Sidereal Anlunar Returns (SAR) are lunar returns of the SSR: Transiting Moon conjunct solar Moon. There is also a Kinetic Anlunar Return (KAR), based on SQ Moon. (This was the first version of the Kinetic Fagan wrote about: In the Primer, it's renamed the "Solunar Kinetic," but I think "Kinetic Anlunar" is more to the point and keeps language consistent.)
In watching my own Anlunars regularly, as I've done in different periods, I've been under-impressed. Over the years, I've seen a few excellent examples though there aren't any memorable standouts in my own life. One famous example I remember, though, is Donald Trump's before the 2016 election: His SSR famously had solar Moon exactly conjunct natal Jupiter, and the Anlunar had this Moon-Jupiter exactly angular.
I'm going to do a targeted exam of some test events that - if the technique is effective - should show clear results. (I'll only be checking these ecliptically, but that should be good enough for a quick assessment.)
These are only full Anlunars. I might improve the odds if I layered in Demi-Anlunars where applicable, but this is a quick first pass on documenting examples.
A sampling of Anlunars
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
A sampling of Anlunars
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: A sampling of Anlunars
John Lennon: murdered {+2}
(The closest contact is s Saturn on r Mars on MC. It is weakened only by t Jupiter being closer than t Saturn - though Jupiter-Saturn is known for "fall of a king" type of events. The real highlight was bringing the Saturn-Mars transit from the background of the SSR to the immediate foreground of the Anlunar.)
7°49' Vir - s Saturn
8°45' Vir - r Mars
9°27' Vir - SAR MC
11°55' Vir - t Jupiter
13°28' Vir - t Saturn
17°02' Sco - t Sun
19°33' Sco - SAR Asc
25°51' Sco - s Neptune
Aleister Crowley: received Book of the Law {+2 at least}
(A clearly life-altering chart in important respects. Transiting Venus is strange for his state of mind at the time and the strongest factors, again, are from the SSR itself and its transit to natal Moon.)
25°23' Tau - t Pluto
27°13' Tau - s Pluto
28°23' - SAR Asc
29°00' Sco - s Uranus
29°44' Aqu - r Moon
11°27' Aqu - SAR MC
14°46' Aqu - t Venus
James Forrestal: suicide {+2 at least}
(One could credit this to the transiting planets, but - again - the closest angularities and exactly descriptive aspects are from the SSR itself - the Mars-Saturn opposition - brought to the angles.)
0°42' Tau - t Venus
3°24' Aqu - r Sun
4°37' Tau - SAR MC
5°21' Leo - t Saturn
8°59' Leo - SAR Asc
9°12' Leo - s Saturn
9°40' Aqu - s Mars
James Eshelman: various
I ran several pivotal events for my own life and - as is my experience when watching them - mostly they were either duds, counter-indicative, or at least very questionable. The few exceptions were clear, e.g., a Jupiter-Pluto event where the SSR had Jupiter-Pluto on angles and then the Anlunar put Jupiter-Pluto on different angles (this time the transiting planets).
Richard Nixon: resignation {+2}
(Primarily a Mars-Saturn square atop solar Moon, which is exactly angular. It does the job!)
26°36' Cap - r Moon
28°36' Cap - SAR MC
29°11' Can - s Moon
1°41' Leo - t Mars
3°13' Tau - SAR EP
3°58' Tau - r Saturn
John F. Kennedy: murdered {?}
(It shows clearly but ONLY the natal Saturn! The dominance of natal and, especially, SSR planets, and the weakness of transiting planets, has been noticeable so far.)
2°14' Lib - SAR Asc
3°34' Can - r Saturn
4°50' Can - SAR MC
9°05' Can - r Neptune
But his November 10 Anlunar set up in Washington, where the transiting and SSR planets were at the heart of the message:
16°36' Lib - SAR Asc
19°25' Lib - s Neptune
19°45' Ari - s Venus
21°14' Lib - t Neptune
22°33' Cap - t Saturn
23°06' Lib - t Sun
24°18' Can - SAR MC
28°52' Cap - s Saturn
Margaret Eden: killed by train {-2}
(A quite wrong chart; but that's only using the transiting planets as a standard. Notice that the SSR Saturn, once more, nails it with closest contacts.)
8°22' Tau - s Moon
10°54' Aqu - t Jupiter
11°56' Aqu - SAR MC
13°34' Leo - s Saturn [t Saturn much wider]
29°07' Leo - t Mars
1°01' Gem - SAR Asc
William McKinley: murdered {+2}
(Double Mars - transiting and natal - with the appropriate Sun etc.)
10°30' Lib - t Mars
11°22' Lib - SAR ASC
13°21' Cap - r Jupiter
13°48' Cap - r Moon
17°10' Cap - r/s Sun
19°06' Can - SAR MC
24°02' Lib - SAR EP-a
25°50' Lib - r Mars
Warren G. Harding: died {?}
(This was an inflammatory illness. Mars is strong - all three Marses are art least widely foreground - but Jupiter's transit to his Sun is the strongest feature. It's hard for me to give this points, but you can see the interwoven factors with various orbs. It probably deserves +1, but I'm not impressed with its usefulness.)
10°27' Ari - r Moon
11°10' Lib - r Saturn
13°55' Ari - s Moon
15°23' Lib - s Jupiter
17°34' Lib - r/s Sun
17°51' Lib - SAR Jupiter
20°12' Lib - r Mars
20°25' Ari - r Pluto
21°17' Gem - t Sun
25°31' Sag - SAR Asc
1°15' Can - t Mars
Robert F. Kennedy: murdered
This is an ambiguous event since he also won the California primary. The SAR has two Jupiters rising and natal Sun on IC but nothing threatening - unless you count Neptune influence MUCH wider from the angles.
Richard Speck: horrible murders {+1}
(The symbolism is right enough to get a point, though it isn't very clear. I'm not impressed.)
20°31' Gem - t Jupiter
22°40' Sag - s Mars
25°48' Sag - SAR Asc
25°57' Gem - t Sun
20°25' Ari - s Moon
21°04' Lib - SAR MC
25°14' Lib - t Neptune
26°22' Lib - s Neptune
16°09' Cap - SAR EP-a
17°02' Can - t Mercury
(The closest contact is s Saturn on r Mars on MC. It is weakened only by t Jupiter being closer than t Saturn - though Jupiter-Saturn is known for "fall of a king" type of events. The real highlight was bringing the Saturn-Mars transit from the background of the SSR to the immediate foreground of the Anlunar.)
7°49' Vir - s Saturn
8°45' Vir - r Mars
9°27' Vir - SAR MC
11°55' Vir - t Jupiter
13°28' Vir - t Saturn
17°02' Sco - t Sun
19°33' Sco - SAR Asc
25°51' Sco - s Neptune
Aleister Crowley: received Book of the Law {+2 at least}
(A clearly life-altering chart in important respects. Transiting Venus is strange for his state of mind at the time and the strongest factors, again, are from the SSR itself and its transit to natal Moon.)
25°23' Tau - t Pluto
27°13' Tau - s Pluto
28°23' - SAR Asc
29°00' Sco - s Uranus
29°44' Aqu - r Moon
11°27' Aqu - SAR MC
14°46' Aqu - t Venus
James Forrestal: suicide {+2 at least}
(One could credit this to the transiting planets, but - again - the closest angularities and exactly descriptive aspects are from the SSR itself - the Mars-Saturn opposition - brought to the angles.)
0°42' Tau - t Venus
3°24' Aqu - r Sun
4°37' Tau - SAR MC
5°21' Leo - t Saturn
8°59' Leo - SAR Asc
9°12' Leo - s Saturn
9°40' Aqu - s Mars
James Eshelman: various
I ran several pivotal events for my own life and - as is my experience when watching them - mostly they were either duds, counter-indicative, or at least very questionable. The few exceptions were clear, e.g., a Jupiter-Pluto event where the SSR had Jupiter-Pluto on angles and then the Anlunar put Jupiter-Pluto on different angles (this time the transiting planets).
Richard Nixon: resignation {+2}
(Primarily a Mars-Saturn square atop solar Moon, which is exactly angular. It does the job!)
26°36' Cap - r Moon
28°36' Cap - SAR MC
29°11' Can - s Moon
1°41' Leo - t Mars
3°13' Tau - SAR EP
3°58' Tau - r Saturn
John F. Kennedy: murdered {?}
(It shows clearly but ONLY the natal Saturn! The dominance of natal and, especially, SSR planets, and the weakness of transiting planets, has been noticeable so far.)
2°14' Lib - SAR Asc
3°34' Can - r Saturn
4°50' Can - SAR MC
9°05' Can - r Neptune
But his November 10 Anlunar set up in Washington, where the transiting and SSR planets were at the heart of the message:
16°36' Lib - SAR Asc
19°25' Lib - s Neptune
19°45' Ari - s Venus
21°14' Lib - t Neptune
22°33' Cap - t Saturn
23°06' Lib - t Sun
24°18' Can - SAR MC
28°52' Cap - s Saturn
Margaret Eden: killed by train {-2}
(A quite wrong chart; but that's only using the transiting planets as a standard. Notice that the SSR Saturn, once more, nails it with closest contacts.)
8°22' Tau - s Moon
10°54' Aqu - t Jupiter
11°56' Aqu - SAR MC
13°34' Leo - s Saturn [t Saturn much wider]
29°07' Leo - t Mars
1°01' Gem - SAR Asc
William McKinley: murdered {+2}
(Double Mars - transiting and natal - with the appropriate Sun etc.)
10°30' Lib - t Mars
11°22' Lib - SAR ASC
13°21' Cap - r Jupiter
13°48' Cap - r Moon
17°10' Cap - r/s Sun
19°06' Can - SAR MC
24°02' Lib - SAR EP-a
25°50' Lib - r Mars
Warren G. Harding: died {?}
(This was an inflammatory illness. Mars is strong - all three Marses are art least widely foreground - but Jupiter's transit to his Sun is the strongest feature. It's hard for me to give this points, but you can see the interwoven factors with various orbs. It probably deserves +1, but I'm not impressed with its usefulness.)
10°27' Ari - r Moon
11°10' Lib - r Saturn
13°55' Ari - s Moon
15°23' Lib - s Jupiter
17°34' Lib - r/s Sun
17°51' Lib - SAR Jupiter
20°12' Lib - r Mars
20°25' Ari - r Pluto
21°17' Gem - t Sun
25°31' Sag - SAR Asc
1°15' Can - t Mars
Robert F. Kennedy: murdered
This is an ambiguous event since he also won the California primary. The SAR has two Jupiters rising and natal Sun on IC but nothing threatening - unless you count Neptune influence MUCH wider from the angles.
Richard Speck: horrible murders {+1}
(The symbolism is right enough to get a point, though it isn't very clear. I'm not impressed.)
20°31' Gem - t Jupiter
22°40' Sag - s Mars
25°48' Sag - SAR Asc
25°57' Gem - t Sun
20°25' Ari - s Moon
21°04' Lib - SAR MC
25°14' Lib - t Neptune
26°22' Lib - s Neptune
16°09' Cap - SAR EP-a
17°02' Can - t Mercury
Jim Eshelman