856 Damghan earthquake

Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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Jim Eshelman
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856 Damghan earthquake

Post by Jim Eshelman »

December 22, 856, at night, centered near Damghan, Qumis, Persia 36N10 54E20

Also called the Qumis Earthquake. Estimated magnitude 7.9. 200,000 deaths. USGS lists it as the sixth deadliest earthquake on record. One consequence was it "badly affected waters supplies" because of landslides blocking streams. The city of Damghan was destroyed: I use the city itself below because this was the strongest impact, though the epicenter is slightly (barely) different, 36.2° 54.3° E.

The time is stated as "at night," but I don't know if that's before dawn or after sunset. I'm going to use a 4 AM "working" time.

Year: Capsolar {+2}
(Ive seen this Sun-Mercury-Pluto combo for big earthquakes many times)
Sun on Asc 0°24'
Mercury on Asc 1°15'
Pluto on N 0°36'
Venus on EP 0°42'
Saturn and Moon widely foreground
-- Sun-Mercury co 0°06'
-- -- -- Su/Me on Asc 0°26'
-- Mercury-Pluto co 0°59'
-- Sun-Pluto sq 1°04'
-- Venus-Neptune co 2°53' M
-- Sun-Saturn op 3°55' M

NOTE: The Cansolar was pretty good also, with Sun precisely angular conjunct Saturn, which is squared by Pluto.

Bridge {+2}
t Pluto sq Capsolar Asc 11/1-12/26
t Pluto sq Cansolar MC 11/24-1/15
Event window: Nov 24 to Dec 26

Quarter: Libsolar {+2}
Uranus on N 0°57'
Moon-Neptune op 1°18'

Month: Caplunar {+1}
Sun on Z 0°57'
Mercury on Z 1°47'
Uranus on N 2°07'
-- Mercury-Uranus 0°02' M
-- Sun-Mercury 0°50'
-- Sun-Uranus op 1°10'
Moon-Mars op 2°01'
Moon-Pluto sq 2°06'
Moon-Venus sq 2°12' M

Week: Canlunar {+2}
Neptune on Asc 0°18'
Venus more widely foreground
Moon-Mercury op 0°16' M
Moon-Mars co 1°04' M
Moon-Pluto sq 2°03'

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {0 / +2 = +2}
(These angles are just a little late to capture the exact Mars transit to Capsolar Saturn, both opposed by t Sun.)
p Asc co t Sun 1°46', op p Moon
t Pluto sq s Asc 1°35'

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+2 / +2 = +2}
p Asc sq t Mars 1°02'
p MC op t Sun 0°10'
t Pluto sq s MC 1°53'
-- t Pluto sq s Saturn 0°45'
t Mercury sq s Asc 0°26'
Jim Eshelman
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