Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Jim Eshelman
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Co-aspects - interpretation resource

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Danica wrote: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:46 pm An observation on Mercury-Mars interchange (dynamic aspects): Mercury's words 'fire up' Mars, inspire him to action, touching the core of Mars person's need for/mode of physical self-expression.
Thanks. I've added your note above for reference (and for whenever I get around to doing the top-to-bottom rewrite of these that they need).

Now I'm looking to see if I can confirm this from personal experience. I have 13 people I know well who have Mercury within 4° of conjunction or opposition or 3° of square to 28°55' Sagittarius (my Mars position). One or (in a certain way) two of them had the kind of impact on me you mention - they were both lovers who had a keen way to penetrate right into me with a phrase. For the other 11, though, I can't think of a single occasion like this that survives in memory. With about two-thirds of them, communication was often directly contentions, or occurred in a contentious context, or was a bit of ongoing verbal swordplay (or, in one case, just that we've always had unusually candid, personal communications).

There are at least a couple where there is a different variant than you mention - maybe off track, but I'll record it here while I'm noticing it. It's that my ongoing role was to cut through their wordplay incisively - cut past their defensive verbal {bs} - which sometimes led to them staying in my life and sometimes to them departing. (Not just disputing ideas: Specifically cutting through an entanglement of ideas by which they were painting themselves into a tidy little universe.)

Flipping this around, I have 17 people (including you) with Mars within the same orbs of 17°21' Libra, my Mercury position. Looking for the specific effect you cite, I can't confirm it in a single case. In fact, what stands out most is how resistant half these people are to any input or contribution from me. (One was my father, with whom I had a very argumentative relationship growing up, and, especially, he didn't want to hear any of the highfalutin intellectual things out of me because none of it was practical; and later in life, when things had calmed down, he still seemed impenetrable to anything serious or authentic I said. Another is my sister, the poorest relationship in my family. Several other examples of people resisting contribution from me, one of whom ironically tried to steal the greatest thing I've built in my life and managed just to do damage to it for a while. Several aggravatingly contentious relationships, and two or three marked simply by honest, forthright communication.) The biggest, most consistent factor here is the resistance most of them have for being contributed to, and their tendency to warrior-like protect it as if what made their world make most sense depended on it.

There are two, though (the two former lovers in the list) that, for reasons that never made full sense to me, I mostly cut off communication with. (Objectively, I'd say there is no clear reason for me to have done so. Straining to analyze myself on it at this moment, I notice that one of the relationships especially and the other one mostly were examples of easy, candid communication at all points. I didn't really "cut off" communication, though that's how it pops up in my head, but rather backed away without explanation from the possibility of continuing or renewing it later. I suspect I'm resisting just how deep and easy - how intimate - the communication would get immediately and, of course, by now a little ashamed at having ignored them so long.)

After writing and looking at all the above, I think I would now say that this aspect in my life has always "required" easy, candid, honest, flowing communication - which makes the relationship quite intimate - and when either or both aren't up to that the relationships have failed in various ways, either by one leaving, or by being openly contentious, or by the parties "settling" for a much lesser relationship. It needs to be engaged, or willingness to engage.
Jim Eshelman
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