Recent & Future Transits

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Recent & Future Transits

Post by Venus_Daily »

This past weekend was bad. I was given more responsibility at work, and being in charge of a 36-bed hall with acute patients and co-workers you don't like is not something I'd wish on anyone. Not to mention, it caused a really bad flare from my newly diagnosed Chron's, and I had been working since Thursday. My SLR was bad, Mars Conj anti vertex and Saturn on the West Point. Mercury was aspecting both Nep and Saturn during that work week. Everything just kept going wrong. I have Jupiter coming into exactitude with my natal at the end of next week. I have felt a spark between myself and a cute paramedic, and wish he would ask me out or at least send a friend request over facebook....I hope this aspect is related to that, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Re: Recent & Future Transits

Post by Veronica »

I hope you got a raise to reflect your new responsibilities, congratulations on your promotion. It sounds like your resume/portfolio is filling out very nicely.
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Re: Recent & Future Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Apr 18, 2023 9:11 pm This past weekend was bad. I was given more responsibility at work, and being in charge of a 36-bed hall with acute patients and co-workers you don't like is not something I'd wish on anyone. Not to mention, it caused a really bad flare from my newly diagnosed Chron's, and I had been working since Thursday. My SLR was bad, Mars Conj anti vertex and Saturn on the West Point. Mercury was aspecting both Nep and Saturn during that work week. Everything just kept going wrong. I have Jupiter coming into exactitude with my natal at the end of next week. I have felt a spark between myself and a cute paramedic, and wish he would ask me out or at least send a friend request over facebook....I hope this aspect is related to that, but I'm not holding my breath.
You've taken on an often stressful vocation - you're one of the people the rest of us rely on to make life's worst times bearable and even survivable. So, first, thank you for this. It's so important.

Second, I've slowly sorted out over the years that Venus matters mean more to you than Jupiter matters. I've tried to juggle this when working, say, on your solar return requests and other things. Sometimes we don't have a lot of choice - if confronted with malefic charts, we reach for any exact benefic we can find - but sometimes we do have choices. When you were first deeply concerned about getting fired and strong risks to your career, we picked Jupiter - more likely to get promotions (or at least saved) than fired, to be lifted up professionally rather than knocked down. On the other hand - and it's definitely a different issue - there is also the concern of co-workers and how they treat you. This is a Venus matter. While a lot of strongly Jupiter people are liked, it's more likely that they are respected. People don't necessarily like the people they respect or treat them well, and a lot of people do the opposite, do whatever they can to knock down people who do well. It's one of the most hurtful things in human behavior and quite common in most parts of this country.

Reading the above paragraph, it's easy to see the Venus desires - wishing for better co-workers, to be treated better, to find flirtation and perhaps romance. I hear that the working conditions are bad and stressful, though I suspect taking on this kind of responsibility is part of the path toward professional advance.

I want to mention a pretty obscure astrological detail: I haven't watched Chiron in a long time, but it's opposing my Sun this month so I have started listing it in my chart layouts for a while. Also, I accepted a couple of years back that Eris is a real planet and we know more or less what it means (but have a long way to go). I mention these two because last weekend - Saturn-Sunday - transiting Chiron precisely conjoined your natal Eris. (At 0:00 Sunday it was 0°00'.) I can't say we know what this means, but it's surely central to the time around that weekend (and perhaps longer).

Transits to natal Eris tend to stir our own sense of inner chaos, or need for complexity which often means confrontation with increasingly complex and confusing things. Transiting Chiron, at least to luminaries and angles where it is more obvious, has in the past been like a form of "Uranus Lite," a need to break free, gallop wildly, discover things about oneself (often a strong wisdom and awakening theme). If I were to manufacture an interpretation, it would be something like (I'm just making this up) circumstances break free, run outside their lane, color outside their lines, have a spirit of wildness that is chaotic, disturbing, unsettling, requiring you to juggle enormous complexity. - Maybe that's not what it means, but that's a best guess at this point and maybe applies. - Chiron has also been transiting square your Moon, still very strong, but the Eris transit was exact to the minute.

I'm not sure what Jupiter transit you mean. I don't see transiting Jupiter aspecting anything in your chart in the near future. What did I miss?

The biggest transit right now is Pluto square your Pluto. This rarely erupts into outside events but is more inner changes, re-evaluations, new decisions, a sense that life has to go a different way or we need to shift significantly.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Recent & Future Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Yes, your SLR is pretty rough, and entirely consistent with the over-work conditions. Saturn is 0°29' from WPa, with a little Venus in the wings. Your natal Mars-Uranus is strongest. I think you really want to break free, break away at least break SOMETHING given the hardship. The foreground Venus-Saturn mundane square shows the unhappiness on Venus things, and they're aspecting your Mercury so you likely feel nobody is listening to you the way they should. Mostly, though, Saturn is demanding demanding demanding, and your Mars-Uranus just needs to break loose and have room to run!

Your Mars-Uranus is even stronger in the upcoming Demi-SLR and transiting Saturn is the only angular planet (though much weaker). The same conditions likely will show all through the SLR month, though beginning the 25th or 26th the focus is more on your need for freedom and independent assertion more than on the restrictions and demands of the environment. (They're still there but probably lightened. In any case, they aren't as much a focus as your Mars-Uranus needs.) Natal Sun-Mars and Mars-Uranus are foreground, so your assertions (aggressions) are the main point.
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Re: Recent & Future Transits

Post by Venus_Daily »

You're right, Jim.

I have a feeling that inactive Moon/Venus paran in my chart is stronger than we think. The Jupiter Uranus aspect I was referring to was the 145".
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Re: Recent & Future Transits

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 1:12 pm I have a feeling that inactive Moon/Venus paran in my chart is stronger than we think.
It needn't be a "potential paran." You have a mundane Moon-Venus square (3°01'). Even though Venus is background in her fall, its heavily aspected including the important Moon-Venus square. A lot of this, too, could come from the less controversial 1°42' Venus-Jupiter square.
The Jupiter Uranus aspect I was referring to was the 145".
:?: I don't know what 145" means. Oh, wait, you mean 135, transiting Jupiter octile your Mars-Uranus soon. Got it.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Recent & Future Transits

Post by Venus_Daily »

I think it's both, Jim. Both aspects. It's weird, a girlfriend was driving me home from a blood work appointment in my own car because I've been waking up very tired due to my endocrine issues. Anyhow, right at 0925 AM, I got two offers back to back to purchase two very expensive purses one from Chanel and one from Hermes. Venus in Taurus was exactly on the ASC exactly opposite my Mars/Uranus conj in Scorpio. It kind of makes me a bit happier, but at the same time, I wish other Venusian matters would go well.
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Jupiter Octile Uranus

Post by Venus_Daily »

Well, it was a great weekend. I got so many damn compliments from complete and total strangers on my weight loss and how pretty and exotic I am. Then it devolved on Sunday into getting hit on by different gross old men. I didn't see that EMT I have a crush on, but oh well.
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Re: Recent & Future Transits

Post by mikestar13 »

Great the way the weekend started. Sorry about the gross old men. I endeavor never to be one of them. Some other residents of my assisted living facility do not mind being gross, the majority but by no means all of them are men.
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