I've attempted to analyze a relationship using the techniques offered on this website. Below is what I've copy and pasted from the aspect and transit descriptions. It's possible I made some mistakes. Attempting to integrate a lot of new information!
Assuming what I have is almost correct, I see some pros, and cons. Overall it's looking like a very transformative relationship, with some serious undertones, need for freedom/eccentricity, and sparking initiative/work/goals. But it has that recommended Moon/Sun conjunction (well, 4 degrees).
A very upbeat fun relationship covering hushed personal sadnesses and silent uncertainties
Forgive the lengthy post. I'm curious what the takeaway might be. .
Me: person A: May 30 1989 Beaverton Oregon 8:51am
He: person B: June 16 1985 Eugene Oregon 9:36am
Layer 1:
Person B will feel
4' conjunct A sun B moon - "inner emotional world will feel illuminated in a way that clarifies feelings and enhances self-realization.
This classic, archetypal aspect of union is a most common, positive interchange for marriages and other close connections. Moon-Sun signals powerful attraction and desire: Each completes the other. This interchange’s dynamics match historic patterns of male-female marriage in the West, though it has adapted, finding new expressions as relationship customs have evolved. Sun and Moon are historic root symbols of male and female, respectively: Their aspect especially shows Moon in service and support of Sun’s purposes in the world, while Sun illuminates, invigorates, and (literally or metaphorically) impregnates Moon. Sun tends to be dominant and leading in the relationship (Sun is the “top”) though with no innate sense that either party finds it unbalanced. (However, unequal power should be considered an area for the two people to address together consciously.)"
0'37 opposition A Jupiter B Uranus - "need for freedom - Progress, achievement through atypical paths, surprising luck"
1'43 conjunct A Venus B Sun -
"Solid, open, deep friendship, companionship, and camaraderie. Venus admires (loves, venerates) and honestly likes Sun, who reciprocates this flattering affection and often serves as Venus' trusted advisor. It is an excellent aspect for "taking under the wing" mentorship by Sun. Uncommon for sexual attraction or marriage. "
1'50 square A Pluto B Asc - "Pluto makes a major (perhaps life-altering) impact on Angle, either a brief blow or as a long-term catalyst. (Most of these relationships are flitting. A few exceptional ones are not.) Unless brief, these relationships have similar high-impact effect through dramatic endings, as by separation, alienation, or an unusually poignant death. Angle often draws Pluto from obscurity into a larger world. Pluto, as an outsider, may upset Angle's apple cart in unexpected ways."
{Side note - Pluto is on his IC. I've been living with him for nearly a year. We moved in quickly, after being friends for a year, and things accelerated quickly while I was experiencing a lot of upheaval, anxiety and healing. He was very much there for me, emotionally, grounding. But I know my moving into his space has been a very difficult adjustment for him (and for us both) (he's an avid collector of trinkets, old furniture and rocks, and is emotionally connected to all of his stuff and house/investment, and I much prefer simple usable clean spaces. Our lifestyles differ a lot too, and I think we both feel we're overly accommodating for the other).}
Person A will feel:
4' conjunct A sun B moon
Same as above
1'43 conjunct A Venus B Sun -
Same as above
3'16 opposite a pluto b venus -"Initial intensity can be impactful, making this seem an important relationship - at least, for a short while. However, these connections usually feel arm's length emotionally and rarely last long or seem important in hindsight. Without high-chemistry aspects, these two may miss connecting with each other altogether."
3'43 square a Pluto b Jupiter - "Outlier ambition, singular, extraordinary achievement or fall"
0'33 opposition A Uranus B Mars -
"These relationships flourish best when both have plenty of independent space for matters that interest them and their own initiatives. Given that, expect electrical excitement while the relationship lasts (whether briefly or for a lifetime). Too much restriction by either party makes the relationship unworkable or intolerable. Sex (often unexpected at first) satisfies best when carefree, enthusiastic, uncommitted, and adventurous. Mars especially excites Uranus and makes possible (has the means for) what Uranus wants most (whether in career, adventure, or orgasms). Both are emboldened to take risks and experiment. "
Square A MC B Mars "Together, they expend great physical energy, usually as open physical aggression taking many forms: sex, hard work or play, Mars physically attacking Angle, or the two attacking someone else together. Mars drives Angle hard. Some pairs eventually develop bitter antipathy (most do not). Angle may respond to Mars' strength and virility, stirring intense admiration or arousal. Mars liberally unleashes sex force with Angle, usually as a wholly physical act that ignites a comparable response."
Layer 2
"Transit" / the "event" of the experience for B:
0'54 sesquisquare A Jupiter B Pluto
"Thrives being controversial within their (social or political) circles. Strong desire to contribute. Feels unbound by precedent. Unapologetic genuineness + commitment to community (family, group, tribe); social outlier but not aloof. Controversial, appears rebellious against contemporary structures (social, intellectual, political). May hunger to "be something," especially seen, accepted, affirmed by others. Self-improvement indifferent to the rules. Success and prosperity fluctuate (roller-coaster), may not last; may overestimate own importance or standing."
Neptune(B) conjunct Uranus (A) "Turning point: looking for more in life than you have found so far. Marked individualism. Disruptive if you resist change; exhilarating if you go for it! Some tension, moodiness."
1'50 square A Pluto B Asc - "Changes in environment or family relationships. Substantial psychological changes. Private, reflective, freer from others' opinions. You stand close enough to touch the essence of yourself if only you will! Benefit from self-exploration techniques."
0'37 opposition A Jupiter B Uranus - "Your originality is applauded and encouraged. Possible gain from new ideas. Personal sense of uniqueness is exalted (leading to egoism?). Restless dissatisfaction for broader horizons. "
1'01 semi-square A Venus B Venus - "Warm, pleasant, friendly (not passionate). Similar tastes." (Is this true even with a semi-square?)
Uranus opposing natal mars - "Restless, rebellious, abrupt, taking risks. Need for "elbow room." Industrious, enterprising. Awakens passions and sense of sexual adventure. Obstinate; forces issues."
opposite a pluto b venus -
"Either distance and withdrawing from closeness, intimacy, sex; or dropping barriers for a profound connection. Little in between. Key relationship decisions or turning-point."
1'43 conjunct A Venus B Sun - "Pleasant, probably social. Relationships draw attention, especially close friendships. Romance is playful. Domestic matters give pleasure. Indulge in something outrageous!"
Eris transiting Eris - possibility of being "thrown"/ flustered/awkward in situations in which you're normally fully capable and composed
The sun recently passed his moon - "Special attention received (probably favorable) from someone whose opinion or good favor you value. Deeply personal contacts likely. A busy time; personal concerns demand extra attention."
and venus is about to conjoin his sun -
"Social, playful. Feeling good about oneself. Flattering attention, possibly sexual, surely affectionate. Compliments, maybe gifts. Sentimental, tender; strong feelings; close relationships very important."
"Transit" / the "event" of the experience for A:
Mercury opposite uranus -
"Independent thinker. Curiosity and investigative spirit in most things. Mind unfettered by formality and standards, solves problems and integrates data more intuitively. Rejects linearity, lacks rigor in learning. Many interests, diverse, often unusual (including astrology or occultism). Speech engages others’ attention, usually has something interesting to say; challenges convention or authority, dares to speak despite consequences. Gentle rebellious behavior (“bad boy/girl”) seems rooted in, “Don’t tell me how to think.” Socially odd, but not ostracized for it."
Mercury square mc "Your own ideas and plans gain an enhanced importance for you. Commerce, information exchange, transportation, self-expression and/or the intellect dominate the time. "
1'01 semi-square A Venus B Venus - "Warm, pleasant, friendly (not passionate). Similar tastes."
1'50 conjunct A uranus B neptune - "Altered views of reality stimulate important inner changes. A temptation or dream inspires you to take a leap, make changes, maybe overhaul your whole life. Wanderlust, exotic ideas, ingenuity, new perspectives. Fantasy in confrontation with reality."
0'52 square A MC B Neptune - "Quest for something meaningful, probably involves close relationships. Either dissolving rigid views that separate you from others, thus new intimacy; or your prejudices are dramatized and trigger struggles. Sensitive, vulnerable. Possibly confused relationships, frustration, dependency, and unrealistic views.
DETAILS: You are looking for something. A sensitive, vulnerable part of you is on a personal quest for a thing precious and uniquely meaningful to you as an individual. Most likely this search for a Holy Grail centers around intimate relationships, especially romantic ones. New truths about yourself now are learned best through others. Confusion confounds relationship. Your present task is to dissolve the rigid views and ego-supporting opinions which have separated you from others for much of your life. To the extent you do this, a rich new intimacy is discovered; otherwise, your prejudices are dramatized and become the issues around which relationships struggle. Possibilities include deception in relationship, frustration, self-doubt, undue dependence by you or the other person and unrealistic idealization of each other; or a magical awakening to a profound sense of union. [Edited 5/9/22]"
3'43 square a Pluto b Jupiter - "Gain from separation or loss. Energies are freed from old entanglements for new applications. Unwanted ties or commitments dissolved. Turning point."
0'33 opposition A Uranus B Mars - "You do things you usually would not do. Rebellious, active, demanding elbow room. Abrupt responses to stress. Willing to take chances; accident prone. Surprise aggression. Unexpected sex, suddenly intensified sexual energies, or stretching sexual limits. "
I am feeling that soon I will experience - 3'16 opposite a pluto b venus -
"Either distance and withdrawing from closeness, intimacy, sex; or dropping barriers for a profound connection. Little in between. Key relationship decisions or turning-point." (I wonder if sensing this potential turning point constantly is the cause of my regular worrying and questioning of the relationship... or maybe this feels worse for him, because it's my Pluto more than his Venus causing this feeling).
1'43 conjunct A Venus B Sun - "Pleasant, probably social. Relationships draw attention, especially close friendships. Romance is playful. Domestic matters give pleasure. Indulge in something outrageous!"
0'32 semi-square A mars B moon - "Irritation. Possible physical complaints; inflammation. Impulsive acts. Reactive to criticism; intolerant; argumentative; edgy. Intimate relationship problems best solved by (a) attentive communication and (b) giving vent to increased sex needs."
1'31 square A MC B Mars - "Your ego energies are bolstered, granting vigor and power for pursuing objectives. Conflict comes if the same force is applied in relationships. Competition, willful self-assertion. Be sensitive to others' rights and feelings."
Eris transiting Eris - possibility of being "thrown"/ flustered/awkward in situations in which you're normally fully capable and composed
Layer 3 - anything you missed (layer 1 is most important)
Person B will feel
1'02 conjunct A Sun B Chiron - hurts and healing
0'38 semi-sextile A sun B Venus -
"Solid, open, deep friendship, companionship, and camaraderie. Venus admires (loves, venerates) and honestly likes Sun, who reciprocates this flattering affection and often serves as Venus' trusted advisor. It is an excellent aspect for "taking under the wing" mentorship by Sun. Uncommon for sexual attraction or marriage. /You could find that your quest for love, affection, and pleasure is often at odds with your inner drives or personal development."
3'22 trine A moon B Uranus -
"Intellectual excitement lights up this never-dull relationship: They share an abundance of new, exciting ideas. The relationship, which may have begun quick as a lighting flash, will change one or both of their lives significantly. Emotional tensions may magnify other differences, though these pairings usually have surprising durability."
2'02 sextile a moon b Chiron
2'39 trine a moon b ac -
"A powerful attraction aspect common for marriage. They feel protective toward each other, act in service to each other (supporting each other's purposes), looking after or caretaking each other, often with a feeling of family connection."
0'33 trine A Jupiter B Jupiter
"Friendship, respect, laughter. Kindness, generosity. Mutual benefit, prospering. "
1'20 sextile A Jupiter B Asc - "Friendship, respect, laughter. Kindness, generosity. Mutual benefit, prospering"
1'06 quincunx A Venus B Saturn
"Limited happiness. Work pleasure. Devotion, sacrifice. Parent dynamics. Lost love."
3'13 trine a mars b saturn -
"Industrious, laborious. Power struggles, resistance, conflict. Debt, shame, regret." -- this feels very real in light of his responsibilities owning an old home needing much work, and not having friends or family nearby to help
3' trine a saturn b venus -
"Limited happiness. Work pleasure. Devotion, sacrifice. Parent dynamics. Lost love."
Person A will feel:
Luminaries -
1'04 semi-sextile A Asc B Sun -
"Eye-catching, admiring, desiring. Heroic ideal, strength, dominance, destiny."
/uncomfortable due to proximity (one sign apart)?
0'49 biquintile A Neptune B Moon - "Disorienting, uncertain, flustered, baffled, confused. Embracing madness." Yes
0'42 quincunx A Uranus B Moon - "Emotional renewal, discovery, excitement. Rapidly changing conditions." Yes
0'46 semi-sextile A Chiron B Moon - pain and healing
1'39 sextile A MC B Moon - "Powerful attraction, sense of family. Protection, service, support."
0'54 conjunct A Chiron B Mars
1'06 quincunx A Venus B Saturn - "Limited happiness. Work pleasure. Devotion, sacrifice. Parent dynamics. Lost love."
1'45 trine A Asc B Saturn - "Work: pragmatic, purposeful. Personal connection limited, more distant, curtailed."
3'13 trine a mars b saturn - "Industrious, laborious. Power struggles, resistance, conflict. Debt, shame, regret. "
1'12 quincunx A MC B Pluto - "Major impact or catalyst, drawing into a larger world. Dramatic endings." ... I'm wondering whether to venture out free or fight to stay! Probably I need to walk a path in between, which has been difficult for me to assert / navigate
2'01 trine a neptune b venus - "Romance, pleasure fantasy. Strong emotions. Longing to be enchanted. "
Fourth least important layer
Sun-90-Moon (C08):
"Lifestyle differences may create strain at times; but this stands a good chance of being a very important contact."
No Sun-Sun contact (C13)
"Somehow, though, you seem unaware that this is a real person with genuine identity needs. It’s difficult for a deep, meaningful contact to be formed."
NO Mercury-Mercury contact (C28):
"A common ground for communication must be sought. Your individual mental processes simply do not mix easily on their own."
Mars-0-Mars (C29):
"Excellent partner for any shared physical activity. Your energies are directed into similar channels, toward similar ends." We go rock hounding

Mars-0-Mercury (C31): <<UNLESS ALREADY USED for MERCURY-0-MARS>>
"Powerful mental relationship. Intense communication on many levels. Ideas are refined through constructive challenge."