward before saying this was the trigger. Nonetheless, it's an unusually good, useful example.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The incoming SLR interpreted by conventional means is dominated by a near-partile Venus-Pluto opposition moderately foreground, plus a little natal Pluto. This is awfully similar in feel to Venus-Saturn, but not quite the same. It does say that significant changes in relationships and perhaps isolation are the dominant themes of the month.

However, the much more dramatic chart is the one that was already in force, the July 29 Demi-SLR with transiting Pluto 0°54' from IC and her natal Uranus-Pluto square also foreground. Basic message: Some high-impact, life-altering even that highly disturbs conditions and makes many immediate changes. (That's aside from, and ignoring, the fact that the natal Uranus-Pluto is probably the aspect of mental destabilization - as it was of many, many other things in her life.)

There is a LOT of Pluto going around her charts right now. The Demi-SLR occurred within her prior (Juily 15) SLR that had natal Pluto 0°17' from EP in RA and transiting Pluto 1°04' from WP in longitide (i.e., square Asc). Her natal Uranus-Pluto were closely transited by transiting Sun. Here's the SLR that still had a day to go when she had her :"break":

26°56' Pis - r Uranus
27°38' Gem - SLR EP
27°45' Gem - r Pluto
27°56' Gem - t Sun

1°21' Ari - SLR MC
2°25' Cap - t Pluto

This is uncannily good. While this change is tragic for everyone around her, for Dee the basic event was a break leading to a fundamental (likely permanent) life-altering change from all the transiting AND natal Pluto.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by ODdOnLifeItself »

As this relates heavily to Dee's health, Alexander Marr would have suggested looking at the Asc-Lunar for the event. (simply when the Moon returns to the Ascendant location)

For this "episode," this casts to Aug 2, 2022; 11:14:55 PM, Hoover, Alabama.

In this chart, we see...

Uranus-Mars-Node conjunction...the flip-out...

Neptune contacts Sun...confused, hysterical, delusional...

Pluto square Ascendant...the "transformation," willfulness, and the outside control mechanisms (restraints)...

When I pulled up the Age Harmonic chart (assuming her birthtime is quite accurate)...

Mars is right on the Ascendant, with Neptune tightly conjunct the Midheaven!
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

ODdOnLifeItself wrote: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:40 pm When I pulled up the Age Harmonic chart (assuming her birthtime is quite accurate)...

Mars is right on the Ascendant, with Neptune tightly conjunct the Midheaven!
These are 2° orbs. Are you using that wide? Using 8 PM last night as a convenient time, AH is:

0°07' Sco - Neptune
1°26' Sco - MC

11°23' Sag - Asc
12°34' Sag - Uranus
13°02' Sag - Mars
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by ODdOnLifeItself »

I get (AH using birth time/location, but Aug 11, 2022)...

Mars conjunct Asc 1° 26'

Neptune conjunct MC 1° 19'

Uranus is nowhere near either... something's rotten in Denmark.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

Thanks guys for your input.
A huge red flag for Dee's poor heath problems is her current SSR ASC 25,41 Cancer; SSR Saturn 23,10 Cap; Natal Moon 22,21 Cap; and probably for eventual seperation from her two daughters Natal Venus 25,44 Cap; a retrograde t. Saturn at 27,02 Cap.

The link below is for the daughter (Laura) Aug 12 SSR, whose Mother (DEE) is in grave health danger in the hospital. Laura had to fly in last week from her residence in Dallas, Texas relocating to Hoover, Al for her 2022 SSR. I talked with Laura last night and she told me this is the most confused time in her life tending to her Mother who has lost her mind and is in poor health. Note her relocated SSR to Hoover with SSR Neptune 1,17 conjunct SSR MC (mundo) for her confusion/worry with her Mother.

But more importantly, note Laura’s 28,25 Cap SSR Moon 1,24 conjunct her SSR Cap Saturn 27,01. This SSR Moon conjunction to SSR Saturn squares her SSR Mars and opposes her Natal Mars---not good for her next solar year. Laura’s biggest fear now is maybe having to have to commit her Mother to a mental institution if the medical world cannot figure out a remedy for her Mother losing her mind.

Cyril Fagan wrote how important our 4 Moons are for analysis. Our 4 Moons are Natal Moon; Secondary Progressed Natal Moon; SSR Moon; & Secondary Progressed SSR Moon. Today, I think most Siderealist include the PSSR Moon as well. We see par-excellent Moon symbolism for these events with Mother/Daughter.

Laura’s birth data: Aug 11 1955; 10:17 PM CST; Memphis, TN 35N08; 090W03. AA rated.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

ODdOnLifeItself wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:56 am I get (AH using birth time/location, but Aug 11, 2022)...
Mars conjunct Asc 1° 26'
Neptune conjunct MC 1° 19'
Uranus is nowhere near either... something's rotten in Denmark.
Ah, it's a zodiac difference. Duh! I haven't seriously looked at these in probably 40 years and forgot my basic math. One doesn't get the same results between zodiacs (even though, in general, one gets the same internal aspect relationships in a harmonic independent of zodiac).

The date is part of the orb difference. AH Asc moved half a degree in the few hours of difference for when we calculated (MC moved a little less). I'd have to run out all the math (no time to devote to that) but the difference between Uranus at Tropical 20°44' Aries and Sidereal 26°56' Pisces is multiple zodiac wraparounds.

After a splurge with AH in the early '80s, I ignored them for a mix of practical and theoretical reasons, but had seen a few good ones. In this case, using the Sidereal zodiac produces a much better chart, although the angles are pretty wide (for a precision hit on her "break") in both cases. The Mars-Uranus conjunction is the only partile aspect, in fact. For mid-evening (I used 8 PM) August 10, letting Solar Fire do the math:

0°12' Lib - Neptune
1°30' Lib - MC

11°28' Sco - Asc
13°07' Sco - Mars
(Uranus is 25°36' Tau, nowhere close)

0°10' Sco - Neptune
1°28' Sco - MC

11°26' Sag - Asc
12°41' Sag - Uranus
13°05' Sag - Mars

I don't know if you take AH planets back to natal planets (or only treat AH aspects internally). The Tropical zodiac would, of course, randomize these mercilessly with one especially bad one in this example: TZ AH Jupiter 12°30' Cancer, TZ natal MC 12°38' Cancer.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

Just got an hospital report. Dee is much better today. I have heard no details with hospital test results. Maybe going to take the two daughters some good healthy food this evening.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

My wife was finally able to visit Dee this afternoon. She was heavily sedated, would open her eyes but not recognize Gayle and quickly go back to sleep. In other words, by what Gayle understands—the only reason they consider Dee better is because they are keeping her sedated, out of a flipped-out state of mind. In cases like this they always keep the room well lighter at all times, with a calendar & clock on the wall next to her Bed—go figure. Very important to keep room very quiet. They have diagnosed her condition as an acute episode of Delirium and haven’t a clue what brought this episode on. The two daughters were frantically texting me asking what to do when Dee went berserk at home, because they knew my Mother had a few of these strange delirium episodes. I told them to try and keep her as calm as possible and call the home health care company who her Doctor ordered last week for poor health reasons. They did-- and a represented came to house and immediately called ambulance because Dee had become highly combative with everyone around her. They tested for mini-strokes but found none. MRI Brain scan came back negative with no tumors. BTW, this episode came on early Wed morning.

I think the best explanation for this episode comes from acute fear over her poor health conditions timed by her SSR Saturn cnj Natal Moon angular, and her oncoming blindness. Also, maybe with the prescribed drugs she was taking at home. As for now they are waiting for her to wake and show signs of normalcy. They have taken the restraints off her legs and arms, but one of the daughters stays with her at all times.
With her highly combative (Mars) actions going berserk (Neptune), I think James AH Mars-Neptune angular fits this event quite well. But I also think Jims angular Pluto (stunning/shocking) with the DSLR in effect combines well with James AH Mars-Neptune.

I am very concerned about her next Aug 25 DSLR which echoes the same symbolism in her current SSR, but is even worse with an angular DSLR Mars, very nasty symbolism. Jim, when you have time will you run Mike’s TMSA program for Dee’s Aug 25 DSLR? Thanks again guys with your input. BTW Jim, yes for Hoover, Al in Jefferson County.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:07 pm I am very concerned about her next Aug 25 DSLR which echoes the same symbolism in her current SSR, but is even worse with an angular DSLR Mars, very nasty symbolism. Jim, when you have time will you run Mike’s TMSA program for Dee’s Aug 25 DSLR? Thanks again guys with your input. BTW Jim, yes for Hoover, Al in Jefferson County.
Mn, there's a lot happening! Here is the report:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Sa 26Cp00'36" 01S19 - 4'22" 323°53' 15S43 108°29' - 0°39'   0°41' 100% F
Mo 22Cn21'02" 05N01 +12°11' 141°28' 20N23 293°37' + 1°26' 181°34'  99% F
Ve 22Cn23'12" 00N56 + 1°14' 140°11' 16N30 291°10' - 1°49' 178°03'  99% F
Su 07Le41'55" 00N00 +57'54" 154°43' 10N30 278°17' + 6°32' 186°36'  97% F
Ma 08Ta11'58" 01S24 +33'48"  61°30' 19N26   2°39' -37°11'  86°30'  97% F
Ur 23Ar51'59" 00S22 - 0'04"  46°34' 17N06  20°41' -36°57'  64°51'  77% F
                            Radical Planets                             
Ve 25Cp44'59" 01S02 + 1°15' 323°32' 15S33 108°32' - 0°16'   0°17' 100% F
Su 10Aq13'52" 00S00 + 1°00' 337°06' 09S34  96°13' - 8°02'   8°04' 100% F
Mo 22Cp21'02" 01S57 +13°43' 320°28' 17S28 111°48' + 1°02' 358°54' 100% F
Sa 16Cp27'20" 00S35 + 0°07' 314°08' 17S54 115°45' + 5°37' 353°46'  90% F
    Class 1 Aspects     
tMo op tSa 00°53' 98% M                                                 
tSu sq tMa 00°30'100%                                                   
tVe sq tMa 01°33' 95% M                                                 
tVe op tSa 02°38' 87% M                                                 
tVe sq tUr 01°29' 96%                                                   
tSa sq tUr 02°09' 91%                                                   
tMo op rVe 01°17' 97% M                                                 
tSu op rSu 01°28' 96% M                                                 
tVe op rMo 00°02'100%                                                   
tVe op rVe 02°14' 90% M                                                 
tMa sq rMo 02°23' 89% M                                                 
tMa sq rSu 02°02' 92%                                                   
tMa sq rSa 02°44' 86% M                                                 
tSa co rMo 01°47' 94% M                                                 
tSa co rVe 00°16'100%                                                   
tUr sq rMo 01°31' 96%                                                   
tUr sq rVe 01°53' 93%                                                   
rMo co rVe 01°23' 96% M
Natal planets are slightly more important, with natal luminaries and Venus strongest. JHowever, transiting Saturn ties it. Transiting Moon and Venus are next.

I don't like that Saturn, but the rest seems like she's getting a lot of attention and there is a lot of love flowing.

Saturn is entwined with the rest ion the foreground. It's not good. Then again, it's not horrible. There's a lot of sadness: My hit is that this means she has a lot of lucid time (otherwise, she wouldn't register it).

When you look at the many aspects involving Moon or Venus, it becomes clear that there are many different emotions spinning around.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, I ran the chart again just filtering for "outstanding" features - instead of showing me everything, just show close (Class 1) angularities and partile aspects. Here's how that comes out:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Sa 26Cp00'36" 01S19 - 4'22" 323°53' 15S43 108°29' - 0°39'   0°41' 100% F
Ve 22Cn23'12" 00N56 + 1°14' 140°11' 16N30 291°10' - 1°49' 178°03'  99% F
Su 07Le41'55" 00N00 +57'54" 154°43' 10N30 278°17' + 6°32' 186°36'  97% F
                            Radical Planets                             
Ve 25Cp44'59" 01S02 + 1°15' 323°32' 15S33 108°32' - 0°16'   0°17' 100% F
Mo 22Cp21'02" 01S57 +13°43' 320°28' 17S28 111°48' + 1°02' 358°54' 100% F
Su 10Aq13'52" 00S00 + 1°00' 337°06' 09S34  96°13' - 8°02'   8°04' 100% F
    Class 1 Aspects
tMo op tSa 00°53' 86% M                                                 
tVe op rMo 00°02'100%                                                   
tSa co rVe 00°16' 99%                                                   
As before, it's a mix. It's emotionally rough, probably rough on her well-being, AND with a lot of love. If I had to guess just from this I'd say she's very late stage, the loved ones are gathering, and she's the center of attention and lucid enough to get what's going on.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

I agree Jim. If I had to call it, I think that Aug 25 DSLR may take her.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

Update: Dee is now semiconscious sitting-up in a hospital bed. She recognizes one daughter Steph, but does not recognize the other daughter Laura, thinking Laura broke into her house as burglar. Dee keeps repeating---‘I want to live.’ So :(
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

Update: Dee is sitting up in bed and eating like a horse after having no solid food for 3 days. Gayle just got off the phone with her and said she was weakly talking but in a very coherent manner.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

Update: Its getting very weird again in Dee's mind! Here ia a text message Gayle just received from Laura (daughter of Dee):
OMG, she (Dee) is flipping out again and asking about where her hand made wooden wheelchair is. She says it's got some red and yellow paint on it ???? It's lost and the red transport chair isn't the one she bought. I know of no hand made wooden wheelchair in her life ??? She is again talking about home invasion and how dangerous it was and how scared she is. My lord Gayle, what am i to do??? Then Steph (Laura's Sis) also flipping on me. I have been transported to a Twilight Zone with my family pushing all the buttons. Docs talking about sending mom to rehab. Will know more tomorrow. We all may be in a mental institution soon.
I went through very similar situations with my mon like the above. Their minds will completely move out of the present in flash taking about something in their past that the children have no idea....Its mind distrubing for the whole family.
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Re: My wife's best friend Dee's tragic event(s)

Post by SteveS »

Update: Dee was put on an anti-psychotic med which seems to be working but has mediated her in a way where she is kinda-like a zombie. Yesterday evening she was transferred to a rehab facility in order to build her strength back in order to be able to walk on her own with a walker.

Note Jim’s delineation of a-lot of Pluto in her SLR before she had her psychotic—break.
….psychotic episodes have been observed in people’s lives when the power of Pluto is strong.
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