Karen Bass' administration

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Jim Eshelman
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Karen Bass' administration

Post by Jim Eshelman »

LA's new mayor, Karen Bass, was sworn in yesterday by Vice President Harris. Her election and assumption of office marks all sorts of "firsts." - I've met her, talked with her, and like her a lot ("met her" at the level of having a private lunch with her and a few common friends).

Her term of office, by law, began today, December 12, 2022, 0:01 AM PST, Los Angeles. The chart is interesting in the sense of no surprises given what's ahead for her. Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are foreground (plus barely foreground Venus and Mars). Neptune leads by being most angular and closely square Sun; Jupiter then comes next and is especially positive by its square to Venus. I take this all to mean that things will go well for her - be positive - and there is the predictable amount of confusion, frustration, swirling conditions, etc.

Besides, having Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune most foreground is pretty perfect for the entertainment capital of the universe. :)

Here is the chart:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
Mo 10Cn48'20"  5N 8 +11°51' 129°37' 23N46  91°34' +48°18' 311°41'  21%   
Su 25Sc11'59"  0N 0 + 1° 1' 259°24' 23S 5  17° 1' -78°35'  86°37'  97% I 
Me 12Sg52'30"  2S18 + 1°26' 278°47' 25S30 297°51' -73°53' 104°20'  68%   
Ve  7Sg39'59"  0S49 + 1°15' 272°59' 24S13 315°55' -76°53'  99°13'  78% I 
Ma 19Ta29'29"  2N26 -22' 9"  72°56' 24N58 226°36' +77°23' 260°46'  78% M 
Ju  4Pi19'13"  1S22 + 3'44" 359°59'  1S30 264°50' + 4°55' 184°56'  93% D 
Sa 25Cp35'52"  1S15 + 4'42" 323°28' 15S48 272°45' -33° 4' 146°54'   1%   
Ur 20Ar35'33"  0S22 - 1'55"  43°18' 16N11 253°24' +50°11' 231°22'   5%   
Ne 27Aq36'27"  1S12 + 0'17" 353°44'  4S 1 266°16' - 1°39' 178°21' 100% Wa
Pl  2Cp 0'56"  2S14 + 1'38" 299°35' 22S56 279°27' -56°12' 123°27'  35%   
    Class 1 Aspects         Class 2 Aspects         Class 3 Aspects     
Mo oc Su  0°36' 94%      Mo oc Ne  1°48' 46%       Mo tr Ju  6°29' 23%  
Su sx Sa  0°24'100%      Su op Ma  5°42' 65%       Mo op Pl  8°47' 21%  
Su sq Ne  1°44' 92% M    Me co Ve  5° 7' 64% M     Ma tr Sa  6° 6' 32%  
Ju sx Pl  2°18' 90%      Ve sq Ju  3°21' 79%       Sa sq Ur  5° 0' 53%  
                         Ju oc Ur  1°16' 72%       Ur sx Ne  7° 1' 11%  
                         Ju co Ne  6°35' 41% M                          
                         Ne sx Pl  4°24' 63%                            
                              Cosmic State                              
Mo Cn+ B | Su Sc-
         | oc Su  0°36'    oc Ne  1°48'    tr Ju  6°29'    op Pl  8°47'    
Su Sc  F | sx Sa  0°24'    oc Mo  0°36'    sq Ne  1°44'M   op Ma  5°42'    
Me Sg-   | co Ve  5° 7'M   
Ve Sg  F | Su Sc-
         | sq Ju  3°21'    co Me  5° 7'M   
Ma Ta- F | Mo Cn- Su Sc+
         | op Su  5°42'    tr Sa  6° 6'    
Ju Pi  F | Mo Cn+
         | sx Pl  2°18'    sq Ve  3°21'    oc Ur  1°16'    co Ne  6°35'M   
         | tr Mo  6°29'    
Sa Cp+ B | Mo Cn-
         | sx Su  0°24'    sq Ur  5° 0'    tr Ma  6° 6'    
Ur Ar  B | oc Ju  1°16'    sq Sa  5° 0'    sx Ne  7° 1'    
Ne Aq  F | sq Su  1°44'M   sx Pl  4°24'    oc Mo  1°48'    co Ju  6°35'M   
         | sx Ur  7° 1'    
Pl Cp    | sx Ju  2°18'    sx Ne  4°24'    op Mo  8°47'    
Jim Eshelman
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Karen Bass' administration

Post by Jim Eshelman »

A few observations, though mostly in the form of a guide to reading TMSA output.

Neptune is 100% foreground (1°39' from Dsc) with Sun 97% (3°23' from IC) and Jupiter 93% (4°56' from Dsc).

The azimuth column is interesting, especially Moon 91°34' (1°34' past Antivertex) and Saturn 272°45' (2°45' past Vertex). This gives them a 1°11' azimuth opposition along the Vertex axis, the only real negative in the chart. I'm inclined to read this as "inevitable problems," though Moon-Saturn does zero in on what Mayor Bass identified as a central focus in her campaign: Local homelessness problems.

The strongest aspect by pure smallness of orb is Sun sextile Saturn, which I take as "getting down to work." However, the Sun-Neptune square, close and most angular, will likely be the central aspect of the whole administration. There are all sorts of expressions this takes: It will be worth remembering as the next four years pass.

Overall, Sun is quite badly aspected: Moon and all three malefics, with most of them close aspects. Among typical expressions of a strong, afflicted Sun are major, often insidious, efforts to weaken or overthrow a leader; great difficulties to overcome with a lot of mire to manage; and requirements of very hard work. Progressed Sun square Neptune will be exact in two and a quarter years, or early 2025.

Mercury's only aspect is positive: The subway expansion is likely to go fine without drama. Venus (distantly foreground) is well aspected, so people are likely to be happy enough with dining, personal entertainment, and social occasions picking back up. Mars, though minimally foreground, has no close aspects (and the moderate and wide ones are more grumbly than anything else). Jupiter is strong by angularity and well aspected, so basic prosperity and wellbeing are expected. Saturn's sign and aspect focus, as mentioned, probably is a mix of the administration having to do hard work plus the homelessness issues. Neptune sets the tone.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Karen Bass' administration

Post by SteveS »

Neptune by itself is a swinger--you never know :). But with Jupiter should be OK. Moon-Saturn vertex stuff probably typical for for first year in office. Hope she comes up with better solutions with the homeless---tough task.
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Re: Karen Bass' administration

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Solutions are available and I'm unclear why they haven't been implemented. It MAY only be that it takes more time. Mayor Garcetti was a good guy with his eye on this, and the taxpayers voted several years ago to put tens of millions of dollars into a certain solution. That solution has been getting rolled out but the problem has been increasing faster than the solution. People in some parts of town have been getting touchy about that.

In brief, decades of other approaches, LA has moved to the "direct solution" approach: That the solution to so many homeless people is to put people n permanent housing. This began with pilot projects of putting a limited number of people in paid rooms in old downtown hotels, and it worked great - a very high percentage stayed housed and met other standards. They doubled that program and it kept working. So they proposed just building LOTS of housing and putting people in t (LA has a real housing shortage anyway - even if affording it wasn't an issue). A lot of this has been built - the last administration got a LOT done. Then, as they were making gains, Covid-19 hit and made thing worse.

I think there also have been delays in getting locations to build faster. (The money is there.) Some neighborhoods have been filing in court to block putting up these (actually rather nice) building in their areas, so the city has had to fight that.

I'm sure Karen is going to push hard on all that.

Recently, the county decided to convert the old county general hospital (which the county still owns) into housing. IIRC they expect about 800 living units. It will take time to convert, but not a huge amount of time: The facility is sound.

Something to remember is that - by population, land size, and complexity of community management, Mayor of LA is a bigger job than Head of State of dozens of countries elsewhere in the world - and easily a bigger job than being governor of most of the states in the U.S.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Karen Bass' administration

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Then, as they were making gains, Covid-19 hit and made thing worse.
It made many, many things worse on the planet. Heavy, heavy burdens since that last “Atlas Shrugged” Saturn-Pluto conjunction. :(
Jim wrote:
Something to remember is that - by population, land size, and complexity of community management, Mayor of LA is a bigger job than Head of State of dozens of countries elsewhere in the world - and easily a bigger job than being governor of most of the states in the U.S.
Indeed Jim!
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