October 14, 2022, 6:30 PM EEDT, Amasra, Turkey 41N43"23", 32E21'01"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart%C4%B ... _explosion
An explosion in the Amasra coal mine in Amasra, Turkey has killed at least 40 people and hospitalized 11 others. (At the time of the blast, 110 people were in the mine.) A fire started by the blast has been controlled. No cause for the blast has been announced.
This is much smaller than the 2014 Soma coal mine disaster which I studied here and in SMA, but is nonetheless tragic and worth studying.
Year: Capsolar {+2}
Pluto on Asc +2°37'
Mercury on Asc -2°45'
Sun and Saturn more widely foreground
-- Sun-Pluto co 1°21'
-- Jupiter-Pluto sq ~1°30' PVP
-- Mercury-Saturn co 3°13'
-- Me/Pl on Asc 0°04'
-- Su/Sa on Asc 0°30'
-- Mercury sq non-fore Uranus 0°32'
-- Sturn sq non-fore Uranus 2°41'
Moon-Mars op 1°36'
Bridge {?}
t Pluto sq Cansolar MC 119'
t Jupiter sq Cansolar Asc 1°11'
t Mars co Capsolar Moon 1°00'
Quarter: Cansolar {-1}
The aspects are quite right, but that closely angular unafflicted Venus degrades the score.
Sun on WP 0°15'
Venus on Dsc 1°03'
Mercury on WP 1°14'
Pluto widely foreground
-- Sun-Mercury co 0°59'
-- Mercury-Pluto op 1°17' M
-- Sun-Pluto op 2°22'
-- Pluto sq non-fore Mars 2°08' M
Moon-Neptune co 2°41' M
Month: Caplunar (Silent.) Moon-Pluto.
Week: Arilunar {+2 at least}
Pluto on Asc 1°38'
Saturn on EP-a 1°39'
-- Saturn sq non-fore Uranus 0°39'
Moon-Pluto sq 1°04'
Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {+2}
p Asc sq s Saturn -1°50', p Mercury +1°24', op s Uranus 0°51'
t Mars co s Moon 1°00'
Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {-2}
p MC sq t Sun 1°56'
t Pluto sq s MC 119'
t Jupiter sq s Asc 1°11'
Amasra coal mine explosion
Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
- Jim Eshelman
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