SteveS wrote: ... an_droughtThe North American Drought of 1988 ranks among the worst episodes of drought in the United States. This multi-year drought began in most areas in 1988 and continued into 1989.
Chart of soybeans for the year 1988. Be sure to scroll to top of page to see enlarged chart of soybeans for 1988 ... nuous.html
In April of 1988 I purchased a July futures contact based on a phone call I got from my broker who said, paraphrasing:Below is a link explaining a classic technical chart formation of ‘price basing,’ which signaled this 1988 bull market in Soybeans.Steve, I think you need to invest in the soybean market. It is extremely dry going into planting season and, technically, the charts of the soybean market are showing a solid technical basing formation.
If you will go back to the above price chart for 1988 Soybeans (2nd link), you will notice a 4-month price base from Jan-April 1988. This is a classic chart formation known to market technicians as a long-term price base, and long term price bases are quite rare to see on daily price charts. What technical bases indicate with very high % is a ‘calm before a storm,' the storm in this case, being a price increase storm.
It just so happens the 1988 DC Capsolar (master chart of the year) features a rare Paran of Sun (0,38) cnj Asc, and mundo Pluto (1,05) cnj MC. Prominent Pluto symbolism with Sidereal Mundane Astrology charts and Jim’s mundane interpretation of potent Pluto symbolizes events which ‘stuns the senses.’ At the end of DC’s 1988 Capsolar, the number 1 event of 1988 was a ‘stunning’ drought in the United States. Also, note the partile cnj of Moon-Mars. It would have been very difficult for the Sidereal Mundane astrologer to accurately predict a full-blown drought with the 1988 Capsolar, but after April 1988, long range weather forecasters were predicting little rain for the Midwest (grain belt) growing season. We Sidereal Mundane Astrologers should endeavor to learn when we see a dynamic angular Capsolar for DC, to be on the lookout for major manifesting events developing in the USA.
*Jim, the next time your mind sees good % for abnormal weather conditions, I will look at price charts and offer my technical analysis for certain price charts looking for classic technical chart signals, to maybe help confirm upcoming abnormal weather signals with SMA.
Sidereal Mundane Astrology and Weather
- Jim Eshelman
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Sidereal Mundane Astrology and Weather
Mar 16, 2017
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Sidereal Mundane Astrology and Weather
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:That chart starts in April and ends in Dec. I can't find a way to see the chart starting in January.SteveS wrote: Chart of soybeans for the year 1988. Be sure to scroll to top of page to see enlarged chart of soybeans for 1988 ... nuous.html
If you will go back to the above price chart for 1988 Soybeans (2nd link), you will notice a 4-month price base from Jan-April 1988.
SteveS wrote:JSAD, when I click on the link it appears in the middle of the page. Then I scroll to the top and an enlarged Soybean Chart shows the entire price year for 1988, starting with Jan. 1988. Did this work for you, seeing where the price chart begins in Jan 1988.
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:Nope. Chart starts at the right edge of the page at April, ends at December, next to it on the right is a box showing "Extreme Futures: Movers & Shakers" If that box wasn't there perhaps the whole chart would show, but it is there. Stuff also doesn't start in the middle of the page, but at the top right under the website banner.
I finally got a look at the whole thing by doing a rightclick and view image, but it's annoyingly small and pixelates when I try to enlarge it.
Nevermind. I'm sure it's just my laptop displays things differently. I got enough to get the gist of it.
TheScales_BothWays wrote:There should be a scroll bar below the graph, if your laptop displays the graph from April, then click the scroll bar and move it to the left to see the chart from January.Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:Nope. Chart starts at the right edge of the page at April, ends at December, next to it on the right is a box showing "Extreme Futures: Movers & Shakers" If that box wasn't there perhaps the whole chart would show, but it is there. Stuff also doesn't start in the middle of the page, but at the top right under the website banner.
If there's no scroll bar under the graph, then you may try using a different browser to view the website. (I use Opera, but Google Chrome should work more reliably.) Try using the zoom function of the browser instead if the graph still looks too small on your laptop screen.
Hope this works for you.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Sidereal Mundane Astrology and Weather
SteveS wrote: Press reporter Robert E. Geiger happened to be in Boise City, Oklahoma, to witness the "Black Sunday" black blizzards of April 14, 1935; Edward Stanley, Kansas City news editor of the Associated Press coined the term "Dust Bowl" while rewriting Geiger's news story.[3][4] While the term "the Dust Bowl" was originally a reference to the geographical area affected by the dust, today it is usually used to refer to the event, as in "It was during the Dust Bowl".
Folks, I am certain SMA has allowed my mind a very important discovery pertaining to severe drought conditions. Since I isolated 1988 as one of the worst droughts is US history, and then isolated the 1988 Capsolar exhibiting a rare adjacent angled Sun (Asc)-Pluto (MC) Paran, I decided to probe some more SMA Capsolar history.
Take a look a DC’s striking 1935 Capsolar. Sun 1,10 cnj Dsc and Mundo Pluto 1,07 cnj Asc, very close to featuring a Sun-Pluto Paran, the same acute angular symbolism in the 1988 Capsolar, timing the severe 1988 drought conditions in the US.
There is no doubt in my mind that tight angular Sun-Pluto symbolism in Capsolars are the causative astrological agent for very high probability drought conditions. From a weather standpoint, the Sun is obviously symbolizing heat, and Pluto the astrological agent for ‘stunning’ conditions. 1935 kicked off stunning/severe Dust Bowl conditions for the mid 30’s.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Sidereal Mundane Astrology and Weather
SteveS wrote:Scanning the entire history of Capsolars (Master Chart of the Year) in DC, there has only been two Capsolars which featured both Sun & Pluto non-dormant (both within 3 degrees) the Capsolar Angles, unless my eyes make an error. The two were the 1988 & 1935 Capsolars discussed in this topic. The 1988 Capsolar timed the worst broad scale drought in US history. The 1935 Capsolar timed the beginning of the ‘Dust Bowl.’ Both these Capsolars featured less than 10 minutes of arc for a Sun-Pluto Paran, a Paran being the most potent aspect known to Sidereal Astrology.
Jim Eshelman