An "over sensitive" baby boy.

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An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016
SteveS wrote:Mothers, I need your possible counsel for my Niece’s young Son.

Son’s birth data: AA, 12/12/2014, 10:39 PM CST, Birmingham, Alabama, 33N31, 086W48, Asc: 13,43 Leo

I got the following text from my Niece last night:
Does anything in my Son’s Chart show an over sensitive person? I am ready for this baby clingy phase to be over. But his teachers (Day Care) think it’s here to stay until after baby 2 (Oct)! He seems to be overly dependent for me compared to other babies I know with their Mothers, and his teachers are saying similar things compared to other babies in Day Care.
As we can see with his natal chart the tight angular Moon-Neptune opposition seems to be the psychological trait causing this “over sensitive/clinging” trait. Some of Ebertin’s COSI words about Moon-Neptune-Asc:
… dependency upon all environmental influences…
Personally, I think he will eventually grow out of this over “dependency” which may take longer than most babies. But, I wanted to ask you Mothers would you do anything extra in a case like this to help your baby.
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016
Arena wrote:How old is the mother? And have you checked their synastry?
Indeed his chart shows an oversensitive person with that Moon-Neptune. It might turn into musical talent later, maybe he can benefit and feel good from listening to music :) It might be a good thing to start early to teach him to channel it into artistic paths and try to avoid drugs in teenage.

I know one thing about myself as a mother of three children. When I was younger, I would have answered this question a bit different than today when I am getting older :) Today I simply say, listen to your child's needs, just listen carefully.

I remember phases in my children's young childhood, like trying to make them sleep in their own beds, following other people's advice. And they cried so hard and I found myself asking myself if this was really healthy for their relationship to me and my own inner heart's answer was; no it isn't. So I just let them sleep close to me as cubs/animal offspring do in the animal world and I truly believe it is a more natural way to attend to young children. This little boy might benefit from just that, from being held closely, get to sit in their laps, and get lots of hugging and loving, but his parents are the ones that have to listen to his needs and maybe just let him be a bit clingy while he is young and forming important bonds to them.
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016
SteveS wrote:Mother's Birth Data: July 1 1985, 7:20 AM CDT, Birmingham, Alabama, Asc 05,06 Cancer
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016

Heavens, yes, he's sensitive, and heavens, yes, it's the Moon-Neptune close opposition right along the horizon.

And I wouldn't worry about him.

I have an angular Moon and have known a lot of angular Moon men (and several Cancer Sun men) who have a pattern I well recognize in myself. What I'm about to say is boosted a dozen times by adding the foreground Neptune and, especially, the Moon-Neptune opposition.

The point is this: Foreground Moon children are hyper-sensitive. It takes longer for their nervous systems to "click" that they are not literally the same as their mother. (I don't mean years, I mean extra months.) Most importantly, they respond to every impression, psychological nuance, emotional shift and tone minutely. It is this ability to be so minutely attentive to and responsive to other people's feelings, moods, psychic states, subtle impressions, etc., that has them singled out as gifted early in life - nearly every child, whose chart I have, that was in the early years of the Gifted Children's Society (that started in Southern California and spread to big cities around the country - parents with children who were miles ahead of their school grade and bored to tears, that were provided other options by the program) - nearly every one of these was an angular Moon child!

Two or three decades later, psychologists started writing that the old "gifted" category was not so much intellectual brilliance (though most of them had that, too) as this hyper-sensitivity to people, moods, and environments.

In fact, the majority of men with angular Moons, and a majority of Cancer men, come across as hyper-intellectual. (Another reason I'm not surprised the ancient Greeks attributed this high-commerce sign to Hermes.) You keep wanting to find the intellect in the chart. It might be there but, primarily, the "intellect" is in their absorption, rapid adaptation, feeling and perceiving everything acutely AND THEN defending against it - an intellectual front, an insensitive wall, to ward away ALL THAT STUFF THAT'S BOMBARDING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM.

Now, Neptune amps this up - makes one almost a victim of one's environment and sensitivities - unless one knows how to deal with it. And Neptune angular amps the "attacked to mother, drawn to psychological states reminiscent of the womb" etc. But, for now, let's just take that as an "amping up."

The most important thing to know, first, about this boy is that he is picking up on and responding to everything.

The second most important thing for this mother to know is that SHE is the most important factor in all of it at present. The child is especially mother identified, and still isn't entirely clear that he's not physically connected to her (as in the womb). Her moods, her shifting impressions, her opportunistic frustrations of the moment are going to be felt by the child as condemnation (not that something else needs her attention at that point). "Condemnation" is not too strong a word for at least some of these inadvertent shifts of attention. Therefore, what's REALLY important from Mom is authenticity. None of this, "I'm trying to be a good mother and, yes, I have other things on my mind and, yes, I need to put on a strong smile and pretend that in this very moment when I should be doing three other things, I'm here only for this crying child." No, authenticity is crucial, otherwise the child will be trained to not trust the impressions or not trust people. One needs to remind kind AND know that the child's whole nervous system will pick up on any well-meaning {bs} (without knowing it's well-meaning: that's a value judgment, and the ability for those hasn't grown yet).

The third thing to know is that, yes, this child FEELS EVERYTHING and that's NORMAL. Especially normal for this child. It will be part of his genius one day.

Finally, she needs to know a fourth thing: He's a Scorpio-Leo. He'll be tough and strong and, absent these sensitivity factors, even brutish and over-bearing. But he won't be brutish and overbearing if he learns early to trust his impressions from his environment and that the world is a psychologically honest and safe place. With these lessons in place he will, instead, just be strong, creative, powerful, able, connecting, and accomplishing.
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016
SteveS wrote:Thank you so much Jim, I will pass your insights on to the Mother and with the Mother's Mercury rising, I know she will be able to process your words in a very intelligent manner.
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:Just to add one more thing. Tell his mother and the rest of the family to stop saying he's "over" sensitive and acting like it's a negative thing. It's not. As Jim said, he's likely gifted, and won't be helped by being treated as if he's also somehow "wrong" or "damaged." He's fine, as long as his mother doesn't behave as if he's not. It's going to be hard enough on him when Baby 2 comes along. His mother might need extra support with #2 in order to give her gifted, sensitive #1 the attention and time with her he needs.
SteveS wrote:Thanks JSAD, i will make sure Mother understands your thoughts.
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016
FlorencedeZ. wrote:Jim Eshelman wrote:
The point is this: Foreground Moon children are hyper-sensitive. It takes longer for their nervous systems to "click" that they are not literally the same as their mother. (I don't mean years, I mean extra months.) Most importantly, they respond to every impression, psychological nuance, emotional shift and tone minutely. It is this ability to be so minutely attentive to and responsive to other people's feelings, moods, psychic states, subtle impressions, etc., that has them singled out as gifted early in life - nearly every child, whose chart I have, that was in the early years of the Gifted Children's Society (that started in Southern California and spread to big cities around the country - parents with children who were miles ahead of their school grade and bored to tears, that were provided other options by the program) - nearly every one of these was an angular Moon child!
Jim, I am speechless. This is amazing. This is precisely what happened with my daughter. (a double Gemini) And with many other kids I used to know with angular Moons. On top of this she has a close Moon-Neptune aspect. Thank you very much for mentioning this.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2016

Notice that this information was already in the site's interpretations for foreground Moon in a nativity.
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Re: An "over sensitive" baby boy.

Post by SteveS »

Yes, just posted eariler, the school teachers has told the mother she has a very sensitive son. The Mother was advised by both Jim & me she needed to be on guard for this "over sensitive" son. She has told me on several occasions she now realizes how important this astro info was for raising her son. The Mother's Mother, my sister in law who does a-lot of babysitting is much concerned with this "over sensitive" issue, and has told me on a couple of occasions--this grandson can get really weird at times. You never know what you are going to get with prominent Neptune. :)
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