Current Outer Planet Sign Transits

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Jim Eshelman
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Current Outer Planet Sign Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

(This page will be updated ongoingly and linked each month to the monthly U.S. forecast.)

Pluto in Capricorn (2021-2038)
Harsher, struggling, dystopian: people doubt they will regain guarantees of safety or security from violence, economic crisis, or cultural breakdown. Autonomous self-sufficiency, struggle for survival. Need to preserve and restore survivability of the planet. Shortages of land, secure living space, and privacy (territorial conflicts). Hunger and dwelling insecurity. People determining anew how they want to be governed. Control vs. being controlled. Increased social isolation and focus on survival (anticipating breakdown of society or survivability of the world with depleting stability and resources). Intensified tensions between individual survival vs. connected wider community, and between uplifted and controlling classes vs. the debased and controlled classes. Breakdown of old structures and outmoded patterns. Bedrock financial institutions are challenged and reassessed. New economies emerge, including a structural reconceiving of work, jobs, employment, and earnings. Anything father-themed comes under attack (and retaliates). Ancient grievances and resentments are renewed. Society's relationship to aging and the aged will change necessarily. Revolution in pharmacology.

Neptune in Pisces (2023-2037)
Increasingly people will be living in highly personalized manufactured realities with an ever-deepening "return to the womb" effect reminiscent of narcotic addiction. Politically, socially, personally, and creatively: ]living in highly personalized, manufactured realities. Social media will shift its focus to emphasize augmented reality, impacting every important Piscian thing (especially entertainment). Artificial intelligence (by collating increasingly granular opinions and thought streams from social media) will develop characteristics of a true collective subconsciousness - giant collective minds - fed by unthinking (unwitting) social collaboration.

Uranus in Aries (Nov 20, 2024 - Apr 7, 2025)
Politically volatile. Issues of economics, government, and accelerated armament. Great challenges to the stability of existing alliances: Acute polarization splits former allies (individuals, social groups, or nations) along new axes. Widespread dissatisfaction fuels repudiation of historic closely held views and values. Each such era, while people are passing through it, feels like a transition between a concluding old cycle and an opening new cycle. -- An unyielding, unremitting sense of emergency, followed by increase in autocratic government. Extraordinary autocratic power is yielded to national leaders, who acquire increasing dominion of economic and social issues. Armament, safety, and going one's way alone without the encumbrances of alliances win out over the demand for personal liberty and social equality. The masses seem more comfortable with an authoritarian father figure. Absent a state of war, there me be a suspension of checks and balances on autocracy normal to martial law. -- Increased polarization and struggle between opposing extremes. Economics (especially trade) are unstable, in a precarious balance. Economics policies become more nationalistic and autistic, increasingly protective, to defend against trade inequities

Uranus in Taurus (Apr 2025 - Jul 2031)
Pivotal, bloody war (likely of world scale) coexisting with erupting, flourishing, inseminating, liberating enlightenment. - Disruption of peace (perhaps shockingly violent). Changes in international relationships, realigning of alliances. - Spirit of rebellion rejects existing authoritarianism and autocracy. - An era of social, personal, and philosophical enlightenment that demands personal, democratic freedom. - Flourishing and patronage of the arts (crafted arts, architecture, literary and theatrical arts); a new avant-garde wave. - Increased liberty and understanding regarding sex and reproduction, shifting social values, increased sexual activity and awareness, refreshed sense of sexual liberty, increase in fertility, restoration of reproductive rights. - Landmark scientific breakthroughs that cascade forward, permanently altering scientists' understanding of (and process in exploring) nature. - Reorientations in philosophy and institutional religion marked by a spirit of awakening: a new spirit of reason penetrating formal religion. - Ends with a "fresh new world" sense.

Saturn in Aquarius (Jan 2023 - Apr 2025)
Democratizing power, rebelling against restriction, fighting for freedom. The masses rise against tyranny. A surging anti-imperial, anti-authoritarian wave with new constitutions, pivotal elections, social unrest, marches, riots, civil wars and other wrestling for liberty (with predictable resistance and push-back). Optimistic for voting rights and historic gains in racial equity. Liberal social reforms and economics, likely including universal health care and continued Keynesian policies. Free trade breaks economic bottlenecks. Democratizing commerce as an innovative force, creating new markets. Science, invention, and technology thrive (technology stocks win). Medical science breakthroughs, especially in genetic medicine. Traditional medicine flourishes as brilliant science meets a more enlightened, practical model of delivering health care. Water rights and other pipeline issues are increasingly important. Agnosticism and atheism become stronger social forces. Pragmatic futurism in diverse forms.

Saturn in Pisces (Apr 2025 - Jun 2027)
Fear and suppression of the foreign. More bigotry, less tolerance. Antipathy festers and erupts based on racial, ethnic, or other cultural differences. Toxic, insidious, paralyzing. Suspicion, distrust, betrayal, dread. Intentional fueling of outrage. Times of great turbulence reminiscent of stormy, bloody seas, driven by bleak unhappiness of common people and a resulting collective insanity. In response, the depths of accumulated suppression will sponsor positive actions of hope and efforts at redemptive compromise. (New, non-mainstream religions, serious and enduring, likely to emerge.)
Jim Eshelman
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