DC'S 2016 Cansolar

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DC'S 2016 Cansolar

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Apr 08, 2016
SteveS wrote:Jim, I realize you are very busy now with the expansion going with your company, but when you have time I would appreciate your analysis on DC's 2016 Cansolar.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: DC'S 2016 Cansolar

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I think the main point is the one we've been talking about - the surreal, unreasonable optimism that is inflationary (financially and otherwise). Here's the math part, already posted in the Current Ingresses thread:

Jupiter on Dsc (1°36')
Neptune on Asc (2°20')
-- Ju/Ne on horizon (0°22')
Moon on MC (3°34')
-- Moon-Neptune sq. (1°14' in mundo)
-- Moon-Jupiter sq. (1°51')
-- -- Mo/Ju on angles (0°59')

JUPITER opposite NEPTUNE is the biggest feature, the aspect of compelling surreal optimism. In the past, this has appeared for events of powerful inspiration, faith, and idealism; belief-driven motivation and decision-making (often religious-themed); powerful opposing belief and bigotry. This is fascinating to watch - sometimes a mark of inspired freedom, more recently the mark of highly polarized politics and religious-fuelled mania. (Someone on a Facebook mundane astrology page just asked what might be fuelling the American southern states adopting religious-driven restrictive laws that have started looking like a Christian version of Sharia. The general consensus was that this was especially the current Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune aspects. I would add the U.S. natal Sun-Jupiter-Saturn on angles being aspected by transiting Pluto.)

Entertainment themes appear, such as box office bonanzas. For events that were not fun, festive, or celebratory, it typically signals an entertainment-themed setting.

I think it best to consider this Jupiter and Neptune in combination, but it's worth mentioning how they act independent of each other.

NEPTUNE rising, by itself, signals extreme excitement, whether happy or unhappy (with Jupiter it will tend to be happy). A large number of negative, destructive events are common with this angularity, but less likely when it shares billing with Jupiter. One thing I expect is increased embarrassment of those in power - not the Saturn-Neptune feel of removals, but gross embarrassment, perhaps related to things like the Panama Papers.

JUPITER setting. Among its manifestations are victories (such as major military victories and athletic wins); diplomacy and peace; and heightened prosperity, economic expansion, and a spirit of abundance, celebration, and even national pride. (With Neptune, this is not all based on reality.) Events, if not purely political or economic, often will center on religion, powerful inspiration, and visionary movements and moments. - We can consider this as Jupiter strong and afflicted, which coincides with attacks against, or failures in, things Jupiterian, such as prosperity’s downfall (economic crisis, such as destructive spending or events causing economic devastation), ideological conflict (rampant ideology and belief-driven politics, or challenges against a prevailing social, political, or economic paradigm), and excesses (especially with Neptune). As a support factor, Jupiter often anchors the context of destructive events to entertainment, celebration, or religious venues, or matters centered on the social and economic elite.

But we have not just Jupiter-Neptune, but these two combined with Moon. In a big way, this just hyper-intensifies Jupiter-Neptune indications. It certainly adds a powerful populism to what's going on 0 a wave of people that might actually make this the best-attended election since 2008.

More broadly, MOON angular represents powerful response by the people (the collective masses) feeling strongly about an event: the herd’s collective will, surging upward powerfully from mass mind, and often manifesting as collective populist embracing of a focus or issue. Examples of Moon events include human-interest stories that move the public emotionally to an unusual degree; children highlighted in the news; events requiring rapid adaptation and con-forming to circumstances; and events primarily characterized by other planets, but occurring where the herd congregates. If Moon is on IC of a lunar ingress, expect unusually heavy rainfall.

MOON-JUPITER marks aperiod of growing prosperity with less newsworthy disaster and hurt than usual. Diplomacy, dignity, and elitism prevail. Most pronounced is a theme of “our people first,” i.e., strong elements of national pride, patriotism, family, community, and standing first for those groups with which one identifies. This can be divisive as well as unifying. Hurtful events, under Moon-Jupiter, will carry this narrowness just as much as positive events benefit from the inspired togetherness.

MOON-NEPTUNE shows extreme waves of emotional reaction, hysteria, panic, fervor, and herd-mind arousal accompanied by confusion, disorientation, and uncertainty. Typical events include structural collapses and major fires, and extreme economic panic.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: DC'S 2016 Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Thanks Jim for your analysis.

Jim wrote:
You're probably most interested in the economic bent, Steve, right?
Actually, I am looking at this Cansolar within the context of this Election Cycle trying to figure out what the symbolism could possibly mean politically with the RNC in July, since it appears this convention with its nominee will be emotionally contested. The Mundo angular Moon Neptune square catches my attention with your words of “Extreme emotional reaction and hysteria.”

Jim writes for mundane Moon-Neptune:
Extreme waves of emotional reaction, hysteria, panic, fervor, and herd-mind arousal accompanied by confusion, disorientation, and uncertainty.
Thanks again for your analysis.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: DC'S 2016 Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:I strongly feel if Trump happens to be elected Prez, which I would have to see to believe, the nasty 2016 Libsolar will have 50% chance of manifesting its malefic symbolism with Trump being elected. Jupiter is prominent in DC’s 2016 Cansolar-- so along with Neptune being prominent-- I now feel confident with your analysis Jim for the 2016 Cansolar there will be no panic crash (selling) on Wall Street with DC’s angular Cansolar Neptune. If we see any type of Panic activity in the markets it will be speculative panic buying instead of panic selling—simply because Jupiter is prominent in DC’s 2016 Cansolar, not a prominent Saturn. Because the main trend of things in DC this year is this Election Cycle, I can’t help but to strongly feel this Cansolar will somehow manifest its symbolism involving this Election Cycle. Properly identifying what the symbolism in Ingress Charts means for DC and the Country before the actual manifestation is a most challenging endeavor, but SMA is so important with its precise angles we need to endeavor to always and try to hone our predictive capacity in order to achieve experience to what angular symbolism is foretelling with SMA. I see Neptune angular in this Cansolar as manifesting some type of hysteria but of the benefic kind of hysteria with a Prominent Jupiter. I know this through by life’s experiences: Prominent Jupiter-Neptune symbolism has good % of manifesting things to do with a speculative bent or illusionary bent. It could be we see a speculative buying fever in the markets if this Cansolar does not manifest itself with something to do with the 2016 Election Cycle.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: DC'S 2016 Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 3:56 pm JUPITER opposite NEPTUNE is the biggest feature, the aspect of compelling surreal optimism. In the past, this has appeared for events of powerful inspiration, faith, and idealism; belief-driven motivation and decision-making (often religious-themed); powerful opposing belief and bigotry.
Look back after seven years, I think this idea of compelling surreal optimism is as descriptive of the summer of '16 as can be - everybody wrongly assumed the wave-riding progressive would win. About the only other thing that could describe it better was also mentioned above: Simply, belief-driven and faith-driven idealism, inspiration, and confidence.

All wrong, of course.
Jim Eshelman
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