A Lonesome Road (Millard example)
Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 6:23 pm
Mary, Sep 20, 1952, 7:45 PM, Portland, ME
Dr. Millard wrote:I was first called to the house to see Mary in July 1970. She had eaten nothing but brown rice and one glass of water daily for eight days. Her urine was loaded with pus cells, and she was dizzy when she got out of bed. She had recently become engaged, and her husband-to-be was a vegetarian and a macrobiotic diet enthusiast. I warned Mary. Pluto was transiting her Sun in Virgo in the sixth house, she had just graduated from high school and was beginning to feel the pressures of Society. It was no time to play with her health.
She married and crossed the country to California, where she worked in a vegetarian restaurant. Things were rough, and in January 1972 when she became pregnant, she returned to Maine. Uranus had reached her Moon-Saturn conjunction in April 1972 when her favorite brother hanged himself in the woods, leaving a two-year-old son and a two-week-old daughter. I saw Mary at the wake. She is a very beautiful girl but looked haggard and drawn. Later she said that she had "completely flipped out" during her pregnancy. The hallucinations came during the day, and the frightening dreams at night. Devils were all around her. She felt they were following her. Psychiatric counselling did not seem to help. Her obstetrician urged her to eat more for the sake of the unborn child. She was living mostly on rice.
Tina was born in October 1972. Her husband was very supportive, but Mary did not want to be left with the baby because she could not stand the crying and feared that she would kill the child. In June 1972, she had a uterine suspension and her tubes were tied. The psychiatric counselling continued, and she left her husband and returned home again to her parents. Now she was afraid that she would kill herself, and the Valium that was prescribed only made her more depressed. Severe headache and blackout spells due to hypoglycemia were added to her other symptoms, and she was told that she had to eat eight meals every day.
Hypoglycemia indicates a disorder of insulin production and soon leads to diabetes when the pancreas becomes exhausted... I did not see much of Mary during 1974, but in 1975 I gave her a course of acupuncture treatment and this helped her to relax and sleep better. She had dyspareunia and ovarian pain intermittently, and her marriage finally came to an end. She put her daughter in a day care center, and started a course in recreation direction at a local college so that she could earn a living as a playground director.
...In May, Mary underwent fairly major surgery in her ovaries and tubes. A right ovarian cyst was discovered and there were adhesions from the former operation when her tubes were tied. Both tubes were thickened and had been infected at some time by pelvic inflammatory disease. Both were taken, and the right ovary was also removed. The adhesions were lysed.
...She does not feel that she is sane enough to have more [children], and the devils are still lurking...