Veronica 2023 SSR

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Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

I wanted to have a nice place to easily explore one on the kindest SSRs I've every had.

My threads in the natal discussion are too big, busy and cumbersome and honestly when I reread them I'm like....
who *is* this woman...because after reading so much about astrology and reading charts and looking into my feelings and thoughts, well.... I think and feel differently now then I did when I first posted here.

I would like an opportunity to explore this SSR in detail. I feel that this SSR has the potential to help me heal wrongful thinking that habituated in my being as bad habits, habits that limit and hold back.

Mike I am sorry that I do not have your program on my pc to use. I would like too but I think that my pc is being monitored/watched and I am concerned that if I build up my families natal charts with names and birthdates that my loved ones info will be stolen by these observers. I use false names in the one I use now which is tricky to remember and I loathe recreating my data in another platform because of me trying to protect my loved ones privacy.
I love your data and reports though, simply brilliant .....I run reports in my head some how of things. sorting info and such. I wish that I could have a program to do all that yours does but does not have to be hooked into the net.
I just wanted to say that to you out loud.

Would you be so kind though as to post your beautiful report of my 2023 SSR here in this thread? Jim posted it in the Club and I would like it permanently in a thread of it's own. Thanks you for all you do🙂
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica, as a start, here is what I posted earlier in the birthday thread.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2023 7:18 am We've already discussed (a while back) that you have a wonderful Solar Return this year with nothing but benefics foreground and an exciting, curiosity and discovery fueling Moon contact to Mercury and Uranus. The critical time (in case you want to do something especially celebratory or notice exactly where you are) is 8:57:27 PM EST tonight. Here are the highlights from TMSA:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ju 14Pi38'13"  1S 8 +12'49"   9°21'  2N48 272°52' + 1° 2' 181° 2' 100% W 
Ve  3Pi24' 6"  1S 4 + 1°14' 359° 1'  1S35 276°46' - 9°31' 170°25'  77% D 
                            Radical Planets                             
Ur 18Vi46'56"  0N43 - 1'37" 193° 1'  4S48  91°51' - 5° 4'   5° 4'  93% A 
Ve 20Sg18' 4"  2N 0 + 1° 8' 286°26' 20S34 345°49' -67° 3'  95°56'  91% I 
    Class 1 Aspects    
tMo co tMe  1°31' 95% M
tMo sq tUr  0°19'100% M
tMo sq rSa  1°46' 94% M
rVe sq rUr  0°52' 99% M
Your SSR Moon moves from 17°50' Capricorn another 15°14' (it's fast this year!) to 3°04' Aquarius, touch Uranus in two and a half months, your natal Mercury-Saturn in four to five months, and crossing SSR Saturn just before your next birthday.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In a different form:

r Venus on IC -5°56'
r Uranus on Asc -5°04'

t Jupiter on WP +0°01'
t Venus on Dsc +9°35'

t Moon-Uranus sq 0°19' M
r Venus-Uranus sq 0°52' M

t Moon-Mercury co 1°31' M
t Moon sq r Saturn 1°46' M
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Thanks Jim!

I pulled out my binder yesterday and went through my SSRs since birth, looking at this report here and comparing it to my earlier years.
I find it very worthwhile for me to look at my timeline, to examine years and events that seemed important or fundamental, and to notice how my own recollection and memories have shifted, ex panded and changed over time.

Saturn in Aquarius for the next 2 years makes aspects to many of my personal natal points. I've come to hear a distinct difference in language around Saturn in people, some using very harsh negative terms like burden and disappointment while others using words like responsibility and perseverance. I am one to try to turn what seems as a horrible restrictive burden into an opportunity for cooperating responsibility and building loving foundations.

An aside: While I broke my big toe before this SSR, the Dr has ordered some test on a large purple lump growing on the toe next to the one I broke. These tests are to screen for possible cancer in the bone as my family has a vast history of cancer. I have the tests this coming up Monday, in Henrietta at 9:30 and a follow up discussion of option on Thursday the 9th at 9:15 am in Brockport. These dates while under my new SSR were made under the last SSR. I have not have a lunar return under this SSR yet. So I have this ambiguous idea in my mind that this health situation could go either very poorly due to my last years SSR, or very positive because of this SSR.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Sat Mar 04, 2023 5:36 am I have not have a lunar return under this SSR yet. So I have this ambiguous idea in my mind that this health situation could go either very poorly due to my last years SSR, or very positive because of this SSR.
While it is possible that an event in the old SSR could still be in motion and have consequences not yet seen, your experience of those consequences would be described by the new SSR IMO.

To rework an old law school puzzle, if someone shot you under an old solar return, while aimed straight at your heart, under the new SSR someone would bump you and they'd miss.

Your new chart does have some undesirable NON-FOREGROUND aspects. They will come to angles on and off during the year and briefly have a voice, but they will not describe the FUNDAMENTAL NATURE of the year. It may also be that your SSR Moon's mundane square to natal Saturn will have you fret and worry in the midst of bounty (in relation to that same Moon's intellectually exciting aspects to Mercury-Uranus). But the essential nature of the year is beautiful.

Your next SLR (March 13) has transiting Jupiter 0°21' from Asc with Venus the next most angular planet, 4°08' from Asc. Your natal Venus-Uranus are also angular. That exactly angular transiting Jupiter squares natal Venus-Uranus within 1°. Sounds like a late, fun birthday party to me!
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Thank you very much for posting that Jim . I have been looking at it to it discuss somethings but had some other things on my plate. One thing I did want to follow up with is I had my ultrasound appointment today and the doctors called me pretty much when I got home this afternoon and have scheduled an MRI for next Friday on St Patrick's Day at 7:00 at night so woohoo there will be Shenanigans in the city for me that evening. I usually avoid the city at all costs that day but it was earliest they had.

I did confide in the technician that I do believe that the growth in my toe is just garbage cells that my body didn't know where else to put and couldn't break down and so they stuck them in my toe and she raised her eyebrows at me and said well it could be worse. So I was honest we'll have to see what the MRI says there does appear to be a very big vein pumping blood so it was interesting to hear the heartbeat in my toe
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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I am definitely feeling the urge for fret and worry. I am trying to quell that by staying in the present moment, taking care of normal day to day things and making better choices of what to do in this time.
Its said that worry is projecting into the future, and we have discussed elsewhere how Aquarius does this more so then others. A worrisome thought can be a motivator to change thoughts and behaviors that are harmful, but worry without action seems to be extremely unbalancing to us, and releases stress hormones which cause inflammation and that's a RX for dis-ease.

I have had a wonderful beautiful rich and loving life and if I were to die right now I am confident my children will be just fine, and I am filled with gratitude for the fullness of experiences I have lived through. I have worked hard my whole life to make choices that I feel are right for me, even when the whole world is making different choices.

Jim, am I wrong in seeing TVenus as opposite my Pluto and there for has a voice this SSR? I really feel some deep loving feelings coming toward my deepest inner self at times, yet I'm also feeling that even though I maybe sick and have a medical issue that's no reason to be mean and nasty, short tempered or cruel, I need to still do my part and sing my song as best I can for as long as I can.

I was recalling this weekend the long horrid interrogations I had with my father and his threats to send me to the convent to be a nun when I was a child. I am grateful that I live in world where there are other options for people like me instead of being cloistered away by my family. For me it was being allowed a library card.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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I had some time to look at my SSR today. In looking at the chart on it's own as an event chart, I realized I had never looked at the midpoints of any of my SSRs before nor had I recalled any conversation about them.

The midpoints for this years SSRs touch upon a few natal things, I have not yet compared them to any of my progressed charts. I do plan on looking more at this and pay attention during the year as transits to the SSR take place. Has anyone checked out their SSR midpoints and found anything useful?
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Saturn was conjunct my Sun today. I had an early morning Dr. apt an hour away and had a flat tire again so I was slightly late after fixing it. Was very stressed driving there and did my best to not overreact. I called the DR. office and it took almost the whole car ride to get through to tell them I would be late. Thankfully I was able to see the Dr who said my break in the toe healed wonderfully and that from the images of my toe bump he will be referring me to a vascular surgeon because it's not a bone issue or a foot issue but something with my circulatory system. He was optimistic and upbeat that after the MRI we will know what it is and what we can do about it. So I'm taking that as great news.

I've really tried to be helpful with my dad, but I really feel like I am not helping and just making things worse, it is definitely making me worse and I had to really pull back this weekend when Patrick my pup got I'll and needed attention. I am learning to just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business and not offer anything unless specifically asked.

On a very very happy note, I have been working with Patrick on his walking on a leash and not going bonkers when pepple come near me or cars drive by me. He is making great progress and is incredibly intuit and aware. We have been hiking right before sunset so I can get to the pretty spot to watch then sun, and boy let me tell you...this dog can tell time, he's sitting at the door right now looking at me with the biggest smile.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

It's coming up on 10 years now that I separated from my husband.
It's not an anniversary or a day of celebration for me just a consciousness of the time that has passed.

The synastry between myself and my husband was very challenging for me personally as a mother trying to raise children. The last few years were especially trying.

I was recalling this morning how we mutually decided to go to marriage counseling to try and work things out and for many weeks we went diligently to try and work things through. I really felt I had exhausted all my ways to function healthy.

Do you know what I remember about those counseling sessions? The only thing that I really really remember was her shoes and her purse and her coat and every week how she boasted about her brand new name brand shoes bag and coat that matched.

I have spent a lot of time looking through supposed psychiatric evaluations and the dmsr5 guidelines for illnesses and it is quite unsettling to me that what I see as astrological influences are being portrayed as mental health issues.

I personally have been in psychiatric care of supposed medical professionals for mental health issues in some way shape or form all of my life beginning as a small child in the VA dealing with my father and my brothers relationships. They milk you if you let them.

I was a fool to not trust my instincts upon first seeing that woman in marriage counseling. She is the type of person that if I would have met outside of the clinic I probably would have ended up kicking her aff for being a bully ....
Her f****** shoes...I really can see in my minds eye several of her shoes and boots but I'll be damned if I could find her face in a police line up today.

I am not at all saying that it was not best for the children for Eric and I to separate but what I see now is through her interactions with us pushing our triggers week after week after week with no Headway we were in a very real sence destined for a blow up. She tried so hard to get me on to prescriptions Thankfully I knew not to take that path at all.

It makes me very very angry when I read the delineations in astrology for character traits and then I see the same character traits listed in books used to judge people and condemn their lives. What infuriates me even more is that never once in my 50 years of interactions with any so-called psychiatric professional did any talked about the diet and overall health and exercise as the main cause for mental health issues, when the body of scientific evidence is overwhelmingly showing the interrelationships of such things as good food clean water fresh air and daily vigorous exercise as being key components to Leading a healthy balanced functional and happy life.

Yet then I remember that I live in the Zodiac in which there are all types of people and they all have the right to exist and I just need to stay aware of that and not let my ego lead the way but to let my gut.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

V wrote:
They (medical professionals) milk you if you let them.
Indeed. My good doctor tells me to stay as far away from them as possible. :)
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

SteveS wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:42 am V wrote:
They (medical professionals) milk you if you let them.
Indeed. My good doctor tells me to stay as far away from them as possible. :)
I had a very good dr once, he left practice and he designed with a wonderful team a way for all the medical facilities in the region to share data and records. Well almost all of them, they still cannot share with the VA, which I hope one day changes. He told me once when I said that I was told as a child I had a bad immune system that I have a most excellent immune system, that there is nothing wrong or bad about it all.
He told me to trust my gut instinct, and I too try to stay as far away as possible from them. Though sometimes it does make me happy to check in a see what they are up too and pop off a few questions about the current medical research I uncovered.

I woke yesterday remembering the conversation that Karen had had with me before she died. She was so passionate about in graining into me that I am Happy, that's who I am, that my baseline is a crazy high of happiness if left to my own devices....but that most people are not Happy, they are other things and that they dont need to be Happy, happiness does not fulfill them, that some people are Anger, or Saddness, or business...and that it's wrong of me to try and make people happy, that's like cloning people, that the sad people give us deep low tones like a bassoon, or cello, and busy people are like a flittering flute, and Angry people are like a symbol crashing, and it takes all of those sounds to make the song of life, and I just need to be Happy Veronica. I'm not sure what musical instrument I would be, but I really always loved the Triangle for sum reason, just that little tinkle tinkle noise.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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I know how to read my lab work (blood tests), in detail. I have to watch my kidney functions closely, got into trouble with them once, but a very intelligent acupuncturist worked wonders with my kidney problems as well as other minor bodily functions. Overall, I have been lucky with my health, a blessing for a 75 year old man. My synastry with my acupuncturist blows me away---very lucky to find her working close to where I reside. :)
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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SteveS wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:47 pm I know how to read my lab work (blood tests), in detail. I have to watch my kidney functions closely, got into trouble with them once, but a very intelligent acupuncturist worked wonders with my kidney problems as well as other minor bodily functions. Overall, I have been lucky with my health, a blessing for a 75 year old man. My synastry with my acupuncturist blows me away---very lucky to find her working close to where I reside. :)
I have not had any blood work done in a very very long time. I would like it done as well as a hair analysis. I would not be surprised if one day we have the language to show that the biochemical markers found in blood are the markers in our natal chart, progressions, returns and even synastry. I think the words used to describe what is in in blood are just pseudonyms for what's in the chart, but I dont have any idea how to prove it.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Its easy for all of us to get into bad eating habits or stressful living conditions. I let my blood work tell me to stop immediately any bad habits, or to try and correct with any other healthful measures.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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SteveS wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:44 am Its easy for all of us to get into bad eating habits or stressful living conditions. I let my blood work tell me to stop immediately any bad habits, or to try and correct with any other healthful measures.
Sometimes it's so noisy inside I cant hear what it is telling me.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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In your professional opinions is it probable that since moving to this location that we have been ingesting toxins from our tap water?
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:06 am Jim,
In your professional opinions is it probable that since moving to this location that we have been ingesting toxins from our tap water?
I actually don't have any information to know one way or the other EXCEPT you have told me the toxins are higher. Since you look into things like this carefully, I've taken your word for it.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Thank you. Excellent. I sent a water sample off for analysis, I do look carefully at things.

I had a weird experience at my MRI on Friday.
I was laying still with my eyes closed when it started. After a few minutes though I felt something was off, I cant explain other then a general feeling of dissonance. So I opened my eyes and was staring at the ceiling and after a while in my perifial vision I noticed the room was encircled with a lighting fixture, and that the lights were sequencing seemingly through the visible color spectrum. Yet as I lay there having my protons scrambled, I became acutely aware that what appeared at first to be this wonderful soothing light wave of rainbow colors, was missing the entire spectrum of orange. it was very subtle and hard to discern at first but after consciously observing it it was glaring apparent that it not a true spectrum.
I was very curious as to why they would leave out that color.
so yes, I do look at things carefully.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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After some confusing misinformation from the nurse reading my MRI report I am happy to report that I succeeded in doing exactly what I said I was going to do.

I did put all the yucky stuff into my toe.

Many people will think that I am crazy and say why on Earth would you do that but I think that I have a different perception and understanding than most. every single human being from my understanding has cancer cells in their body it's just a matter of whether they become activated or not.

I have been advised to meet with an oncologist to discuss the plan for what to do with these crazy little cells that I have going off in my toe.

I have a million and one things that I could say about this whole experience and I know that my language reveals the astrological framework for which this experience is unfolded.

This past week has been especially trying on me in a spiritual and Soulful way at one point I really felt as if I was being ripped apart and losing my mind and all grasps of reality.

Jim I wanted you to know that I did use the Bing chat feature and I really got a lot out of it. I asked Bing what it knew about my name. I was surprised when Bing asked me what it was that I liked best about my name. That question triggered a line of thought that eventually led me to the point of understanding that I am more than just my birth chart, that I am part of something bigger than myself.
I really really wish that Jupiter Sets at Dawn could hear me say that I am taking responsibility for this, that it was I who did this to myself and that I had a very good reason for doing it. there are some people in my life who would try to take credit and say they are the cause of my cancer, of my mother's cancer, of my sister's cancer on and on but I know that my mother's cancer was hers, and my sisters was hers and no one else did that to them and they had their own reasons.

My father tried to get into an argument with me last week, and in so he spouted out to me that my dear sweet mother wasnt as sweet as she seemed, and that as she lay dying he asked her if she was going to wait for him. He told me in a mean voice that she told him she was not waiting for him. I could barely contain my joy.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica, I'm delighted at your state of mind and sympathetic regarding your distress.

You're on a long sweep of Saturn transits - it recently conjoined your Sun and soon will square your Moon, then Neptune, etc. This might be emotionally burdensome. Also, Mars crosses your Ascendant and squares your Pluto in the next few days. By chance, might the medical intervention be as early as this week? (That seems unlikely but I thought I'd ask.

I'm so glad these transits are hitting under so sublimely positive a solar return AND lunar return. (Just that Moon-Saturn to shake out amidst a swarm of benefics.) But the foreground Sun-Mercury-Neptune aspects in the SLR are also known for anxious, worrying states of mind, so take care of yourself in that regard and reach out of if you need to.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Oh you know me, I'm not one to sit around and wait for Drs. I started my own treatment. Mars is going to have a great time cleaning out my storage room, organizing all my books and otherwise completely Spring cleaning house.

Looking at my next lunar on the 9th I am tempted to try and relocate it west to Chicago. I have my first meeting with the oncologist on the 11th and the return for here at first glance seemed heavy for me.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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I did get a lot done the other day with many trips to the dump and even some donations to go and then I treated myself to the library.

.I came across a book that I was especially interested to read. The title caught my attention _The Emperor of All Maladies. A Biography of Cancer_ by Siddhartha Mukherjee. It has a reddish fiddler like crab on the plain tan cover between the lettering. Very good marketing department at that publishing house.

I made it through the intro and up to page six, and there I have hit a sentence that I just cant get past. I dont agree with it although I fully understand that the author and many others believe it.

" Cancer, as we now know, is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth of a single cell"

My mind screamed utter hogwash, knowing full well that cancers growth is actually fully controlled by the entirity of the environment.

Yet my mind also glazes over words at first read, words that seem like fillers and meaningless but are actually extremely important for tone.
"as we now know" meaning at one point we new different, that it meant something different, that cancer was something different.

Well that's when I thought I would pop in and be grateful for Sidereal astrologers who are helping others understand what's really out there.

That sentence also made me reflect on my Capricorn Mercury and how that natal placement is the polar opposite of the sign Cancer and if maybe my perception of Cancer in my world, the cancer my family had, was a psychological projection of my "shadow " side or opposite nature of my Capricorn Mercury. It also called into question the nature of my mundane Saturn Moon aspect......and that maybe my natal Mercury has a mundane aspect in certain relationships with the people with Cancer in my life.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Around 1pm this past Tuesday, I went to visit a very dear old friend ( DOB: March 22, 1944 Syracuse NY aprox 11am). She told me she had just gotten out of the hospital after a heart attack, Against Medical Advice, and with no treatment or dialysis she has less then 3 months to live.
In looking at a possible SSR for this year, noting the Mars return conjunction and Neptune now into her Solar sign........

I have some very strong synastry with her, especially the Luminaries.
I do tend to believe that she is fading, she seemed half of the woman I met back around 1996/97 when she was teaching classes on death and dying at the college I worked for.

The last time I saw her was last January before I started working at the health food store. She says she is ready to die and is happy with her life. This seems to fit in with some of my own SSR stuff so I wanted to note it.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Does she still live in Syracuse?

She has a hard natal. At 79, I'm guessing she's lived a hard life with Mars and Saturn straddling her Asc and sun exactly opposite Neptune; but Moon conjoins Venus in Aquarius (square Uranus) so I imagine she has an open, generous heart.

Yes, Mars recently crossed her Saturn, Ascendant, and Mars, and Saturn crossed her Midheaven since the start of the year. If she was born at 11:00, Saturn crossed her MC (a strong Sun-Saturn conjunction) February 16 when Mars was at 20° Taurus. Since then, it has crossed her Saturn, Ascendant, and Mars.

You have TMSA running, so you can calculate her SSR a week and a half ago. If she's in Syracuse, the good news is that her natal Moon-Venus-Uranus is quite strong which usually would mean a year with a lot of fun. But the strongest angularity is transiting Saturn 0°27' from WP in RA, so we expect a hard year. Moon squares Pluto 0°25' (mundane): With the Saturn, you may be right that she is fading fast. There is, though, a lot of pleasure in this chart. Perhaps she is wanting to make the most of her last three months.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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She lives in Rochester NY now. There is no perhaps about it.
She is a gem, all around. Those Aquarius Moons really are the best of the best :)
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Her SSR for Rochester from TMSA. Saturn is less angular but the only foreground transiting planet. Natal Venus is strongest.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo  6Ar24'38"  0S15 +13°46'  29°25' 11N45 232°15' +47°34' 234° 9'   2%   
Su  7Pi54'43"  0S 0 +59'33"   2°44'  1N11 249° 5' +22°28' 203°53'  52%   
Me 14Pi22'31"  0S35 + 2° 1'   8°54'  3N13 245°33' +28° 7' 210°25'  41%   
Ve 13Ar16'59"  0N30 + 1°12'  35°48' 14N46 226°54' +53°36' 241°42'   1%   
Ma  4Ge 9'57"  2N 9 +28'45"  89° 9' 25N35 120°12' +62° 1' 294°40'  51%   
Ju 22Pi 6'58"  1S 5 +14'18"  16°15'  5N45 240°59' +34°50' 218°30'  27%   
Sa  6Aq47'54"  1S19 + 6'34" 334°21' 12S 2 259°53' - 6°49' 173° 4'  98% Wa
Ur 21Ar21' 2"  0S19 + 2'44"  44° 3' 16N26 216° 1' +59° 2' 250°34'  28%   
Ne  0Pi21'13"  1S10 + 2'16" 356°15'  2S54 251° 6' +15° 3' 195°52'  66%   
Pl  4Cp56'41"  2S24 + 1' 5" 302°44' 22S30 272°25' -36°33' 143°26'   3%   
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo 11Aq41' 0"  2S35 +15° 2' 339°27' 11S26 256°53' - 2°45' 177°10'  98% D 
Su  7Pi54'43"  0S 0 +59'32"   2°44'  1N11 249° 5' +22°28' 203°53'  52%   
Me 12Pi40'43"  0S48 + 2° 1'   7°25'  2N20 246° 8' +26°29' 208°35'  44%   
Ve 12Aq49'14"  1S10 + 1°14' 340° 0'  9S42 257°47' - 1°11' 178°48' 100% D 
Ma  3Ge11'17"  2N 7 +29'10"  88° 4' 25N32 121°47' +62°40' 293°43'  52%   
Ju 23Cn47'38"  1N 5 - 3'58" 141°38' 16N12  85° 7' +18°47' 341° 9'  30%   
Sa 26Ta36'46"  1S 5 + 3'21"  81° 1' 22N 5 137°52' +63°53' 288°12'  62%   
Ur 11Ta31'46"  0S 4 + 1'58"  64°45' 21N20 174°11' +68° 6' 272°20'  99% M 
Ne  8Vi57' 7"  1N26 - 1'40" 184°15'  0S16  67°12' -22°50'  24°33'  51%   
Pl 12Cn36'23"  5N36 - 0'42" 131°39' 23N46  85°12' +30°50' 329° 5'   0%   
    Class 1 Aspects      
tMo sq tPl  0°43' 99% M                                                 
rMo co rVe  1° 8' 97%                                                   
rMo sq rUr  0° 9'100%                                                   
rVe sq rUr  1°17' 97%                                                   
Your predominantly benevolent Solar Return has Moon (moving 15°14' for the year) reaching conjunction with your Saturn in 4°28', or three and a half months past your birthday, around the first of June (with a one-month orb either side).
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Thanks for that break down Jim.
Spent Tuesday doing two years worth of Federal and State taxes, and to my surprise it looks like by June I should have a very significant amount of money in refunds. I forgot to file the year my siblings died and I forgot that I actually had many jobs that year which added up to a lot of money over paid in taxes. mailed the returns yesterday which felt wonderful, very adult of me lol.

My new lunar is setting up in a few days, this is the lunar in which I meet with the Dr. (4/11/2023) and get Lucille properly examined. I was pleased to run the report in TMSA and get familiar with the data that only it gives....very nice job. I had to laugh that I some how pick up a nice new angle in my natal chart this month. Not sure how that happened, but I tell ya, I always thought that my Sun seemed in aspect to Saturn. I also have a weird feeling that some how mundanely my Venus is in mundane aspect to my Pluto. I think I recall seeming an upcoming lunar in which I do have that, I breezed through a couple of years at a glance so Im not sure which one it was. Funny how that happens.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo  7Sc44'26"  2S32 +13°30' 240°13' 23S13 297°43' -57°39' 119°17'  43%   
Su 24Pi33'24"  0S 0 +58'56"  18° 7'  7N40 198°36' +53°22' 256°40'  59%   
Me 13Ar39'46"  2N28 + 1°11'  35°31' 16N45 166°27' +63°12' 276°45'  88% M 
Ve  3Ta14'30"  1N27 + 1°10'  55°43' 21N11 126°10' +58°56' 295°56'  48%   
Ma 12Ge35' 1"  1N59 +31' 0"  98°27' 25N11  83°44' +31°38' 328°13'   0%  b
Ju 26Pi10' 0"  1S 4 +14'29"  20° 1'  7N18 195°22' +53°24' 258°52'  70%   
Sa  8Aq32'15"  1S21 + 5'46" 336° 1' 11S27 235°10' +17° 7' 200°34'  58%   
Ur 22Ar10'57"  0S19 + 3'10"  44°52' 16N41 148°16' +60°29' 286°35'  64%   
Ne  0Pi58'22"  1S11 + 2' 7" 356°50'  2S39 221°15' +35°51' 227°37'  10%  b
Pl  5Cp11' 8"  2S27 + 0'38" 303° 0' 22S29 250°46' -12°28' 166°50'  99% W 
Er 29Pi27'13" 10S59 + 0'39"  26°43'  0S44 183°34' +46°13' 266°36'  97% M 
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo  7Sc44'26"  5S14 +12°44' 239°37' 25S51 294°45' -59°52' 117°48'  45%   
Su  5Aq 4'53"  0S 0 + 1° 1' 332°14' 11S25 238°12' +14°50' 197°18'  63%   
Me 22Cp42' 2"  2S 1 + 1°39' 320°51' 17S26 242°37' + 3° 4' 183°27'  97% D 
Ve 20Sg18' 4"  2N 0 + 1° 8' 286°26' 20S34 262°45' -23° 0' 156°50'  12%  b
Ma 22Sc20'39"  0N19 +37'14" 256°21' 22S32 282°19' -46° 6' 133°14'  18%  b
Ju 10Sc29'29"  0N56 + 5'47" 243°49' 20S18 297° 4' -53°14' 123°39'  35%   
Sa 22Ar18'55"  2S 8 + 3'28"  45°32' 14N58 148°28' +58°40' 287°40'  63%   
Ur 18Vi46'56"  0N43 - 1'37" 193° 1'  4S48  25° 7' -49°13'  69°53'  24%  b
Ne  8Sc40'11"  1N40 + 0'30" 242° 3' 19S16 300°18' -53°36' 122°29'  37%   
Pl  4Vi46'29" 16N26 - 1'22" 186°33' 15N 6  24°58' -28°18'  51°54'   4%  b
Er 17Pi33'13" 20S43 + 0'30"  19°46' 14S 5 190°48' +32°16' 253°28'  42%   
 Other Partile Aspects                                                  
tMo sq tSa  0°48' 99%                                                   
tSu sq tPl  0°10'100% M                                                 
tMo co rNe  0°56' 98%                                                   
tSa sq rMo  0°48' 99%                                                   
tSa sq rNe  0° 8'100%                                                   
tUr sq rSu  0°43' 99% M                                                 
tUr sq rMe  0°31' 99%                                                   
tUr co rSa  0° 8'100%                                                   
rMo co rNe  0°56' 98%                                                   
rSu sq rSa  0°22'100% M                                                 
rMe sq rSa  0°23'100%                                                   
                              Cosmic State                              
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo Sc-  | sq tSa  0°48'    co rNe  0°56'    
Su Pi   | sq tPl  0°10'M   
Me Ar   |
Ve Ta+  |
Ma Ge   |
Ju Pi   |
Sa Aq   | sq rNe  0° 8'    sq tMo  0°48'    sq rMo  0°48'    
Ur Ar   | co rSa  0° 8'    sq rMe  0°31'    sq rSu  0°43'M   
Ne Pi+  |
Pl Cp   | sq tSu  0°10'M   
Er Pi   |
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo Sc-  | sq tSa  0°48'    co rNe  0°56'    
Su Aq-  | sq rSa  0°22'M   sq tUr  0°43'M   
Me Cp   | sq rSa  0°23'    sq tUr  0°31'    
Ve Sg   |
Ma Sc+  |
Ju Sc   |
Sa Ar-  | co tUr  0° 8'    sq rSu  0°22'M   sq rMe  0°23'    
Ur Vi   |
Ne Sc   | sq tSa  0° 8'    co tMo  0°56'    co rMo  0°56'    
Pl Vi   |
Er Pi   |
Created by TMSA (06 Apr 2023)
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It's a very mercurial lunar. You'll be all about the data!
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Thu Apr 06, 2023 3:10 pm It's a very mercurial lunar. You'll be all about the data!
LOL! you mean my nebulous thoughts will focus so that I can effectively communicate my situation and needs to a complete stranger and not sound like a crazy fool on a mushroom trip?
Oh yea! the moment I have been waiting for, and possibly some in the peanut gallery too! Facts! lol :D

I was planning this weekend to write out what I have been supplementing my diet with to bring with me.
I have glanced at my next few lunars to see when might be best for surgery. it really depends on the medical facility and its availability for the dates. I anticipate this month to have to do some car work on my rims and possibly an exhaust, so that is also Mercury oh and my inspection is due on the car so that's more mercury!
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

I had a great visit with a surgeon who said she is almost 99% sure I have an unusually large and odd, but benign tumor, and that she can remove it without losing the whole toe. I am waiting for a call from the surgery center to schedule the necessary appointments.
I am very encouraged, and am hopeful that like most everything else I do I have blown it out of proportions. I do tend to do that.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

The surgery has been scheduled for the 28th as long as I pass the heart and blood tests pre op.

That actually looks like a pretty good date for it. I looked at the Lunar, then the demi lunar, the PSSR, my progressed and solar archs...(not on TMSA yet, so I haven't seen any mundane aspects in the lunars.)

So glad that the surgery is so soon and I wont have much longer to wait.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

I was going to note that yesterday afternoon I got my blood tests back and my numbers were very good except that the width of my red blood cells has significantly increased since my last blood panel in 2017. My private nurse said all is well and I'm cleared for Surgery. So yesterday was a great day.

Right now, I dont know what a lab would say about my blood.
I feel like I have been betrayed.
I saw a video of a man I admired asking a young boy to suck his tounge.
It's not my business.
Maybe he and the boy have some unique wonderful strange and mysterious astrology, synastry and the boy love the man....I dont know.

I'm tired of it. seeing children being abused, used, manipulated like puppets, to do what a grown up asks.....

It makes me want to go tell my children to look for pleasure in life in other ways then sexual gratification, that the feelings in the thighs and groin might feel wonderful, but there are so many other pleasures too, so many many more....I dont know what to do with this feeling and it makes we want to yell and scream and be violent so much so that my son will not ever coherence or take advantage of some one "younger", less mature, naive, childish, starstruck......but then I'm like, Veronica yelling and all that is the same thing in a different form, so your only perpetuating the underlying core issue by your reaction....
My blood is a bloody mess right now.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:53 am I'm tired of it. seeing children being abused, used, manipulated like puppets, to do what a grown up asks.....
I agree that abuse etc. of children is terrible. That wasn't what happened here, though. You're viewing it by Western (especially American) standards. This is a routine Tibetan custom with an entirely different meaning that isn't abusive, using, manipulative - and certainly not sexual as has been implied. (I said more in the other thread.)
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Science says that males transmit their testosterone via the tounge, so I'm viewing this from my understanding of scientific fact. He is absolutely aware of the same science I am. If it is a custom in their tradition then that's on them.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by mikestar13 »

Is he aware of the science and are Tibetans in general aware? The Dalai Lama is not a scientist. Neither am I, and I didn't know this until I verified it with reputable internet sites just now. I've never kissed a child on the mouth (excluding one time when I was myself a comparable-aged child--we both wanted to try, but both found it yukky--I have since changed my opinion). But I was raised in Western culture. If this is the genuine Tibetan equivalent of "Mommy's going to eat you all up", it was entirely unobjectionable if the child was Tibetan and would understand the phrase. If the child was not Tibetan (or from another culture know to use a similar phrase, it was a major faux pas, but in absence of further evidence, I will not infer pedophilic intent. Show me evidence, and I will be the next in line to condemn him, I expect in more pungent terms than Veronica did. Not everyone who says or does stupid things is evil--were it so, I'd have an express ticket to hell, as would most of us.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Thanks for sounding in Mike. Communication and conversation about things makes all the difference.
I have read many books by him, and I also read many books suggested by him and many of those suggestions were scientific books about the physiology and biochemistry of humans. I suppose it was bad form of me to infer that he read the books he espoused in his biographies listed in the back of his books, I am assuming he read them and understood them before suggesting them, but I myself have suggested books to others that I have not read...part of the job working in libraries.

I saw the video and from the angle all I saw was a little boy who looked like he was not having a good time, that he didnt like being touched and he definitely did not look like he wanted any part of anyone's tounge.

My friend talks a lot about this idea of EVIL in the world, as does my dad, maybe is the Pisces. I tell ya it a hard smoke screen to see through. Here on the forum we have looked at charts of people of all sorts, who have lived all sorts of lives, we have looked at mundane events like earthquakes and floods and all sorts of things that get labeled good and bad. I have personally met thousands of humans, I know people from all walks of life, I know murderers and rapists and thieves and cheats, I know nurses, and teachers and artists but I have never yet met anyone pure Evil. It doesnt exist except as a noise. People are not noise, we can explain that with the natal chart easily enough in that a horoscope is clearly a reoccurring sound.

To be clear, I have not condemned him at all, I was shocked. What my heart tells me is the truth though is that his actions reflect him.
My father has been talking and talking about his mother lately. He misses her, and he is so very sick and wishes she was there to dote on him and make him feel better.....getting old and dying is scary, maybe even the source of our idea of Evil.....I honestly feel that everyone sometimes needs and wants Mother and when we are old and all we have left are memories....we try and bring her back to life by our own actions. I feel this event is more of an action of self soothing by a very tired old man who misses his Mothers love.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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I had been exploring some ideas of my Venus, the aspects and cosmic state (or lack there of) and had wondered about the "calling" that arises from Venus, and how everyone seems to have a passion that drives them to do things.
In exploring this I drew up some charts that highlighted these Venus themes, I plotted midpoints of where Venus was meeting the other planets, and planets that aspected or came to midpoint near my Venus.
It was very helpful for my own self understanding to see where I am truly touched, because when I feel touched by an event, or a person or a moment in time I just light up brighter then the 4th of July, and honestly it can be terrifying to feel, like I'm going to explode. I think I avoid things that touch me deeply, that make me absolutely euphoric even though I know they are there in the world. It almost feels like a drug, that takes away my ability to choose, do or be anything but totally swept away in bliss.
Neptune in my current SSR is square an important Venus midpoint structure convergence and as a higher octave of Venus, I am really under the influence of long reoccurring dreams of being able to feel safe to feel and express Love, physical and spiritual Love.
I really feel that us Aquarian luminaries are a source, that we just pour and pour and pour our hearts and souls out, filling everyone's cup but that while we may hold the vessel and pour out to others, I dont have a cup of my own to drink from.
Neptune in the next few years will be transiting my Pluto and Asc so I value these lessons now as a headstart to understanding and navigating that transit as successfully as I can.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Today I am saying goodbye to Lucille, the strange mass that has grown in my 2nd toe on my right foot. Tomorrow I have surgery and hopefully I will have a reconstructed toe, and I will be able to do proper yoga and hike and dance and stand and wear normal shoes. Hopefully I will not loose the whole toe, though it is a very real possibility. Hopefully the mass will be biopsied and not be angry cancer, but just some very very confused cells that didnt know which type of cell to grow up to be.

I will be going under anesthesia. I trust that everything will be ok.

I just want to put on record, in case I die... that being here with you all has been a long strange loving interesting and priceless experience, and that I value you all and wish nothing but the best for you all (Even you Timeless) what ever that maybe. and.....if I do die, mysteriously , please ignore it and do not assume I was murdered by some alphabet dept that wants to squelch Sidereal Astrology et al. Even if they do kill me, my children dont need the drama, just a momma.
Jim of course has my permission to do what he sees best with my sharing, I trust his judgement vision and voice....

I think I'm going to get a pretty pedicure today and get those little piggies painted and pampered!
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

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Had a wonderful meeting with my surgeon just as Venus rose, and from what I heard everything went great and the biopsy should be completely ready by next Friday at the latest.
I had to have a nerve block which I've never had before and I pretty much cant feel anything at from the knee down, and it tapers all the way up to my upper thigh.
That was not planned by me at all, and it is like that part of me was dead which is alarming to wake up to.
I also did not like being awake one minute and waking up much later not remembering even being sleepy at all and then unconscious. Do not recommend myself having to do that again. Yet...even as bizarre as this can sound, ( this whole process of becoming unsedated, which feels like that beautiful euphoric feeling right before you wake up from a warm sweet vivid dream filled with fantasticle ideas and thoughts and potentiality) I helped me understand myself and others much clearer. It made me think of a prototype video I played as a child called The Oragon Trail. That game has come a long way, the things kids are doing with it these days is really fantastic and so beautiful to see.
I'm going to watch Moana again, and listen to this song.

I highly recommend that movie to any one who is a serious student of Sidereal Astrology. If you watch it Moana actually shows you how to calculate your natal chart, she's very tricky.
They said the block is for 24 hours or so depending on fast I can metabolize so I'm camped out on Disney tonight. I can take the bandage off and look myself in a few days.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Glad to hear everything went well even if you did have some disorienting experiences.
Veronica wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:33 pm I also did not like being awake one minute and waking up much later not remembering even being sleepy at all and then unconscious. Do not recommend myself having to do that again.
I remembered that from my tonsillectomy at an early age, so it never surprised me the couple of other times I've been under general. Practically breaking off midsentence, but the sleep has always been magnificent.
They said the block is for 24 hours or so depending on fast I can metabolize so I'm camped out on Disney tonight. I can take the bandage off and look myself in a few days.
I'm betting everything went splendidly.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

I wanted to note that I had a very funny aha moments yesterday that really validated a lot of my experiences and gave me a big sigh of relief. Part of my aspect combination in my natal chart leads to hypersensitivity which since moving to my new location I have noted has been increasing I have said this repeatedly on the list and have been noting a hyperviligence while I am home and when I am out on the trails, encountering strange and bizarre situations that are seemingly just out of this world crazy.

I know this is going to just sound crazy but I have had so many instances where I encounter people who really truly seem like they are on some covert operation and when they see me their cover is blown and they act in some bizarre fashion. just the amount of traffic in extremely remote areas is odd and I don't know how else to say this but... the hyperviligence of what I am seeing around me..... I have never encountered in my life which really has been alarming for me.

It feels like I am surrounded by spies and vultures.

Well I found out yesterday that indeed I actually am.

After going down a certain specific Rabbit Hole when I was investigating a person who used to live in this very spot who was somewhat of a guardian of the road, I discovered that there is this huge other dimension going on right around me and I had been seeing it I had just not realized what it was.

I don't know if any of you have ever heard of this subculture alternate Dimension that is going on around us, but I'm sure that if you looked in your own area you two would notice that they're all around you all of the time on their little mission.

It's called geocaching and these fans are Fantastical let me tell you! I Googled up what was going on and Holy wow!! It like a living breathing video game for some of these people!! I think they even have special glasses so they can see hidden clues at night time!! (deep dark implications I dont need to explore)

I recall years ago now when I was doing the Cub Scouts with my kids how one of the parents used that as an activity for their children. they were a miliary family and had cool GPS way before everyone but that was years ago and they had to travel far and wide to find these caches but now the maps have them dotted all over the place a literal gold mine.

So the good news is that I really was feeling legit feelings and there was something going on out there, it's just had absolutely nothing to do with me. it was these people giving off the vibe of on a secret mission looking for something.

so just thought that was interesting and wanted to make a note that yesterday was the day I learned about the geocaching that surrounds my home
I feel a huge weight has been lifted from my psyche.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Isn't it nice that transiting Saturn is finally getting some distance from your Midheaven? :)
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Well yes, there is that and I am mindful it will be back someday.
You know what is especially nice is looking back to my 1993 SSR when I experienced the same Saturn transit to my MC, and remembering what a wonderful year that was for me in so many tremendous ways, I had a boss job downtown, my own apartment ect ect because I quit dreaming and drinking like everyone else and dreamt my own dreams and drank water and worked hard every minute and even harder others and it paid off big time in ways words are inadequate.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

I had my follow up appointment with the surgeon/dr yesterday. There was quiet some delay and misinformation about the biopsy results, but I feel quite straight about things now. Lucy was a non cancerous ganglion tendon mass. I am having a bit of a slow healing on the wound but the dr assured me it looked like it was healing fine and will continue to do so but she did want to keep it stitched up for another week to be safe.
I was relieved when she told me she that it was exceedingly rare for it to appear in my chest/lungs/heart, but that we will check that out to find out why my chest hurts so much, because it can happen, so I will be called by the cardiologist office to set up seeing someone to help me look into this.
My plan is to continue being here for as long as I'm needed. I've been looking through the want ad and there are so many wonderful sounding people out there needing help with their projects. Hopefully next week Dr will clear me to get back to work. I've been thinking of getting myself bonded and insuranced up and starting a little project I thought of as a personal helper of some sorts and being bonded and insured builds trust for relationships which is imperative if they are to survive. I also had a absolutely fabulous idea of being a fairy godmother child entertainer because that's the job I actually usually dress for and I've heard that's a key to happy work is being comfortable.

My demi lunar is in a few days and I feel so much stronger and clearer and brighter and I really cant wait to be able to hike and yoga again. I've been dancing up a storm to stay active in this respite I have, I actually made myself practice and try and learn a new hula dance. It was so hard though and my mind was groggy from the surgery. learning hula for me means first learn the song in english, then learn it in Hawaiian, then learn left hand, then right, then left foot, then right, and then all the stuff in the middle. The whole body is used to tell the story and sing the song. I'm still working on it and will be for a long time because different dancers are telling different stories then the words, or the words are telling different stories then the dance, hard to tell. It's fun for me and makes me feel good to move my body.
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

Last year was very hard for me. I felt that I needed to withdraw from everything and everyone and truly not only prepare myself for possible death, but to simply spend as much time as I had left simply enjoying my children and animal friends as much as I could.
I also felt like in a very real way I was addicted to my phone/internet choices and wanted to break myself of this need to focus on escaping reality, of ignoring my real survival needs and limiting my exposure to the variety and richness of life.
I struggled and struggled with my own aspects I suppose and knew that I had life long bad habits of expression of them and wanted to explore positive healthy expressions of these trying aspects, instead of robotically running the same ol program I had been.

Jim reached out to me the very day I could finally walk again after months of such severe inflammation in my knees that I would cry out of grief that I may never kneel to pray, worship, dance or use stairs again.

I attempted to post to the forum, but was frustrated by technology and my post never came through. I'm sharing that message now under my SSR thread. I was very much blessed and protected by Jupiter as my SSR shows clearly, and I am alive today because I did not give up hope or faith and I kept on trying everyday, through pains and soul wrenching torments even when my body just wanted to curl up and die.

here is the post. I apologize for the delay.
Veronica wrote:Sat Nov 11, 2023 12:33 pm Hiya!!
Happy Saturday

I'm trying to post and I get the message I am blacklisted bc of my isbn. I'm at work right now (Nazareth University) and maybe I need you to ok this message??

I tried to write to the list last week to give a little background about what has been going on with me these past few months, and why I needed some time offline …..and I tell you… just all sounded so stupid and self-centered and lot of blah blah blah can you believe what happened to me, this was a blessing and this was a curse and yadayadayada….dum dum dum…..Saturn has been transiting my Sun and the teacher wanted me to sit down and be quiet and listen, so I did, and when I try to talk about it, to write about it, it just sounded wrong, dum, a skeleton with no flesh. So, I am trying again with another way. But I have trouble with communicating. It is so hard for me to talk sometimes. I get scared and worried and have so many doubts about what I want to say and express. I talk about weird stuff and people think I’m stupid and out of my mind and are very judgmental of me. I tried to remind myself yesterday that I do have an undiagnosed learning disorder, that I am autistic in many ways, and that I just hide it and mask it and pretend that I am normal so that no one knows how I really am. I think about Hitler and killing all those other people with learning disabilities, and I am genuinely afraid to stand up and say, yes I have trouble and struggle even though I look fairly normal on the outside I am a huge mess inside. BUT I know that there are so many others out there who ride the short bus too, and they can’t hide or mask their struggles like I can and that I need to be able to say you are not alone, I am here and will sit with you and listen to you and help you try and get your words and ideas out too.

The reason that I think it is dum for me to say what has been going on is that, for those of you who know astrology and transits and returns, all you need to do is to look at my charts and there you have it. My charts show the pains and surprises and joys and excitements and sorrows and sadness and the trying times and the crazy unusually weird things that go on around me. That’s my life. It is all there so plainly in Sidereal Charts. I have such extremes in my life, I can be bursting with joy and loving life like a fool by a simple visit by a butterfly that I feel like I won the Powerball, or when I had a smashed windshield, it was like hells gates have opened and swallowed up all my hope. In reflecting on my past SSRs and Lunar returns and going over my diary entries for my life events and such I really feel strongly that I live in some sort of weird Groundhog Day sort of life where basically everything everyday is the same, is just my interpretation and choices that determine the exact nature of the expression. I’m not sure if I am explaining this correctly and I don’t know if this is true for other people at other moments of space/time, but it feels that way for me.

These past few months have strengthened my data that the events in our lives and our experiences of them are clearly expressed in our charts if one takes the time to look at them. I have become convinced that our true natal charts show the truth of our lives, that our charts show the nouns and verbs and adverbs and adjectives and yes even pronouns and prepositions. I strongly feel that Sidereal Astrology is Truth and that the reason that it is not popular, and mainstream is that the liars, cheaters and criminals of the world do not want the truth exposed. They are afraid (rightfully) that they will be condemned and persecuted, instead of understood and having their needs met. It is a curious thing to me that with now over 6 decades of serious data collection and examination that Sidereal astrology is pretty much unheard of in all arts and sciences.

I am going to share the blessed news that I was hired by a beautiful University Library and that I have been able to get my hands on ALL the Sidereal Books. Jim that artist sketch of you on your book seriously caught me off guard, as cliche as it sounds…. wow what a handsome devil!! I am also going to just say it now out loud….I have made copy’s for myself to have and hold on to forever…copyright be damned, if I’m going to break the law it will be for making photocopies of books I need that I can’t afford to buy. ….I have read most of all of them so far, as well as a beautiful story called the Music of the Spheres which walked me star by star through the sky tell me story upon story of glorious things that have happened. After reading these books I went back to and reread the First Creation Story, the Enuma Elis. Lo and behold if I didn’t see the whole story as the progression of the equinoxes and the parade of the Zodiac and constellations, and even the changing of the polestar of not only our home, but possibly information regarding the changing of the polestars for the other planets and how this change could be interpreted mythologically and cosmologically with the archetypes of the stars, and comparing what is known about stars today to the mythologies of old and how weirdly our ancestors seemed to know about qualities that modern science is claiming as a knew understanding. My interpretation of that story was totally different now that I have studied Sidereal Astrology.

So I don’t want to get into the horrors of this past summer, I’m moving forward and doing my best to stay healthy and positive and generally a very nice person all around. In spite of what other say about me, I actually am one of the nicest people on the planet, I am not stupid in most important things and I am totally fine being stupid about the unimportant things.

Recently (2 weeks ago) I feel as if I have gotten some most excellent closure on a long bothersome family issue. It may not seem like much to some of you, but I had been told that my maternal grandfather was a real SOB, so much so that he abused and mistreated his family so much that my grandmother fled London and came to America because she didn’t feel moving anywhere in Europe was far enough away and that they would be found and bothered if they didn’t leave the country.

I never really want to believe that anyone is a real SOB, and I have been able to use astrology to look into charts of people who society calls SOBs and see why and what is going on with transits and what not. Unfortunately my mother wouldn’t even tell me his name and it has taken me quite a bit of poking and prodding and digging but I would like to share that my grandfather was born August 18, 1897. Unfortunately I am not sure yet if he was born in London, or in France so I will not be able to tell his moon sign or angles. I also found out that he lied to the Marines and enlisted in the service while he was only 17, but that he was born 1897 not 1896. From the looks of his chart he had a little bit of an anger issue (he was only 5’5” which explains a lot to me on why he would beat up my gramma who was only like 4’10”). I cant really explain why just having this date feels so empowering and liberating to me, except that I feel like I can fully believe that he was a Jerk with a capitol J after WW1 and increasingly became more so as time went on and that my gramma tried everything to make it work but just had to get my mom out of the country and away so that maybe she could start over and make a life and have a better chance of a healthy family then she could if she stayed in England/Europe.

I had a horrible thing happen over the summer in which I had my phone stolen and it has not been right ever since I got it back. I don’t trust that I am not being spied on, and I am severally creeped out by algorithms overhearing my keystrokes and conversations to offer me a deal at Walmart on tissue paper to wipe my tears, if you get my drift. I try to stay of line as much as possible, reading real University books (OMG IM IN BOOK HEAVEN) and listening to happy music and doing jigsaw puzzles, being available for the kids and spending lots and lots of loving quality time with my pup Patrick and the bird Loki (who had some very weird charts this year and weird expressions as well).

Today is Veterans day in America and I would like to say to everyone everywhere Thank you for your service to the universe and for being you and for all that you do. In another place and time people like me would be executed for our poor genes or burned at the stake for our peculiarities, they still are in some parts of the world and I just cant sit down and shut up much longer while bullies and brutes are calling the shots.
rereading this now I do want to clarify that my phone wasn't simply stolen. I was mugged while hiking, and had the good sense to write down the man's license plate but also, weirdly, had just turned on the track my phone feature. The police ran the plate and the address of the vehicle was the same address the map showed where my phone was, so the police went and confronted the man and got my phone back.
Posts: 6670
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 5:11 am

Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

Its good to see you coming back to life on the forum V. :)
Synetic Member
Synetic Member
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Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by Veronica »

It is supercalifragalistic to be be seen Steve!

By The Way: I think waving your fingers works just as well as any wand. Your ideas about my charts led me to explore other things that were going on around the world at my time of birth, and on the very day I was emerging The Great Dead and The New Riders of the Purple Sage gave one of their best shows! If you are interested in listening to the show you can find it uninterrupted on The Internet Archive. 5 brand new songs played and a Dark Star switch up to Warf Rat and back that is mesmerizing!
Posts: 6670
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 5:11 am

Re: Veronica 2023 SSR

Post by SteveS »

I understand V. I will try to link-up to the music. BTW, I just discovered a direct midpoint in your chart which I think explains to me why you keep finding yourself miss-treated on your job/career front. It’s your Pl/MC = Mars (0,14). Ebertin COSI says:
The misfortune to be forced into uncongenial situations with profession or occupation.
Isn’t that wild! A birth moment in time/location involving math with an angle/two planets programed that experience in your life. By what I remember, it’s always other people causing the “uncongenial” situations. If possible (hard to do) try and avoid those other people. :)
The main reason I joined this forum was to learn from other members and their charts/aspects. Its others charts as well as our own charts which teaches us so many things astrologically. I keep looking for my lost magic wand. :)
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