2024 Capsolar

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2024 Capsolar

Post by SteveS »

I lived through the times of 1976-1982 as an adult and experienced the extraordinary inflation prices for this historical time period. The Fed had to raise interest rates to 16-18 % to finally take enough $ out of circulation to put a halt to inflation. But, these times were actually good times for the people of the land till they woke up and realized what inflation had did to their buying powers, they realized they had been robbed when it came to their purchasing power. What I am witnessing now with certain increases in prices makes 1976-1982 seen like baby inflation. I am seeing prices on certain goods go up 200-300 %, it’s absolutely crazy! And a-lot of these increases are with food items and other necessities for living. One of the main planetary combo’s for inflation is Jupiter-Neptune. Back in 1974 I think there were 3 Jupiter-Neptune conjunctions which actually kick-started the inflation cycle back in the 70's.

I note with DC’s 2024 Capsolar (Master Chart of the Year) the main features are angular Jupiter and a mundo partile Moon-Neptune conjunction. I am not expecting malefic times with this 2024 Capsolar, the opposite---good times, but unless I see these extraordinary inflation rates happening now come under control by the end of 2023, I will become concerned that 2024 may see certain inflation prices become even higher. It feels kinda like history is repeating itself-- economically speaking. Saturn going through Capricorn with Covid disruptions has timed tremendous shortages on certain consumer items, which are driving certain prices through the roof, acting like a domino effect with other consumer items. The Fed hopes to get this inflation spiral under control by raising interest rates which is kinda like robbing Peter to pay Paul, economically speaking.
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