With Mars-Pluto, Mars may tend to feel simply entirely smashed-kind-of overpowered by the Plutonian partner’s presence in their life; the impact is akin to an atomic bomb exploding – there’s an explosion, and then, there’s radiation from it which lasts long, affecting every living cell within the given environment. Both sides in this contact may tend to feel threatened by the other, and each responding to that in the manner peculiar for the planet and in accordance to their overall Nativity and the developmental level of psyche; this is *not* an easy-contact, and to direct the energy of it to move in most functional, creative manner requires conscious, determined focus and work on it from both sides.
The dynamic, if left to develop along non-conscious, automatic, most rudimentary lines, may tend to create conditions in which there’s a pattern of: Mars provoking Pluto, attacking (in a subtle, indirect manner), in order to receive a reaction, and being not-satisfied with anything but a full-blow-explosion of atomic kind; and Pluto either entering this “game” by getting into pattern of such default-behavior, or emotionally (and/or physically) withdrawing, and over time more and more so, until the tension between the two amounts to such a scope and degree that there’s nothing else left but for there to come to an ultimate-explosion which brings damage to both sides and ends the relationship, or for Pluto to entirely, fully withdraw by simply just disappearing one day, never again coming to engage in contact with the Mars-side.
In this interchange, the subtleties of behavior of both sides are extremely important; the described facets of the pathologically-tending dynamic rarely get to transpire via the direct and open attacks from Mars toward the Pluto; it’s through the “small things”, the seeming “tiny daily tidbits” within the pattern of Mars’s behavior that get to “irk” the Plutonian partner and without Pluto in any way immediately, directly and clearly responding to this by open, non-violent communication; these then accrue, until there’s so much of it that a fully automatic, compulsory, without any conscious “say” in it from Plutonian side, “explosion” takes place – Pluto being the “erupting” side, but both being affected by the devastating effects of it.
So, from practical perspective, it is important for Pluto to be ongoingly adequately responding, immediately as-it-comes-to-attention, to every such, however tiny-seeming, “irking” activity from Mars’s side; and for Mars, to consciously work on not engaging in compulsory, default behavior-patterns which are rooted in desire to keep Pluto’s attention/energy primarily and fully focused onto themselves (via the wound-bond mechanism); and it is very important, in this particular interchange dynamic, that the Mars side fully accepts and understands the Pluto’s need for having own time/space of isolation, such that Mars’s presence does not come up in any intrusive way to “break” this – it may come the hardest for Mars to internally fully get it that the need for this does not come from Pluto’s “not caring about” the Mars side, or “not paying attention” to them, but it’s related to Pluto-person’s own internal rhythms and natural developmental requirements.
The more Mars is able to, on subconscious level, develop internal full, unreserved trust (instead of automatically tending to act from who-holds-the-power perspective) and allow the Pluto-side to “dictate” the rhythms and timings of such full naked-openness of Meeting which is Energy-releasing in an of-atomic-quality-kind manner (it’s not that Pluto “dictates” this by some intellectual process, or via what the conscious mind of the given person thinks/is- doing; it originates from far deeper levels, and can thus work in-best-way-for-all when allowed to get-expressed, flow-out without any kind of being forced, “triggered” toward this by something from the environment) - the better can this relationship work.
To be able to most-harmoniously, without any kind of harm/pain-patterns, function within such a relationship, is akin to no less than being able to “harness” the atomic power in such manner that there are no specific outwardly-perceivable explosions, yet the energy flows, is continually moving in a wave-like manner, so that there is an ongoing healthy-kind of “radiation” to it, or, we can say, an "emanation" of a peculiar type - the energy moving in way and at frequencies which affect the two people involved, as well as the whole of their environment, in a Harmonious (healing, uplifting, beautifying, supportive-of-healthy-growth) manner.
[When the inter-aspect is within the context of a romantic partnership, Tantric kind of practices, on regular basis, with both sides earnestly engaged to participate to their own utmost-best, are highly recommended

These observations of the Mars - Pluto are from personally known examples; the peculiarity of the subtleties of this dynamics is such that I don't think it'd be of much use to seek to find publicly-known examples which in a direct, open manner "showcase" the details of it.
But I'm sure everyone reading this who knows at least a few examples of synastry with this aspect prominent -- and especially if there are examples of your own close contacts/relationships that have this inter-aspect with a tight orb -- is in position to reflect on these notes and see how the described dynamics practically works.