In what way does Mars show?

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In what way does Mars show?

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

I have always wondered. In what way does a natal Mars show itself the most? Lately I have observed Mars in the signs even more and I think I am getting a better hold of it now.
My son has Mars in Capricorn and his behavior can be rough and animalistic. My mother for example has Mars in Scorpio and she identifies with the naughty one and being misleading on purpose, a pot stirrer sort of. A lot of people I know identify way more with their Mars sign.
When does a Mars sign show up the most? When one is angry? Or competitive? Even when a Mars is background, the sign shows. I am just trying to get a grip on how important a Mars sign is in a chart.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: In what way does Mars show?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

FlorencedeZ. wrote: Wed Nov 09, 2022 9:44 am I have always wondered. In what way does a natal Mars show itself the most?
You are quite correct that the Mars sign shows strongly. I first discovered this in the early '80s from the Gauquelin character trait statistics. Anna-Kria King dived in an showed me it was very, very strong. Work with charts since then has continued to reinforce this.

I think the reasons this sign position is more important than most others are: (1) Mars is the fastest planet that can be in any sign regardless of Sun sign. (2) Mars is an egoic planet - it is part of the ego-reinforcing, self-distinguishing, individualizing planets. Note the interesting fact that some Tropical astrologers who think that 1st House, Aries, and Mars are all variant expressions of the same idea will use Mars much the way they use the Ascendant.

We have what I think are well-developed Mars sign interpretations here:
My son has Mars in Capricorn and his behavior can be rough and animalistic.
My three key Mars in Capricorn words are: animal, resentment, shadow.
My mother for example has Mars in Scorpio and she identifies with the naughty one and being misleading on purpose, a pot stirrer sort of. A lot of people I know identify way more with their Mars sign.
They do indeed! Yes, my Mars in Scorpio quick terms are fearless, fun-loving, naughty.

I think it's a very strong factor.
When does a Mars sign show up the most? When one is angry? Or competitive? Even when a Mars is background, the sign shows. I am just trying to get a grip on how important a Mars sign is in a chart.
I don't think angularity has anything to do with whether a planet's sign is expressed: It always is. I do think that people will see their own Mars sign more strongly before they are self-aware (before the central ego-idea is evident to them), and that others see it strongly in our overt actions. - I rank the Mars sign as weaker than Sun and Moon, but only a little weaker - and as more or less the only sign that matters in a big way besides the luminaries.

I think some of my Mars in Gemini remarks were from your input during the Mars in Gemini project. ... p=115#p117
Jim Eshelman
Soft Alpaca
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Re: In what way does Mars show?

Post by Soft Alpaca »

This may simply be to the nature of mars and its want to conquer. It's like it's trying to achieve but never can bur also can't be molded due to this.

My own angular sun sign (which I think sagittarius should be called the Overseer again) is hit by an equally angular Uranus and it effects my own brand of staunch conservatism (like my avid view about the link between reproductive and reasonable self defense rights). I belive in compliance to a point that is we complu till we can no longer all breath (talking total civil war here like leagal 1 and 14th amendment erasure)
My moon is in dynamic aspect to pluto which molds its sign energy from standard. It's other aspects may as well,- like saturn. I don't think however my lack of normal Leo likeness comes from this completely I think it's due to my moons eighth house.

Mars though, for example, never folds to and expresses a planet in a way a luminary can. A Mars aspect even to a luminary wants to dominate. If I had a Leo Mars rather than moon for example even with the eighth house swap I wouldn't not feel as much as a typical Leo. With my sun if it were a Sagittarius Mars I'd feel more sagittarius more than likely (if D9 aspects are important my Ur and Mars are connected and I'm no less of an grotesque capricorn).
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