2022 Libsolar

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2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Because the upcoming Libsolar is, for the United States, a six-month chart and, beginning mid-January, is the ONLY operative solar ingress, I suspect we will be discussing it more. Therefore, I'm copying my Libsolar forecast for the U.S. and other areas into this dedicated thread.

LIBSOLAR: October 18, 2022, 7:14:15 AM EDT, Washington, DC

Effective Oct 18, 2022 to April 15, 2023. Because the next (2023) Capsolar and the last (2022) Cansolar are both dormant for Washington, this Libsolar takes on unusual importance. It persists for six months and, come mid-January, for three months it will be Washington's only active solar ingress. Matters begun now will have unusual impact and continuity through the first part of 2023.

In recent years, we have had startlingly powerful, volatile Libsolars. This year is no exception. Even though it has more benefic than malefic symbolism, the new Libsolar's benefics are shaken and challenged.

Pluto is 0°08' from IC square a nearly partile Sun-Venus conjunction. Venus-Pluto is only 0°29' wide in mundo. Because the Libsolar repeats the strong Sun-Pluto of the Capsolar, this is the quarter when the Year Chart's promise ripens. Even though, as I write this, odds have seemed to turn Democrats' way for the midterm elections, and even though the year has already erupted in the precedent shattering reversal of Roe, I will stick with my Sun-Pluto forecast from the Capsolar: The Biden administration faces an accounting cycle and Republican gains seem certain. We face unprecedented conditions, irrevocable shifts, rebellion against conditions, assault or removal of those in power, and disrespect for law. People demand freedom from control or leadership they feel is failing them. Solar figures are challenged and held accountable.

However, with Venus half a degree from Ascendant and about 1° from conjunct Sun, this may be the most benign (even happy) Libsolar in years. By itself, Sun-Venus is common for events that resolve conflict and bring peace. Certainly Venus issues will be at the forefront - it seems certain that abortion rights will be the primary issue impacting the balloting - but one wonders if this chart might forecast a peaceful resolution to existing conflict and threats.

The main feature of Venus square Pluto is an irrevocable change in relationships. While this has local expression (e.g., in natural disasters) and social impact (as in matters of marriage and reproductive rights), between nations it refers to significant shifts in alliances and antipathies including such things as the starting or ending of a war. I am certain this will be its fundamental theme and stand hopeful that the predominantly peaceful tone of the chart will prevail.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Internationally, no location is more critical than Kyiv, where Saturn (square Uranus) precisely squares Midheaven and a Moon-Saturn opposition (2°) forms mundanely. Ukraine's situation is indeed dire. And yet, Moscow also has an angular Saturn, with the mundane Moon-Saturn only 0°04' wide.

Mars-Neptune is angular in Kabul, anticipating increased terror-fueling violence in Afghanistan.

Mars, Neptune, and Pluto closely angular in Berlin (plus the Moon-Saturn opposition most of Europe has) shows the Deutschland the most bellicose nation in Europe.

Western and central Europe overall has a hard winter with deprivations, losses, and death, though conditions are kinder farther west.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

A while back, Steve started an earlier thread on this ingress:
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, when you have time will you offer your analysis what you see with Biden's charts for midterm election late evening. Thanks.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:47 am Jim, when you have time will you offer your analysis what you see with Biden's charts for midterm election late evening. Thanks.
Please see this month's U.S. forecast, recently posted.

Short version: The mundane charts all remain consistent (and getting stronger) with rejection of current leadership in the election. Biden has an SLR the day before the election, it's mostly dead by angularity, but the relevant aspects look disappointing.

This draws my attention to his SLR immediately before the election - the last demi (I think it's 10/25). This chart is great! If I only went by this one chart, I'd say he reverses all expectation and Dems have huge wins in the elections. Since the other charts (including Biden's election eve SLR) show the opposite, I'm thinking it means some OTHER significant victory in the last two weeks (and then doing badly in the elections).

Here is his mostly boring, disappointment-leaning SLR for pre-dawn November 7:

No transiting or natal planets foreground at all (even widely).

The following partile non-angular aspects:
t Venus-Saturn sq 0°05'
t Mars-Neptune sq 0°05' mundo
t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°05'
t Mercury co r Mars 0°25'
t Sun-Mercury co 0°48'

The lack of angularities is SO astonishing for such a critical timing that I wonder if he'll be returning from somewhere else on the morning of the day before election (perhaps from the campaign trail). If he's in the Plains states he pulls the Mars-Neptune; a little east of that he pulls Jupiter.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

All I really know Jim--is that Venus-Pluto paran in DCs has a high % of becoming a stunning/shocking news maker, but over exactly what---I don't know what it is. If it is indeed the mid-terms-- It appears that Vegas and the standard news outlets are expecting significent losses for this adminstration---but so what--this is normal for a sitting President. And besides--I have not seen much difference for the people of this country no matter which party holds majority. :(
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Ethan FM »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:14 am Western and central Europe overall has a hard winter with deprivations, losses, and death, though conditions are kinder farther west.
Considering recent news it seems like the UK economy is going to take a huge nosedive. I am really hoping not too much of that spreads to Ireland, as things are already challenging enough here as it is.

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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim and I have been discussing Parans and it popped into my mind this Libsolar has a Venus-Pluto Paran configuration with Venus on the Libsolar ASC & Pluto on its IC, both seen with mundo SF tools. The way I understood Fagan on his scant writting on Parans---this Venus-Pluto Paran should for sure dominate the manifestations of this Libsolar, with probably the highest % for the mid-term election. By what I have learned from Jim's SMA writtings this is symbolizing very high % that something "stunning/shocking" (Pluto) is going to manifest pertaining to political relationships (Venus) in DC with these midterms, or at the very least on the international scene for DC. If this does not happen, I agree with Jim's thinking about what Fagan said about Paran configurations maybe not being correct.

And then, when I put this Venus-Pluto Paran together on what I just discovered today about Bidens elections night SSR stuff, posted about an hour ago, I think the Libsolar Sun may be symbolizing the President--Joe Biden. Time will soon tell. This is becoming more interesting to me as a solid test for this Venus-Paran configurations in this Libsolar. 8-)
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I agree that this aspect dominates this chart.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sun entered Libra a few hours ago. The Libsolar is off and running.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

I would say this Libsolar has high % manifesting something to do with the midterms. What is your take Jim?
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:55 am I would say this Libsolar has high % manifesting something to do with the midterms. What is your take Jim?
Yes. My take is above. The gist is:

The main feature of the Capsolar for Washington is a Sun-Pluto conjunction. Standard expectation for a foreground Sun-Pluto aspect in mundane astrology includes: "...assault on or removal of those in power, rebellion against prevailing conditions (to welcome new conditions), and disrespect for and disobeying of the law."

Therefore, I originally predicted from the Capsolar (in December) that it would be an "accounting cycle" for the incumbent president and his party and that "Republican gains seem certain in the midterm elections."

Because the Libsolar repeats the foreground Sun-Pluto aspect (and is the only solar ingress to do that this year), we can expect anything forecast from that in the Capsolar will manifest in the current quarter. (Aside from the fact that the elections are in this quarter! <g>)

In the post at the top of this thread, I supplemented this view. Based on what has happened since January, the Venus-Pluto aspect in the Libsolar is likely to have impact on reproductive rights and other Venus-Pluto issues, including these being a big theme in the election. (Just this morning - AFTER the above was posted - Pres. Biden promised that if Dems retain control of Congress, he will make a priority passing a legislative enshrinement of the rights previously granted under the Roe decision.)
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Do we allow Pluto on the IC as high % for something stunning/shocking for this election?
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:37 pm Do we allow Pluto on the IC as high % for something stunning/shocking for this election?
You mean in the Capsolar? It's on the Nadir, the defining feature of the Capsolar for 2022, the one thing that makes the chart non-dormant in DC.

1°21' Cap - Pluto
2°55' Lib - Ascendant

Additionally, just because Sun and Pluto are foreground - any distance, even out to 10° (just to "qualify" as active in the chart) - I'd count their close conjunction.

Of course, in the Libsolar it's only 0°08'!

As TMSA presents the Capsolar (see the last column especially):

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
Pl  1Cp21'21"  1S45 + 1'59" 298°46' 22S35  19°11' -72°54'  84°14'  98% N 
Su  0Cp 0' 0"  0S 0 + 1° 1' 296°59' 21S 7  22°52' -71° 1'  82°23'  85% I 
Me 15Cp14'17"  1N 9 - 8'45" 312°25' 16S34 341°14' -66°42'  97°53'  84% I 
Mo op Ma  1°36' 89%                                  
Mo sq Ne  2° 6' 92% M                                                   
Me sq Ur  0°32' 99%                                                     
Su co Pl  1°21' 92%                                                     
Me co Sa  3°13' 56%
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

You mean in the Capsolar? It's on the Nadir, the defining feature of the Capsolar for 2022, the one thing that makes the chart non-dormant in DC.
No, for the Libsolar. What doesn't make sense to me: The media & Vegas are expecting Congress to go to the Reps, anyway, this is mostly normal for any sitting Prez to lose seats in Congress. So, I ask myself if this Libsolar manifests with the elections---how can Libsolar's Pluto on IC manifest as something with high % for "stunning/shocking? Maybe the Dems don't lose the House---I think this would indeed be "stunning/shocking?
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:07 pm What doesn't make sense to me: The media & Vegas are expecting Congress to go to the Reps, anyway, this is mostly normal for any sitting Prez to lose seats in Congress. So, I ask myself if this Libsolar manifests with the elections---how can Libsolar's Pluto on IC manifest as something with high % for "stunning/shocking? Maybe the Dems don't lose the House---I think this would indeed be "stunning/shocking?
Yes. That's my uncertainty, too. Biden has a really good chart for a week before the election then - beginning a day before the election - he suddenly has a nothing on the angles SLR with nothing happening except the non-foreground partile aspects - which are bad, disappointing, unhappy.

So, if the election were held a few days earlier, I'd read Biden's chart as saying he wins. As it is, it looks unhappy for him. The absence of angularity is so rare, I'd almost think he's not going to be in DC for the new SLR - out campaigning on the road somewhere? - and that could make all the difference.

Where will he be Monday, November 7, about 4 AM EST? If in DC, then he has nothing foreground and a bunch of partile bad aspects. If in the Midwest, near the longitude of Kansas City (and all points due north-south), his SLR has Jupiter exactly setting. A little farther west (mid-Texas, the longitude of San Antonio, up to east-central Dakotas) he gets Mars on MC, which sounds hostile (as might be expected from that part of the country). A little farther west of that he gets Mars and Neptune together on angles, which is even worse.

So... where will he be?

And I agree that the really STUNNING effect would be Dems winning. At present, I have to think that the aspect Sun-Pluto matters more than the angularity of Pluto by itself. (I nearly always read ingresses by the foreground aspects, though TIGHTLY angular planets do have a voice of their own.) This usually means rejecting whoever is in leadership.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

I understand Jim. Time will soon tell and we will be able to use 20-20 hindsight :) for further discussion.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We don't have Nancy Pelosi's birth time, but we have an A-rated time for Chuck Schumer. Like Biden, Schumer is Scorpio-Aries.

Schmer's SLR for Election Day (November 8, 4 PM EST) has natal Neptune 0°13' from WP-a for Washington, the closest angularity in the chart. This isn't usually a good sign and, in his case, is part of a natal Mars-Neptune square (3°00' mundo) not in his birth chart.

SLR Moon is lunar aspects are quite interesting and not necessarily bad and are all foreground. Note the following (I give the mundoscope positions after: They are more interesting).

21°23' Lib - t Sun (7°45')
21°29' Lib - t Mercury (7°53')
21°53' Ari - t Uranus (8°25')
25°41' Lib - t Venus (10°53')
25°48' Can - r Pluto (deeply background)
26°14' Ari - r Moon 6°31')
26°14' Ari - t Moon (9°59')

These are mostly good aspects! They show surprises, of course, but in general they aren't bad. Not counting the "discovered" natal Mars-Neptune mundane square, here are all of the foreground aspects in Shumer's SLR:

t Sun-Mercury co 0°07'
t Mercury-Uranus op 0°23'
t Sun-Uranus op 0°30'
t Sun op r Moon 1°15' M
t Mercury op r Moon 1°23' M
t Uranus co r Moon 1°54' M

Given the acutely foreground natal Neptune, and then the surprise-filled and basically positive, upbeat, celebrating other foreground aspects involving luminaries and benefics, does Schumer come out of the election knowing he will continue as Majority Leader of the Senate? I think maybe he does, with the Neptune showing so much excitement he's shaking (and maybe some puzzlement).

This leaves only the question of which way the House goes.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We don't have Nancy Pelosi's birth time, but we have the birth certificate for Kevin McCarthy, who will surely be Speaker of the House of the Republicans win a majority. He was born January 26, 1965, 12:40 PM, Bakersfield, CA.

McCarthy has one important transit coming into the election, an aspect normally quite powerful: transiting Uranus conjoins his natal Jupiter. On Election Day, an exact Sun-Mercury-Uranus opposition falls across his natal Jupiter and Saturn isn't in orb of the square. Unless we find strong contradiction in the solunars, this looks like the aspects of a man who just learned he will be Speaker. Also, transiting Jupiter is within a degree of opposite his Mars: Successful combat.

But let's check the solunars.

There's only one problem: We don't know where he'll be. With Schumer, even if we're wrong about his being in DC, he'll be along the East Coast at a similar longitude. McCarthy could be in DC or in California (he lives in Bakersfield).

For Washington, his SSR is dominated by transiting Mercury and Saturn and natal Mercury and Jupiter. He has a foreground Mercury-Pluto conjunction. Moon isn't great, being square natal Saturn and Uranus; plus Saturn and Pluto transit natal Jupiter in the foreground. It's a politically negative Year Chart.

His October 27 SLR sets up in Washington much more positively: Both transiting and natal Sun are tightly angular along with transiting Venus (though the 4th strongest planet is transiting Saturn). Venus' aspects to both Suns seem to reign but - don't miss it! - transiting Saturn square natal Neptune is also foreground. It is a confusing mix of him seeming happy, almost celebrated, yet his losing something dear to him.

However, the Demi-SLR one day after Election Day (when the dust settles and the counting is probably done enough) is the really interesting chart. Nor is it completely clear: It's enormously positive and then adds a serious negative. Here is a list of positions (mundoscope in parentheses:

21°50' Ari - t Uranus (28°44')
22°19' Ari - r Jupiter (29°31')
22°25' Lib - t Sun (28°45')
25°36' Lib - r Neptune (2°12')
29°09' Lib - t Mercury (29°08')
23°48' Cap - t Saturn (middleground)
24°34' Ari - DSLR Ascendant
27°00' Lib - t Venus (1°53')

1°19' Cap - t Pluto (23°13')
5°04' Cap - DSLR Midheaven

The acutely angular natal Jupiter seems to tell the story, and it's opposition to Mercury and Sun, conjunction with Uranus, etc. to reinforce it. Then we have the Saturn squares! What in the heck does this mean? The simple answer is that he has a big win and a big loss at the same time.

Do the aspects sort it out? Maybe. The two closest aspects are decisively positive, though the full set of aspects is highly mixed. First, transiting Sun-Uranus oppose 0°00' with Sun opposite his natal Jupiter 0°06', Uranus opposite it 0°29'. Reading "closest is strongest" seems really positive. And there are other very positive aspects including Venus opposite his Jupiter.

However, among transiting foreground planets, there are then Sun square Saturn (1°23'), Mercury square Saturn (0°39'), plus Saturn square natal Jupiter (1°29') and Neptune (1°47'). There are roughly the same number of terrible, loss-filed aspects as glorious and winning, though the positive ones have the smallest orbs.

If he is in Washington, the biggest message is that there are significant surprises and that, when the dust settles, he has won really big AND lost really big. I don't know what that means.

Of course... he might not be in Washington election night.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

8-) Indeed---lets analyze :) .
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I don't know where McCarthy spent his birthday. If it was in Bakersfield, then his chart is primarily that of a scrapper, with transiting and natal Marses plus natal Uranus and Pluto all closely foreground. Moon squared transiting Neptune and natal Neptune. It's not a pleasant chart at all.

But I'm more immediately interested in the shorter term. For Bakersfield, his SLR is pretty bad. It's also pretty simple: Transiting Mars 1°30' from Dsc, transiting Neptune 1°07' from Nadir, and Mars-Neptune square 2°32'. That's basically it. One wouldn't expect him even to win his own district with a chart like this.

His Demi-SLR for the day after the election isn't much better and, in fact, has another Mars-Neptune 2° square in the foreground. The most angular planets are transiting Neptune and natal Uranus, followed by natal Saturn. It looks like he loses if he spends Election Day in his home district (where he is hoping people come out to vote for him - so he'll surely be there to vote early in the day).

So... not knowing where he's going to be... this is really hard to decide.

I think, though, given his charts for DC, we need to hold open the possibility that Democrats hold (and even strengthen their position in) the Senate and lose control of the House of Representatives.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

I think, though, given his charts for DC, we need to hold open the possibility that Democrats hold (and even strengthen their position in) the Senate and lose control of the House of Representatives.
Nothing even remotely "stunning/shocking" if this is the case, IMO
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I have a speculative chart for Nancy Pelosi for 7:45 PM. I have no reason to think I can rely on it. One interesting fact is that the Moon is exactly opposite Chuck Schumer's Moon.

In the wild scenario where the chart is right, her SLR for the election (for Washington) has transiting Jupiter and natal Sun most angular, with Jupiter opposite her Sun closely. Her Demi-SLR for is a wild, complex chart with two Moons, two Venuses, and two Uranuses closely angular and a close Moon-Sun opposition. The foreground aspects number in the dozens. It looks like the craziest, wildest, happiest of parties!

And if she's in San Francisco? As with McCarthy, going home (in the fantasy world where this is a correct chart) isn't the way to go. The SLR has a strange mix of Moon, Venus, Saturn, and Uranus. The Demi-SLR isn't a very active chart but is mostly embarrassing.

But. presume more reasonably that we do not know her birth time, for any time Pelosi has transiting Mars square natal Neptune on election day - exact to the minute of arc about the time the polls close in the west. This is usually a psychologically harsh transit, deeply wounding. She does have transiting Venus opposite natal Venus-Uranus, a pretty positive indication, so it's hard to make a definitive call even from this.

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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:54 pm Nothing even remotely "stunning/shocking" if this is the case, IMO
Agreed. It's just an overthrowing of existing leadership led by a predominantly anti-government ("limited government") segment of the population.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, if nothing "stunning/shocking" happens with this Libsolar Venus-Pluto Paran, then I agree with you that Fagan may have overstated the potency of Paran configuration. My mind keeps going back to that 4 planet Paran with the 2016 Libsolar. The closer a planet is to an angle in mundo--the more potent its effect---right?
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:17 pm Jim, if nothing "stunning/shocking" happens with this Libsolar Venus-Pluto Paran, then I agree with you that Fagan may have overstated the potency of Paran configuration. My mind keeps going back to that 4 planet Paran with the 2016 Libsolar. The closer a planet is to an angle in mundo--the more potent its effect---right?
And the 2020 Libsolar was at least as bad, maybe worse. Remember that it was under the 2020 Libsolar that the January 6 attack occurred. It's easy to think slip into thinking it refers only to the election period, but it covers a whole quarter and, in this case, six months. Come January 15, this Libsolar will be THE only non-dormant solar ingress for three months.

Yes, what you said in the last sentence is true as stated. - This doesn't always mean it's the most important thing in the chart (it often is), because the real voice of the chart is in its aspects. There's no question this Pluto is powerful, though we have strong Pluto all the time. What really distinguishes this chart is the Venus-Pluto square.

In this case, Pluto 0°08' from IC is the single strongest factor. The second strongest, though, is angular Venus 0°23', and the third strongest is the Venus-Pluto square 0°29'. In any case, it is the Venus-Pluto aspect that tells us what kind of Pluto we're dealing with this year. Though the chart looks pretty intense, and Venus and Pluto are quite opposite types of planets, there's also no doubt this is the nicest Liblunar we've had in years.

That is, I don't think interpreting this chart is about figuring out what Pluto angular means. I think its foremost about figuring out what Venus-Pluto means and, secondarily, what Sun-Venus-Pluto means.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
It's easy to think slip into thinking it refers only to the election period, but it covers a whole quarter and, in this case, six months. Come January 15, this Libsolar will be THE only non-dormant solar ingress for three months.
You are so right Jim, we don’t really know for sure if this Libsolar is about this Midterm election. It seems to me most of the time these ingresses is about reading what is important for DC, not the Country as a whole. I am only trying to learn how to read these ingresses, its difficult at times. It seems to me if the 2022 Capsolar, almost partile Sun-Pluto conjunction, tight conjunct the Nadir is possibly about “overthrowing” party leadership in DC, this Libsolar could have high % manifesting with the elected politicians for DC with a hoard of Reps. If not these elections, then we wait and find out later what this Venus-Pluto is all about. This Venus-Pluto is difficult to read and if you are right it is a benefic Libsolar and not about the midterms---then WHAT? I remember well the almost partile 90 of Uranus-Pluto in the 2016 Capsolar and it was angular, easily reading with high % there was going to be an “outstanding” Uranus-Pluto “incident” in the Country, and BAM---the 2016 4 planet paran in the 2016 Libsolar manifested one of the most revolutionary Prez elections ever in the USA-- with Trump upsetting the entire DC scene as an elected Prez. Hell, he wasn’t even a Politician and half the Reps in DC hated his guts, but were not about to let the people who elected Trump know this as the truth of the matter; otherwise, they would be voted out of office. The only thing if this Libsolar manifests with the midterms that makes sense to me is a stunning/shocking (Pluto) with relationships (Venus) in DC. If not—back to guessing board :) .
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve (and others), I just finished my monthly U.S. forecast for the month beginning October 31, which includes the election: https://solunars.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=6744

This (as StarAgeWiz called it) is indeed a "bizarro election." Several things emerged in looking at October 31-November 27 that make it even weirder. Want to weigh in on what will happen?

As mentioned above, the Capsolar and Libsolar both have angular Sun-Pluto aspects. Especially since the party in the White House tends to lose seats in Congress during the midterms, I forecast late last year (when Biden's ratings were still strong) that this would mean people wanting to reverse which party was in charge, to overthrow the dual Dem majorities and take the administration down a notch. As the year has progressed, that has seemed even more likely. Recent polls (for example) show Republicans rising.

Several things have appeared in the new monthly forecast that MIGHT give the opposite perspective. Steve has argued that the outcome has to be shocking to us - and, therefore, the expected outcome will not be the actual outcome. (I've been approaching Pluto here not as shocking so much as reversing, dismantling, etc., especially since it's with Sun.) Several things in the month beginning next Monday MIGHT play to Steve's idea about this.

BIDEN'S SOLAR & LUNAR RETURNS. The strongest astrological argument for Dem wins is Biden's 11/20/2022 SSR. It's the only SSR during his present term that has an angular transiting Jupiter (in fact, the only one that has anything noteworthy except Neptune angular). How is the next year going to be a transiting Jupiter year for him - heightened prestige, success, uplifting of stature - if he has an opposing majority in Congress?

And his current and upcoming lunars are bizarre if one assumes Dem losses: His current Demi-SLR is strong and positive. Then, a day before the election, he has a new SLR that has no transiting or natal planet foreground. Mostly, this gives us nothing to read at all for arguably one of the more important months of his life. One game-changer might be that he is out campaigning and not in Washington - that he gets a different chart than we see for Washington (and we can predict further from THAT) - but otherwise we have only partile background aspects, which seem negative and disappointing.

Then... a day after his 11/20 Jupiter culminating SSR, he has a Demi-SLR that is strong, fabulous, drawing out his best: In close angularity and a mundane Grand Square, he has transiting Uranus square Pluto interlaced with natal Mars square Jupiter. elaborate more in the forecast, buton the first post basically this is a powerful, predominantly positive chart showing much change, perhaps even revolutionary conditions, to which he responds with valor, strength, and enthusiasm. He's riding a high wave of action! The individual transits to natal planets work out the details.

What in the heck? And he just LOST? And he's feeling this strong and enthusiastic? We could, of course, run into totally new circumstances unrelated to the election but, otherwise, this chart makes no sense AND it comes a day after a Jupiter culminating SSR.

A POSSIBLE EXPLANATION: In the new forecast, please read the Medium-Term or Bridge forecast on the first post. Of several other possibilities, the energies COULD be consistent with somebody's volatile, rebellious rage following the election. The strongest time is the period leading UP TO November 20, when Biden's charts take such a positive direction.

One possibility, then, is that the "nothing" in Biden's 11/7 SLR is that we don't know the election outcome for two weeks. (Is this possible? Could congressional elections take that long to resolve?) If we don't know the outcome until November 20 then all of these various expressions could indeed be true: A shocking outcome, a last-minute overtime touchdown that flips to Dem GAINS in Congress confirmed as Biden celebrates his 80th birthday. Part of the picture is that we have weeks of oppositional rage and even revolutionary assaults as all of this gets settled out.

I'm not saying it's so. I'm saying it's one reading of the mixed messages.

And I'm curious what the rest of you think about these charts?
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
One possibility, then, is that the "nothing" in Biden's 11/7 SLR is that we don't know the election outcome for two weeks. (Is this possible? Could congressional elections take that long to resolve?) If we don't know the outcome until November 20 then all of these various expressions could indeed be true: A shocking outcome, a last-minute overtime touchdown that flips to Dem GAINS in Congress confirmed as Biden celebrates his 80th birthday. Part of the picture is that we have weeks of oppositional rage and even revolutionary assaults as all of this gets settled out.
I have thought about this possibility a-lot, and it makes the most sense to me when analyzing all the charts above. And, it follows the patterns of many of the close elections the country has seen in the last few election cycles with the country divided politically. All the Pluto symbolism in the Solar Ingress charts tells me there is good possibility we may see a "first" with these midterms. Bradley mentioned in his writting about Pluto having a-lot to do with "firsts" happening, I guess as part of the possible 'stunning/shocking' symbolic factor for Pluto.

I do read the angular Sun-Pluto symbolism in DC's Capsolar as having much to do with political 'power' in DC, and then DC's Libsolar as timing when the main angular theme for this Capsolar 'political power' manifests. I read DC's Full Moon chart on Nov 8 as heightening the emotionally for the voting people with this midterm. As for a learning possibility, I want to see if the Libsolar's Venus-Pluto Paran manifests as some type of 'super potency' aspect as Fagan beleived with Parans for this midterm, or if it does not manifest as a big deal for the midterms---possibility symbolizing something else in the future.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
One possibility, then, is that the "nothing" in Biden's 11/7 SLR is that we don't know the election outcome for two weeks. (Is this possible? Could congressional elections take that long to resolve?) If we don't know the outcome until November 20 then all of these various expressions could indeed be true: A shocking outcome, a last-minute overtime touchdown that flips to Dem GAINS in Congress confirmed as Biden celebrates his 80th birthday. Part of the picture is that we have weeks of oppositional rage and even revolutionary assaults as all of this gets settled out.
Jim, looking at the morning count today, I am getting a strong feeling what you wrote above will actually turn out to be the case. I am also getting the feeling that the Venus-Pluto Paran in this Libsolar has something to do with a ‘stunning/shocking “first” for a Midterm election. Time will soon tell.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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The Georgia Senate race will go to a December run-off. So, if the Senate sitting at about 50-50, we won't know which party has control of the Senate until December. - Of course, if Dems get 50 or Reps get 51 before then, we'll know.

The House currently looks like it will have a razor-thin Republican majority, but that isn't sure yet.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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One Senate seat (Georgia) won't be decided until December 6. Right now it appears that the division is 49-49 with Georgia and Arizona undecided. Republicans need both of these to control the Senate; Democrats only need one.

If Sen. Kell wins in Arizona, Dem control is assured and the Georgia race December 6 will either hold the tie or give Dems a slight 51-49 edge (basically neutering the Honorable Senator from West Virginia's ability to hold things hostage). - If Kelly loses in Arizona, then Georgia will decide control.

When the polls close December 6, Biden will have Pluto opposite his Jupiter (40'), Neptune octile his Pluto (42'), and Jupiter trine his Venus (35') and octile his Mars (23'). More importantly, he'll be under his new Jupiter culminating SSR. His December 4 SLR isn't entirely clear but does have Pluto's opposition to his Jupiter (37') the most important foreground aspect. This has been a positive aspect for him.

Chuck Schumer at the same time will have transiting Pluto perhaps 1° from his Ascendant, Saturn (for the even-hour birth time) not yet partile to his MC (1°15'), and smaller things like Sun conjunct his Mercury. His recent SSR has ambiguous angularities (not sure where he'll be) but SSR Moon 0°04' from conjunct his Venus, only 2°+ from conjunct his Sun. His December 5 SLR has his natal Sun-Jupiter square on angles.

Overall, I think these charts point to both Biden and Schumer being politically stronger due to December 6.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
His December 4 SLR isn't entirely clear but does have Pluto's opposition to his Jupiter (37') the most important foreground aspect. This has been a positive aspect for him.
Yes, and where I was reading the angular Pluto to his Jupiter as a negative in his Nov 7th SLR, it most certainly is turning out to be a “positive aspect for him.” It has and still is a most interesting Midterm with this Libsolar. I think a good % the 2022 Midterm could go down in the history books as one of the most interesting of em all.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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With Democratic wins for Senator in Arizona and Nevada, the Dems have retained control of the Senate. If they win Georgia, they will have an extra vote on their side.

The House is still in motion.

PS - This morning, in Los Angeles, Karen Bass pulled ahead of her opponent Caruso in the mayoral race. However, the counting isn't over yet.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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So far, the following seems all correct, summarized in the last sentence. The difficult charts are consistent with his bare knuckles battle to retain control of his party in the House (he just won election as Speaker today, provided his party indeed wins the majority) and he's in a surprisingly weak and embattled place.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:45 pm I don't know where McCarthy spent his birthday. If it was in Bakersfield, then his chart is primarily that of a scrapper, with transiting and natal Marses plus natal Uranus and Pluto all closely foreground. Moon squared transiting Neptune and natal Neptune. It's not a pleasant chart at all.

But I'm more immediately interested in the shorter term. For Bakersfield, his SLR is pretty bad. It's also pretty simple: Transiting Mars 1°30' from Dsc, transiting Neptune 1°07' from Nadir, and Mars-Neptune square 2°32'. That's basically it. One wouldn't expect him even to win his own district with a chart like this.

His Demi-SLR for the day after the election isn't much better and, in fact, has another Mars-Neptune 2° square in the foreground. The most angular planets are transiting Neptune and natal Uranus, followed by natal Saturn. It looks like he loses if he spends Election Day in his home district (where he is hoping people come out to vote for him - so he'll surely be there to vote early in the day).

So... not knowing where he's going to be... this is really hard to decide.

I think, though, given his charts for DC, we need to hold open the possibility that Democrats hold (and even strengthen their position in) the Senate and lose control of the House of Representatives.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:14 am However, with Venus half a degree from Ascendant and about 1° from conjunct Sun, this may be the most benign (even happy) Libsolar in years. By itself, Sun-Venus is common for events that resolve conflict and bring peace. Certainly Venus issues will be at the forefront - it seems certain that abortion rights will be the primary issue impacting the balloting...
I'm leaning to the idea that this issue - the rising tide of activism on abortion rights - is the primary meaning of this Sun-Venus-Pluto. It's consistent with Venus-Pluto impact on related issues like marriage rights in many earlier years plus the 1973 Capsolar for the year Roe v Wade was first decided. New York Times has done a good job on documenting the changing tides on this issue and it's direct impact on voting in the midterms just past:
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/10/us/a ... -wade.html
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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Kevin McCarthy still doesn't have the votes - and the new Congress opens tomorrow. How will it go?

He's been working under his December 21 SLR which has been every bit as bad as the news about him. Transiting Saturn is 0°30' from EP, transiting Pluto 0°05' from Ascendant. These sound like, "Yer out!" with a wide swing of the umpire's thumb. Furthermore, natal Neptune is 1°40' from Midheaven.

Most of the foreground aspects aren't bad (and his natal foreground aspects are good, especially for negotiations and votes), but when we come to the partile Saturn transit square his Neptune. Let's put a little drama on it by showing the positions

25°36' Lib - r Neptune
26°33' Cap - t Saturn
27°03' Lib - SLR MC

Tomorrow, he has a Demi-SLR at 7:40 AM that looks better. It still shows him knowing he has been weakened (neutered, actually), but it looks better for getting votes:

r Mercury on EP -2°43'
r Venus on EP -2°16'

t Sun on EP-a +1°29'
t Neptune on N +2°29'

Natal Mercury-Venus conjunction (0°27' wide) is barely foreground.

Considering non-foreground partile aspects, transiting Mercury squares natal Mercury-Venus and he has a natal Saturn-Neptune mundane square (0°24') that he doesn't have at birth.
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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This Libsolar has lasted almost six months - due to expire in a week and a half.

And it clearly shows an assault on a president and yet a great deal of national pleasure.

While it has shown in the election, the new Congress (with the Speaker battle), and other events, it is only now, in its last two weeks that it is showing itself as... the criminal arraignment of a U.S. president.

Ya can't make tis stuff up!
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Re: 2022 Libsolar

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Things have been so busy this week, I missed acknowledging the day this Libsolar and expired and we moved into the Arisolar semester.

The transition occurred four days ago.

This was a most interesting Libsolar!
Jim Eshelman
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