Weird long-term progressions

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Jim Eshelman
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Weird long-term progressions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This month, I have a couple of weird long-term progression shifts. These outer planet aspects can go on for years - even decades - and, therefore, are difficult to observe and track but, in theory, are as valid as any other progressed aspects.

My progressed Neptune and progressed Pluto have been in long-term sextile. This month, they leave the 1° orb. Of course, I still have the natal sextile (0°46'), but one wonders if there is any sort of "life marker" in the progressed pair leaving partile orb.

My Jupiter, natally 0°17' from natal Uranus, progressed forward a couple of degrees, turned retrograde years back, and this month returns to partile conjunction with natal Uranus. This is interesting in a couple of ways, especially as it relates to my lifelong relationship to astrology and what is in front of me for the next couple of years.

On a faster note, the progressed Sun octile natal Saturn that was exact a year ago leaves partile orb. This (along with solar arc Saturn square natal Sun concurrently - they are 22.5° at birth, so do this sort of thing) marked our getting Covid-19 a year ago after avoiding it for almost two years and was part of a general set of many things going poorly a year ago (something that made me even happier to have an outstanding SSR last year).
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Weird long-term progressions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

NEPTUNE & PLUTO were in partile orb at birth. They progressed to 0°00' sextile in 1990 (the center of a pivotal period of received communication and destiny unfolding) and, for the first time in my life, will leave 1° orb November 2022.

JUPITER & URANUS were in partile orb at birth. Progressed Jupiter left partile orb of natal Uranus in 1961 as I began first grade and of progressed Uranus when I was ending third grade - astonishingly, on the exact day my wife was born. Jupiter turned stationary in 1992 and started slowly back toward Uranus and, for the first time since third grade, will come back into partile orb of natal Uranus November 2022 (and progressed Uranus 2031).
Jim Eshelman
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Weird long-term progressions

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This stirred in me curiosity in seeing, all in one place, all of the stations my progressed planets have made in my life.

Mercury Rx - Sep 1962 - 20°39' Libra
Mercury Dx - March 1983 - 4°48' Libra
(It conjoined natal Saturn going Rx (9/71) and squared progressed Mars (6/74), then came back past natal Saturn (7/95), Mercury (4/97), and Venus-Pluto (early '07). It did not reach partile orb of the square to natal Jupiter-Uranus but did square progressed Jupiter twice near the turn-around (5/80 & 8/86).)

Venus Rx - Jan 1970 - 5°57' Scorpio
Venus Dx - Apr 2011 - 20°33' Libra
(Progressed Venus trined p Jupiter 6/75, the month I moved to California, then r Ju-Ur and in late 1980 and early '81, then retrograded past its own natal position (and square natal Pluto) in 1983-84. It trined natal Moon in early '92 soon after an important romance began and squared p Mars in 1995 (an unusually sexually intense era plus an otherwise important benefic Mars stage in my life). -- It has spent long periods conjunct progressed Saturn (9/03-12/10, 2/17-1/25), forming the precise conjunction in 5/06 (entirely fitting in deep, psychologically complex and outwardly explicit ways) and then recently in 1/22. This is the longest running, and theoretically most defining fast-planet progression of my life. If I live long enough, it will close the retrograde loop conjoining its own natal place in 3/36.)

Uranus Rx - Oct 1978 - 3°36' Cancer
(This station occurred 0°01' from natal Jupiter! It's hard to filter out the life-changes that might have been attributable to this - which were significant! - because transiting Pluto conjoined natal Sun at the same time. -- It retrograded across its natal position in 12/02, an era when I had just finished reinventing myself professionally.)

Jupiter Rx - Jun 1992 - 5°50' Cancer
(Jupiter will retrograde across its natal position in 2029, then across natal Uranus exactly in 2032.)

Pluto Rx - May 2004 - 2°41' Leo
(I decisive line-in-the-sand month in my life in at least three ways. Progressed Mars was opposite natal Pluto 0°00' and progressed Pluto 0°35' when the station occurred, which does not seem descriptive of the three events I just mentioned but DOES fit a shockingly dangerous thing I incomprehensively survived on April 1 of that year. -- If I live to 100, it will retrograde across its natal position a week after my 100th birthday.)

In the future:
Eris SD - Dec 2031 - 13°32' Pisces
Sedna SD - May 2046 - 0°38' Aries
Jim Eshelman
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