Just to note this somewhere: mid-September (9/17 to be picky), my secondary progressed (which is also Solar Arc) Sun begins the two-year partile conjunction with my natal IC. (It's extended seven months longer because it then has to go another 0°34' to finish crossing the Nadir.)
This should be an interesting two or three years (not that most years aren't interesting anyway).
Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
- Jim Eshelman
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Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
Jim Eshelman
Re: Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
Jim wrote:

May you and your work shine Jim.This should be an interesting two or three years (not that most years aren't interesting anyway).

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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Re: Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
Actually, this is today, not next week. There isn't anything obvious about exactly now, it's more of an on-going trend. Also, nothing obviously IC (4th house) connected, just a period of "being my Sun," fulfilling destiny, that sort of thing as far as I can tell.Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Aug 25, 2022 8:46 am Just to note this somewhere: mid-September (9/17 to be picky), my secondary progressed (which is also Solar Arc) Sun begins the two-year partile conjunction with my natal IC. (It's extended seven months longer because it then has to go another 0°34' to finish crossing the Nadir.)
MC is at 1°46' Gemini. There is still the square to natal Ascendant at 2°20' in seven more months, and along the way perhaps something interesting when progressed Sun hits the Galactic Center at 2°07' Sagittarius mid-January.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
If you realize/see it---let us know. When you posted to me recently about my Sun-Uranus partile 90 being tied-in to the GC, I was able to realize/see things about me that I could not see/understand before I was able to see/understand the symbolism for the GC. But, it only truly has meaning for my inner being, not something anyone else could see/understand. I know this: If I was taught some of the truer meanings of my Sun-Uranus-GC connection at a very young age, I would have demanded more income from the company I worked for with my services I performed for em...and along the way perhaps something interesting when progressed Sun hits the Galactic Center at 2°07' Sagittarius mid-January.

Looking completely from the outside not realizing your truer self like you do, I would say somehow your ASC & MC being wired into the GC is the main symbolic reason you were naturally gifted as a master celestial astronomer in the field of astrology, since the ASC & MC are recognized as the two most important astronomy points of a scope. I know this: Astrology would have never came alive for me if it had not been you teaching me some of the finer things about the astronomy that is tied into Sidereal Astrology

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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Re: Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
If I don't slow down - if I keep going - it could be about the time I finish Contemporary Sidereal Astrology, Volume I, which would be an epic accomplishment in my life.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
Indeed, I also thought about this possible outcome. You are a natural born astrological writer.If I don't slow down - if I keep going - it could be about the time I finish Contemporary Sidereal Astrology, Volume I, which would be an epic accomplishment in my life.

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Progressed Sun crossing natal IC
Understanding that progressions seem to work a degree either way, that there is no reason to think they are exact to the day, and that relevant transits can set them off along the way... nonetheless, if I got backed into a corner had to say exactly when progressed Sun crossed my natal IC, I'd probably say that it was around 3:47 AM this morning.
I won't be able to explain exactly what happened except in broad terms. The gist is that, on the edge of sleep, subconsciousness was processing a very strong, vivid, "sense of self buried in the deepest places" type of event, which precisely expresses Sun on IC. (I know the trigger: I'm reflecting on the particular archetypal symbolism of Capricorn for the article I need to write next, and it's about this exact "deep past, where we came from" idea - as will be evident when I write it.)
The time, 3:47, is simply when I finally looked at a clock.
Now, this could have just been the trigger of transiting Sun today. Nonetheless, I'll add the numbers and positions below. BTW, the chart for exactly 3:47 is quite interesting with a partile Moon-Venus-Jupiter T-square on the angles. Moon anchors this on IC, and in the exaltation degree of Saturn - seeming to deepen the same symbolism.
Starting with the assumption that my given birthtime, 4:13 AM, is precisely right (it has always seemed right to within a few seconds), and for the coordinates of the hospital:
1°11' Vir - t Sun
1°45'56' Gem - r MC
1°47'12" Sag - p Sun
Progressed Sun above is straight from SF, which means it is based on the Tropical year. If I'm right that secondaries should be based on the Sidereal year, progressed Sun is nearly the same, 1°47'03" Sagittarius.
Astrology doesn't work with precision to seconds of arc, but if I were to take this as the exact timing (just as an example) it would mean my IC should be 0°00'27" later, or about 8 seconds of time.
I'm not going to use this to rectify my birth time to 4:13:08, but it's another example of the long-term feeling that my birth time is accurate to the minute and probably is exactly a few seconds after 4:13... that 4:13:30 is way to far, that it's no later than 4:13:15. So 4:13:08 seems about right.
I won't be able to explain exactly what happened except in broad terms. The gist is that, on the edge of sleep, subconsciousness was processing a very strong, vivid, "sense of self buried in the deepest places" type of event, which precisely expresses Sun on IC. (I know the trigger: I'm reflecting on the particular archetypal symbolism of Capricorn for the article I need to write next, and it's about this exact "deep past, where we came from" idea - as will be evident when I write it.)
The time, 3:47, is simply when I finally looked at a clock.
Now, this could have just been the trigger of transiting Sun today. Nonetheless, I'll add the numbers and positions below. BTW, the chart for exactly 3:47 is quite interesting with a partile Moon-Venus-Jupiter T-square on the angles. Moon anchors this on IC, and in the exaltation degree of Saturn - seeming to deepen the same symbolism.
Starting with the assumption that my given birthtime, 4:13 AM, is precisely right (it has always seemed right to within a few seconds), and for the coordinates of the hospital:
1°11' Vir - t Sun
1°45'56' Gem - r MC
1°47'12" Sag - p Sun
Progressed Sun above is straight from SF, which means it is based on the Tropical year. If I'm right that secondaries should be based on the Sidereal year, progressed Sun is nearly the same, 1°47'03" Sagittarius.
Astrology doesn't work with precision to seconds of arc, but if I were to take this as the exact timing (just as an example) it would mean my IC should be 0°00'27" later, or about 8 seconds of time.
I'm not going to use this to rectify my birth time to 4:13:08, but it's another example of the long-term feeling that my birth time is accurate to the minute and probably is exactly a few seconds after 4:13... that 4:13:30 is way to far, that it's no later than 4:13:15. So 4:13:08 seems about right.
Jim Eshelman