Some observations on the Mars-Uranus inter-aspect:
Uranus tends to uplift and/or greatly empower Mars with their presence in Mars's life. Mars tends to perceive the contact/connection from the perspective of *personal power*, while Uranus from perspective of *larger stream of Creative Work*.
From Uranus' side, Mars may be spontaneously seen as a base/raw, brute or otherwise in some way undeveloped/unrefined individual; while from Mars' side there's a tendency to speak about, and/or behave toward Uranus in a demeaning, disempowering or attacking manner, as (probably mostly unconscious) compensation for own feeling of inferiority in the relationship.
For Mars, the contact revolves around the personal power-dynamics, of which Uranus may be either fully unaware of, or simply disinterested to engage in the relating in such manner.
The Mars side feels especially good in position of being needed-by, showing themselves as "indispensable/necessary" or in some way "the provider of tools/channels for" the Uranus' original, creative expression; the Uranus side is as happy or unhappy about it (willing to accept it & go with it) proportional to the degree of how functional or non-functional it practically gets to be.
I personally know of a few examples where the Uranus' peculiar creative genius is the long-term vital feeding-stream for the Mars' social position and power, and with the Mars person particularly enjoying to talk about the other, within circumstances when they feel safe to do so, in a manner that presents the Uranus in a debasing, denigrating (putting-down, sometimes mocking) way.
From publicly known examples, consider: Osho Rajneesh's Mars and Sheela Ambalal's Uranus; I. Regardie's Mars and A. Crowley's Uranus; Paul Verlaine's Mars and Arthur Rimbaud's Uranus...
Annie Besant's Mars was with Blavatsky's Uranus; Michel Gauquelin's Mars with Francoise Gauquelin's Uranus - for which I only see the more general aspects of the inter-dynamics, don't know enough details re how the subtler sides of it have been manifesting; Diego Rivera's Uranus with Frida Kahlo's Mars, but this highly complex, within the context of Mars in her own chart being a part of the Ma-Ur-Su-Ne-Se clustering.
In retrospect, seeing that what I wrote about Ma-Ur above may be taken to indicate that this inter-aspect *inevitably* would tend to be expressed/manifest through the described kind of internal-dynamics mechanisms, I feel it necessary to clearly say, and emphasize: by no means is this so!.
As with all Mars aspects inter-change, when Mars of one person is in a dynamic aspect with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto of another, and especially when the orb is tight, there *does* exist a tendency toward development of a pattern, within the relationship itself, which includes activities of pain-inflicting, aggressive/abusive, or other kinds of harm-causing nature ( - and this naturally affects so both sides, never only one of them) initiated by the Mars-side; all of this simply stems, at the root, from desire to keep the other side connected to themselves.
Whenever we act in a way which wounds another, it’s ultimately from this “need” (internal tendency of strong kind) to bind them to ourselves in a way which is deep and which allows for a long time (in a manner that is internally psychologically “reliable”!) for us to “be fed”, to be personally “eating” (consuming energy), from such connection -- the wound/hurt creates a “sore point”, something that requires to be healed/amended, and energy/attention is locked into this, via subconscious emotional patterns – and stays locked until the balancing-out comes to transpire.
In worst cases, this mechanism is such that it keeps going on, as a loop feeding upon itself - no act of balancing-out can work toward an actual healthy condition, for the Mars-side in a compulsory manner proceeds with wounding again and again – as a, fully unconscious, way of simply feeding-onto this specific pain/wound-bond, and the other side responds to this in manner which accepts this as "normal", and as a specific way of "love expression" within the given relationship.
(And, this especially tends to get into a "lock-clench" condition when the aspect is between Mars and Saturn - unlike with Mars and the three other mentioned planets, where the tendency of the other side in how they'll respond tends to get much less rigid, and does leave much more of an "open space conditions" for the energy to eventually get to flow freely, instead of being perpetually held into the described kind of loops.)
But none of this is a "default tendency", an expected way for the interchange to tend to develop with some kind of "inevitability" in it.
How will this practically turn out depends to a great degree on the specific nature of the Nativity whose Mars is in question, the peculiar “situation” of Mars in their chart, and on how actually developed (evolved) the Mars-ergie within the psyche is.
With these synastry combinations, the Mars person is in position, through the given relationship, to most directly and with a peculiar quality and “boost” of intensity to that which comes from the other person’s ergie/presence, work on exactly this, the development (“purging” and further evolving, authentic healthy growth) of their own Mars-side of the psyche.
Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
Amate Se Mutuo Cum Corda Ardentia
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