A possible malefic time frame

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A possible malefic time frame

Post by SteveS »

Because of DC’s mundo Pluto partile conjunct DC’s 2023 Arisolar Asc possibly manifesting stunning/shocking Pluto stuff for this quarter, combined with DC’s very malefic May 10 Caplunar; combined with Biden’s April 20 malefic SLR & May 4 malefic DSLR, there will be very high % something sudden and unexpected could manifest malefically beginning with DC's May 10 Caplunar. I will closely be watching the political and financial environments beginning when DC's AriQ's p Asc partile conjunts AriQ's Saturn partile 90 AriQ's Venus May 7 leading up to DC's most malefic May 10 Caplunar.
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I won't be analyzing this time for a couple of months, but there are things you might not have seen in that Caplunar that you correctly detected as unusually rough.

The obvious stuff: Saturn is 1°11' from Descendant. This isn't the strongest Saturn chart (probably not even this year), but it's definitely strong. Second, Moon opposes Mars 0°40'.

But there's one other thing worth noting: With Saturn's altitude 1°08' above (before) Descendant, Mars' azimuth is 89°59' - a single minute or arc from the prime vertical. Studies show that this "Mars on Vertex" means (by itself) nothing at all in an ingress; but since Mars is exactly on the prime vertical, and Saturn is almost exactly on the horizon, and the prime vertical is always square the horizon, it alerts us that Mars is probably about 1° from one variety of mundane square with Saturn!

These are hard to calculate, but I'll do it two ways: First, the Solar Fire method that I used in writing SMA ver. 17 - which I've always known was an estimation - I see that Saturn's altitude is 1°08' before Descendant while Mars' PV amplitude is 0°01' before the Vertex. I thus estimate that Mars squares Saturn 1°07' (subtracting the two).

But I've been working on and off on formula for calculating these exactly. (I'm not confident I have the quadrants of the circle right, but that shouldn't matter for this example.) Using this formula, Saturn gets a meridian longitude of 0°17' after the meridian and Mars 0°01' before the meridian.

In other words, Mars squares Saturn 0°18' in meridian longitude: There is a 0°18' PVP square!

So the full detail of the chart for Washington is Saturn 1°11' from Descendant, Moon opposite Mars 0°40', and Mars square Saturn 0°18'. (Moon also squares Eris 0°13'.)

That's some spicey meatball!
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
In other words, Mars squares Saturn 0°18' in meridian longitude: There is a 0°18' PVP square!
I have very little observational experience or personal experience with these type PVP formations, at least not in my conscious memory. I have to rely on your delineation take with this PVP Mars-Saturn aspect. I do know any type of angular Mars-Saturn aspect is definitely a significant red flag, and with the Moon partile 180 Mars in eclipto & mundo—this is nasty. Note also the wide angular partile Sun-Uranus conjunction and the partile mundo Jupiter-Pluto 90. Putting this together with Biden’s Saturn lunars for the same period with this Caplunar is somewhat concerning….
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:04 am I have very little observational experience or personal experience with these type PVP formations, at least not in my conscious memory. I have to rely on your delineation take with this PVP Mars-Saturn aspect.
More below.
Note also the wide angular partile Sun-Uranus conjunction and the partile mundo Jupiter-Pluto 90. Putting this together with Biden’s Saturn lunars for the same period with this Caplunar is somewhat concerning….
The Sun-Uranus isn't foreground so it's as if the planets don't even exist in the ingress. The Jupiter-Pluto partile mundane square is more complicated since there is also a close Jupiter-Pluto ecliptical square (also not foreground): What was found in the last few rounds of SMA was that mundane aspects that do NOT have a concurrent ecliptical square are important because they are unique to that one geographic area. That's not true here. (Even when they're valid, they are only "fill in the blank" aspects, things to read after you've already decided what the chart means and you're only looking for fine points.)

Regarding that Mars-Saturn PVP square: These mundane aspects are equal in every respect to ecliptical and the more familiar mundoscope mundane aspects. There is only one thing that differentiates them: Only one planet is angular. That is, since the Vertex axis has proven utterly meaningless in ingresses, in this case the Saturn on Descendant is angular but the Mars on Vertex is not. It does have the square, though, because the prime vertical (plane of Vertex) is always exactly square the horizon (plane of Descendant). One interesting thing about this type of aspect is that it seems to explain why some Vertex contacts seem strongly validating of an event and others seem irrelevant: If they do not form a PVP aspect to a foreground planet, they are not involved in the chart. That is, it's not the Vx contact but, rather, the aspect formed mundanely to a planet on the horizon or meridian.
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
That is, it's not the Vx contact but, rather, the aspect formed mundanely to a planet on the horizon or meridian.
I will try to ingrain that rule into my mind :)
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:00 am ...Biden’s April 20 malefic SLR & May 4 malefic DSLR...
Looking at these charts for the first time...

The April 20 SLR has transiting Saturn 1°46' from Ascendant and natal Uranus 0°24' from Nadir. Saturn squares his Uranus 0°40'.

I wouldn't call this very malefic. It's negative-leaning, to be sure. Uranus is slightly stronger than Saturn. Really, the Saturn transit to Uranus is the main feature, which mostly means that you are blocked regarding the freedom and changes you want. The usual one-word summary "tension" always applies, but the particular form of that tension is that Biden wants freedom, change, and renewal and the world says No. He feels restricted. Sometimes this means voluntarily accepting new limits; or it can mean fighting against limitation. He's probably more stressed. When I write the U.S. forecast for that month, I'll probably say something to the effect that he wants to push on legislation and is blocked for the present time.

It's a pretty simple chart. We'll probably see some version of Biden's more liberal side butting heads with conservatives. (Non-foreground partile aspects suggest he feels something has to change and perhaps he has to make a sacrifice.)

To digress: I'd be more concerned about his June 13 SLR with both Saturns at 100% strength (and only 0°18' from square in RA while on IC and WP).

His May 4 Demi-SLR is much the same. Steve, I'm just not that worried about transiting Saturn to natal Uranus. (It's not a catastrophic aspect showing large shifts: It's more of a slow, grueling arm-wrestling or feeling frustrated, slowed, and for the moment stopped.) The Demi is very similar with transiting Saturn 1°09' from Westpoint and natal Uranus 0°37' from MC. Saturn squares his Uranus 1°46' with (again) his Uranus a little stronger than the Saturn.

This one, though, has one added feature: transiting Saturn also has a 1°54' mundane square to natal Venus. Disappointment is deeper in this two-week period. Something saddens him, probably touching him personally more than simply a policy block. For this two weeks, we'll see the Joe Biden that personally deeply feels for something and wants to make a change, but feels he can't. (Non-foreground partile aspects seem to highlight his idealism and - with Jupiter exactly square his Jupiter - show that things aren't as bad as they first seem.)

Or, in any case, that's how I read it.
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Or, in any case, that's how I read it.
I think I understand Jim, just normal Saturn political party stuff? But, what about Biden’s Saturn lunars in the context of DC’s May 10 Caplunar in the same time period? Or, read DC’s May 10 Caplunar for us.
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 11:26 am But, what about Biden’s Saturn lunars in the context of DC’s May 10 Caplunar in the same time period? Or, read DC’s May 10 Caplunar for us.
I don't have an easy, full answer for this. I can say one thing: In my monthly U.S. forecasts, I am more likely to miss the point if I try to coordinate the ingresses (what's happening for the country) with Biden's lunars (what's happening for Biden).

Occasionally they will intersect. More often, though, the ingresses rightly tell what happens for the country while Biden's charts show what's happening for him. For example, if some serious event occurs, this probably will show in the ingresses etc. But Biden's chart (at least, his lunars - the only thing I've been checking but hardly the whole story) may show a time he's hard at work and concentrating, or a time he's heroically victorious, or a time he's sad and frustrated - describing his own day-to-day experience through that time, which could be all sorts of things.

George W. Bush's SLR for August 22, 2001 did show transiting Mars angular opposite his natal Uranus - by itself, a great aspect for the 9/11 surprise attack - although we might not have detected that it would be a big deal. Mars was 4° off IC, his Uranus over 6° from MC, and the aspect 2°17' wide. Not a "this is going to be big" kind of chart, but certainly showing him affected by (for example) aggression or attack that surprised him. - What has perhaps been undetected before (you can't see it without TMSA or a similar tool) is that this lunar had transiting Moon mundanely square his natal Sun 0°00'! It was going to feel to him like it was deeply personal, like this was unique time to shine!

So, we clearly get the effect on him personally. For the nation, we get the general idea but not the intensity.

He then had a Demi-SLR September 5. This doesn't really show the event at all, but it DOES show Bush himself suddenly ready to fight. That is, the most angular planets are natal Uranus 0°20' from Nadir and transiting Sun 2°55' from Descendant. The third most angular planet is natal Mars 3°52' from Descendant, with transiting Sun mundanely conjunct natal Mars 0°47'. OK, good chart, he definitely came charging out of that week like a cowboy after too much chili, ready to shine and lead in a fight. Not bad... yet it still doesn't begin to capture the magnitude or even the actual nature of the event.

On the other hand, Donald Trump had a new SLR three days before February 20, 2020 when the floor fell out from the bottom of the stock market and the world just started waking up to Covid-19. I'd say his SLR was quite appropriate for that happening, although I think - as with Bush and Biden - what we really saw was how this affected him personally. Among transiting planets, there was a Saturn-Pluto conjunction mundanely square Venus. Venus-Saturn-Pluto definitely shows what was happening, though I think it was hitting him primarily as, "Oh, my beautiful stock market that would guarantee my re-election, what are they doing to it?" In any case, the Venus-Saturn-Pluto is exactly on target though nothing is partile. It's clearly an important chart, but the aspects are all within 2-3° orbs with the angularities 2-5° wide. Perfectly solid, just not what you would likely call "outstanding." There's more to it than that, but these are the strongest things.)

I think the president's chart shows the president's experience, which could be all sorts of things in the face of a crisis - and, for that matter, all sorts of things in the absence of a crisis.
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I think the president's chart shows the president's experience, which could be all sorts of things in the face of a crisis - and, for that matter, all sorts of things in the absence of a crisis.
Yes, I understand Jim, thanks. Question: Do you consider when we see partile aspects with both mundo & eclipto Moon in SMA charts it increases the % for event manifestations? For example: With DC’s May 10 Caplunar we see its Moon partile 180 Mars both in mundo & eclipto?
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:19 am Do you consider when we see partile aspects with both mundo & eclipto Moon in SMA charts it increases the % for event manifestations? For example: With DC’s May 10 Caplunar we see its Moon partile 180 Mars both in mundo & eclipto?
No, not really. There might be a reason to take it more seriously because the same aspect mundane AND ecliptic usually means there is little difference in celestial latitude between the two bodies. One could speculate that when there is little difference in latitude, the aspect is intensified. (It's exactly what makes the difference between an ordinary New Moon or Full Moon vs. an eclipse.) I've never been able to confirm that this makes a difference.

If I'm reading your mind correctly, you're thinking that Moon opposite Mars BOTH ecliptically and mundanely counts as two separate aspects. I'm certain that's not true at all. It's one aspect. The closer orb "wins." It's misleading because in (say) Solar Fire you have to look at two separate charts - the horoscope of the ingress and the mundoscope - so you see it twice. TMSA takes care of this beautifully by showing only the closer of the two, in this case the 0°40' ecliptical opposition, not the 0°43' mundane opposition.

Also, this particular case isn't because of similar latitudes. Moon is 5S12, Mars 1N40.
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Re: A possible malefic time frame

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim.
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