The number of women with Sun in Cancer who are best known for something around HOME, KITCHEN, MOTHER is mind boggling to me.
Start with the fact that both Julia Child and Martha Stewart have Sun in Cancer - that's a pretty big "coincidence" right there. These two women of all the women in the media having the same Sun sign, and having it be Cancer, seems a BFD.
Add Phyllis Schlafly who did more than anyone else in the last half century to make sure a woman's place was kept narrowly defined as her home, her kitchen, and her mothering.
But then add Cheryl Crane, who is most known for killing a guy to protect her mother. Or Linda Sexton who is best known for suffering great abuse by her mother, diving back in to emotionally heal it, and writing a bestselling book about it. Or Lizzie Borden who had a parent issue or two.
And, of course, the most famous person publicly named (more or less) "mother," Madonna.
We have these premier examples before we get to the "softer," i.e. less clear-cut figures who had gigantic maternal presence or "traditional in the home" themes, like the high-performance athletes, dancers, etc. who you KNOW had driving, ever-present mothers behind them - I suspect this includes Cancers Dorothy Hamill, Esther Williams, Peggy Fleming, and Whitney Houston. Add Kylie Jenner. While we're widening the margins, add Georgia Bonesteel who invented the modern quilting craze, heiress Abigail Folger, First Mother (both in and out of the White House) best known at the time for leading the complete redecorating of the White House Jacqueline Kennedy. And, just to toss in a couple of men, the most openly mother-influenced president in modern times, Barack Obama, and the man who wrote the definitive mythic study of Moon and maternal symbolism, Robert Graves. (Oh, and then there's Neil Armstrong <g>.)
Yeah, I trust astrology, and Sidereal astrology in particular as true to its symbolism, but... whoa, that's a lot of home, mama, and TV-broadcast apple pie!
Sun in Cancer: Kitchen, Home, Mother
- Jim Eshelman
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Sun in Cancer: Kitchen, Home, Mother
Jim Eshelman
Re: Sun in Cancer: Kitchen, Home, Mother
My life certainly revolves around Cancerian themes with family and home the focal point. My mother and I were extremely close, we used to speak several times every day but she passed away recently. It was a huge loss and I’m still in the stage of processing it. Basically, my childhood was spent protecting her from my father and, if born a male, I might have taken him on physically on her behalf. She was the one who encouraged my interest in astrology, reincarnation etc. She was the one at psychics, taking astrology courses or being hypnotically regressed to reveal past lives. For a woman of the 1950’s, she was somewhat different. She was not a great cook though and worked several jobs throughout my childhood but was always there for the family.I just have to say in passing - there's no other place to put this, and I don't want to start a whole thread in the Constellations forum just for this - the number of women with Sun in Cancer who are best known for something around HOME, KITCHEN, MOTHER is mind boggling to me.
Most of my life I’ve been in the kitchen and almost never eat in restaurants. My stomach was always an issue, likely from anxiety, so it became a pattern to make everything myself. This hasn’t slowed down whatsoever as I’ve taken on the responsibility of cooking for my grandchild whose mother is ill. My grandchild’s well being was the primary reason we moved back to this province as I would rather live almost anywhere else. To some extent, I’ve stepped in as her second mother emotionally as well. Because I insist on making bread and almost everything from scratch, it’s a lot of physical work. It’s like ‘Little House on the Prairie’ here but with better equipment. Up early, exercising, lifting weights, dancing but you would see never me in a gym, basically trying to stay on my feet until she’s in her late teens. That’s certainly the caretaker side to Cancer as well.
Re: Sun in Cancer: Kitchen, Home, Mother
I can relate some to your Cancer themes Lyse. I was born with a partile mundo Saturn-Pluto in Cancer and experienced a very inhibited family life with parents. My father was an alcoholic who abused my Mother. I had to call the police on him twice as a teenager growing up. I feared for my Mother’s well being physically. When I matured into an adult, I got a lawyer who told my father on my behalf if he every laid another hand in an abusive on my Mother I would use the full extent of the law to lock him away. I finally had to completely separate myself from my Father. Anyway, I experienced a burdensome (Saturn-Pluto) family environment through my father.