Dresden Germany Bombings (1945)

Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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Jim Eshelman
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Dresden Germany Bombings (1945)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Feb 12, 2015
SteveS wrote:Jim, I just saw a short news clip about the Dresden Germany bombings 70 years ago Feb-13-14 1945. These bombings killed 25,000 people and destroyed 13 square miles of the city. Check out Dresden’s CapQ for Feb13-14 1945.

http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/video/dre ... vi-AA9jRYj
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Re: Dresden Germany Bombings (1945)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Check out Dresden’s CapQ for Feb13-14 1945.
The air raid alarms started going off in Dresden February 13 at 9:51 PM CET. The CapQ is indeed severe!

Year: Capsolar
Uranus (Asc 2°54')
(BTW, the Cansolar also had Uranus 0°11' from Dsc, partile conjunct a foreground Moon)

Month: Caplunar
Sun (Dsc 1°56')
Moon-Mars conj. (2°09' in mundo)

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits
CapQ Asc conj. s. Saturn (0°33'), t. Saturn (1°14'), Sa/Sa midpoint (0°21')
CapQ Asc op. p. Mars (1°07'), s. Mars (1°03')
s. Mars-Saturn op. (0°34')
t. Mars conj. CapQ Moon (0°52')
t. Mars conj. CapQ MC (1°49', getting closer over the two days)

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits
CanQ EP conj. s. Pluto (1°45')
CanQ Asc op. t. Sun (0°00')
CanQ MC sq. p. Mercury (1°26')
t. Venus conj. Cansolar IC (0°09')
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Re: Dresden Germany Bombings (1945)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Thanks Jim, when I looked at the CapQ chart it absolutely blew me away!
Yeah? Well, how do you think the folks in Dresden felt! :twisted:
SteveS wrote:Unfortunately, they were also blown away, literally. The horrors of war!
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Re: Dresden Germany Bombings (1945)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mar 20, 2015

It may be of interest:

I'm including this event in the significantly restructured and expanded 5th Ed of SMA. In preparing it for that, I realized it doesn't belong in the war chapter. it belongs in the chapter on bombs.

First, it doesn't fit the definitions of the two war chapters. It is neither an event marking the beginning or ending of a war (Ch 18), or an attack outside of a formally declared war (Ch 19). It's good to keep the definitions of the data set consistent, of course, so I didn't want to fudge and put it in one or the other of those chapters.

Then I realized it fits the Bombs chapter (Ch 12). Not only that, it also fits the astrological pattern of the bomb events very well.
Jim Eshelman
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