2023 SSR - Lyse

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2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »


Just working on my upcoming 2023 SSR and thinking of relocating it to a better spot, thereby avoiding the natal Saturn and Neptune angular. However, at this location, there seems to be a midpoint on the Dsc of Saturn and Neptune. What kind of year do you think I’ll have?

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo 22Le27'35"  3N20 +11°52' 169°51'  8N 0 299°20' -16°52' 160°50'  29%   
Su  4Cn 5'37"  0N 0 +57'17" 121°18' 20N20 350°47' -25°31' 108°32'  61%   
Me 24Cn44'47"  1N13 + 1°38' 142°38' 16N 2 328° 0' -24°15' 139°38'   7%  b
Ve  3Le31'17"  3S18 + 2' 0" 149°35'  8N52 317°41' -27°37' 142° 9'   4%  b
Ma 12Le 5'59"  1N 1 +36'57" 159°16'  9N49 309°20' -21°44' 152°44'   2%  b
Ju 17Ar27'27"  1S11 + 7'48"  40°27' 14N28  67°11' - 2°32'   2°45'  98% A 
Sa 11Aq12'29"  1S42 - 3' 7" 338°41' 10S47 130°26' +21°16' 332°56'   2%  b
Ur 27Ar25'17"  0S19 + 1'48"  50°10' 18N 5  57°48' - 6° 4'   7°10'  87% A 
Ne  2Pi29'56"  1S15 - 0'40" 358°16'  2S 7 108°44' +15°43' 343°27'  42%   
Pl  4Cp 3'28"  2S41 - 1'26" 301°52' 22S58 170°35' +22°51' 291°14'  57%   
Er  0Ar11'32" 11S 3 - 0' 0"  27°25'  0S32  86°57' - 3°58'   3°58'  96% A 
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo  5Le 1' 0"  4S39 +14° 2' 150°31'  7N 5 315°45' -28°42' 141°53'   4%  b
Su  4Cn 5'37"  0S 0 +57'18" 121°18' 20N19 350°47' -25°32' 108°32'  61%   
Me 18Ge16'54"  0S13 + 1°47' 104°29' 22N34   8° 1' -23°24'  72° 9'  35%   
Ve 22Ge43'13"  0N22 + 1°14' 109°19' 22N37   3° 9' -23°41'  82°53'  87% I 
Ma 12Cn31'20"  1N 9 +38'21" 130°18' 19N29 341°25' -24°48' 124°36'  98% N 
Ju 13Cn59'33"  0N33 +13' 8" 131°39' 18N31 339°48' -25°24' 126° 1' 100% N 
Sa 20Li22'52"  2N18 + 0'14" 223°40' 14S16 245° 2' + 4°49' 185°18'  92% D 
Ur  3Cn52' 5"  0N31 + 3'40" 121°11' 20N52 350°59' -25° 0' 108°34'  61%   
Ne  1Li23'33"  1N43 + 0'27" 205°10'  8S36 261°53' - 3°58' 176° 0'  96% D 
Pl  1Le25'30" 10N10 + 1'45" 152°26' 22N13 322° 3' -14°37' 157° 1'  13%  b
Er 14Pi55' 1" 23S42 - 0'10"  18°43' 17S48 105°31' - 9°34'   9°55'  75% A 
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tMo op tNe  2°38' 87% M tSu op tPl  0° 2'100%                           
tJu co tEr  1°13' 97% M tMa op tSa  0°12'100% M                         
----------------------   ----------------------                         
tMo sq rMe  1°19' 97% M tSu co rUr  0° 2'100% M                         
tJu op rSa  2°33' 87% M tVe co rMo  0°16'100% M                         
tUr op rSa  1°51' 93% M tPl op rSu  0° 2'100%                           
tUr co rEr  2°45' 85% M tPl op rUr  0°11'100%                           
tEr op rSa  1°20' 97% M  ----------------------                         
tEr op rNe  1°12' 97%   rSu co rUr  0° 2'100% M                         
rMa co rJu  1°26' 96% M                                                 
                              Cosmic State                              
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo Le   | sq rMe  1°19'M   op tNe  2°38'M   
Su Cn   | op tPl  0° 2'    co rUr  0° 2'M   
Me Cn   |
Ve Le   | co rMo  0°16'M   
Ma Le   | op tSa  0°12'M   
Ju Ar   | co tEr  1°13'M   op rSa  2°33'M   
Sa Aq   | op tMa  0°12'M   
Ur Ar   | op rSa  1°51'M   co rEr  2°45'M   
Ne Pi+  | op tMo  2°38'M   
Pl Cp   | op tSu  0° 2'    op rSu  0° 2'    op rUr  0°11'    
Er Ar   | op rNe  1°12'    co tJu  1°13'M   op rSa  1°20'M   
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo Le   | co tVe  0°16'M   
Su Cn   | op tPl  0° 2'    co rUr  0° 2'M   
Me Ge+  | sq tMo  1°19'M   
Ve Ge   |
Ma Cn-  | co rJu  1°26'M   
Ju Cn+  | co rMa  1°26'M   
Sa Li+  | op tEr  1°20'M   op tUr  1°51'M   op tJu  2°33'M   
Ur Cn   | co tSu  0° 2'M   co rSu  0° 2'M   op tPl  0°11'    
Ne Li   | op tEr  1°12'    
Pl Le   |
Er Pi   | co tUr  2°45'M  
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

When I set up your chart for home, it took me a while to find the problem - I just kept noticing Jupiter and Uranus hanging around Ascendant, which is exactly square natal Venus - and finally realized you meant natal Saturn and Neptune on two different angles. Same with the example below, where natal Saturn is 5°18' above Dsc and natal Neptune is 4°00' below, meaning that their midpoint is 0°39' from the angle (half of 1°18').

Honest answer: We don't have a handle on midpoint importance in return charts. I've been putting off looking at it until Mike gets it built into TMSA because (especially natal planets) it's a pain. I also haven't been very motivated, since the fundamentally simple return charts have become increasingly complicated already AND extremely accurate with what we have.

But, if I had to guess based on experiences with solar and lunar ingresses, I'd expect that it would focus your natal Saturn/Neptune effect narrowly on the band where the midpoint is tightly angular and you'd feel it more obviously than if the midpoint weren't there. Not much of an answer, but it's the best I've got outside the context of a specific chart.

So... let's bring it inside the bounds of your specific chart :)

You've done the most important thing of putting a benefic closely angular. Since I don't see Asc longitude, I don't know exactly how close Jupiter is to Nadir - I've been using 5'-10' when I'm trying to overcome something rough in the chart - but natal Jupiter gets a 100% and transiting Jupiter is the strongest transiting planet. Natally, your Jupiter is seconded by natal Mars (which conjoins) it, and then by Neptune. Two transiting benefics are foreground, and natally your Jupiter is strongest then three malefics next; and there is the Moon-Neptune opposition. Here's a simplified breakdown.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ju 17Ar27'27"  1S11 + 7'48"  40°27' 14N28  67°11' - 2°32'   2°45'  98% A 
Ur 27Ar25'17"  0S19 + 1'48"  50°10' 18N 5  57°48' - 6° 4'   7°10'  87% A 
                            Radical Planets                             
Ju 13Cn59'33"  0N33 +13' 8" 131°39' 18N31 339°48' -25°24' 126° 1' 100% N 
Ma 12Cn31'20"  1N 9 +38'21" 130°18' 19N29 341°25' -24°48' 124°36'  98% N 
Ne  1Li23'33"  1N43 + 0'27" 205°10'  8S36 261°53' - 3°58' 176° 0'  96% D 
Sa 20Li22'52"  2N18 + 0'14" 223°40' 14S16 245° 2' + 4°49' 185°18'  92% D 
Ve 22Ge43'13"  0N22 + 1°14' 109°19' 22N37   3° 9' -23°41'  82°53'  87% I 
    Class 1 Aspects      
tMo op tNe  2°38' 87% M
tMo sq rMe  1°19' 97% M
tJu op rSa  2°33' 87% M
tUr op rSa  1°51' 93% M
rMa co rJu  1°26' 96% M
My main question would be: How does it normally work when your natal Mars-Jupiter is angular? We all have slightly different typical experiences when natal aspects recur to the angles frequently throughout life. Do you have notes or memories on how it is when your Mars-Jupiter comes to an angle with Jupiter stronger?

Without your answer, and without needing to consider the Sa/Ne midpoint (but it wouldn't change what I say), I'd take this as a predominantly good year with some troubles, but mostly troubles from inside of you - not from the world. Things bubbling around, security issues (material and psychological), etc. My real question on how your natal Mars-Jupiter usually works is whether to regard this as an "fundamentally positive but ultimately afflicted Jupiter." For example, I do better with my closely Jupiter-Uranus angular alone (or in one of its two local co angularities with natal Sun) than to have it angular in a way that also emphasizes natal Mars-Neptune's aspect to Jupiter-Uranus: At the very least, I am more likely to do stupid things with money or have big ideas I don't get around to doing anything about if my Mars-Neptune is foreground and in aspect to my Jupiter-Uranus than if they aren't part of the picture.

So I think it would be overall good and also have masochistic or half-advertently self-tripping elements to it since the natal Jupiter is very closely foreground but with three natal malefics chasing close behind it.

Meanwhile... you're going to have an awesome year anyway when the whole scope of your life is examined because you have Pluto opposite your Sun this year, and only 0°02' wide in your SSR. This would be felt simply as a transit, then simply because it's that close in the SSR - and some areas you're looking would have it at least widely foreground, I think. This is the big context of the SSR! Your sense of who you are is being redefined, your basic direction may shift, you walk through new doors which close permanently behind you so that your life starts down a clearly different road with only future ahead, and not much past behind. The conjunction was one of the coolest things that ever happened to me and the square at least as interesting. The landscape inside and outside of you is changing significantly. I would want a forward looking chart, not one that brought my insecurities and doubts to the fore even as secondary themes.

Your SSR for home has transiting Jupiter 1°31' from Asc, Uranus 2°22' on the other side (Ju/Ur midpoint 0°26' from Asc) and Mercury 1°29' Nadir. It does have natal Saturn 0°53' from Dsc, though (closest angularity in the chart) and natal Neptune 1°00' from WP (pesky natal planets spoiling a perfectly lovely SSR!). With Moon's mundane square to natal Venus (which you don't keep at the other location), I'd be tempted to stay nearby, and then fret about that natal Saturn - then I'd probably head for the nearest place transiting Jupiter was exactly rising. This is along a line from Long Island curving northwest across eastern New York to somewhere near Ottawa. - Oh, Ottawa was a great guess, since (using the central city coordinates) transiting Jupiter is 0°00' from Asc and Saturn is knocked farther away. You still get natal Neptune (0°07') so this might not be the perfect choice; but here's the angularity context:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ju 17Ar27'27"  1S11 + 7'48"  40°27' 14N28  69°10' + 0° 0' 360° 0' 100% A 
Ur 27Ar25'17"  0S19 + 1'48"  50°10' 18N 5  59°45' - 3°25'   3°57'  96% A 
                            Radical Planets                             
Ne  1Li23'33"  1N43 + 0'27" 205°10'  8S36 264° 1' - 6°12' 173°46' 100% Wa
Sa 20Li22'52"  2N18 + 0'14" 223°40' 14S16 246°59' + 2°14' 182°26'  98% D 
    Class 1 Aspects    
tMo op tNe  2°27' 88% M
tJu op rSa  2°26' 89% M 
tUr op rSa  1°31' 96% M 
Not perfect but, man, that 0°00' looks pretty good and the foreground aspects are benefics to your Saturn.

Another really bold move: Dive as deep into Pluto opposite your Sun (actually, opposite your Sun-Uranus) as possible, consciously committing to a complete reframing of your universe. You'll have to travel farther for this. To play up the ecliptical 0°02' aspect, put them on the Zenith-Nadir (read ecliptically). This line runs from the southern coastal edge of South Carolina, up across many areas including right through the middle of Michigan and the upper peninsula (by eyeball, probably closer to Newberry or Munising than Mackinaw) running through Ontario just east of Lake Nipigon. For example, halfway between Auden and Kowkash. (Asc changes rapidly across short distances: e.g., you'd want somewhere halfway between Macleod and Jellicoe if you stayed on highway 11.) West of Bankfield a bit on the 11? Here's the interesting mix at Bankfield (Asc 4°36' Aries), where the strongest natal set is Sun-Uranus-Neptune - way different than the Saturn-Neptune:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Pl  4Cp 3'28"  2S41 - 1'26" 301°52' 22S58 162°50' +15°37' 316°34' 100% Z 
Su  4Cn 5'37"  0N 0 +57'17" 121°18' 20N20 342°49' -18°18' 131°48' 100% N 
Ju 17Ar27'27"  1S11 + 7'48"  40°27' 14N28  60°25' - 5° 8'   5°54'  91% A 
Ur 27Ar25'17"  0S19 + 1'48"  50°10' 18N 5  50°36' - 7°18'   9°24'  78% A 
Ne  2Pi29'56"  1S15 - 0'40" 358°16'  2S 7 103°24' + 8°24' 351°22'  81% A 
Mo 22Le27'35"  3N20 +11°52' 169°51'  8N 0 293°45' - 8°55' 170°17'  76% D 
                            Radical Planets                             
Su  4Cn 5'37"  0S 0 +57'18" 121°18' 20N19 342°49' -18°18' 131°47' 100% N 
Ur  3Cn52' 5"  0N31 + 3'40" 121°11' 20N52 343° 3' -17°47' 132°17' 100% N 
Ne  1Li23'33"  1N43 + 0'27" 205°10'  8S36 255°52' + 0°38' 180°39' 100% D 
Me 18Ge16'54"  0S13 + 1°47' 104°29' 22N34 359°26' -17°45'  91°46'  99% I 
Sa 20Li22'52"  2N18 + 0'14" 223°40' 14S16 237°58' + 7° 5' 188°21'  82% D 
Pl  1Le25'30" 10N10 + 1'45" 152°26' 22N13 315°44' - 6°13' 171° 8'  80% D 
    Class 1 Aspects    
tMo op tNe  1° 5' 98% M
tSu op tPl  0° 2'100%  
tMo co rPl  0°52' 99% M
tJu op rSa  2°26' 89% M                                                 
tUr op rSa  1° 4' 98% M                                                 
tNe op rPl  0°14'100% M                                                 
tPl op rSu  0° 2'100%                                                   
tPl op rUr  0°11'100%                                                   
tPl sq rNe  2°40' 86%                                                   
rSu co rUr  0°14'100%                                                   
rSu sq rNe  2°42' 86%                                                   
rMe sq rNe  1° 7' 98% M                                                 
rUr sq rNe  2°29' 88%
Again, that would be a really bold move since opening yourself wide to whatever the universe might do to reinvent you (and committing from these aspects to powerfully feel all of it) is a bold move. Don't take it lightly. I do, however, offer it as another idea. The safer-and-sounder move is to go to Ottawa or somewhere that transiting Jupiter is equally strong IMHO.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

Wow, thanks. There’s a lot to think about.

The ascendant was 14,06 Aries for the location I picked this year which was near Courtice, Ontario. The last time that I had my natal Mars/Jupiter on the angle was 2020 when rJupiter was 5’ from ASC. Basically, I spent a lot of money on helping family which is nothing unusual but it was excessive. I was hoping to avoid that but didn’t like the n Saturn and Neptune.

I went up and down the Jupiter line with TMSA but couldn’t get away from the Saturn.

I’ll read your answer more thoroughly and decide what I’m looking to achieve this year, which is quite a bit. :)
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

The safer-and-sounder move is to go to Ottawa or somewhere that transiting Jupiter is equally strong IMHO.
Thanks so much, Jim.

This has been very helpful. After reading your analysis, I think Ottawa might be the best place for the SSR.

I’m anxious to move away from Montreal but have a commitment to my grandchild, whose mother is ill, and the child's well being weighs heavily on my mind. So much so, that we’ve been trying to decide about running two residences and driving back and forth when needed. Additionally, I’ve become politically involved here in a way that is extremely stressful and it's making me somewhat unhappy. It’s a fight that I’m not interested in continuing, it’s dragging me down and that’s just one other reason for my decision to move.

A substantial evolution in my character is trying to foresee the consequences of the decision. As a younger person, it was my way or the highway but to some extent, hopefully, I’ve tempered with age. If I was younger though, I'd go more intense for the experience.

The Pluto square Sun that I experienced in early December 1982 led to a completely new life after parting suddenly with my then husband. That transit opened many doors, unusual psychic experiences and, for the first time in my life, I was happy. There were a few bumps along the way until Pluto transited my Ascendant and then settled into my new life.

TBH, it's the 2024 SSR that shakes me up. It looks extremely intense with the t. Sun opposite Moon-Pluto and t. Moon opposing n. Uranus amongst other things. If and when you have time, maybe you could take a look at 2024 generally.
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Agreed: The 2024 SSR is a bigger deal especially since the Pluto transit (mostly over by then in most respects) is aligned with both luminaries and EXACTLY ANGULAR WHERE YOU LIVE. A month-plus after your 2024 birthday, SSR Moon progresses to conjoin Pluto: That's when the whole thing will come to a head, I imagine.

This doesn't matter where your SSR occurs except that it's exact nearly to the minute in Montreal. It's also likely to turn negative since natal Saturn is precisely on Nadir. A small adjustment on location could give you a significant advantage. For example, Toronto puts transiting Venus 0°20' below Asc and natal Jupiter 1°59' above, so you should be able to find an exact spot that optimizes those two. (Natal Neptune is within a degree of IC, but that's not bad with the rest of the mix. Ditto the Moon-Sun-Uranus-Pluto is angular but not MOST angular. Bit difference between this and two benefics vs. this and natal Saturn. Here's the outcome:

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ve 16Cn56' 2"  1N24 + 1°14' 134°53' 18N32  63°37' - 0°18'   0°20' 100% A 
Su  4Cn 5'37"  0S 0 +57'15" 121°19' 20N19  71°25' +10° 2' 349°26'  99% E 
Mo  4Cp30'28"  4S44 +14°19' 302°51' 24S51 247° 4' -12° 5' 166°55'  98% W 
                            Radical Planets                             
Ne  1Li23'33"  1N43 + 0'27" 205°11'  8S37   1° 1' -54°57'  89°17' 100% I 
Ju 13Cn59'33"  0N33 +13' 8" 131°40' 18N31  65°51' + 1°48' 358° 1'  99% A 
Ur  3Cn52' 5"  0N31 + 3'40" 121°12' 20N52  71° 5' +10°29' 348°56'  99% E 
Su  4Cn 5'37"  0S 0 +57'18" 121°19' 20N19  71°25' +10° 2' 349°26'  99% E 
Ma 12Cn31'20"  1N 9 +38'21" 130°19' 19N28  66° 5' + 3°22' 356°19'  96% A 
    Class 1 Aspects  
tMo op tSu  0°25'100%
tMo co tPl  1°19' 97%
tMo op rSu  0°25'100%
tMo op rUr  0°38' 99%
tVe co rJu  2°19' 90% 
tVe sq rNe  1° 3' 98% M
rSu co rUr  0°14'100%                                                   
rSu sq rNe  2°42' 86%                                                   
rMa co rJu  1°28' 96%                                                   
rMa sq rNe  2°58' 83% M                                                 
rJu sq rNe  1°16' 97% M                                                 
rUr sq rNe  2°29' 88%                                                   
It's an idea, at least.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

During 2024, you have the following major outer planet transits. (Some of these may be operative sooner or later if they fall on lunar return angles.)

PLUTO op r Sun START to Jan 25
-- -- -- Aug 22 to Nov 28
-- op r Uranus START to Jan 18
-- -- -- Sep 4 to Nov 16

URANUS sq r MC Apr 28 to Jun 2 (exact 5/16)
--- op r EP-a (approx) Aug 4 to Sep 29
--- sq r MC Dec 10 to END
--- sq r Pluto Jun 26 to Nov 10 (exact 7/20 & 10/14

JUPITER sq r Mars Feb 3
--- sq r Jupiter Feb 15
--- op r Asc Mar 4
--- op r Saturn Mar 22
--- sq r MC r Apr 27
--- sq r Pluto May 10
--- op r EP-a approx May 16
--- sq r Moon May 26

Notice that, for the year, you have no Saturn or Neptune transits - usually a sign of a good year. Get a good SSR and the only way Saturn and Neptune enter the picture is by angularity in other returns over the course of the year - no long-term patterns.

Notice also that your Jupiter transits are numerous but all over by the end of May - about a year from now. Therefore, the year is basically front-to-back Pluto and Uranus (including each aspecting the other) all year, with a front-loading of some Jupiter times.

In the larger view, Pluto's transit to your natal Sun and Uranus (simply taking the transit itself) runs from March 2022 (when Pluto first entered 1° orb) through November 2024 (when Pluto last leaves 1° orb). The last exact hits are the end of this year (December), but Pluto returns within partile orb. That this occurs in your SSR, and likely on an angle of your SSR (and tied to its Moon), means that the real effect is from March 2022 until July 2025 (when the 2024 SSR expires). This is the chapter of your life when everything changes, when you are dismantled as you've known yourself and emerge as something else. It's not a short journey but, perhaps, knowing the time frames, you can see how the playwright and director are structuring the story.

The real question, I think, is what happens beginning July 2025. Who emerges? If you are still in Montreal, the new SSR will have Sun-Uranus at MC opposite Pluto on IC, continuing the story. Moon is in partile conjunction with Venus. Your Neptune rises. Is this the story? Or is it staged elsewhere?
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

This doesn't matter where your SSR occurs except that it's exact nearly to the minute in Montreal. It's also likely to turn negative since natal Saturn is precisely on Nadir. A small adjustment on location could give you a significant advantage.
It concerned me quite a bit so many thanks for the tip on Toronto as I was looking deeper in Ontario, which is problematic for travelling. A bit woodsy in some of these places. :)
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

A completely unexpected event occurred on November 8th when I was approached to be a contributor to a site with a significant readership. It will take a considerable amount of my time (already has) but I’m excited about this project.

Transits to my natal or the SSR weren’t up to much, though I haven’t checked the PSSR.

November 8
Transits to SSR

t Mars 23°48’ Lib
Mercury 24°45’ Can
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Lyse wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:36 am November 8
Transits to SSR
Pointe-Clare? (And remind me where the SSR occurred? Did you go to Ottawa or stay home?)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Major transits were abundant. - The biggest, most important transits, of course, were Pluto's transits opposite natal Uranus (51') and Sun (wider time span, 65' for the event). Then, also, Saturn opposite natal Moon, 27' separating. This last one is the most eye-catching because Saturn's station (square Sedna FWIW) was the day before: A lot of people felt this Saturn transit very powerfully and many reported "things lifted," or "things moved on" rather than "two more months before it leaves orb" [so far]. For you, this seems to have meant a lot of work and a sense of "and here's the next step."

So, for the outermost planets, I would have expected (to be simple) a period of significant change and reshaping of your life with some hard-hit burden, separation, or difficulty (at least a lot of work).

Then the whole picture changed again when Jupiter moved in orb of square natal Jupiter. It was within 42' at noon on the day of the event. This is perfect for opportunity with need for decisions about the next phase.

Within this opportunity period, the focus does seem to be on work, burden, effort - besides the Saturn transit to Moon, the day it happened was the annual date of Sun conjunct your Saturn. I usually feel a lot of body drag on these days, though it's usually because of the effort demanded. (It was Sun-Venus to your Saturn, considering the semi-square.) Then, Mercury exactly crossed your EP/

So this is complicated. I don't know that I'd have picked the exact outcome, though, depending on how you actually feel about all of this, it's pretty much on track if the main focus is a life-altering (or reality rearranging) opportunity that primarily means a lot of work. Pluto to Uranus, Saturn to Moon, Jupiter to Jupiter, capped and timed by Sun conjunct your Saturn and Mercury crossing an angle.

Since it was a day or so after your SLR, I'm interested to see that... I'll look there next.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The SLR is confusing - mixed up - although it's on the right track if we put closest angularities ahead of weaker ones.

The two main foreground aspects are Moon opposite Saturn with Saturn barely foreground, and Venus opposite Neptune (atop your Pluto) tightly angular. Listing primarily through the mundoscope:

28°16' - r Pluto (1°26' Leo)
29°51' - t Neptune (0°04' Pis)
0°00'/30°00' ----- SLR Asc (3°46' Pis)
0°47' - t Venus (3°14' Vir)

Not the perfect "today you got a great honor," except in the sense that it probably shows you giddy happy (or something like that).

Something interesting is that this was also the day of your Anlunar, since your SSR Moon is in the same sign as your natal Moon. The Anlunar was mostly a copy (but with wider angularities) since its Ascendant was 27°39' Leo in PC. This removed the Moon-Saturn from the picture, made the two Moons most angular (within half a degree of EP-a), and left Venus opposite SSR Neptune as the only important foreground aspect. (Anlunars are minor charts in my experience.)
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

Pointe-Clare? (And remind me where the SSR occurred? Did you go to Ottawa or stay home?)
Yes, Pointe Claire for the event, the SSR was in Ottawa.
So this is complicated. I don't know that I'd have picked the exact outcome, though, depending on how you actually feel about all of this, it's pretty much on track if the main focus is a life-altering (or reality rearranging) opportunity that primarily means a lot of work.
It’s interesting, and I’m pleased but it still isn’t what I’m hoping for this year. It’s the same old fight I’ve always been in but now more public.
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

Not the perfect "today you got a great honor," except in the sense that it probably shows you giddy happy (or something like that).
True enough, because I have an agenda and now more of a voice.
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Your SNQ for the middle of November 8 looks like a significant honor but not one that would make you happy, since it focusses on Moon-Saturn again: SNQ MC conjoins progressed Moon (which is great symbolism) but that Moon is still square your progressed Saturn (which is lousy symbolism). Furthermore, transiting Mars hit that Moon-Saturn. I'd really have expected (from this quotidian) a very emotionally assaulted day with some sort of hard confrontation, not an event that would make you happy. At noon on the 8th (I've used your natal for Montreal, which is at least close I think):

23°49' Lib - t Mars
23°55' Cap - p Moon
24°07' Lib - p Saturn
24°17' Cap - SNQ MC

That doesn't feel pleasurable at all, though it does thrust you into more spotlighted position of greater attention.

Your SQ was handing off planets - rapidly changing what was strongest against the angles over the course of the day - but the one thing angular all day was natal Pluto on SQ Asc. I wouldn't take a single natal planet on a Q angle as being important and would put the emphasis on whatever was angular with it (depending on time of day). - The PSSR had nothing important.

The October 12 Ennead was a reasonable fit with transiting Jupiter opposite natal Saturn along the meridian as the main feature. Transiting Sun crossed the Ennead MC on the 8th. The 10-day solar on November 1 seemed to have nothing going for it until I noticed natal Venus a few minutes from Nadir: This is a simple chart, probably just meaning you would be happy.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Your SNQ for the middle of November 8 looks like a significant honor but not one that would make you happy, since it focusses on Moon-Saturn again: SNQ MC conjoins progressed Moon (which is great symbolism) but that Moon is still square your progressed Saturn (which is lousy symbolism). Furthermore, transiting Mars hit that Moon-Saturn. I'd really have expected (from this quotidian) a very emotionally assaulted day with some sort of hard confrontation, not an event that would make you happy. At noon on the 8th (I've used your natal for Montreal, which is at least close I think):

23°49' Lib - t Mars
23°55' Cap - p Moon
24°07' Lib - p Saturn
24°17' Cap - SNQ MC

That doesn't feel pleasurable at all, though it does thrust you into more spotlighted position of greater attention.

Your SQ was handing off planets - rapidly changing what was strongest against the angles over the course of the day - but the one thing angular all day was natal Pluto on SQ Asc. I wouldn't take a single natal planet on a Q angle as being important and would put the emphasis on whatever was angular with it (depending on time of day). - The PSSR had nothing important.

The October 12 Ennead was a reasonable fit with transiting Jupiter opposite natal Saturn along the meridian as the main feature. Transiting Sun crossed the Ennead MC on the 8th. The 10-day solar on November 1 seemed to have nothing going for it until I noticed natal Venus a few minutes from Nadir: This is a simple chart, probably just meaning you would be happy.
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

The 10-day solar on November 1 seemed to have nothing going for it until I noticed natal Venus a few minutes from Nadir: This is a simple chart, probably just meaning you would be happy.
It wasn’t a bad few days, a lot of work but there was a huge disappointment as news I keep hoping for was postponed, again. Moon-Saturn

So, maybe that’s all it was. It’s not life changing and that’s of course what I’m really after. Not much to ask for! :)

Thanks, Jim
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Re: 2023 SSR - Lyse

Post by Lyse »

Your SNQ for the middle of November 8 looks like a significant honor but not one that would make you happy, since it focusses on Moon-Saturn again.
In retrospect, it now seems obvious that I wasn’t that happy. My very first thought was, I hope this isn’t the fulfillment of the SSR with the Jupiter rising and the t Pluto opposite r Sun/Uranus for a new life direction. It was a bit of a letdown but then I became more excited about being approached.

So, overall a mixed bag.
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