James Condor's Transits

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James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

tMars opposite nUranus. (Or tMars opposite nVenus-Uranus)
Check against forum-congruent
'Unexpected sex'-does phone sex count? Of course right. Helps to have tMercury sesquisquare nVenus too. Gee, pretty darn on for phone sex!

(nVenus-Uranus)-tMercury-tmars-tUranus actually all in effect. Mentally ,allot of staring or checking out of the female curvature. Words playing a big part or triggering the turn on.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I feel what I think is a mercurial feeling overall. Strange? My current tMars square nNeptune, N Moon, nMercury, sesquisquare nSaturn. Hhmmm interesting. NSun opposite nMoon too. I don't know where, or why I feel it mercurial? Here is what I am feeling- quite assertive and self assure. Quite sharp and strong, strong in my being, my presence or 'root'. Base. Perceptive. Decisive. But not obstinate or moody. Not closed minded. Quite nice really.
I do have an idea-Mercury, nMercury in my case, is just that tyoe of planet, where in transit (at least) is the swift informational mutable planet which listens to, in an informational level( nature of mercury), the planets it is in aspect to. And also, Tmars and nmoon are involved, in aspect to, in where mars is aggressively energizing and moon is freely adaptive, allowing to show such.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

James Condor wrote: Mon May 08, 2017 11:08 am tMars opposite nUranus. (Or tMars opposite nVenus-Uranus)
Check against forum-congruent
'Unexpected sex'-does phone sex count? Of course right. Helps to have tMercury sesquisquare nVenus too. Gee, pretty darn on for phone sex!°urvature. Words playing a big part or triggering the turn on.
LOL, that's a great example! I missed it when you posted it.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

James Condor wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:28 am I feel what I think is a mercurial feeling overall. Strange?
Impressions... just thinking aloud as I go...

First impression... I wonder if you are feeling (early) the approach of Mars opposite your Mercury, already past your Jupiter and hitting your Neptune. Oh, and Mars square your Moon can have a lot of the same feel sometimes. It's clear that this is "in the air," and Mars is even in Gemini... but yes, it's vague so far.

Oh, and it "hit early" in the sense that your Solar Return Mercury is 3°55' Sagittarius, so there is more of a "Mercury zone" spread out for planets to traverse.

Ah, here it is - Mercury itself, and the reason these transits are floating to the foreground more strongly. Your Demi-Lunar occurred two days ago and has MC 7°15' Virgo, EP 6°54' Sagittarius, putting your Mercury closely angular. There's a lot more to the chart than this, though, of which the following is strongest:

15°56' Sco r Venus
17°06' Sco r Uranus
17°20' Sco DSLR Asc
17°41' Tau t Sun

19°14' Aqu t Neptune

Moon is half a degree from MC, bringing the whole Moon-Mars-everything even more into the loop. It's quite busy. (Moon is 0°33' one side of MC, Sun 0°20' the other side of Descendant - quite a powerful, charismatic, active chart.)
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Thanks Jim. Wow, allot of stuff I didn't know
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I did not handle or do not handle afternoons well sometimes. The hours between 1-5p, I do not handle well, as a common trend or life pattern for me. I feel more restless, bored, tense, and often just want to get away. Sounds like Uranus. Maybe other factors as well. Anyways, this is a transit post so I will get to it. TSun sesquisquare n sun and tMercury sesquisquare n Sun yesterday I did not handle well. My thoughts were too loud. I had to drink off stress(well, didn't have too), and I almost talked myself out of a fun night with friends. Oh, almost forgot, tmoon conjunt n Mars and nPluto did not help, at all. I felt very alone, stressed, preoccupied, fearful. The world confronted me and I did not handle it well. I questioned everything, including myself, which lead to isolation, fear.
Around 6p or so I was able to put on my game face. I was able to focus more on what mattered and the choices I made and how to just surrender to it all. Let it be. Allow things to unfold. And most importantly, I thought about heart, and being friendly, and making others feel welcome and important. I thought about opening up to others so I could receive what they have to offer. And I did, and it worked.
Also, another transit happening today, is tNeptune square n Uranus, which I actually really enjoy. It is a beneficial aspect to me. It does create vision. This aspect actually maybe responsible for my 'heart' vision.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

On the "afternoons" issue... Since this is a long-term pattern, I wonder if it is a sleep or food cycle matter, i.e., blood sugar rhythms, need for a nap to adjust psychic alignment, etc.

What would happen if you went unconscious for 15 minutes ("power napped") a little earlier than this stuff hits you?
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I am pre-diabetic. My blood sugar is higher than normal but I am not diabetic. I eat about every two hours and I eat healthy. I nap when I can. I can try napping at work, I have before when really tired.
It really is quite mental. Between these hours, time seems to move slower. It could be just my frame of mind. I should look at it different. And nap after lunch maybe.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

80 to 85% of people I know fall asleep in the afternoon have a thyroid problem. 90% of people I know who've tested pre-diabetic have a thyroid problem. Doctors call it metabolic syndrome till they test the thyroid levels. Thyroid problems are usually cheap and easy to fix (just a pill in the morning.) Might be worth checking.

Your Moon is progressing through Taurus right now, but I don't know what else might dispose toward thyroid problems.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I've been tested, my thyroid is fine. I don't feel tired really, I psych myself out mostly I think.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I felt, what I thought was a tMoon sesquisquare n Venus (nVenus-Uranus) last night, when the Moon entered 0 degrees Cancer, but upon checking the transits, at 7p Friday September 15th, Cancer was in 4 degrees making my nVenus-Uranus occuring hours earlier in the day at 12:45p, and tMoon square nMars (nMars-Pluto). I suppose either the software is off, I am off ,or there is something I don't know, like a residual effect, or some other natal connection between my Venus and Mars.
I do have a wide nMars semisquare n Uranus. Another idea is a natal chart life pattern in that transiting Rim signs do a nVenus (nVenus-Uranus) beginning at 0 degrees, then nMars (nMars-Pluto) ending about 8 degrees. So every Rim, from 0-8 degrees, I go through this. Of course the effect or perspective is determined by the transiting planet. Moon happens most often and also, koon transits are brief. But, it is also the Moon, a quite effective, relevant planet.

And a side note, picking a starting point on the Zodiac, say 0°Taurus, for good measurement, transits to my natal chart follow the same pattern (Hub )-
Sesqui/semi nSun 8-10°
Opposite, square, conjunct nVenus-Uranus 14-18°
Sesqui/semi nMars-Pluto 18-23°

Next to Gemini (Spoke)-
Opposite, square, conjunct nJupiter-Moon-Mercury-Neptune 2-6°
Sesqui/semi nSature 4-6°
Opposite, square, conjunct n sun 23-25°

Then Cancer (Rim)
Sesqui/semi nVenus-Uranus 0-3°
Square, conjunct, opposite n Mars-Pluto 3-8°
Sesqui/semi n Jupiter-Moon-Mercury-Neptune 17-21°
Opposite, conjunct, square n Saturn 19-21°
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Boy, am I going through some transits! Of all kinds, Sun, Moon, Inner and outer. The world too, is going through much change, destruction, weather, disaster. Record heat in Chicago and the midwest. 95, 96 degree heat where I live for 6 consecutive days. Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes.
Besides the horrible destruction, we see people come together, connect, share. It is remarkable. And I personally have always enjoyed the fall, and my Sun in Virgo transits.
I also must give thanks and credit to sidereal astrology pioneers and Solunars' members, and Jim Eshelman for discovering such paths, and for trusting the knowledge and consciousness, the strength and conviction to remain loyal, to retain focus and stay on the path. Days like today, reaffirm to me, astrological truths. Reading the transit notes, I am impressed of how I can confirm my experiences parallel.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by TheScales_BothWays »

It's nice to see that you're in awe with what Sidereal Astrology is showing you. :D

If you could further detail the transits you were experiencing, and how those transits contributed to your awe, that would be even great. (Of course, you don't have to get too personal. ;) )
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I don't mind getting personal. With me, and others, finding the proper words to describe experiences isn't always easy. I want to be accurate. And, well, people I've known, in general, everyday life, usually aren't too accurate when describing a pure, emotion, or feeling. At times, we can be more or less. And some are better at articulating. What I feel in the moment is gone when I write, unless I write when in the moment, which in this case I didn't. A better explanation, of my awe, is that I felt aligned. I had an abundance of transiting aspects this day. I felt emotional and also able to extrovert and connect to others. I felt on a mission of sorts. I felt like my ideas were more concrete and my future looked purposeful. It was euphoric. My energy was high but not anxious.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

So, last night, I was annoyed, stifled, uncomfortable, but mostly frustrated. T moon hit my N Mars-Pluto. Tmars hit my n Mars-Pluto. I slept maybe 3 hours. My energy was too high. I didn't cope well. I didn't do much of anything but lay in bed, drink water, use the bathroom, take deep breaths. My mind was too active, from i suspect transiting mercury aspects to my natal chart. It sucked. I felt low. I was in a void. When I awoke this morning, I felt the same as if I had slept 8 hours.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

James Condor wrote: Sat Sep 30, 2017 7:15 am So, last night, I was annoyed, stifled, uncomfortable, but mostly frustrated. T moon hit my N Mars-Pluto. Tmars hit my n Mars-Pluto. I slept maybe 3 hours. My energy was too high. I didn't cope well. I didn't do much of anything but lay in bed, drink water, use the bathroom, take deep breaths. My mind was too active, from i suspect transiting mercury aspects to my natal chart. It sucked. I felt low. I was in a void. When I awoke this morning, I felt the same as if I had slept 8 hours.
I think the Moon transits were too flitting for this kind of effect, but the Mercury aspects you briefly mentioned are right on target, including Mercury opposite your Moon and square your Mercury and two other planets. I've gone through many occasions of this - as if an "On" switch were flipped in my head that wouldn't flip off.

Moon-Mars may have added the agitation, but Mercury ("just nerves") is capable of doing most of that on its own; and your much stronger Mars presence was transiting Mars opposite Solar Return Mars (and, just to add a bit, transiting Mercury exactly on your SSR Ascendant.)
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Ah, okay. Thanks Jim. No wonder it was rough. It has been awhile that I felt so. Like the environment around me felt a different shade of color and tint and my eyes were wide. I stared. I was afraid if I said or did much, that others would take it wrong and that I would have to fight or feel outcast. So I held back, and it felt suffocating. I had energy reserved and could not sleep. That and the mercury mind thing.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

One thing changed more apparently in my psyche over the last week or so and the the only astrological change I've noticed is tJupiter conjunct nMars. I can think, ah, yes, this makes sense, Jupiter is a benefic planet and has improved or touched my foreground n Mars, improving it, or smoothing it, or at least making it more as the forum interpretations read. I am going through similar as to the interpretation, but my experience is not saying the same, in that I have been fighting less; life has had less lows, less depression, less dark pain. Could tJupiter n Mars be responsible in my case? That's where others can chime in.
My current tUranus to nUranus has been going on longer, before the lows stopped, and to n Venus just began. And I haven't noticed any aspects becoming less partile. I have not been counting trines, sextiles, quincunx or anything other than what the reading suggests. Otherwise, I could see a harmonic aspect maybe responsible too.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

One of my favorite feelings is the changing of the Sun into the next sign as in from Virgo to Libra currently. I woke up Tuesday the 17th, and felt it big time, as I usually do. The contrast. Things are shaded different with different signs. A different tone. I notice too, public moods.
Also, 0° Libra makes a semisquare to my n Venus (Venus-Uranus), as do all Rims. But I notice all sign changes. This one in particular, I noticed more this time, the difference between Mercury and Venus, and Rim, Spoke.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Question. N Venus is on progressed DC and n Saturn on progressed MC ( I think). Does this matter.?I bet my question is answered in another post but I figured this be quicker. I would assume yes, but to what extent?
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Danica »

James Condor wrote: Fri Oct 20, 2017 1:45 pm Question. N Venus is on progressed DC and n Saturn on progressed MC ( I think). Does this matter.?I bet my question is answered in another post but I figured this be quicker. I would assume yes, but to what extent?
to what extent - you'll have to observe that in practice
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Thanks Danica. I forget if I have learned that. Its weird I didn't notice this before. Maybe someone told me and I forgot.
The funny thing is, before I noticed pVenus foreground, I have been thinking and behaving as if I want peace and quiet, and more harmony. I have been trying to keep the peace and not confront people directly. I have been more shy. Tender. Sorta soft in a way. I have been prioritizing more about making things easier on myself, about reducing stress and tension. Less aggressive.
PSaturn I have been more inhibited, serious, isolated, restricted, melancholy, stuck.
I wonder when I began noticing these things in myself. I understand angularity is gradual, and even back a year ago I should have had noticed these foreground, right? But now it seems stronger, as it would be, being more foreground. What if I am wrong though, and my calculations are incorrect and pVenus and pSaturn are not foreground.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

TMars NSun- An inward focused energy with not much thought or ideas but more of an expert analysis drive of a sense of knowing the self by awareness of being, presence. Hmm. Witnessing. Observing. Not worldly. Confident. Inner strength. Not talkative or friendly but will appear so in a way if spoken to or confronted with it. Self assured. A paradox of being deep and on the surface at the same time. Unusually tired physically but keep going. Feeling all the aches and pains. Aware of posture, use good posture to advantage.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

TMars conjunct n Mars. One thing I really notice is my sense of smell is different. I am picking up on many smells. Worked very fast but accurately. Impatient but not sloppy. Muscle soreness. Feeling wiped out, exhausted, but not lounging. Busy mind, many ideas, like Jim E. States. Not sure what to do with myself-allot of options.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Maybe the weather has been getting me down; it isn't helping at least. TPluto along with nUranus foreground is quite heavy. I have been feeling tense, bored, wanting a new life. I have felt isolated. I have felt empty. But, I am not stuck. I am not destructive. I have had a more difficult time expressing my true thoughts and feelings. Mostly, I have had a difficult time accepting my life. I feel I should be trying to focus on my desires, my future. Should I move to a 'better' town? Should I pursue more satisfying work? Should I try to motivate and push myself more? Should I focus more on being a better person? Focus on relationships with family? What risks will I, or won't I take. And my girlfriend, I love, but, she wants to settle down and live together. She doesn't flow well with allowing me to just be.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve and I touched on this in the Solar Return thread. Yes, Pluto is minutes from your Sun, Uranus has been circling your Ascendant, Neptune is a couple of minutes from square your Uranus, Saturn has been dominating half your chart for weeks... and the SSR around the corner shows the need, and many opportunities, to hurl yourself into dreams and adventure. (To be continued in the other thread.)
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

James Condor wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:09 am Maybe the weather has been getting me down; it isn't helping at least. TPluto along with nUranus foreground is quite heavy. I have been feeling tense, bored, wanting a new life. I have felt isolated. I have felt empty. But, I am not stuck. I am not destructive. I have had a more difficult time expressing my true thoughts and feelings. Mostly, I have had a difficult time accepting my life. I feel I should be trying to focus on my desires, my future. Should I move to a 'better' town? Should I pursue more satisfying work? Should I try to motivate and push myself more? Should I focus more on being a better person? Focus on relationships with family? What risks will I, or won't I take. And my girlfriend, I love, but, she wants to settle down and live together. She doesn't flow well with allowing me to just be.
This was posted January 6, 2018, 7:09 AM, Valparaiso, IN. At the time it was posted (the moment the Submit button was clicked), a triple-conjunction of Sun-Venus-Pluto wa 2-3° below Ascendant, exactly trined by Moon, all of them sextiled an exact Mars-Jupiter conjunction. It was a powerful moment, with so much going on... but reasonably representative of what is expressed in your post.

To start (and keep this relatively brief and compact), the Sun-Venus-Pluto conjunction, which is a close (but not foreground) feature of your upcoming SSR, shows reassessment and readiness for change in areas of identity and romance. The Moon aspects zero in and make this even more strong, more personal. The Mars-Jupiter is really vital, vibrant - lusty, positive action, industrious, throw it all to the wind. All of these interweave in more minute ways.

Potentially, we could experiment with this as a horary chart. It isn't exactly a question, but there are implied questions in it, and it meets what I think are the correct "mechanical" requirements, that something powerful and clear inside you (psychologically) came forth into the real world by being expressed in the action of communicating it.

In this case, I would read it much the same way: The Sun-Venus-Pluto rising, powerfully aspected, is the main force of what was rising (!) up inside you, burst for expression into the world. The Ascendant sign has been tending to show themes consistent with the question, and with Sagittarius rising we could just reiterate that this is about you - your strong Sagittarian nature - or say it is a question about "distant horizons," aspiration, rising up and out, etc. (Your Sun was in the rising foreground when this was posted.)

Moon (always important in horary) is in the 8th house, so this is really an question of psychological content bubbling up from the depths. Moon is applying almost immediately (0°40', 0°53') to the Mars-Jupiter, so your next step is positive action.

(I'm not sure this other way of looking at the chart makes much difference, but I'm experimenting these days with how to "find our footing" in a renewed horary or quasi-horary model.)
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by SteveS »

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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Thanks for the reply! I don't know anything about the horary chart, and please do one, if you it's worth it.
Its sorta crazy, the feelings I've been having, and this morning when I posted. I felt heavy, irritated, short of breath, but needing to talk to someone about this bizarre, state. This feeling of-what the heck am I doing here. Also, lately, of wanting to being free to create a new life at all costs. Everything I've worked for, every experience I've been through, the years of life, necessary, but no longer important. The apartment I've lived in for years, the people I've known, the town I've known, seems redundant. Its really scary. Its almost like a bad dream where I am trapped, living a life I've already lived. It looks like everything is slowly fading. It looks like people are sorta acting roles, going through the motions of what's expected. Of course, this is just perception, I am not ranting.
Specifically I have noticed the urge to break through. I see two choices-live the same, or pursue exactly what I want. I am mature, older now, than thoughts similar to these over the years. I feel, I need to trust myself and others, and surrender to. When I do relax, and focus, I feel like I did as a freshman in college, in a new place, with a new role and my entire future ahead of me. However it isn't easy. Change isn't easy. The same is safer. The same seems like suicide. Fake. Cowardly, stubborn, fearful.
I would love to find my footing! I do not recognize anything. Where has the past gone and where do I belong. More so, how to get back to myself in a way I enjoy; a satisfying life
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Is this Chiron?

T Sun conjunct nChiron. Current

Big picture clarity. Forgetfulness, on minor details. Like, short term memory. Focused. Focused on self. Priorities clear. Did I text her goodnight? Did I get back to her? Does it matter is not ever a question on these details. What happened a second ago, a minute ago. Idk!? What!? But, damn, I feel good. Like in a flow. Tensions eased or ...where are they? Sleep quality heightened. Not emotionally reactive, like in big picture. Not essence but do notice surface form, images. Dream like but no confusion, clarity. Slower time.
Is this Chiron?
Maybe its Sun in Taurus?
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I'm really feeling tSun sequisquare n Sun. I didn't know this transit was happening until I realized a certain fed up ness or being more straight forward with myself and others. A more of what I want. More direct. Direction.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

TPluto conjunct n Sun-
Where to begin with all my transits? I think this transit has diluted past ideas, labels, beliefs and such to the point where isolation happens because habitual past attachments are becoming less attached. It has been showing me something I can't quite put my finger on. Its physical and psychological, but the psychological hasn't been easy to communicate.
So a 'dark, underground feeling" in the isolated, different, weird, going your own way because this is the only way.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

When old maps don't show the terrain any longer, it takes a while to learn to read the new maps, which usually are written in a new language.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

That's interesting. A new language.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

TUranus opposite nMars is nuts in the aggressive, competitive, industrious nature I am feeling. It seems to make me more confident. Work is frustrating me yet I am more involved and enjoying the skills.

Yesterday and today feel more like Saturn to me but I see no Saturn effect.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Saturn how? (I could take "feels like Saturn" in several ways.)

I also don't see anything obviously Saturn today. However (a minor factor) your Natal Quotidian has natal Uranus on an angle yesterday and today. Feeling accelerated needs for freedom often feels like "things are too restricting." Just a thought...

Oh - again, a minor factor - if we're talking quotidians, your Solar Quotidian (SSR quotidian) has transiting Saturn on an angle today; but if it were this, I'd expect you to feel it for most of the last week as the angle crossed SSR Saturn and then switched to transiting Saturn.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

"Jim Eshelman"
Saturn how? (I could take "feels like Saturn" in several ways).

I felt I had too much to do and too little time and too much work. It was a struggle. Friday at work I felt I had enough time to finish a project, but I made too many mistakes and was unproductive. It stuck with me all night. How could I have gotten so little work done. What a waste, I thought. Saturday morning awoke with little rest and was on the move the entire day. No nap, allot of caffeine, very busy (tMercury n Sun) . I did house chores all morning which was unexpected. Then had a frustrating phone call with a tux rental worker. She thought I was the groom even though I told her I wasn't right away. She didn't listen. Then I spent too much time at a friends house . I expected him to have food because I was there for 3 hours. He made brownie cookies. I ate those then a late dinner when I got home. Too much sugar on an empty stomach.
Couldn't sleep hardly. Too much on mind. Allot of mental planning.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

T Sun conjunction n Pluto.
A physical (or perceived) awareness of distance, separate, isolated. Inside- out perception as opposed to outside -in(probably said that before). Not judgmental or critical. Nothing added to or deleted from perception. Non attachment. Seeking wordly or human understanding but without choosing a side. Objective. Not seeking excitement or friendship, person acceptance. Not hurried in speech. Living in the moment. Curious in others ways of thinking or perspective when socializing.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Veronica »

That sounds like a beautiful day.

I love it when the Sun comes around and kisses my Pluto. I look forward to the day when Pluto comes about to finally kiss my Sun....and the Sun is right there kissing Her back.

Thanks for sharing your day😀
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

It was different for sure. I didn’t mind it at all. Transit became partile Friday and ended Saturday some time. Friday was cold. Saturday rained all day and zero sun.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Veronica »

That sounds even more lovely.
I love cold dark rainy days.

When sun transits my Pluto its usually way too hot bright dry and sunny and I end up hiding in my room or basement. (My Pluto is in Virgo).

For you though I would think that the transit of the sun to your mars beforehand would rev you up and vitalize you.
For a Sagitarian a transit of the sun to your Pluto could be sad so you are very fortunate I would think to have your Mars aspected slightly beforhand.
It also means though if I recall corectly that when the sun transits your Pluto it is also aspecting your natal Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, which as somone who also has that conjunction feels like a nice and needed day to spend alone with oneself.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

December 1 9p
TSun conjunct nVenus-Uranus
T-Saturn conjunct nSun
T-Moon conjunct nSaturn sequisquare n Jupiter-Neptune
T-Jupiter square natal moon-Neptune-Saturn
(TUranus n Pluto. Came before these transits but is currently partile)

Energetic, anxious, lots of thoughts. Future concerns.
Thought I made the wrong decision in not staying longer to watch my brothers dog.
Really hungry. Over ate snacks
Very busy all day one event after another.
Brother and wife had a baby
Burnt rice-totally forgot I was cooking rice- very unlike me. This almost never happens.
Last edited by James Condor on Tue Dec 03, 2019 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

December 2-3 . Same transits but TSun conjunct Venus is-Uranus is closer

Less energetic and anxious.
Aware of dreams. Vivid dreams. (Every now and then this happens)
Less mental stress than yesterday. Day went fast.
Notice physical discomfort around to right rotator cuff more strongly.
More future oriented
Too many plans and options in my head. Need to tell myself to live live in the present.
Tired on the third. More relaxed.
Otherwise nothing to significantly different than normal
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

December 4

Tired mostly. Bored. Routine nothing new really. Been here many times.
I had a memory of a few future insights th at just happened within the last few weeks.
Future insights began awhile back with tUranus opposite NPluto.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

December 10. 5pm ish.
I notice a hightened sense of smell and taste. TVenus conjunct NSun is the only new transit I have (beside transiting Mars Conjunct n Saturn). Then again it’s a full moon.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Jim and/or Steve,
What is the Natal Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Natal Sun Steve S mentioned I had exact June 25? Is it still happening? When did it begin and when does it end?
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

James Condor wrote: Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:11 pm Jim and/or Steve,
What is the Solar Arc thing Steve S mentioned I had June 25? Is it still happening?
All Solar Arc directions last about two years. That is, all planets move about 1° per year and have a 1° orb applying and separating.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

I edited my last post to add more Info. When did it begin and when does it end? I assume it ends a year from today (based on it lasting two years and being exact a few weeks ago)?
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What was the aspect Steve named? I'm using my eyes as little as possible, so I'm not going to big back through the thread and find it. But yes, if it was a solar arc direction exact today then it lasts about another year, regardless of what it was.
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Re: James Condor's Transits

Post by James Condor »

Natal Solar Arc Uranus conjunct natal sun exact on June 25
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