2023 Capsolar

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2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The new Capsolar mid-January is effective worldwide Jan 15, 2023 to Jan 15, 2024. During that time, it will be the strongest solar ingress on the planet. However, like the current Cansolar, this new Capsolar is silent for Washington, DC. It has no distinctive effect on the United States as a whole besides the worldwide Moon-Pluto square (what else is new? we've had a several year run of the unbelievable being routine). The Libsolar continues for the next three months as the only operative solar ingress for the U.S. overall until the Arisolar takes over mid-April for the next six months.

Therefore, in 2023, the Capsolar is all about "somewhere else." For Washington, it will receive transits as always, but it doesn't have a statement of its own, on its face. - To make any kind of forecast on it for 2023, we need to look at other parts of the world.

For example, the Capsolar identifies patterns in specific parts of the U.S.
  • MARS sets on an arc from California's central coast (San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles) across California through Fresno, mid-Nevada, Idaho, and Montana. Obviously, these are the most vulnerable fire zones for the year.
  • NEPTUNE anticulminates through northern California and inland parts of Oregon and Washington, on the longitude of Sacramento, inland from Portland and Seattle. This is fire zone also, with greater earthquake concern in the California parts. (It is also angular from New Mexico to northern Minnesota.)
  • PLUTO squares MC through New Orleans and due north, including Memphis and central Illinois-Wisconsin. In New Orleans, in the past this has signaled high impact of tropical storms, perhaps with weakening storm moving due north through Mississippi and western Tennessee.
  • JUPITER is on IC through Phoenix and Salt Lake City. This line of longitude gets a break this year and has unusually positive, prospering conditions. - Jupiter squares Ascendant through Texas (expect prosperity but also flooding from tropical storms), through the heart of Missouri and through Milwaukee, including areas that have been hurting economically in recent years and are likely to flourish this year. San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas do best in Texas.
  • URANUS anticulminates through the western edge of New England not far from NYC but closer to the longitude of Burlington. VENUS squares MC in a similar area. This should be upbeat, fun, and progressive.
  • MOON culminates at the longitude of Chicago-Milwaukee, reaching down along the Indiana-Illinois border through western Kentucy and Tennessee and west-central Alabama.
  • MERCURY rises on a curve from Chicago to the easternmost gulf corner of Texas. The Moon-Mercury intersection in Chicago suggests a significant development there, perhaps a significant announcement or publication from the University of Chicago. It is also angular through the line of the Rockies from western New Mexico and Colorado, then further north.
  • SUN is angular through the longitude of Little Rock, from Louisiana north to the western tip of Minnesota.
Worldwide, the Capsolar identifies characteristics of other locations, of course:
  • SATURN culminates through Kyiv. It will be a terrible year for Ukraine with hardship and deprivations and, perhaps, with ultimate loss. The line continues south through Turkey and Cairo then along eastern Africa, with a MARS-SATURN intersection in Sudan making it one of the most tragic spots for the year. In Asia, Saturn sets across eastern China including Hong Kong before passing through Indonesia and west-central Australia. Saturn is also angular across eastern France, passing through both Paris and London: Is this shared economic hardship or spill-over from Russia's actions in Ukraine? - These areas are all high on the list of loss, deprivation, and hardship for the year.
  • MARS mostly slices between Korea and southern Japan not quite hitting either (but suggesting that the Sea of Japan and East China Sea may become centers of military escalation). It continues south through Australia where it intersects Saturn on the south coast near Nullarbor. Brazil seems afire (with particular concerns for friends near Porto Allegre and deep inland). As discussed above, Mars sets across the U.S. west, marking out heavy fire zones. It then marks an unusual line of war or other violence across much of Europe, rising on a curve including Edinburgh, Amsterdam and Belgium, southern Germany, and Puglia before moving across Egypt to Kenya where terrible violence has become the rule rather than the exception. Baghdad is squarely hit by Mars.
  • NEPTUNE wanders around vague parts of the globe but sets through eastern Australia, including Sydney and not far from Canberra. (Melbourne gets another Neptune line.) Sydney may experience flooding; the government will be sent into an unusual tailspin (perhaps related to scandal or disclosures) before the year is out; and the area (which has experienced more than its share of disease and weather "waves" in recent years) will be going through similar craziness again.
  • PLUTO's main impact is by intersection with Mars in Netherlands, but it continues south through Lyons and Marseille. (The Burgundy and Rhone wine regions will have unusual, perhaps unprecedented developments, though these are likely to be adverse climate impact. See SATURN above.) Pluto angular in eastern India, western Nepal, and Bangladesh hints at severe weather (earthquakes, tornadoes, and tropical storms, depending on the specific area).
  • JUPITER brings unexpected good tidings to Afghanistan and Pakistan (unless it means accelerated theocracy). Other than that (and the American West), it mostly hits ocean. Reykjavik is near a convergence of many lines, but Jupiter is strongest.
  • VENUS-URANUS (which are in close square this year) are angular through eastern Europe, on a north-south line west of Athens and east of Warsaw. This is surprisingly positive in an area otherwise lined with sorrow. Social revolution (including style, splash, and liberalizing social views) likely will emerge from here, but also that sort of pivotal event that is looked back on years later as an event of high social importance. (This may reach to South Africa.) A very exact Venus-Uranus convergence in Vietnam singles out southeast Asia for some sort of social reform wave, though the angularities extend through much of China also. - Adding Neptune to the mix near Warsaw will get just plain weird.
Everyone wants to know what is going on with Russia this year. I have already said that Ukraine (Kiyv) is one of the hardest hit places anywhere, showing great loss. However, this doesn't mean that Moscow wins. The Capsolar for Moscow is boring with angularities, having a close Mercury (2° from setting) and a wide Mars. However, its aspects are telling: In addition to the worldwide Moon-Pluto square, that widely angular Mars exactly squares Saturn in mundo. Russia has hardship, struggle, and violence. It's brutal. Mostly, though, we need to rely on other charts throughout the year to give us the details. The worst sign for Ukraine is that the new Capsolar terminates the influence of the Libsolar for Russia - and that Libsolar was Saturn-dominated, showing recent months of heavy Russian losses. Russia's losing streak may be over. Beginning mid-April, Russia enters a period of prosperity and success.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim. I still beleive there is a 40 $ premium in the price of a barrel of oil because of the Ukriane-Russia conflict. And the beat goes on...
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I might as well use this thread to summarize the other main elements one would use for a 2023 mundane forecast, beginning with outer planet sign transits.

At any given point in time (edited to keep it up to date), brief interpretations for the four outer planet sign interpretations are here, with internal links to longer discussions:

In 2023, Pluto remains in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries all year. These interpretations (that you can read at the link) will remain stable all year.

The single most interesting (temporary) sign shift - something we haven't previously been able to watch in real time - is that Eris spends three months in Aries between June 3 and September 7. Will major Aries themes present themselves for that short time? Let's all watch and see.

Neptune is in transition, returning to Pisces March 14 to November 10, backing into Aquarius for a few weeks, then moving into Pisces December 31, 2023 until 2036. So far, from historical records, I haven't been able to get any real understanding of Neptune in Pisces historically. Feel free to review the dates and data (and things you already know about that I don't) and share what you see on Neptune in Pisces here: https://www.solunars.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=4567

What I consider the most important sign transition of the year is when Saturn enters Aquarius January 24. This is already fully developed here:
https://www.solunars.com/viewtopic.php? ... 568#p43719

Remember that Saturn entered Capricorn January 30, 2020. My Saturn in Capricorn forecast is the single most successful prediction I know of the conditions of the pandemic years. (A pandemic isn't mentioned, but the conditions of the time fit what we've been living through.) The first big news, then, is that this era ends January 24. The second big news is that Saturn in Aquarius has highly distinctive characteristics every 30 years across the last several centuries, and they likely describe what's ahead of us for the next two years.

Finally, every year is marked by a transition of Jupiter's sign. In a sense, it's the "sign of the year," or at least of part of the year. I rarely write up the Jupiter signs because they are so transient, but they're worth watching. Jupiter remains in Pisces until it enters Aries April 25.

It does seem, as I skim the centuries, that Jupiter's years in Aries kept missing periods of war. One might expect opposing possibilities, that they would accelerate militarism and imperialism, or that they would calm the warring engines; it seems (from just a quick scan) that they have done more of the latter. An exception was April 1940 to April 1941 when most of the world was already in war (but we weren't yet). By spring 1952, the Korean War was moving toward its cease-fire the next year. In '64 we were holding back from intensifying our presence in Vietnam and by August '75 we were completely out. Many of these periods look like times of recovery and reconstruction, though I haven't looked close enough to say that with certainty.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Another factor to watch each year is the list of outer planet mutual aspects. These are important by themselves and as part of where they stand in the whole conjunction-to-conjunction cycle of the two planets.

In 2022, the main aspect was Jupiter conjunct Neptune. This always means inflation, and inflation is what we got in a big way. We've also had a Saturn-Uranus square all year, but it was never exact, which is an interesting possible explanation for why it never quite seemed as big a deal as other aspects.

In 2003, there are no major hard aspects of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. What may keep our attention, therefore, is the chance to study two outer planet aspects with planets discovered in the 21st century.
  • Saturn squares Sedna February 25.
  • Jupiter conjoins Eris April 23.
The Saturn-Sedna square is octiled by Jupiter, from their midpoint, March 9 and 21 (3/15 is the center point.)

Inflation may pick up again around late July and early November, with Jupiter octile Neptune, but these aren't all that important by themselves. Really, we have no aspects between any pairs of these five planets during 2023.

What will these Saturn-Sedna and Jupiter-Eris aspect mean? We really don't know - we'd only be guessing - so we need to observe. We do expect that they will mark stages in the continual conjunction cycles of the two planet pairs.

Saturn conjoined Sedna last April 2, 2000 at 20°55' Aries (the exact degree of Saturn's fall). They were square in 2006-07 and opposite in late 2014. This year should represent the closing square of the three-decade cycle. The correct way of assessing would be to see what world changes began around the spring of 2000 and have been ongoing, with significant shifts and developments in 2006-07 and, especially, some sense of intermediate climax in late 2014. If Sedna has meaning, we should see this next development as a primary feature of 2023.

Jupiter conjoined Eris April 29, 2011, at 27°06' Pisces. This spring marks its next conjunction, closing out about 12 years. In world continuing history, we expect to see the completion of the prior dozen year cycle and its spring-boarding into the next generation of the same thing. The key time markers (to help us be sure we're looking at the right phenomena) are the square in June 2014, the oppositions through most of 2017, and the squares in March, June, and November of 2020. (A lot of history was made in those three periods!)
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Finally, we want to note the major transits to the July 4, 1776 birth chart for the United States.

The most important, of course, is Neptune opposite natal Neptune - a half Neptune cycle - which is the lead-in to next year's Pluto Return. This transit is exact April 4 and October 4 - exactly six months apart - with Neptune squaring natal Mars for the last time March 4. This should be so dominant a factor that it will make it even harder to discern the operation of Neptune in Pisces (it's just Neptune+Neptune every which way you turn).

Pluto opposite natal Mercury continues. It's been around the last couple of years while the Tropical world has been claiming we're already at the Pluto Return (we're not). The final exact aspect is tomorrow, January 3, though the effects will be around for a while.

Uranus' only transits are minor ones - two octiles to Venus (June and November). The usual Venus-Uranus themes can be expected but no need to itemize them.

Saturn conjunct natal Moon February 15 is the one loud Saturn transit of the year. It should be quite significant and (unfortunately) impossible to miss. It should stand out since the time in general is expected to be increasingly upbeat as the year progresses, and any dramatic exception to that around this time is surely attached to this transit. - Other than that, Saturn forms almost a dozen different octiles through the year to U.S. natal planets, with back-and-forths to natal Sun-Saturn from March onward. Those, however, should be proportionately small deals.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:24 am Saturn conjoined Sedna last April 2, 2000 at 20°55' Aries (the exact degree of Saturn's fall). They were square in 2006-07 and opposite in late 2014. This year should represent the closing square of the three-decade cycle. The correct way of assessing would be to see what world changes began around the spring of 2000 and have been ongoing, with significant shifts and developments in 2006-07 and, especially, some sense of intermediate climax in late 2014. If Sedna has meaning, we should see this next development as a primary feature of 2023.
Early 2000 was the market peak of the Dotcom Boom or - to state it another way - the start of the Dotcom Bust. The peak came within days of AOL announcing its acquisition of Times-Warner. The draft publication of the Human Genome Project was announced, starting the era when humans had access to the entire human genome, for scientific and commercial purposes. On the matter of revenge, the former Yugoslavia began handing down sentences for the Bosnian Muslim genocides. The controversial 2000 U.S. presidential election was held. The 21st century began.

Do any of these themes overlap in the other points of the cycle?

Looking primarily for related themes in late 2014, at the opposition... I find other than the many representative occurrences of violent retaliation or revenge.

In other news, Russia formally annexed Crimea despite international rejection of it, sanctions etc. ISIS/ISIL (The Islamic State) came into existence as a Sunni militant group and started its offensive in Iraq (many notable massacres and acts of violence ensue). An elevated stage of violent public outcry and riots against deadly police prejudices was triggered by Michael Brown's killing in Ferguson, MO. It is a time of extreme violence on many fronts.

What about the 2006-07 period?

Nothing seems quite connected. North Korea did its first nuclear test. Boundaries and alliances are still shaking loose in the Balkans, resulting in Serbia declaring its independence among other things. Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death and executed. There does seem to be a consistent Russian thread, since there were oil contract conflicts. Steve Jobs announced the iPhone under this aspect (and OSX under the opposition seven years later).

This does seem a time of accelerating violence, planting the seeds of later activities, and there is a tendency to ride the line close between justice and vengeance. Perhaps, though, these are not different from other periods between these aspects.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:24 am Jupiter conjoined Eris April 29, 2011, at 27°06' Pisces. This spring marks its next conjunction, closing out about 12 years. In world continuing history, we expect to see the completion of the prior dozen year cycle and its spring-boarding into the next generation of the same thing. The key time markers (to help us be sure we're looking at the right phenomena) are the square in June 2014, the oppositions through most of 2017, and the squares in March, June, and November of 2020. (A lot of history was made in those three periods!)
Arab Spring launched across northern Africa and through the Middle East in 2011, including both popular uprisings and digital attacks. Among other consequences, the Egyptian president resigns and the Libyan and Syrian civil war erupt. (If anything like this recurs, it's going to be hard not to confuse it with Saturn in Aquarius, which has a similar feel.) - My first impression is that "chaos for the sake of good" fits all of this.

Prince William marries Catherine Middleton. Pres. Obama announced Osama bin Ladin's death. It's an outrageous tornado season across the American south and midwest (especially the exact week of the conjunction). More generally, climate destabilization seems to be really breaking out worldwide (easier to see in hindsight that it wasn't just one unusually bad year).

Does any of this come up again at the opposition, which took most of 2017? The easiest way to view this is that it was the first year of the Trump Administration and, among other things, there was an unusual amount of social protest (which I attribute to the Jupiter-Uranus and Mars-Saturn combination in the Capsolar).

I'm exhausted. I may have to revisit this later.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

While I was on vacation, the new Capsolar occurred. I didn't stress the timing since, for the U.S., it's no big deal this year. But here's the thread.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, do you count the mundo angular Sun-Uranus 1,40 square in DCs Capsolar as possibly the main planetary symbolism for the unexpected sudden shut down of the SVB, the second largest bank failure in US history?

Your SMA analysis for Sun & Sun-Uranus incidents:
Primarily, Sun aspects to a planet intensify and highlight the expression of that planet. In contrast to Moon, we do not see as many distinctive, defining expressions. This intensification principle itself appears to be the main interpretive feature.
Intensified and highlighted Uranus themes, especially centered on the sudden, startling events that are psychologically (and often physically) explosive.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 6:12 am Jim, do you count the mundo angular Sun-Uranus 1,40 square in DCs Capsolar as possibly the main planetary symbolism for the unexpected sudden shut down of the SVB, the second largest bank failure in US history?
No. The Capsolar is dormant. From the U.S. point of view there IS no Capsolar (or Cansolar) this year. - Only the Moon-Pluto square that affects the whole world (and isn't unique to the U.S.).

I haven't studied the shutdown yet because I don't yet understand the precise nature, importance, or timing of the event. I need to get back to it. I think for the U.S. as a whole it's mostly a non-event - not that big of a deal, not at all like historic bank failures because the economy is in a different place right now. But I might be wrong - need to study it.

The technical failure actually occurred one day before the noisy events and seizures. At that time, for the U.S., the Canlunar was still in force and is very descriptive.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim, I agree and thought the same for DC Capsolar but not NY Capsolar (Wall Street), but felt the SVB has a good chance of becoming the # 1 financial news event for the year. I allow 75% we are near a very important bottom in the NYSE with the SVB news washing out the bulls before another imporant bull move begins.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I see from my Capsolar thread that Uranus falls near New York City. However, this isn't having a market shock effect. On Friday the market dropped less than 350, which you could do on an ordinary day, and that's when the news was fresh. Since then, the market's been on a rise. I don't see that this is a crisis event like the others we have studied.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I agree, I see no panic crises event like certain media outlets are painting it. But I do see the Sun-Uranus in NY as portraying the "sudden unexpected" (Uranus) SVB event for NY, the financial capital of the world. Again, I think we are within 30 days of a very important buying opportunity for the NYSE, not that I can personally participated, but is what I am telling a friend who can participate.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:23 am But I do see the Sun-Uranus in NY as portraying the "sudden unexpected" (Uranus) SVB event for NY, the financial capital of the world.
I'm not sure what sudden, unexpected SVB occurred that affected NYC. I could see it for the second bank - which was a NYC bank - although by then it was an "also ran" story. The market hasn't treated this as any sort of problem (almost the opposite).

This doesn't preclude some other Uranus-themed event affecting Wall Street during the year, but it would have to be a sort that wouldn't have an actual effect big enough to affect Washington. At the moment, I'm not convinced there has been any "event" of any great notice. The taking over of SVB, at least, hasn't had market impact. (I keep looking at a DC effect - from some other mix of charts - because of things like the Sec of Treas having to shuffle things and the vulnerability from the serious depletion of FDIC funds; but, so far, I don't see that this was an event of any note or real impact.)

I know you're concerned about events you anticipate in the next several weeks. I'm only going by what we've seen so far.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Steve, here it is: Look at the Capsolar for Santa Rosa, CA, the home office of SVB. It's PERFECT for a panic and bankrun.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Bingo! Mars-Neptune holding the angles for the panic for SVB!! Transiting Sun-Me on Neptune for the national headline news. I am pretty sure this is going to create a buying opportuninty for NYSE. Time will soon tell.

Now they are touting Credit Suisse Bank in trouble. All we got to be concerned about is Capsolar's Moon-Pluto manifesting as a snowbaling effect for the banking system world wide, but I don't think so.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I just ran the Sonoma and DC charts for the crash. It shows solidly for the bank headquarters and adequately (but barely) for DC - more like the "nuisance of the week" they had to handle. So far, I don't see a national level event.

The one stick in the side that worries me is that we are mere days from transiting Neptune opposite USA natal Neptune. I think it's April 4. Who knows what kind of liquidity confusion that may cause.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I have never worked with State Capital’s with SMA charts, but yesterday with your observation Mars & Neptune holding the angles for Santa Rosa SVB Bank Panic, I looked at the Capsolar for California’s State Capital Sacramento, and Mars & Neptune also holds the angles even closer. You write in your book Sidereal Mundane Astrology about Mars-Neptune:
… a financial panic.
SVB the second largest Bank failure in the nation. Also, another important story on national news is the phenomena rains & snows California has received this winter. My concern: is the snow melt this spring in California going to cause Mars-Neptune catastrophic floods?
As another lessor observation/aspect: Direct Midpoint of Mars/Neptune = Moon 0,42. People of California may see flooding in certain regions of California never seen before?
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:34 am I just ran the Sonoma and DC charts for the crash. It shows solidly for the bank headquarters and adequately (but barely) for DC - more like the "nuisance of the week" they had to handle. So far, I don't see a national level event.

The one stick in the side that worries me is that we are mere days from transiting Neptune opposite USA natal Neptune. I think it's April 4. Who knows what kind of liquidity confusion that may cause.
I went to the market on Tuesday morning and there was barely any cow milk to be had, yet there was tons of available Almond, Oat, Soy and keifer......I believe the storm caused panicked buying again bc I saw no reason why all the milk should be gone.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've worked with state capitals for events that cover large areas of the state but the state is small - Vermont, Arkansas. I wouldn't want to try it with a place as large as California except, yes, I'm sure it provides another layer. In this case, it was state officials who first came in and seized the bank before calling the feds.
SteveS wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:26 am Also, another important story on national news is the phenomena rains & snows California has received this winter. My concern: is the snow melt this spring in California going to cause Mars-Neptune catastrophic floods?
Yes, absolutely.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim. Looking at Solar Maps I notice the Mars/Neptune lines {Paran} forming an intersection of the coast of California where it appears to me the Atmospheric Rivers {ARs} moisture fronts piled up one after another. Since you have lived in California for years, is this the worst you have ever seen with these ARs?
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's by no means the worst winter weather we've had. Until the early '90s, January-February was official monsoon season - very hard, pounding rains for weeks that would flood city streets every year. (The LA Times would always have at least one picture of a VW bug floating across an intersection.)

I know Northern California has gotten this a lot worse than we have all winter. Down here, it's been no big deal. The last few days of rain have been typical, most of the time just a very heavy drizzle or light (but sustained) rain.

I wouldn't mind this every year - solve the draught problem, get back to the kind of pre-global warming rainy seasons we had.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I understand Jim. One thing for sure: The 2023 Capsolar produced a Mars-Neptune financial panic for the second largest bank failure ever. I guess California will have to wait and see if there are going to be any other weather related Mars-Neptune manifestations?

To make sure I understand something we have discussed before: We don’t count DC’s Capsolar Saturn partile cnj Capsolar Anti-Vertex. Correct?
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:52 am To make sure I understand something we have discussed before: We don’t count DC’s Capsolar Saturn partile cnj Capsolar Anti-Vertex. Correct?
Correct. Two or three separate statistical studies on SMA regarding the Vertex have confirmed two things for sure:
  • Planets on Vx-Av do not break dormancy. If a chart is otherwise dormant, it remains dormant. Therefore, even if the Vx contact were valid, we would still have a situation where the chart would not be read - because it's dormant.
  • Planets on Vx-Av do not lend their symbolism to an ingress chart. One study on Vx contacts ecliptically and another one mundanely both showed (depending on where you draw the "statistical significance" line) either NO measurable effect from Vx contacts or - if you allow low level significance - actually a reverse effect, as if Vx were suppressing the planet. (A collection of hundreds of charts for disasters and "bad" events that overall have malefics on major angles surprised me by showing a weak [perhaps insignificant] preference for Venus and Jupiter on the Vx!]
I am amused to see you fighting like hell to get us a Capsolar for 2023 <vbg>. I understand this because most year the Capsolar is almost the only chart we need for national forecasting - it's that good! But this year, the U.S. (Washington) has NEITHER a Capsolar nor Cansolar - neither a 2022 or 2023 Cansolar - nothing at all to serve as a "year" chart. We have only quarter charts. The 2022 Libsolar is the ONLY valid solar ingress for the U.S. for six months, then the 2023 Arisolar for six months, then the 2023 Libsolar to finish out the year.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by cris25 »

The capsolar of Paris saturn square Asc , is that why there is a lot of violence in these last days ? .
That same aspect has London , but in Paris the sun is in MC with a very closed orb .
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Cris25 wrote:
The capsolar of Paris saturn square Asc , is that why there is a lot of violence in these last days ? . That same aspect has London , but in Paris the sun is in MC with a very closed orb .
Excellent observations Cris. IMO, the main reason we are seeing these riots in Paris instead of London as well are twofold.
1: In the mundoscope of Paris 2023 Capsolar we see an angular “outstanding incident” of Sun partile 90 Uranus; whereas, in London this same mundane “outstanding incident” configuration does not exist. Jim consistently teaches how mundane aspects are very sensitive to changing locations and are very important to note. Ebertin from COSI says about important Sun-Uranus combos:
A revolutionary spirit, strained or tense inner life, people trying to carry through reforms in a self-willed manner, rebels, upsetting experience, sudden setbacks, sudden adjustments.

2: Also, in mundane charts many times we see the Moon symbolize the “people” of a Country. Also, when Pluto is prominent in a mundane chart we often see "stunning/shocking" incidents. The Moon in Paris Capsolar is partile conjunct the West Point (a), a very important auxiliary angle; whereas, in London we do see this same partile conjunction. This Moon in Paris is tightly square Pluto with t. Pluto now partile 90 Paris angular Capsolar Moon. Moon-Pluto is well known as a potential for:
An extremely emotional or an extreme expression of feeling. Inclination to impulsive actions. People with extreme emotional expression. Violent outbursts of feelings with emotional upheavals.
Transiting Uranus is partile conjunct Paris Capsolar ASC now.
Unrest, an excitable unstable situation. Inconstant, irritable, tendency to cause disquiet or unrest to other people, upsetting situations.

IMHO, Paris Capsolar with the incidents happening in Paris is a par-excellent example of the many teachings by Jim in his free book, “Sidereal Mundane Astrology” (SMA). Thanks for your post Cris25.
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The original post at the top cited Paris as one of the difficult spots for the year, though not with exactly this kind of aspect. I originally wrote:
SATURN culminates through Kyiv. It will be a terrible year for Ukraine with hardship and deprivations and, perhaps, with ultimate loss. The line continues south through Turkey and Cairo then along eastern Africa, with a MARS-SATURN intersection in Sudan making it one of the most tragic spots for the year... Saturn is also angular across eastern France, passing through both Paris and London: Is this shared economic hardship or spill-over from Russia's actions in Ukraine? - These areas are all high on the list of loss, deprivation, and hardship for the year.
For contrast, here are full breakdowns of the Capsolar (from TMSA) for Paris and London to show the fine points of the differences. First, Paris, which is a loaded Capsolar!

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
Mo  4Li54'10"  0N53 +12°59' 208°12' 10S38 262°52' - 7°54' 172° 2' 100% Wa 8'
Er 28Pi51'41" 11S 8 + 0' 2"  26°14'  1S 5  92° 6' + 0°23' 359°37' 100% A 
Sa 28Cp53'30"  1S15 + 6'39" 326°41' 14S43 150° 7' +21°34' 321°35'  99% Z 57'
Su  0Cp 0' 0"  0S 0 + 1° 1' 297° 0' 21S 7 181° 3' +20° 1' 267° 6'  98% M 
Ur 19Ar54'19"  0S21 - 0'24"  42°36' 15N59  68°41' + 2°47' 357° 1'  98% A 
Ma 13Ta 6'49"  2N50 + 1'59"  65°55' 24N28  46° 2' - 3°12'   4°26'  95% A 
Pl  3Cp 4' 1"  2S16 + 1'58" 300°43' 22S46 177°25' +18°21' 277°43'  85% M 
Su sq Ur  0° 6'100% M                                                   
Ve sq Ur  0°34' 99%                                                     
Su sq Er  1° 8' 97%                                                     
Mo sq Pl  1°50' 93%                                  
Ur co Er  2°36' 71% M                                                   
Su co Pl  3° 4' 60%
Angle    |    Ma/Ur 43'M
In contrast, here is the same chart for London. One of the biggest changes I see is Moon: In Paris, there is a mass uprising of collective herd-consciousness which we routinely see with angular Moon and the exact Sun-Uranus Steve mentioned; these are not in the London chart.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
Er 28Pi51'41" 11S 8 + 0' 2"  26°14'  1S 5  90°11' - 1°15'   1°15' 100% E 
Sa 28Cp53'30"  1S15 + 6'39" 326°41' 14S43 148°13' +18°28' 327°37'  99% Z 
Ur 19Ar54'19"  0S21 - 0'24"  42°36' 15N59  66°55' + 2°19' 357°29'  98% A 
Ma 13Ta 6'49"  2N50 + 1'59"  65°55' 24N28  43°59' - 2°26'   3°31'  97% A 
Su  0Cp 0' 0"  0S 0 + 1° 1' 297° 0' 21S 7 178°37' +17°22' 274°24'  95% M 
Mo  4Li54'10"  0N53 +12°59' 208°12' 10S38 261°20' - 6°42' 173°14'  88% D 
Ve sq Ur  0°34' 99%                                                     
Su sq Ma  0°54' 98% M                              
Su sq Er  1° 8' 97%                                                     
Mo sq Pl  1°50' 93%                                  
Ma co Er  2°16' 78% M                                                   
Su co Pl  3° 4' 60%
Ur co Er  3°46' 41% M
Angle    |    Ma/Ur 30'M      Ur/Er 38'M
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I am guessing, but probably of all the major cities in the world, Paris is the only one for it's 2023 Capsolar (Master Chart of the Year) to calculate a mundane angular partile 90 of Sun-Uranus. This is seen in the mundane chart link below for Paris.


Amazing to me how the astronomy of things from the heavens can cause certain events to take place to control the masses of minds for a major city.

As for a comparison for the mundane 2023 Capsolar chart for London.


Again, this is to help demonstrate how important Jim’s observational work for mundane aspects is related to the importance of angular mundane aspects.

Could it get worse in Paris? Below is link to Paris 2023 Mundane Cansolar. It is downright nasty. It calculates a mundane direct midpoint of Saturn/Neptune = ASC 0,35. Angular mundane Mars 180 angular mundane Saturn 1,18.

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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Another way to see this, of course, and to understand how these mundane aspects converge on the angles, is with astro-mapping. Below is a map for the 2023 Capsolar (major angles) for western Europe. Notice that the orange Sun on MC line and sky blue Uranus rising line converge exactly in southern France near Toulouse, though they are still close enough to have the effects Steve showed in Paris. (I usually estimate 150-200 miles from an exact line for it's effective range (180 miles, give or take, being about 3° from the angle, depending on the geometry of a particular angularity - it's a good rule of thumb).

What the map shows easily is how the Sun and Uranus lines diverge from that spot, getting farther apart - their mundane square farther apart. Uranus rising angles off through Wales while Sun culminating heads north toward Ipswich. One might not even think Uranus is all that angular in Paris but, as Steve's mundoscope shows, it certainly is.

This isn't even the worst spot in the neighborhood. In Netherlands, Mars and Pluto lines converge exactly, being the center of a 300-400 mile circle where Mars rises, Pluto culminates, and they are in mundane square - an aspect still definitely in orb and foreground (but a little more widely) in Paris.

But, as Chris pointed out, the real hit-you-in-the-face angularity for Paris is Saturn on Zenith (Saturn square Ascendant). I've put a smaller map of this below just to show how obviously precise this is. - It takes both maps to get the whole picture.
Capsolar west Europe.png
Capsolar Saturn Paris.png
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Re: 2023 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

Excellent World Maps Jim. And yes, that Saturn on Paris Zenith helps completes the event’s picture of what is happening in France/Paris. For sure if a Sidereal Mundane Astrologer was looking to visit Paris/France in 2023---he/she would have avoided this location. I only know of 1 mundane tool in all of astrology which forewarns an astrologer of certain possible bad locations, and that is Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA).
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