Ennead For Award

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Ennead For Award

Post by Venus_Daily »

Well, I was looking through my SLRs to see if they would show anything for the award/achievement I received. There was nothing, but the ennead on 1/3/22 really lit up. Jupiter is on the Mc closely square natal Jupiter while the Sun is on the Desc closely conjunct Moon. Both are making an exact ecliptic aspect with each being 2 degrees away from exactitude with the angles. There's a background Moon/Mars conjunction in the background (12th) cusp. I got a lot of silent backlash because diploma nurses that had been there longer than I had didn't even receive the honor. Also, I feel like despite doing well with a lot of my patients, I'm not wanted there or I'm never included in things, and naturally, it hurts.......but what can you do? Also, it's strange how accurate this chart was given that it's a trine of the base chart.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Ennead For Award

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What was the date of the award?
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Re: Ennead For Award

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jan 26th. Oh shoot, I didn't see that. there was another ennead on the 23rd that is just not symbolic for the event.
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Re: Ennead For Award

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:17 pm Jan 26th. Oh shoot, I didn't see that. there was another ennead on the 23rd that is just not symbolic for the event.
You're doing something wrong in the calculation. Your prior Ennead was January 3 and was indeed quite stunning with Jupiter 2°14' past the MC and Sun 1°50' past Descendant - forming a 0°25' Sun-Jupiter mundane square. Furthermore, the angular Sun is conjunct your natal Moon about 3°, and your natal Venus was on IC. (I thought I mentioned this chart before. I might be mixing that up with something else.) Wow, it just keeps getting better!

6°30' Pis - t Jupiter
8°33' Gem - Ennead EP-a
8°40' Sag - r Jupiter
9°14' Pis - Ennead MC
10°22' Vir - r Venus

18°17' Sag - t Sun
20°05' Gem - Ennead Asc
21°15' Sag - r Moon

What you had on January 23 was a "demi" chart, what Garth Allen called a Decilium and I've taken to calling a 10-Day solar. You're right that it isn't descriptive of this event the way the full Ennead was but, then, the Ennead already had it nailed. - We also don't know when the decision was made to give you this award, it could easily have been under the January 13 10-Day that had your Moon on Midheaven and transiting Sun on Zenith.
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Re: Ennead For Award

Post by Venus_Daily »

Thanks, Jim. I probably overlooked some things, but I definitely feel like it was my time to shine, and I hope I continue to do so despite my upcoming SSR, which looks kind of gloomy.

Anyway, I always find the SLR kind of weird in terms of events. I've found it rarely mimics my SSRs, and it often never shows events like this. Is this because SSR/Ennead shows the fruits of your actions like hard work and things you believe you personally put out into the universe while the SLR is often viewed as events you passively attract or events that attracted to you?
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Re: Ennead For Award

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:48 pm Anyway, I always find the SLR kind of weird in terms of events. I've found it rarely mimics my SSRs, and it often never shows events like this. Is this because SSR/Ennead shows the fruits of your actions like hard work and things you believe you personally put out into the universe while the SLR is often viewed as events you passively attract or events that attracted to you?
While there is a broad sense in which planets on a lunar return angle resemble being angular and conjunct your Moon, while those on a solar return angle (and presumably Ennead) resemble more being angular and conjunct your Sun, I don't think we can extend it to the extent of this idea. - If anything (and I think this is stretching it too far), lunar returns would more show things happening TO you - being lunar and receptive - and solar returns more things that are your own assertions into the world (actions instead of responses).

I don't know why SLRs would not tend to show "events like this". Do you have other awards examples?

Your Kinetic Lunar Returns were rather decent. The January 2 KLR, for example, had progressed Sun on IC and transiting Venus-Pluto on Descendant (Venus was 0°28' from Dsc).
Jim Eshelman
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