Mars transiting Taurus

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Mars transiting Taurus

Post by staragewiz »

Somewhere around mid-August 2022 Mars has been transiting Taurus.
And, has been Retrograde I think about twice.
Taurus being ruled by Venus - Planet of Peace has been severely roughed up by a
slow moving Mars - Planet of War (death by gunshots, brutality etc.)
It just seems to me that there's been an acceleration of violent flareups
just about everywhere during this transit period. At least now Mars is direct,
and maybe, these violent happenings will lessen somewhat, when Mars finally leaves Taurus ?
Don't have my hopes up though.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mars transiting Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I mostly agree, although Mars' time in Aries last year was pretty rough getting through and Taurus initially seemed like a reprieve.

We tracked a few earlier passes of Mars through Taurus here:

In the past, I've tended to see it with difficult times but with the main characteristic being compassion, relief, aid, people caring profoundly about pain and suffering (or, in darker expressions, deep heart-wounding) - which, of course, means that there was pain and suffering. in March 2021 we saw the new vaccine accelerating pandemic relief, the House passed a Covid relief bill, a big immigration reform bill to legalize undocumented immigrants etc. was moving through the House, CDC announced that families separated at the border could be reunited, the release of the almost 300 violently abducted schoolgirls (kidnapped under Mars in Aries), unaccompanied migrant children were reported receiving more careful caretaking by border guards. The most dramatic mass shootings of the time even occurred in a Taurian environment (Atlanta massage parlors) plus Gov Cuomo's sex scandal.

I think the really negative stuff we've been seeing has been the MARS-NEPTUNE SQUARE that was either in orb, in orb mundanely, or on angles of charts that are still operative since IIRC November. Three months of that (and a few more weeks to "run out the course") is a lot! I've personally had three return charts with Moon-Mars-Neptune on angles (that I left town to avoid) and my wife just got back from Houston to avoid Mars-Neptune on her Moon-Sun-Pluto on angles. The course of Mars in Taurus has been:

Entered Taurus Aug 11 2022 (00Ta00)
-- left Taurus, entered Gemini Oct 21
Stationary Retrograde Oct 30 2022 (00Ge34)
Entered Taurus Nov 8 2022 (30Ta00)
Stationary Direct Jan 12 2023 (13Ta04)
-- leaves Taurus, enters Gemini Mar 14 2023
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mars transiting Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Think about the three recent shootings and their Taurus symbolism: One was at a "Year or the Rabbit" ballroom dancing celebration, another at a place called "Half Moon Bay" attacking farm workers.

And then there is the recent Virginia case of a 6-year-old at school shooting his teacher :(

Speaking of Taurus-themed ugliness, Meta just reopened Donald Trump's social media accounts.
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Re: Mars transiting Taurus

Post by staragewiz »

Yeah, and that criminal has his Sun in Taurus opp. Moon Scorpio
Malignant narcissism on steroids!
For META this is about cash flow and not about political expression , as they claim.
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