2023 Arisolar

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2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

ARISOLAR April 15, 2023
Effective April 15 to October 18

Because the current Capsolar and both the 2022 and '23 Cansolars are dormant for Washington, the April 15 Arisolar will be the only operative solar ingress for the U.S. for the next six months. It is not a happy chart (and it is followed by a rather violent Libsolar in October).

Pluto rises within 0°15' with Moon on EP (1°43' in RA). After events of recent years, we should be used to Pluto by now, except that Pluto's nature (especially this close to an angle) invites circumstances that stun us and take us off guard, usually with some element of the unprecedented or unlikely, and usually with separation, clearing the field, or inviting irreversible changes (one-way doors) for good or bad. Often this includes confrontations between mainstream and counter-establishment sensibilities.

Because Moon is angular as well, we expect circumstances that rouse the people, stir mass mind, and mobilize the herd's collective will. A singular event will be felt powerfully with great public response, e.g., a human-interest story that moves the public emotionally to an unusual degree.

Regrettably, this will not be a happy event because Pluto aspects Saturn. (Pluto exactly on Ascendant is in a mundane aspect with Saturn exactly due east on the prime vertical.) Writing about Saturn-Pluto is difficult after the last few years: Overall, mundane charts have been showing things getting better, and 2024 has great promise for collective happiness. After the pandemic, it seems silly to talk about anything too terrible that could happen in 2023. And yet... Saturn-Pluto is a difficult, burdensome aspect uniquely centered on Washington, DC: It does not exist anywhere else in the world but the Eastern U.S. coast centered on the District. Perhaps my best approach is simply to copy my standard text for Saturn-Pluto events: "Harsh, dramatic tragedies or hardship, sometimes with an apocalyptic feel: catastrophic disasters, often laying waste to a landscape, with profound feelings of irrevocable loss or separation. (Earthquakes, explosions, hurricanes, wars, riots.)" Statistically, Saturn-Pluto aspects stand out for disasters in general, history's costliest disasters, plus the types of events just listed, uprisings and suppressions, and massacres.

I think the people are rising up in confrontation with those who would prefer to silence them.

Finally, Moon makes two aspects: an ecliptical square to Uranus and a mundane square to Saturn. Neither is very close, though close enough to be active. There isn't much to say about these beyond what was already said. Competing natures of Uranus and Saturn likely mean gridlock from entrenched, strongly polarized positions. (But, then, what else is new?)

Internationally, the biggest concern is that Saturn is on Midheaven through Ukraine with a surprising Venus-Mars-Saturn convergence in northwestern Ukraine which has not been a main source of fighting: This promises much hurt and heartache. Mars rises along a curve from Baghdad, through western Turkey across the Black Sea, through Ukraine, and across parts of Poland and Skandinavia. That this occurs with a Jupiter line near Moscow is not encouraging.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Yes, and I am concerned about DC’s very nasty Moon-Mars- Saturn “outstanding incident” May 10 Caplunar, link below. This May 10 Caplunar could time when DC’s Arisolar symbolism fires-off.
DC’s May 10 Caplunar (Master Chart of the Month)
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by mikestar13 »

I have followed the politics and it confirms what astrology is saying. Both right and left are becoming increasingly authoritarian and suppressive of the ideas of the other side. The time is past where one can be a Democrat without being called a communist, both by Republicans and by extreme left Democrats who think it's a good thing. Likewise, the time is long past where one can be a Republican and not be called a Nazi (or sometimes a Klansman), both by Democrats and extreme right Republicans who think it is a good thing. This will inevitably lead to pushback from the center, aggressive and hostile pushback and I can't rule out violent pushback. There is an increasing sense of "a plague on both your houses". I myself have been voting on the basis of perceived least evil for my entire adult life, and I'm fairly sick of it. There are legions of others like me. We are more divided than we've been in my lifetime, and the days when one's political opponents can be merely wrong without being evil are past. Both sides are to blame for this, and though I am a registered Republican, I grant that Republicans fired the first shot under Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House and the whole totally unwarranted fiasco of the Clinton impeachment, though glimmerings were seen earlier. We are in the grips of the factionalism Washington warned us about in his farewell address. The last time this happened 750,000 Americans died in the Civil War. May God grant it be resolved peacefully this time around, if not the USA's Pluto return portends its death.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Veronica »

I hesitate talking politics because, well...honestly, to some people my thoughts could be called seditious or treasonous....but.....Our Nation has a Gemini Sun, with all the traits that bestow. Why wouldn't our nation end up polarized to the extreme, in a constellation with two fighting children as its avatar?
I'm registered Independent, I think both parties have good things about them and not so good things and I try to vote for people I think feel the same way.
I watched Lincoln with Daniel Day Lewis last night. Maybe if Congress and the House had a movie day and everyone sat together and watched that magnificent movie...and cried together when Tommy Lee Jones character kissed his housekeeper .....maybe we all could learn to check our egos at the door and stop being so horrible to each other about the stupidest things.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You are more optimistic than I, Veronica.

BTW, Canada is also a Gemini nation. They've embraced diversity and variety of life-expression rather than polarized opposites.

But yes, this nation has always been founded on various polarities and dualities. Here's a long Donald Bradley article from 1949 - search the page for Gemini if you want.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:36 am You are more optimistic than I, Veronica.

BTW, Canada is also a Gemini nation. They've embraced diversity and variety of life-expression rather than polarized opposites.

But yes, this nation has always been founded on various polarities and dualities. Here's a long Donald Bradley article from 1949 - search the page for Gemini if you want.
No, Jim. You have me beat by a long shot in the optimism department.

Thank you for that link. It was wonderful to read.
My mother and her mothers Birthday are coming up. The article made me think about why my Grandmother left England to start a new life here. This Friday will be 10 years since I separated from my husband.
My girl was just promoted to manager of her store. Every day I rejoice that things didnt go south like they were heading and that we all survived. Thank you for your part.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by mikestar13 »

All I know is the system we have now needs to change, and the Arisolar may represent a new phase in those changes. The process will not be easy or pleasant. In the name of the Love at the Heart of the Universe, can't either party produce a candidate I can vote for rather than voting against their even worse opponent? And please someone who isn't eighty-ish.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Veronica »

mikestar13 wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:03 am All I know is the system we have now needs to change, and the Arisolar may represent a new phase in those changes. The process will not be easy or pleasant. In the name of the Love at the Heart of the Universe, can't either party produce a candidate I can vote for rather than voting against their even worse opponent? And please someone who isn't eighty-ish.
I would run, but only if Jim would be Our VP.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Veronica wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:25 am I would run, but only if Jim would be Our VP.
A job where the only duty is to keep one's heart beating? I can do that.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:08 am
Veronica wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:25 am I would run, but only if Jim would be Our VP.
A job where the only duty is to keep one's heart beating? I can do that.
lol....hey wait a minute, that was gonna be my job....

I often think that if we just leave things alone and give US some time to let things be that things will get better. Yet every 4 years we are like, that didnt fix it so trash it all and start over, never giving time to the people to relax, heal and process everything......our gov. seems to mirror our western medical approach of drugs for the symptoms and surgery for symptoms that wont be controlled by drugs.

I think I could win. I think if I had the chance to speak heart to heart with each American, that I would get their vote. I would go door to door and talk to each person on their own property, Nation to Nation.

and Jim can just breathe and do what Jim does best.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by mikestar13 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:08 am A job where the only duty is to keep one's heart beating? I can do that.
Not quite true, you'd need to bang the gavel when the Senators are arguing to obstreperously, and even have to vote when they are 50-50. And God help you should you outlive President Veronica--not least because toxic Christians on the right and toxic atheists on the left will agree on getting rid of you. I wouldn't wish the Presidency on my worst enemy right now, much less Veronica or Jim.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Four days ago, the Arisolar began. It's been such a busy week, I haven't been paying attention.

Time to start paying attention.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Time to start paying attention.
Jim, will you offer your analysis for DC’s May 10 Caplunar? And, does Mars in this Caplunar being on the anti-vertex offer more possibilities the partile Moon-Mars- 180 will manifest directly with DC affairs/location? Would you expect this DC Caplunar to time and manifest DC's Arisolar's angular Pluto symbolism? Thanks
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:10 am Jim, will you offer your analysis for DC’s May 10 Caplunar? And, does Mars in this Caplunar being on the anti-vertex offer more possibilities the partile Moon-Mars- 180 will manifest directly with DC affairs/location? Would you expect this DC Caplunar to time and manifest DC's Arisolar's angular Pluto symbolism? Thanks
Mars on Anti-Vertex doesn't mean anything by itself - but it does alert us that Mars is probably in aspect to the closely angular Saturn.

Taken in conventional terms, this Caplunar has two features:

Saturn on Dsc 1°11'
Moon-Mars op 0°40'
(You can add Moon-Eris sq 0°13'.)

A lunar ingress dominated by Saturn and Mars is always pretty bad. For example, some of history's great volcanoes have erupted under charts like this and, to be brief, the entire gamut of Mars + Saturn bad things can happen.

But, as you say, it does get amped up even more: Mars' azimuth is 89°59', or 0°01' off the prime vertical. With Saturn closely setting, there's a chance of a Mars-Saturn square (PV to horizon), which we measure in meridian longitude. Pulling out the spreadsheets etc. we find these ML positions:

Saturn 29°43'
Mars 0°01'

So yes, Mars-Saturn are in 0°18' PVP square. The final breakdown of the Caplunar is:

Saturn on Dsc 1°11'
-- Mars-Saturn 0°18' PVP
Moon-Mars op 0°40'

The hard part in making a forecast is this: The Moon-Mars is universal - the whole world - just like all the lunar ingresses leading up to WW II. However, the angular Saturn and Mars-Saturn square are unique to Washington. Is the universal (worldwide) Moon-Mars a single big event for the world or a very large number of smaller events? This would lead to two separate interpretations. One is that the world goes through a major Moon-Mars event and it is especially bad for the U.S., which is somehow at the hub of things and on the negative receiving end. The other possibility is that there are simply lots of Moon-Mars events around the world - murders, massacres, volcanoes, destructive storms, fires, explosions - and (as just one more of those) the U.S. has a really bad week (or few weeks). I don't know how to tell which way it will go.

Will this be when the Arisolar's Saturn-Pluto manifests? I don't know that we can pin that down to a single spot. It will be a bad week or month under a bad six-month period, so there is definite compounding.

While the Capsolar stays live for four weeks, concurrently the other lunar ingresses have about the same strength for their own individual weeks. The Arilunar has Venus and Pluto closest to angles with another Moon-Mars (a square), and several foreground aspects such as Mercury-Venus and (especially) Mars-Jupiter-Pluto. If we are (for example) at war, the feeling is boisterous and somehow angular Venus prevails. The Canlunar is mostly a Mars chart, though: Moon-Mercury-Mars-Pluto are in close aspect across the horizon (and Mercury square): This looks more like war (in the old classic WW I and WW II sense) than any chart I've seen for a long time, and Mars-Pluto is only 0°12' mundo. Furthermore, Saturn's azimuth is 89°37', so Saturn likely squares Moon-Mars-Pluto (I haven't done the math). The Liblunar is then a really positive chart, as benefic-loaded as the Caplunar is malefic-loaded: Jupiter 0°07' from MC and Moon square Venus 0°08' are the closest features, so there is a major improvement in mood and fortunes this week.

Sop it's the Canlunar week - May 24-31 - that is the most worrisome. During that week, on May 28 CanQ Ascendant opposes ingress Saturn which could be the worst day of the time.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim, this helps my understanding in a much clearer way.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Here's the May 24 Canlunar:

Mars on Dsc 1°48'
Pluto on Asc 2°00'
Moon on Dsc 3°00'
Mercury on N 1°48'
-- Mars-Pluto op 0°12' M
-- Mars-Saturn sq 0°39' PVP
-- Saturn-Pluto sq 0°45' PVP
-- Moon-Pluto op 1°00' M
-- Moon-Mars co 1°12' M
-- Moon-Saturn sq 1°20' PVP
-- non-foreground Jupiter sq Mars 0°21', Pluto 1°26'

With Saturn azimuth 89°37' I checked for the PVP aspects listed above. Here are the Meridian Longitudes (ML) on which those are based:

28°33' Moon
29°07' Pluto
29°14' Mars
29°53' Saturn

This looks really bad. That this occurs within the harsh Caplunar, within the term of the harsh Arisolar, is indeed worrisome.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
This looks really bad. That this occurs within the harsh Caplunar, within the term of the harsh Arisolar, is indeed worrisome.
Indeed Jim! I have been contemplating this possible malefic time period for months and knew it was a very malefic time period, but your excellent analysis here makes me realize its worse than I previously thought. I am forwarding your analysis to others who I hope take a serious look at your Sidereal Mundane Astrology work, but I hope the really bad possible malefic stuff does not happen with the May 10 Caplunar, the Master Chart for the month, along with the May 23 Canlunar. I can't recall a worse malefic DC Caplunar/Canlunar since I have been studying your SMA work for the past few years.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Oh, 9/11 charts were far worse. But this looks a lot like WW II.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Oh, 9/11 charts were far worse. But this looks a lot like WW II.
Yes, now I see and agree.
Jim wrote:
Will this be when the Arisolar's Saturn-Pluto manifests? I don't know that we can pin that down to a single spot. It will be a bad week or month under a bad six-month period, so there is definite compounding.
I read DC’s Arisolar’s Saturn-Pluto PVP square as manifesting a heavy burden on the US GOV and the Country, the “Atlas Shrugged” aspect.

And, I definitely read Biden’s tight angular Saturn’s April 20 SLR & May 4 DSLR as possibly being added conformation for DC’s malefic May 10 Caplunar. His May 4 DSLR features I think a burdensome Saturn-Pluto PVP square for more conformation. But, I read his May 31 DSLR as a most benefic “outstanding incident” SLR Venus-Natal Jupiter time period, so this nasty May 10 Caplunar may be short lived for DC. Transiting Jup also partiles cnj his Natal Moon with his May 31 SLR, but with t Pluto still squaring his Natal Moon.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Since we have a PVP square of Mars-Saturn in the May 10 DC Caplunar with a possible Country localizing effect, Jim, my best guess this may have something to do with devastating/destructive floods for parts of the country with the record amounts of snow---particularly on the Western Mountains this May. Who knows what the partile worldwide Moon-Mars 180 Caplunar will manifest in the World-- but it won’t be good.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:41 am ...my best guess this may have something to do with devastating/destructive floods for parts of the country with the record amounts of snow---particularly on the Western Mountains this May.
BTW, news last week said that since California is expected to have a cool summer, it will probably minimize flooding by spreading the melt out over longer periods. This may or may not be true, of course. We'll see.

In any case, across the U.S. that Capsolar has a Pluto line through Los Angeles and arcing through the center of California to signal very high impact something-or-other (but also Jupiter square Asc on the exact same line - it is a very pure Jupiter-Pluto effect). The west edge of the Rockies has a Jupiter line, probably a really good sign (it could men rain but I don't think it would mean flooding for other causes). The worst area in the country for the Caplunar, though, is through Washington, with a Saturn setting line that hits mainland about that and then moves through eastern Pennsylvania and western New York State.

Ah, wait, the Moon-Mars itself squares MC on roughly the band of longitude shared by Phoenix and Salt Lake City - due north-south 150-200 miles either side of those cities. Saturn squares MC in Boston and due north along the NH-Maine border.

It seems to me it might be locally identified by the Canlunar. But the angular lines are really complicated - you should probably look at them yourself. Moon, Mars, and Pluto exactly on the horizon are spread out along the entire Florida panhandle (and Mars and Pluto intersect Uranus on IC near Tallahassee). Moon-Mars-Pluto then run together up across Georgia, inland Carolinas, West Virginia, central PA and NY, perfectly meeting just as they leave the U.S. at about Cornwall in Canada. Mars-Pluto squares MC due north-south of eastern Colorado, covering such places as westmost Texas and eastmost NM, etc., but Jupiter is with them there so I'm not so worried.

But for the May 24 Canlunar, look at Tallahassee as center of the one area in the U.S. that has massive hard-edge impact:

Mars on Dsc 0°06'
Pluto on Asc 0°40'
Uranus on IC 0°48'
Moon Dsc 2°43''

Erven the barely angular Jupiter is partile square Mars ecliptically. Mars-Jupiter is known for violent storms. It looks like an early-season tropical storm hits the Gulf side of Florida and moves inland up across Georgia degrading as it goes and causing flooding and heavy destruction along that path. - Just to think of one thing all this could mean.

I think it much more likely the southeast gets the brunt of all of these aspects more than the west, though the whole country may be exposed to extreme weather.

Sticking with Tallahassee, the Arisolar is primarily Uranus (0°40' from IC) and Pluto (1°17' from Asc), so it isn't unreasonable this could be a high impact area. The Caplunar is dormant, the Arilunar has Saturn 0°26' from an angle, then the Canlunar comes on full force.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I think it much more likely the southeast gets the brunt of all of these aspects more than the west, though the whole country may be exposed to extreme weather.
Most interesting Jim. If I fully understand your teachings with PVP aspects, there will be high probability somewhere in the USA---it will experience some type of Mars-Saturn “destructive principle” through DC’s May 10 Caplunar, correct?
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim, pertaining to DC’s May 23 Canlunar, will you demonstrate how TMSA identifies the Meridian Longitudes (ML)? Thanks
With Saturn azimuth 89°37' I checked for the PVP aspects listed above. Here are the Meridian Longitudes (ML) on which those are based:
28°33' Moon
29°07' Pluto
29°14' Mars
29°53' Saturn
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:02 am Jim, pertaining to DC’s May 23 Canlunar, will you demonstrate how TMSA identifies the Meridian Longitudes (ML)? Thanks
Steve, it isn't in TMSA yet, though Mike said he'd add it. I took a LONG time to figure our how to calculate it correctly, and only recently provided the correct formula (maybe it was this month(). Therefore, I have a custom Excel spreadsheet that does the work. (In years past I had ways of estimating it - they were "in the ballpark" but not quite right. When TMSA has it, I'll redo all the hundreds of examples in SMA so they're all right. Meantime, we can calculate it correctly with the spreadsheet that I just posted for you in this thread:

There are still things to be worked out with these aspects over time. We ONLY want to consider planets tightly on the Prime Vertical AND tightly on horizon or meridian. I have made an arbitrary decision that has been working so far (but I admit it is subject to reassessment later). That decision is: Consider ONLY planets within 3° of azimuth 90° or 270° azimuth, i.e., within 3° of Vertex or Antivertex in azimuth. (You can see this on the SF or TMSA azimuth table). They can only make PVP aspects to planets similar distance from horizon or meridian.

One day we'll have all of this automatically calculated, but now we have to jump through hoops just as we did years ago when first wanting to look at mundoscope angularity.

So, for the chart above that you asked about, the clue was that Saturn was a few minutes from 90° azimuth (and there were planets closely conjunct horizon at the same time). This alerted me to check the ML spreadsheet to see if they made actual close aspects.

If you do the spreadsheet for the Arisolar (where we already know Pluto is 0°15' past Ascendant and can see Saturn at azimuth 90°26'), you get the following from the ML spreadsheet:

29°53' Pluto
0°08' Saturn
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sun enters Libra in a few hours. Overall, I think this forecast was accurate. Between the budget and funding brinkmanship, the Speaker battles, and the impact in the Israeli situation in this country, I think the chart described it.

What else can you think of?
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Can't think of anything else Jim, the Saturn-Pluto pretty much covered the burdens DC encountered. Maybe economically speaking, higher gas prices, higher labor costs, higher inflation #s, much higher food costs, higher interest rates---all that IMHO put Saturn-Pluto burdens on people. The Arisolar was spot-on with its main Saturn-Pluto symbolism.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Most of t hose prices - especially food - have been dramaticaly down this year, not up.
'There remains a perception that the economy is bad, with strange numbers: a large majority f people think THEIR economic situation is better and they're doing OK, but a similarly large $% think everybody else is doing badly and the economy is in trouble. Yet, for nearly a year, the economic markers that matter most have been outstanding on of the best economies in a generation.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

I agree Jim, we have one of the best economies I have ever lived in except for what is happening to food/eating out prices/groceries prices, energy prices, labor expenses, they are going through the roof, at least in my neck of the woods. But Commodity food prices have not been going-up—going down mostly, which is very weird, I’ve never seen this combo in my life. Personally, everyone that I talk to with jobs tell me they are making more money than ever and they know one thing to do with that “more money”-- spend it. And that is the main reason we are seeing a roaring economy, IMHO. And my heavens, the price increases on hotel rooms, travel, airlines the fastest rise in prices I have ever seen in my life. All the major highways have the most traffic I have ever seen in my life---no frigging way any kind of news/media/soothsayers can get me to believing the economy is on the brink of collapsing or a recession is around the corner—no way—it’s the complete opposite by what I am seeing/witnessing.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Pm trave. it depends on where you're going. For example (I know this because we look periodically), if I wanted to go to Memphis from LA and leave as early as next Tuesday, I could get $130 round trip. Back in the cheap days of the late '70s and early '80s, that was a good price for round trip to Phoenix!

Around here, grocery store prices long ago stopped climbing and have fallen a lot. It still costs more than it did two years ago, and I think that's never going back - something close to now is the new norm. These days, 90% of our meals are a non-frozen prepared meal (very high quality, delicious, and able to do all-keto meals for us that are superb) called Factor. We spend about $12 each for a meal. If we bought groceries (excluding labor), we can't do it for less, whereas two years ago we could do it for $9 or $10 each.
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Re: 2023 Arisolar

Post by SteveS »

Gayle and I have kept grocery receipts for years in a special file because I was told to do so many years ago by a wise man who taught me economics over a 12 week period, in order that I could compute the true value of our purchasing $. Gayle and I have never shopped for value/best prices because we lived/live in a rural area for 30 years and have to drive to far to have a wide selection of grocery stores to choose from. In the last 10 years our area is no longer considered rural but we have become too old to go out and shop, retail is dead in area. Most people in our area shop Amazon and have their consumer goods delivered to their front porch. There are still shortages of favorite goods in our area to the extent I have joined a chat group to be informed when certain nearby stores get certain popular items.

But I do know for sure where we buy most of our groceries is from a Wall-Mart 2 miles from our house, at least 50% of what we have regularly bought for our personal eating habits have/had gone-up between 25-80 %! Some are/have coming down in price—some still going up. On average the favorite places we like to go out to eat (receipts kept) have gone up 15%-50&. Some we have entirely stopped going to because of their huge price increases. I could go on with other items but I am sure you see/understand where I am coming from. Math/real numbers dont lie. And I do know how to keep-up with the actual buying value of our dollars by simply following the price of Gold---the only real money value in the entire history of the world. So, I go back to 1974 when Gold was around 42$ an ounce. Its now near 1,950$ an ounce and it has not come down much in price. The price of gold is my main inflation indicator along with my grocery/eating receipts. :)
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