Will i got married or will remain single?
Will i got married or will remain single?
Can you give an eye to my natal and tell me if will got marry in my life or will remain alone and single,so far i haven't any relationship still.
20 sept 1986
5:25 am
20 sept 1986
5:25 am
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Hi, Element. - Yes, as discussed above, interpersonal relationships are difficult for you. This is one of the more challenging areas in your life. You've described yourself as shy etc., and seem to have difficulties connecting with people.Element wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:18 am Can you give an eye to my natal and tell me if will got marry in my life or will remain alone and single,so far i haven't any relationship still.
Mostly, connecting with people is not a natural priority of your chart. Nonetheless, everyone needs love and connection. While you are more drawn to practical things, analysis, curiosities, survival, and accomplishment, I'm sure you there is love for you if you make it a priority.
It's likely all in the timing.
We've talked previously about the fact that this year (beginning with your birthday two months ago) is going to be rough, and you have some practical and psychological difficulties to confront next spring in particular. Those things need your attention now and for at least the next year. Relationships will be difficult for a while.
You can improve your chances for love a great deal by living in a place where your Venus is strong, In your other thread, I mentioned specific places in western Europe that are great for you. I understand you can't move now - but since your question about marriage applied to the whole scope of your life, I mention this again. When it is practical, I suggest you consider a permanent relocation to a Venus area.
You do, however, have one very possible "success in love" aspect coming up. You have solar arc Venus to your Jupiter. That's exact next October. Technically, it's in effect now, building over the next year, but I think it unlikely you will have this result until after next spring's ordeals have come and gone.
You can amplify this positive effect on romance if you are able to travel for your next birthday. Venus is exactly angular in your next Solar Return (your birthday chart) for areas east of you, such as a little east of Istanbul such as Bursa. A beautiful Moon-Venus connection for the year sets up in southern Turkey, a bit north of Rhodes. Otherwise, the line goes into Ukraine, which is likely not someplace you want to visit in the near future. - think somewhere near Aydin, Turkey would be the best fit for Venus expression for the year. - If you decide to do this, let us know - we can finetune the calculations for you.
Aydin has transiting Moon-Venus closely angular and your natal Venus exactly on Zenith. Everywhere in the world, you will have a Moon-Saturn square, but this location at last weakens the Saturn a bit and also gives you a mundane Moon-Venus square. I think it would be a good location for your birthday, and not too far away.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
No,i'm not going to change town or country,this is the place where i'm gonna live rest of my life,if this may be an issue to cause not to marry,then i have to accept it.
I have stuck for friendships and relationships,there is a deadlock i cannot find a quick fix,people may don't see a happy and nice dude to come and talk with,so they keep distance and wondering,gossiping etc.

- Sidereal Field Agent
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
We're in the exact same situation. I have two consecutive returns with Moon/Venus aspects. The first being an exact conjunction of Moon/Venus over natal Venus way in the background. The second being a 3 degree Moon/Venus opposition in the foreground. I would love to look forward to to these returns but the universe always has a way of exercising a monkey paw in my love life or nothing at all.
You don't have any indication in your natal chart that you will end up alone. It just seems you're a highly sensitive and anxious person.
You don't have any indication in your natal chart that you will end up alone. It just seems you're a highly sensitive and anxious person.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Hi Venus_Daily,yeah,i'm hyper sensitive and anxious person,this is perceived from the others around so,they just keep a distance from me.There is completely no connection,no communication,no personal life,no sex life,nothing,alright i'm 36 yo,i have to face a personality disorder with a lot of symptoms that aren't treatable,that are obstacle to make a step forward for a relationship that someday could drive to a serious result,a marriage.Emotional weakness hold me really back for years,i spent a lot of money to therapies last 2,5 years but i got not actually help at all,so i stopped that.Venus_Daily wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 1:55 pm We're in the exact same situation. I have two consecutive returns with Moon/Venus aspects. The first being an exact conjunction of Moon/Venus over natal Venus way in the background. The second being a 3 degree Moon/Venus opposition in the foreground. I would love to look forward to to these returns but the universe always has a way of exercising a monkey paw in my love life or nothing at all.
You don't have any indication in your natal chart that you will end up alone. It just seems you're a highly sensitive and anxious person.

Second,i face financial deadlock,i cannot afford to leave paren'ts house,cause my job salary is just basic and despite i try to find something more stable,joyful,with better conditions and salary,i remain stuck in the current boring situation.

I like some women in my workplace,but i fear,i fear to speak,to meet,to ask for further details,due to insecurity and fear of failure and fear of rejection,i don't want to get hurt emotionally,so i step back.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Guys,i fear i will remain alone,without real friendships and no marriage or family. 

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I understand. That feeling is consistent with your horoscope. Many things in your chart point to feeling that way (e.g., Moon closely aspecting Saturn which is on IC, background Venus conjunct Pluto, the psychology of your Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon, etc.)Element wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:17 am Guys,i fear i will remain alone,without real friendships and no marriage or family.
This isn't a final word on the matter, though. I've tried to help above. Astrology is a science that finds meaning in specific times and places, so I've advised in terms of specific times and places that are consistent with your wishes. I hope you are able to find something valuable for yourself in picking the right point in time and the right location on Earth.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I understand,for sure there no way to predict something like this with specific time or period,just wanted to know if will be possible to found a soulmate and finally marry,create family etc,i fear to remain alone or lonely,will feel so empty and sorrowful.Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:33 amI understand. That feeling is consistent with your horoscope. Many things in your chart point to feeling that way (e.g., Moon closely aspecting Saturn which is on IC, background Venus conjunct Pluto, the psychology of your Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon, etc.)Element wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:17 am Guys,i fear i will remain alone,without real friendships and no marriage or family.
This isn't a final word on the matter, though. I've tried to help above. Astrology is a science that finds meaning in specific times and places, so I've advised in terms of specific times and places that are consistent with your wishes. I hope you are able to find something valuable for yourself in picking the right point in time and the right location on Earth.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
There is a difficulty in making relationships in my whole life,actually i hadn't any real relationship with women so far,due to the characteristics of my character(introvert,shy,fearing rejection,if will say anything and will sound redicule etc) and my avoidant elements i have,neither i can make easily an approach neither the other side can come closer to me,so there is a space,a distance between me and a possible women that may i like but i fear to speak and to express feelings/emotions to her,from the other side,they see a dude too serious,avoidant,introvert,not attractive,who don't want to open his self,so there is an image of a weirdo who better leave him alone cause he may want to be in that way.
Second half of 2023,near summer,i plan to move a bit and make some steps,baby steps,to realise that i should not fear at all to approach women and let them meet and know me.I don't know of course if 2023 is a year that will give me a boost in this area,i hope so.
Second half of 2023,near summer,i plan to move a bit and make some steps,baby steps,to realise that i should not fear at all to approach women and let them meet and know me.I don't know of course if 2023 is a year that will give me a boost in this area,i hope so.

Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I fear will remail single and alone,i'm 37 yo and i have no stable friends or a relationship,fighting with a personality disorder and mental health issues that need time and maybe years of therapy to be healed,i'm not still able to be social.

- Zodiac Member
- Posts: 418
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Hey Element, hows your day?
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Hello,i have some days good,some days not so good.

Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I think will not get married as no relationships so far.

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
"Ever" is a long time. A lot of things aren't going to go your way until this long Neptune transit to your Sun finishes.
I understand that the internal pressure to find someone right now is strong. In addition to long-term patterns suggesting this need, yesterday Venus even crossed an angle for you, so I suspected the matter was more on your mind. Even the Neptune transit to your Sun carries a need to merge and tie yourself to another. However, it's unlikely you will see someone clearly during this transit. Under Neptune, people make bad decisions concerning other people (one of the many forms it takes). I know you've been through a rough, long stretch - it probably seems it will go on forever - but you're still very deep in this Neptune process.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Is this could be a bad karma curse like? Why the heck Neptune is that way for me for so long period,i have lot of people sympathise to me but it stays only there,nothing further,i fear to be alone whole life time. 

Last edited by Element on Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Neptune is more or less that way for everyone, depending on the shape your life was in when it started.
The universe doesn't punish. It does, however, fulfill the effects of things we set inotion.
The universe doesn't punish. It does, however, fulfill the effects of things we set inotion.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Hi Element,Element wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:17 pm Is this could be a bad karma curse like? Why the heck Neptune is that way for me for so long period,i have lot of people sympathise to me but it stays only there,nothing further,i fear to be alone whole life time.![]()
Your post, especially the part I emphasized, touched a chord in me. It vibrated in accordance with feelings I have had about my life. I read some information ( psychological testing data on successful marriages) that inspired me and helped me examine the choices I had been making on how I spend my free time, mainly and specifically what do I do in the hours after coming home from work till I retire. This is the time that we usually seek comfort from the weight of the day, the demands of our job, and the stresses of life in general.
The data seemed to very clearly show a positive correlation between couples who had similar "self soothing, comforting" techniques and contentment in their relationship with their partner. Couples who had vastly different methods of "unwinding and relaxation" ie the spouse who likes to read quietly the latest spy novel and the spouse who puts on punk rock and dances furiously were less satisfied and less likely (according to this specific trial) to maintain long term bonds.
In reflecting on that idea I was moved to examine what exactly do I Veronica LIKE to do, how do I transition from doing my job, being that person that my boss hired to complete a specific task, to being at home and letting my whole self have expression.
It made me think a few things: I should do work in which My Whole self is able to express my needs so that when I transition home at the end of the day I dont feel like I am having to shower and change my clothes and remove my mask so Veronica can sing and dance. It also brought to light that I actually had not been spending my free time doing activities that I personally enjoyed, I had been caretaking others and not myself. The hobbies and pastimes I had enjoyed as a child, singing and dancing, coloring, jigsaw puzzles, Lego's, nurturing seeds and growing flowers, cooking and yes even cleaning.....all had been set aside.
When I found myself truly single in 2017 I was inspired to rekindle my own personal comfort activities and fill my time doing things that I enjoyed doing, regardless how strange or odd they seem to the rest of the world.
I'm still single but I dont feel alone, in a very real way I became my own best friend by honoring my own unique needs and manners of expression, by just doing what brought joy, satisfaction and contentment to me.
The data in the trial indicates the most successful relationships are built upon strong bonds of shared experiences,of mutually fulfilling activities.
I dont know if it would be helpful to you or not but it may provide you with real opportunities to relate to another if you identify how your spending your down time, how you self sooth and nurture and care for yourself in your free time. You may find that your love for activities is shared by others.
- Zodiac Member
- Posts: 418
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I think half of marriages end in divorce. Weddings can cost too much.
Marriage doesn’t mean love. Love means love. Marriage is a status. Woman seem to care more about it. Or, people who want to achieve something. Prove something. Prove their level of love and commitment. Why not skip the title and ceremony?
I am not opposed to marriage. But it’s not for everyone. Like myself. To me it sounds worse than the alternative.
Btw, I have mental issues too. But I’m intelligent, high functioning.
Do you really think you want marriage? It’s a big commitment. How about first get into a long term commitment relationship, without marriage. It has to start somewhere. And it can’t be forced. It has to be genuine. Relationships have to be true. And they require effort, skill. Patience. Forgiveness. Many things
You don’t have to fear being alone. We are surrounded by people. Billions of people. Unless you are totally isolated from society, we aren’t alone.
Maybe you have Fear Of Missing Out. Maybe you want what you don’t have. Maybe you see friends and family getting married and you want to belong to that status.
Marriage doesn’t mean love. Love means love. Marriage is a status. Woman seem to care more about it. Or, people who want to achieve something. Prove something. Prove their level of love and commitment. Why not skip the title and ceremony?
I am not opposed to marriage. But it’s not for everyone. Like myself. To me it sounds worse than the alternative.
Btw, I have mental issues too. But I’m intelligent, high functioning.
Do you really think you want marriage? It’s a big commitment. How about first get into a long term commitment relationship, without marriage. It has to start somewhere. And it can’t be forced. It has to be genuine. Relationships have to be true. And they require effort, skill. Patience. Forgiveness. Many things
You don’t have to fear being alone. We are surrounded by people. Billions of people. Unless you are totally isolated from society, we aren’t alone.
Maybe you have Fear Of Missing Out. Maybe you want what you don’t have. Maybe you see friends and family getting married and you want to belong to that status.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I cannot explain why i'm single still at 37,several reasons may occur but i don't know if you read a reason via my birth chart.

- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19572
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Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
There are no reasons in your chart in the specific sense of something that "dooms" you to be single. There are, however, indications that this might be a vulnerable or slowly developed life area for you.Element wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 8:26 am I cannot explain why i'm single still at 37,several reasons may occur but i don't know if you read a reason via my birth chart.![]()
That is, the chart shows character patterns that could lead to this result.
Most of these involve your Venus. (The rest are mostly the strength of your Saturn.) Everyone alive has "affiliation needs" - basic needs for affection, connection, the giving and receiving of love, etc. However, some people have this need much more strongly than others. In your case, Venus is in the background - a zone of the chart where it doesn't have much strength. This means that the driving urge to connect and share affection isn't as strong as other urges (such as survival and information).
When a planet is background like your Venus, it means it does not naturally have a strong, compelling NEED. Subjectively, this probably feels to you like you don't have the same opportunities for this type of relationship that you see other people having. This can cause a psychological bruise - a nagging hurt on the topic.
Because your Sun is in Virgo, this is an even stronger condition. Virgo is contrary to the nature of Venus: Virgo has other priorities, especially around gathering, processing, and distributing information (in your case, probably for its own sake and in order to help organize and control your environment). Finally, your Venus is conjunct Pluto, which is an intense "all or nothing" expression of your Venus. That is, some Venus-Pluto people have very strong, intense relationships and others tend to be withdrawn, not closely associated, more solitary. Since your Venus is background, you would lean more toward the solitary trend.
Venus-Pluto also isn't very tolerant of other people's ideas and "rules" about social connection. You find other people's rules arbitrary and having nothing to do with your life. You find social conventions being restrictive and unnatural. Sol you don't come across like "everybody else playing the game" when you interact with someone. As a best outcome, this can lead to really extraordinary connection and relationship opportunities other people would miss; as a worse outcome, it likely means you come across as strange in dating and other social situations.
At the same time, your Venus is in Libra. Despite the background, there is a part of you that desires marriage or romantic partnership very much, having an instinct that it would "make your world right." (It might!) That's not enough to reverse the meaning of Venus background conjunct Pluto, but it does make the absence of relationship sting more.
You could overcome most of this by moving to a location where you have Venus on an angle, such as near Paris or Barcelona (or other places on the same longitudes; even better if it's a little west of those cities). Or, even better, another Venus line that passes through Gibraltar then curves northwest through a small bit of SW Spain and through Portugal. But you have said you don't want to relocate, and I respect that. Therefore you will continue to live in an area where the Venus force is very weak and close relationships (while possible) are less probable.
Besides the Venus, the rest of this is related to your Saturn. You have Saturn 0°01' from an angle! You should read all the Saturn angular traits here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=38#p188
Saturn's strongest traits are independence, reserve, and struggle. It represents the need to have a material effect on the world around you, to make and structure things, and to control them, pin them not, organize them in your mind in a fixed way, especially in the service of your physical and psychological survival. Saturn does not inherently restrict relationships but can have that effect in several ways: First, you probably feel you need to control things and keep them locked down and "just so" - this doesn't make a lot of room for being pleasantly surprised, allowing your life to take new turns. It may put off some people who don't like to be controlled and are looking for more fun and room to grow. Secondly, your strong Saturn means you probably take extra precautions to keep yourself safe, which can include keeping distant from others, not trusting them, secretly testing them so they have to prove to you they won't hurt you, etc.; and this can chase most people away. Your Saturn also has a strong aspect to your Moon: I think you carry resentments and wounds from your early relationship with your parents, which can intensify the need to feel emotionally safe (and maybe habits of feeling emotionally hurt or disappointed: if you are always on the lookout to be safe from this, then you can sabotage new relationships).
I think this summarizes the psychological factors in you that have led to you not finding the relationships you want. Most of us had to go through trial-and-error processes of learning, during adolescence, how to fumble and fail and keep trying and keep fumbling and eventually get lucky or get something right so that we start on the path of healthy adult relationships. (It's a normal development.) From the history you have given us, I'm not sure how much chance you gave yourself (or how much opportunity you thought you were given) to go through this awkward learning process while you were a teenager. You may have to do it now, therefore (and it's harder now).
My practical advice is to not be too hard on yourself until you come out the other side of the Neptune and Saturn aspects (wasn't it next year that these go away?). Second, start thinking about and experimenting with ways to connect as friends with both men and women you encounter. Third, once the Neptune and Saturn periods are over, we can help look for periods that have better relationship opportunities. Mostly, though (my strongest suggestion) is that you move to Spain or Portugal where your life will change, where it will become so new and unknown that you invent new Venus-aligned ways of being. (You've said you won't take that advice, though.)
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Like you, Element, I have Venus background natally; I have a Virgo Moon, and a close Moon-Saturn aspect. I'm 34, so just a few years younger than you. I'm also going through a long Neptune transit to natal Sun! So we have a number of things in common.
I strongly second Jim's emphasis on moving somewhere where Venus is foreground. I moved to the other side of the United States for exactly this reason. It took about a year for me to really, deeply feel the difference of having Venus foreground for myself, but I absolutely do, now. It crept up on me gradually... I started acting in Venus-centric ways that were new to me without quite realizing that I was doing it. The most obvious was taking care of a colony of stray cats - something I would've thought about but never actually done back in my birthplace - and then adopting one, so ongoing care of a little, affectionate furry creature has become a daily part of my life.
I've started actively dating. I've found it not only so much easier to find opportunities for connection to romantic partners (I'm using dating apps, for whatever that's worth), but I feel much more confident about the whole thing. Some small successes have further improved that confidence. I recognize that Neptune transiting my Sun makes it less likely that I'll find or identify "the one" (or "a one") during this period, but I'm fine just learning more about this process, getting some experience, and getting some closeness/attention from prospective partners. (I'm also deep in a mysticism-oriented period of my life, and I'm choosing to channel this sort of energy in that direction as much as I can.)
If you want something really deep about your life to change, you have to make a really large change in the way that you live your life... like moving.
I strongly second Jim's emphasis on moving somewhere where Venus is foreground. I moved to the other side of the United States for exactly this reason. It took about a year for me to really, deeply feel the difference of having Venus foreground for myself, but I absolutely do, now. It crept up on me gradually... I started acting in Venus-centric ways that were new to me without quite realizing that I was doing it. The most obvious was taking care of a colony of stray cats - something I would've thought about but never actually done back in my birthplace - and then adopting one, so ongoing care of a little, affectionate furry creature has become a daily part of my life.
I've started actively dating. I've found it not only so much easier to find opportunities for connection to romantic partners (I'm using dating apps, for whatever that's worth), but I feel much more confident about the whole thing. Some small successes have further improved that confidence. I recognize that Neptune transiting my Sun makes it less likely that I'll find or identify "the one" (or "a one") during this period, but I'm fine just learning more about this process, getting some experience, and getting some closeness/attention from prospective partners. (I'm also deep in a mysticism-oriented period of my life, and I'm choosing to channel this sort of energy in that direction as much as I can.)
If you want something really deep about your life to change, you have to make a really large change in the way that you live your life... like moving.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Since you cannot move physically I suggest you down shift and move mentally and start bringing around you things of a Venus nature like pretty potted plants, fine art work, rose quartz, lush furniture and exotic drapes, keep your body pampered and clean wearing fine clothes that feel luxurious on you. Relationships come in so many ways, by keeping the plants growing you cultivate a relationship with it, as you keep your possessions nice and arranged and clean you are relating to them, enriching your capacity to form bonds and connections.
My sister, not knowing real astrology moved across the country and put her Saturn on an angle, and she has had difficulty in traditional relationships, but she has actively and aggressively pursued deeply loving relationships within her community.
Things change.
They really do.
Be kind and loving to yourself.
You must be your own cheerleader
You got this
My sister, not knowing real astrology moved across the country and put her Saturn on an angle, and she has had difficulty in traditional relationships, but she has actively and aggressively pursued deeply loving relationships within her community.
Things change.
They really do.
Be kind and loving to yourself.
You must be your own cheerleader
You got this
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I fear will be alone whole lifetime,it scares me a lot. 

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Do something about it, then. It's all about you, your actions, your choices.
I'm not saying it's easy. I'm saying positive results will come only from your transformation of yourself by walking into your fear and taking risks.
This may not be practical until after the Neptune and Saturn patterns pass sometime next year.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Even if you're dead-set against moving, I strongly recommend at least visiting one of the locations that Jim mentioned where your Venus comes into the foreground. Give it 3 days to a week, and see how you feel there. It might just turn your perspective in a different direction.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Taking actions and making choices about major changes of self transformation is scary as hell for me,i haven't yet got out of comfort zone,Jim i agree about taking risks,but not walking into the unknown.Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 5:56 pmDo something about it, then. It's all about you, your actions, your choices.
I'm not saying it's easy. I'm saying positive results will come only from your transformation of yourself by walking into your fear and taking risks.
This may not be practical until after the Neptune and Saturn patterns pass sometime next year.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
May will make a travel into july in spain for few days,but not sure yet.I think firstly should be able to just leave from parents house enviroment that keeps me stuck and down due to specific mother and father behaviors and beliefs of how must live my own life.Mike V wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 11:45 pmEven if you're dead-set against moving, I strongly recommend at least visiting one of the locations that Jim mentioned where your Venus comes into the foreground. Give it 3 days to a week, and see how you feel there. It might just turn your perspective in a different direction.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
That trip sounds wonderful. I encourage it.Element wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 7:05 am May will make a travel into july in spain for few days,but not sure yet.I think firstly should be able to just leave from parents house enviroment that keeps me stuck and down due to specific mother and father behaviors and beliefs of how must live my own life.
On the other hand, you should be sure to spend your birthday in September at your home location. Though the Saturn and Neptune patterns will continue through the early part of next year, you have the opportunity for a very strong, positive "birthday chart" or "year chart" - your new Solar Return that describes the major qualities of 12 months. WHERE you are for your solar return matters enormously: This year, Thessaloniki (or nearby) is extremely positive, especially with double Jupiter-Uranus indications. This suggests increasing prosperity, good surprises and change, and (maybe very advantageous for you) the chance to learn that surprises and change are good! It's not a perfect chart, but it's a good, strong chart that is very positive on balance.
Your Solar Return will occur September 19, 2024 (yes, the day before your birthday this time), 5:12 PM EEDT. I'll put the technical details here so that others have the chance to comment on them. For Thessaloniki, Greece:
t Jupiter on Asc -3°02'
t Mercury on N -0°24'
r Uranus on Dsc +1°05'
t Uranus on EP-a +0°21'
r Jupiter on Z +0°23'
r Saturn on Dsc +7°03'
t Saturn on Z +2°25'
t Moon co r Moon 0°07'
t Moon sq r Mars 0°47'
t Moon op t Venus 3°46'
t Mercury op r Jupiter 0°48'
t Mercury sq r Uranus 1°09'
t Saturn co r Jupiter 1°24' M
t Jupiter op r Uranus 1°36'
r Jupiter-Uranus sq 1°56'
t Mercury-Saturn op 2°29' M
t Mercury-Jupiter sq 2°44'
Things generally look positive. Studies and work should go well. There's even a chance for some romance (or other distinctive pleasure and connection) three to four months after your birthday.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
After reading your recent posts, I did look at your chart, and your next SSR. I would carefully listen and digest what Jim has said to you, He is an impeccable man who is trying to help you.
I disagree with him saying walk...walking into the next ...what ever.
You seem so deeply sad and scared and emotionally messy if you will, and walking is not what I think you need at all.
In the tradition of my mother it is said that we humans get soul sickness and spiritually drained because we forget how to dance, that culture wants us to walk and work, but that we must never forget to dance.
You need to dance. You need to move. You need to stomp and sway and thrash you body about. Even if you are immobile in a nursing bed, you can dance in your mind. You need to dance every single day. We all do. Never forget to dance. Let the music move you, search out music that enlivens your spirit and rejoice in the simple pleasures of sound and motion.
I dont usually ever tell someone what to do unless I see something that scares me into being bossy, but I'm telling you. You dont dance and you need to.
I've thought about your chart and what might resonate to you that I could recommend and I think you need to listen to Anothony Keidis and the Red Hot Chili Peppers album By The Way, Warner brothers sells their albums. You listen to that 888 times and dance dance dance and sing along with Anthony and you cant help but to feel better.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
That's important if they will come,i need to feel i can have success in my life,so to improve and gain confidence and esteem.Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat May 11, 2024 10:51 am
Things generally look positive. Studies and work should go well. There's even a chance for some romance (or other distinctive pleasure and connection) three to four months after your birthday.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I have no relationship last years,an issue is lack of friends as i cannot go outside alone where people meeting and meet women,also i lack experience at flirting,no communication skills too.
It sucks that i cannot have at 37 yo a serious relationship,i feel i havent grow up yet.
It sucks that i cannot have at 37 yo a serious relationship,i feel i havent grow up yet.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I haven't done any relationship with women yet,why this happening by astrological side,has to do with avodiant elements i have?

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I gave a long answer to exactly this question near the beginning of this thread:
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I seek others members view also.Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:22 am I gave a long answer to exactly this question near the beginning of this thread:

Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Well.....Element wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:43 amI seek others members view also.Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:22 am I gave a long answer to exactly this question near the beginning of this thread:
I dont know about Greek culture, taboos and social customs so I dont really know what the ladies of your area expect in terms of flirting techniques....
but in my town flirting usually involves the man to smile, to make eye contact (but kind of like fleeting eye contact..not staring constant, but more subtle) more smiling, soft voice in an even low tone that accentuate vowel sounds, more smiling, non confrontational topics of conversation, and an open receptive body language that is non threatening and with minimal gesturations of extremities, and more smiling and possibly a little laughter.
but I do understand that some cultures view eye contact as bad manners, smiling as threatening (especially big toothy smiles) and gesturing body language as imperative....so I cant really speak for the women around you, I would ask your mom.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I lack experience of all you just described,as i hadn't friends in childhood and later years to gain experience with them of "how to" do all that stuff,so i stuck for several years in same point.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
practice practice practice practice practiceElement wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:05 am I lack experience of all you just described,as i hadn't friends in childhood and later years to gain experience with them of "how to" do all that stuff,so i stuck for several years in same point.
and then practice more
make believe in your mind, see in your minds eye a person you want to smile at and then smile.
and then do it again
and again
practice practice practice
and then go walking around townand practice smiling. and then at the grocery store. and then at the bank. Dont practice at work though. Your at work to do you job. Do not flirt with co workers.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Happy birthday, Element. Your new birthday chart (Solar Return) is the positive one you have been waiting years for!
t Jupiter Asc -3°02'
t Mercury N -0°24'
r Uranus -1°05'
r Jupiter Z +0°23'
t Uranus EP-a +0°23'
r Saturn Dsc +7°03'
t Saturn Z +2°25'
t Moon co r Moon 0°07' M
t Moon sq r Mars 0°47'
t Moon-Venus op 3°46' M
t Mercury op r Jupiter 0°48'
t Mercury sq r Uranus 1°09'
t Saturn co r Jupiter 1°24' M
t Jupiter op r Uranus 1°36'
t Mercury- Saturn op 2°29' M
t Mercury-Jupiter sq 2°44'
t Jupiter Asc -3°02'
t Mercury N -0°24'
r Uranus -1°05'
r Jupiter Z +0°23'
t Uranus EP-a +0°23'
r Saturn Dsc +7°03'
t Saturn Z +2°25'
t Moon co r Moon 0°07' M
t Moon sq r Mars 0°47'
t Moon-Venus op 3°46' M
t Mercury op r Jupiter 0°48'
t Mercury sq r Uranus 1°09'
t Saturn co r Jupiter 1°24' M
t Jupiter op r Uranus 1°36'
t Mercury- Saturn op 2°29' M
t Mercury-Jupiter sq 2°44'
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Thanks for the support so far.Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2024 7:15 am Happy birthday, Element. Your new birthday chart (Solar Return) is the positive one you have been waiting years for!
t Jupiter Asc -3°02'
t Mercury N -0°24'
r Uranus -1°05'
r Jupiter Z +0°23'
t Uranus EP-a +0°23'
r Saturn Dsc +7°03'
t Saturn Z +2°25'
t Moon co r Moon 0°07' M
t Moon sq r Mars 0°47'
t Moon-Venus op 3°46' M
t Mercury op r Jupiter 0°48'
t Mercury sq r Uranus 1°09'
t Saturn co r Jupiter 1°24' M
t Jupiter op r Uranus 1°36'
t Mercury- Saturn op 2°29' M
t Mercury-Jupiter sq 2°44'
I have to admit that last year i struggled a lot emotionally,i'm doing psychotherapy,i'm planing of prepare as i can for my degree to gain some success,i will start this week electric guitar lesson with my teacher,i fight with overweight and self pressure to lose em,it's from stress and disorder i face.I still lack esteem and confidence,so fear of changes and the uknown,hope therapy delivers more help to me.
I hope next year not to be or feel alone.

Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Why i struggle to lose overweight so far,is something that blocking the situation,i struggle to keep self discipline and stick to a basic plan of nutrition,gym or whatelse.

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
My guess is that your diet is high in carbohydrate, which will always keep the weight on.Element wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:45 am Why i struggle to lose overweight so far,is something that blocking the situation,i struggle to keep self discipline and stick to a basic plan of nutrition,gym or whatelse.
Ironically, a strong Saturn (such as you have) is common for persistent overweight. There are several psychological reasons for this: Overweight is most common worldwide in impoverished areas and with people who have limited resources (like you say you have): Especially, they tend to eat the cheapest things which are usually the worst things for health. I've often thought that part of this Saturn relationship to overweight is that the mind is focused all the time on "losing," with all the puns that subconsciousness can run away with on that word.
Physiologically, the strong Saturn may also slow your metabolism significantly, which makes burning off the weight increasingly difficult.
Losing weight isn't really about eating fewer calories and burning more. It's about eating the right things so that the body uses, instead of storing, fat. Try a couple of months of eating high-fat foods (good fats, oils, butter, etc.) but making carbohydrate (sugar and starch) intake as close to zero as possible.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
It seems there is no light in the tunnel for relationship or meetings whatever,i'm complete alone whole lifetime and i have no friends to go out and meet women,neither dating apps can really work for me.
As for diet,i've lost some pounds last month and took it back again due to bad nutrition.

As for diet,i've lost some pounds last month and took it back again due to bad nutrition.

Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Failure seems to be this year,much pressure and no solutions,hope new year will bring some hapiness and joy for me.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Something UI mentioned in a different thread: We had a Neptune station last week. Your years-long issuers have been tied into Neptune's transit to your Sun. The last week or two, perhaps, were really tough since Neptune was stationary (seemingly stopped in space) exactly opposite your Sun. This is a time when the transit is unusually strong. You can read "Neptune aspecting Natal Sun" on this page for a review of what we usually see: https://www.solunars.com/viewtopic.php?p=1619#p1619Element wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:47 am Failure seems to be this year,much pressure and no solutions,hope new year will bring some hapiness and joy for me.
The good news is that after many years of opposing your Sun, Neptune is ready to move on. Several of us (including Steve and myself) have been having a similar transit and, by February, it will have moved forward off of your Sun for good. (Well, it will be back in 40 years

Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
I have limited time to improve things,current job doesn't help me,mediocre salary and no development,at 18-01-2025 i write exams for pc technician degree,i have just one month for preparation,i need to succeed,there is no alternative,otherwise i have lost the train of improving skills in my cv and search for better job opportunities.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
This probably should be read as horary chart i think.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Which question? The prior post?
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
No,the exams for my degree,i know the date and time .
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Is there a way to check the prospects of a possible success or possible failure? My date is 18/01/2025 around 10:00pm till 13:00pm.
Re: Will i got married or will remain single?
Where is the test taking place?Element wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:27 pm Is there a way to check the prospects of a possible success or possible failure? My date is 18/01/2025 around 10:00pm till 13:00pm.